Spider’s Progress Log πŸ•· DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Hard2Focus said:
Congrats on the job!

Thanks man!

Hard2Focus said:
Also, vouching for you on the 90 day nofap/noporn reset! My advice is to hit the gym, do cold showers etc if the cravings come back hard (no pun intended) at some point.

Are you doing it "hard mode", as in no sex as well?

Appreciate the advice - I'm just giving up Porn and Jacking off. Sex I've stopped actively looking for for the time being as I'm taking a break from Tinder etc. If it does come my way in the meantime though, I'm not counting sex as a 'relapse'
Day 234: 01/06/2022 βœ…

Tinder Burnout πŸ”₯ Online Dating Break/No-Fap Goals βœ…

About 3 Days ago, I made the decision to 'hide' myself on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc. and give it 3 Days to see how I feel πŸ’­

After the recent bullshit I've gone through with shitty attitude from girls, an unbelievable level of entitlement and just general flakiness and ghosting from a lot of prospects recently, I've been feeling pretty burnt out πŸ”₯

After 3 Days of not checking my Online Dating apps because I'm no longer getting notifications from them πŸ“± I'm feeling a lot better to some degree ⬆️ Not feeling any pressure to reply and I haven't had to deal with any bad attitude from girls πŸ‘Ž

I'm feeling at peace for the first time in a while πŸ•Š

I feel this decision will also assist with my No Fap 90-Day Hard Reset I am currently in the process of πŸ’― It's kind of hard to stick to No-Fap when I'm swiping on endless profiles of girls with their tits out and/or ass on display which border on the limits of softcore pornography πŸ“·

The poster thing I have done is coming along nicely and has been surprisingly effective πŸ’­ Whenever I have an urge, I just look at the poster πŸ‘€ I believe this is because I have something tangible on my wall which shows my progress πŸ’―

I've conveniently put it next to my bed which I think is a very good location for obvious reasons πŸ›Œ

For clarity, my hard reset rules here are as follows:

- No pornography βœ…
- No masturbation βœ…
- No orgasms βœ…
- No online dating βœ…
- Sex does not count as a relapse βœ…

Although sex does not count as a relapse, I am going to try and avoid actively pursuing it. If it comes my way and the opportunity presents itself however, I will more than gladly jump in! πŸ›Œ

I'm also going to add this No-Fap goal to my signature once I've typed this post up so I will constantly see it ✍️

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 235: 02/06/2022 βœ…

Ditching a Flake πŸ‘‹ Gym Session 2 βœ… and No-Fap Day 4 ⬆️

Ditching a Time Waster πŸ‘‹

Spoke to the girl who flaked on my coffee date the other day πŸ‘Ž She mentioned she's free Thursday, and I thought I'd give her another chance πŸ•Š I Asked if she still wanted to meet and set a time for 2 P.M at the same coffee shop in town β˜•οΈ

Couldn't screenshot as Instagram chat notifies and I didn't want to cause that level of drama, so I've typed it out below ⬇️

Conversation went like this πŸ’¬

Me: Cool, meet me at the coffee shop in town at 2 P.M

Her: β€˜Your car is still off the road?! πŸ€”β€™

Me: Yes. And as I've said, I'm not comfortable walking 45 minutes to the one you want to meet at. The one in town is local to both of us and easiest for both of us to get to. It's up to you if you believe me or not, but that's the place I can get to. If you're not comfortable meeting there for whatever reason, then I'm not sure what else to suggest. Might be best we leave it.

I'll leave it up to you.

And that's me Fucking done πŸ‘‹

You would think after flaking on me 2 hours before we were due to meet the other day that she'd be a little more willing to compromise, but I guess she's in that entitlement mindset πŸšͺ πŸ‘ˆ

It is obvious this girl has such little interest in meeting, that she wants everything on her terms and she's not willing to accept a reasonable request despite flaking on me last time! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

She's even kind of accused of me lying with the 'πŸ€”' emoji. Not the kind of girl I want to spend time with and I can kind of see why she's still single at 29 πŸ˜‚

So yeah, this was my last connection to Tinder πŸ”₯ and the online dating world that I had and I'm kind of not bothered at all that we aren't meeting 😐

Says a lot really.

Gym Session 2 βœ…

2nd Gym session today with my P.T. ⬆️ Went well and I felt really good after πŸ’― I'm going to take a Day's rest and then get in myself Friday and over the weekend βœ…

Small achievement side note πŸ“

I actually drove to the gym during the day at 11 A.M β˜€οΈ Something which I’ve always struggled with with the busy traffic 🚘

Need to look at my diet too or else I'm going to be Fucked if I'm not fuelling my body, particularly now I'm going to be working 😴

No-Fap Day 4 ⬆️

Still going strong πŸ‘Š

Completely avoiding the porn and anything mildly provocative best I can πŸ“Ί πŸ’» πŸ“š 🚫

Mind drawing photo attached below as proof:

Good day today. Really happy with what I achieved πŸ’―

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 236: 03/06/2022 βœ…

Shift Pattern Planning πŸ“ No-Fap Day 5 ⬆️

Shift Pattern Planning πŸ“

My new boss rang me yesterday and gave me my shift pattern for the week πŸ“± Nice of her to do this so I have it in advance - most places I've worked have been a last minute 'need you in' kinda deal πŸ‘Ž

I have to go in on Friday the 10th for a long day of training and induction which will be from 08:00-17:30 Hrs β˜€οΈ

After that, I'll be on a regular shift pattern βœ…

Shifts are as follows:

Sunday: 09:45-16:00 Hrs
Monday: 08:45-17:30
Tuesday: 09:00-17:30
Wednesday: 11:00-16:00
Thursday: Off
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off

Can see a couple of advantages with this here:

- 3 Days off in a row
- Early finish on Wednesday before '3 Day weekend'
- Early finish on Sundays
- Monday and Tuesday are the only long days

So I'm pretty much only working like 3 and a half days a week which I'm really happy with πŸ’― I'm not holding my breath with this job as I might hate it or it's not going to be what I thought, but I'm trying to remain positive β˜€οΈ I need something to go right for once after the past shitty 4 months 🀞

I can fit in going to the gym and working on myself quite easily with how this is set out. I'd like to give a shout out to Bman for helping me get my head in the right place with this with his recent input on my log - thank you my man much appreciated! πŸ’―

No-Fap Day 5 ⬆️

So I made it to Day 5. Longest I've gone in a long time ⬆️

Not sleeping great. I think this may be due to usually 'sorting myself out' (apologies if TMI) before I go to sleep. Lot on my mind with this new job too, so it's been racing away recently. Glad I've made it this far. Mind map colouring is really helping πŸ’­

Photo here as proof πŸ“·

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
The biggest problem I've had any time I've tried no fap is falling asleep, it's basically a crutch for me to fall asleep so you aren't alone there.
jeff550 said:
The biggest problem I've had any time I've tried no fap is falling asleep, it's basically a crutch for me to fall asleep so you aren't alone there.


Thanks Jeff - good to know I’m not alone on that one

Hopefully it’ll pass and I can get some much needed sleep!
Spider Jerusalem said:
I can fit in going to the gym and working on myself quite easily with how this is set out. I'd like to give a shout out to @Bman for helping me get my head in the right place with this with his recent input on my log - thank you my man much appreciated!

Absolutely man. Congrats on the job and fitting your other goals in around it. You're doing awesome.
Day 237: 04/06/2022 βœ…

New Routine πŸ“ and No-Fap Day 6 ⬆️

New Routine πŸ“

Now I have some regular shift pattern in hand with this new job, I've designed a new weekly schedule for myself πŸ“

A brief rundown of this:

- Making sure I'm getting in the Gym 4 times a week. My new Gym programme is full body, so this will be enough
- 2 scheduled days to do meal prep for bulking up
- 2 scheduled days to shop for meal prepping
- 1 Day where I'll give my room a clean. Needs doing and will help my mental health, so might as well put it on the schedule.

Blank (white) cells indicate free time where I'll try and focus on productive activities or take a break. I may fill these as I go along, but at the moment I think it's best to have them free and pick something I want to do on the day from the following:

- Reading
- Website work
- Video Games (try and limit this if I can)
- Writing on my progress log
- Podcasts

I may make a post on the forum tomorrow as part of my regular posting asking for any other ideas as to how I can productively fill my free time - if anyone has any suggestions or productive things they themselves do, I'd be grateful. After being depressed for months on end and hardly leaving the house, I don't want to be stuck in again for another couple of months with nothing to do except waste time on YouTube or playing the Xbox.

No-Fap Day 6 ⬆️

Made it to Day 6. Almost a full week locked down. No urges and slept a little better last night. Doing my best to try and limit exposure e.g. on Instagram, YouTube, Reddit etc. there is a lot of almost 'softcore' porn like bikini shots that kinda thing. I come across this I just click off straight away.

Just the modern sexualisation of society in action I suppose!

Photo of my mind map below for proof πŸ“·

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 238: 05/06/2022 βœ…

Saving a Girl from Choking πŸš‘ Drunk People Suck πŸ‘Ž No-Fap Day 7 πŸ’―

Posting this one a bit earlier than usual as I'm off to a Christening in a while and not sure what time I'll be back β›ͺ️

Bit of a scary situation happened with a little girl this weekend. Also, drunk people suck πŸ‘Ž

On the bright side? No-Fap Day 7 πŸŒ…

Saving a Girl from Choking πŸš‘

So It's the Queen's Platinum Jubilee here in my country this weekend πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

To my American friends, Basically, The Queen has been on the throne for 75 years πŸ“œ

This pretty much meant lots of street parties, everybody proudly and patriotically buying and waving flags (made in China, of course πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³) and celebrating properly and patriotically like good citizens of the crown by getting drunk and throwing up everywhere with the excuse of β€˜It’s the Queen we gotta celebrate it!!!’ πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

As you can probably tell, I'm not much of a Royalist. The recent situation with sex offender 'Prince' Andrew has only solidified my position on that, but I digress.

I ended up having to attend a neighbour's street party down the road yesterday as everyone else in my family was at work and I was the only one around πŸŽ‰ So for the sake of 'keeping up appearances' as is prominent in British culture, I went along albeit unwillingly.

About 20 minutes in of being bored out of my skull πŸ’€ πŸ”«, I noticed a 9 year-old little girl who was holding a half eaten burger bun in one hand and holding her throat in the other. She was making coughing and spluttering noises. Almost as if she was gasping for breath.

I was an advanced first aider when I was a cop so I quickly realised 'Oh Fuck, this kid's choking!’

Dropped my can of Sprite πŸ₯€ and ran over to her. I said 'Are you choking!?' And saw this look of blind panic in her eyes. I grabbed her by the shoulders and I said 'turn around! Lean forward!'. I kinda spun her around by her shoulders at the same time so she had her back to me and I pushed her forward so she was leaning over and gave her 5 hard back slaps right between the shoulder blades.

This made her cough which I took as a sign whatever was in her throat was slowly getting dislodged. I then made a fist with my hands and put them just above her stomach and did the Heimlich Manoeuvre, pulling my fist inwards and upwards in one quick, firm movement.

By this time, the parents were running over and a couple of people were coming to see what was going on πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

After one thrust of the Heimlich, she spat out the piece of bread bun that was lodged in her throat onto the pavement and started to take large, panicked breaths.

She then burst into tears.

I sat her down with her parents and gave her some of my drink and told her to breathe deep breaths. Parents were very grateful and I recommended calling an ambulance etc. and keeping an eye on her as I could see that she was in shock and going cold.

I slipped away pretty much straight after this and went home. I'm not a big fan of attention and another reason was because I started to have a panic attack shortly after. Managed to calm myself down after 10 minutes, so it wasn't a major one. Just don't do well with this kinda thing no more.

Stressful situation, but wanted to get it onto my log so I can get it off my mind.

Drunk People Suck πŸ‘Ž

There are bad morning's, then there are legendary bad mornings. This morning was shaping up to be one of those mornings...

So I've spent this morning cleaning up after another Jubilee party my folks threw last night 🧼 This included cleaning up my brother's sick (he's literally thrown up everywhere in his room and all over himself) as well as the cat's sick as she also threw up πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Had the party yesterday and everybody was drunk and acting stupid. Me who doesn't drink cleaned up after the party and then I had to clean up again this morning. Everybody was acting stupid and dancing. I was questioned about my choices not to drink, accused of being 'boring' and having 'something wrong with me' for not joining in and dancing round like an idiot at 11 P.M at night.

Finished the cleaning and went to bed without saying goodnight πŸ›Œ

I got up early this morning to discover sick everywhere in my brother's room stinking the whole house out, so that was a job for me. Bedding I washed, clothes covered in puke and the carpet I had to scrub to stop it staining as well as to limit the smell in the house. I have OCD with cleanliness and like a tidy house, so it had to be done as well as the fact that no-one else was in any fit state πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Cleaned the kitchen, swept up broken glass from a wine bottle and now I'm sat typing this up as a draft in my suit as we've got a christening to go to in a couple hours. We're arriving late as everybody is still hanging, so why did I even bother getting changed? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Nothing against folk who drink. My beef is with people who can't respect my choices not to drink and treat me like an outcast because of it πŸ‘Ž

I'm also pretty beat as my brother kept me up throwing his bollocks up last night πŸ’€

So yeah, not a great day today.

No-Fap Day 7 πŸ’―

My first full week has been achieved on this, so taking it as a massive positive ⬆️

Myself and Olafsmash have a bit of healthy competition going on at the moment which is pretty motivating and encouraging! I am grateful to him for this and will keep in touch with him every now and again to see how he is getting on πŸ’¬

My mind reset photo attached as proof πŸ“·

Porn and Masturbation has had a hold on me for far too long. Glad to see I'm finally conquering it. Also watched a couple of KillYourInnerLoser's videos on his struggles and progress with porn which have really helped motivate me along, so thank you for this Andy πŸ‘

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 239: 05/06/2022 βœ…

⭐ADVICE APPRECIATED - Life-Enhancing Activities?⭐ No-Fap Day 8 πŸ’―

⭐ADVICE APPRECIATED - Life-Enhancing Activities?⭐

Bit of a different post today as I mentioned recently I'm looking at filling my free time with productive activities. I was wondering if you guys on the forums have any ideas of things I could do in my free time that will enhance my life overall? β˜€οΈ

I'm going to be working 3.5 Days a week and the rest of the time, I want to be doing life-enhancing activities ⬆️

I think I've made a solid start as I'm already doing the following:

- Hitting the Gym
- Doing No-Fap
- Reading
- Working on my website
- Video Games (although I am in the process of limiting this)

If anyone has anything they are already doing or ideas for me in general, I'd love to hear from you!

I already have a few ideas myself:

- Photography πŸ“·
- Drawing/Graffiti art ✍️

Thanks in advance for any input and assistance with this!

No-Fap Day 8 πŸ’―

Day 8 today - still going strong. I'm setting myself little 'milestones' - yesterday was the last one as I got through a full week. Next one is 10 days as this will be double digits πŸ’―

Mind map progress photo attached as proof πŸ“·

Any Other Business

- Had a driving refresher. Went okay, but I am struggling with my anxiety

- Cleaned my room

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
I love the mind drawing thing. If I relapse again I'll steal this.

For the activities that will improve your life:

- (Audio) books
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Going for walks in nature
- Learning a new skill
- Go to meetups in your area (also a great way to learn something)

And you could have one day a week (or every two weeks, or whatever works) where you try something new. A new sport, a new hobby, just anything new. Doesn't have to be something you plan on doing regularly. You can just go with the intention of doing it once. Most clubs/groups are super open to people joining for the first time to try something.

Some examples:
- Different martial arts
- Dancing class
- Painting class
- Golf
- Skydiving
- Bouldering
- Improv comedy

You get the idea, just look up stuff in your area
Rene’s about covered the general idea, I’m just gonna shill BJJ. Super fun, good exercise, awesome people. Gives me a mental clarity and fortitude that nothing else does - bullshit with work / girls feels a lot less serious when you just spent half an hour sparring.

Rene said:
I love the mind drawing thing. If I relapse again I'll steal this.

It's really helping me. This is the longest I've gone without watching pornography and jacking off so having the reminder on my wall is really beneficial. It's something tangible and I've promised if I relapse, it's going in the bin and I'll start again.

Do let me know if you need the link - I did post it on my log previously, but you can also just search 'No-Fap Brain Template Hard Reset' on Google and you should get one to print out.

Also thanks for the input! Bouldering would be good to get over my fear of heights, so I'll do some research on this as I think there's a few places in the city by me

Appreciate it!

ytlord said:
Rene’s about covered the general idea, I’m just gonna shill BJJ.

Been meaning to get back into BJJ as I was on it before the pandemic and shutdown so this is something I'll definitely look at.

There's 2 places in my town that have classes, so I'll see which one I feel like going with. Might try the new place I haven't been before


Day 240: 07/06/2022 βœ…

Big Achievement: Hit the Gym (Session 3) on My Own βœ… and No-Fap Day 9 ⬆️

Big Achievement: Hit the Gym (Session 3)on My Own βœ…

I know this may seem like something small, but I went to the Gym today on my own.

I've normally been with my P.T trainer the past couple times. My anxiety around going on my own has been pretty high, which is why I've been putting it off a lot πŸ‘Ž

I tried to go on my own over the weekend and yesterday, but I kinda bailed on myself and used the fact that I was at a party Saturday and a Christening Sunday to get out of it. Excuses excuses as they say.

Decided today that it's a hurdle which I'm not going to overcome unless I actually go and do it, so I said 'Fuck it' and went along πŸ–•

Did some 'mental Jiu-Jitsu' with myself and said 'show up for 10 minutes and if you have a panic or something, just go home...'. πŸ’­

So I did and I ended up sticking it out and I got my workout in πŸ‘Ÿ

It's not much, but I'm happy about getting this done today πŸ’―

Going to try and keep this up now I’ve done it once. P.T session scheduled again for Thursday at 08:30, so we’re rolling on with this one ⬆️

No-Fap Day 9

Day 9 on No-Fap ⬆️

Still no pornography either which I'm chalking up as a big win. As I've been doing before, something β€˜risky’ pops up on Instagram or Reddit, I just click straight off πŸ“± 🚫

Had a few urges this morning, but said 'nah' and rolled outta bed πŸ›

Mind map photo attached for proof πŸ“·

Tomorrow will be Day 10 on this and the first time I'll have properly hit double figures, so a bit of a milestone.

In the past, I've done no-fap but not really: I’ve edged and still watched porn or something stupid and convinced myself I’m β€˜still in’ πŸ˜’

This is the longest I've gone since I was about 13/14 years old. Crazy how much time over the past 14 or so years I've actually wasted on this 🀯

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
going good with the noporn nofap? I had a dream last night where i dreamt i was watching porn LOL. I remember thinking in the dream "wtf why am i watching this"
btw, i saw you post berserk in some of your threads. Official news is out that berserk will continue ! Kouji Mori will be in a charge. lifelong friend of Miura
new chapter coming out this month!

Olafsmash said:
going good with the noporn nofap? I had a dream last night where i dreamt i was watching porn LOL. I remember thinking in the dream "wtf why am i watching this"

Hey dude, all good here - gonna post an update on it a bit later on. Just hit Day 10 and strangely enough, I had a dream that I relapsed the other night! Woke up relieved when I realised I hadn't! Paha ha

How you getting on with it mate? First couple Days I was indifferent, but the past few I've had a couple urges, but nothing major. I think my mind and body are finally saying 'Fuck this, not interested no more'.

Olafsmash said:
btw, i saw you post berserk in some of your threads. Official news is out that berserk will continue ! Kouji Mori will be in a charge. lifelong friend of Miura
new chapter coming out this month!

Yes I saw that on the Berserk Reddit that I'm in! Fantastic news and I'm really happy - thanks for being considerate and mentioning it! Are you a Berserk fan as well? I've been collecting the Deluxe editions and I'm really itching to see what happens in the next chapter
Day 241: 08/06/2022 βœ…

Meal Prep πŸ₯˜ Coffee Dates β˜•οΈ No-Fap Milestone Day 10 πŸ’―

Meal Prep πŸ₯˜

I've mentioned on my log recently about how I need to start looking at my diet now that I'm hitting the gym more πŸ“ Well, I took action last night and drove up to the supermarket and bought what I need to start meal prepping πŸ›’

I ended up having to go up town again today as they didn't have everything I needed yesterday, but the main thing is I did a cook and meal prep today so I've got the experience of doing it ⬆️

It'll get better as I go along - I'm no professional cook πŸ”₯ and I absolutely despise cooking and meal prep πŸ‘Ž but with this plan, I'll only have to do it twice a week βœ… βœ…

Here's a couple photos of the meals and what they are πŸ“· I bought some Igluu meal prep containers a while back whilst they were on offer, so I'm glad I now have chance to use them πŸ«™

- Honey yoghurt with crunchy nut clusters, honey and fruit (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and grapes)

View attachment 2

- Turkey salad baguette, potato salad , peanut butter cookies (3)

View attachment 1

I cook a hot meal every evening which can vary, so that will be another meal 4 βœ… I also have USN protein shakes for post-workout nutrition πŸ₯€ I've also got some late night snacks which I'll have with a glass of whole milk before bed to get the extra calories in πŸ₯› 🧁

Been a skinny twig for far too long! 🌲

Coffee Date β˜•οΈ

Got a coffee date scheduled for tomorrow πŸ”œ I know I said I was knocking dating on the head for a bit, but it's been a couple of weeks now and I don't want to turn into a guy who doesn't date anymore πŸ‘Ž

This girl is a big titty goth girl πŸ‘€ who seems amicable 🀝 I like alternative girls as a type, so I thought 'ah why not?' πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

She is local and happy to meet at a place that's easy for both of us to get to unlike the last chick πŸ‘Ž

Nothing ventured, nothing gained πŸ›Œ

No-Fap Milestone - Day 10 πŸ’―

I hit a milestone with No-Fap today, as it marks Day 10, so double figures. First time I've ever got to this number in my life without relapsing. So much wasted time since I was 13/14 years old.

To keep myself accountable, I'm also posting on the No-Fap Reddit forum and I have a tracker on my phone πŸ“± Combined with the mind map I have on my wall πŸ’­ πŸ—Ί this progress log and my healthy competition with Olafsmash, I now have multiple means of accountability which are all working well together 🀝

Mind map photo attached for proof:

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 242: 09/06/2022 βœ…

Gym 4 βœ… Coffee Date Report β˜•οΈ and No-Fap Day 11 ⬆️

Gym 4 βœ…

Had a P.T Session bright and early at 08:30 this morning which takes us to session 4 in the Gym now completed βœ…

Got a good workout in and my trainer was very happy that I got in on my own recently πŸ‘Ÿ Quite motivating to hear πŸ’― My next session will be on Saturday morning which I'll come in and blast out myself πŸ‘Š Got a day off Saturday, so I won't have the pressure of work to worry about either πŸ‘

I've also started to take progress pics and make a note of my weight πŸ“· I will aim to do this once a week and if I'm feeling confident enough as time goes on, I may share them here on this forum πŸ“

Gives me something to work towards as I don't really have much of a guide at the minute as regards to whether I'm actually making any progress πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Coffee Date Report β˜•οΈ

I mentioned yesterday I had a coffee date today β˜•οΈ I was conflicted as to whether to ask this girl or any girl out for that matter βš”οΈ I decided to as I've kind of started to slide into this 'I'm never dating again'... mentality which isn't what I truly want πŸ‘Ž

I actually do want to get laid and part of me was like 'I'm doing No-Fap though...' but I quickly pulled myself together and firmly sated: No-Fap is not 'No-Sex, dumbass!’ πŸ˜’

This hasn't helped due to having a bit of a shitty time lately with flakes, ghosts and bad attitudes from chicks 🚩I've realised that I don't want to withdraw completely into Inceldom or become a black-pilled Motherfucker, especially as I recently gave someone on the forums advice against the black-pill so it's a practice what you preach thing πŸ™

This chick I saw today is a big titty goth girl with one side of her temple/head shaved, lots of ink and a couple of piercings too πŸ‘€ You guys know I like the alternative kinda chicks 😏 Date went really well πŸ’―

Looked sharp and wore my height-increasing shoes, hugged and kissed her when I saw her, paid for coffee, told her 'shift over it's not a job interview...' so I could sit next to her πŸͺ‘ Also moved her hair across her face and just kept her entertained with banter etc. We hung for an hour and a half then she had to shoot off so she didn't get a parking ticket 🎟

I've been watching Playing With Fire's πŸ”₯videos recently about 'pull game' and I was doing things like teasing her, winding her up, some very light and playful negging etc. and she said she hasn't laughed so much in a long time πŸ‘

Talked about sex, bad dates, catfishes etc. She admitted to me she's been with 7 guys asked me for my number and I playfully said 'You'll need to submit me a Freedom of Information request and I may get back to you in about 20 years as I'm a busy guy and kinda a one man show and the only admin guy working in the department...'. 😏

This seemed to 'pull' her and make her more interested as I wasn’t biting and giving her what she wants πŸ’­

Hugged and kissed her again and parted ways 🀝

Interesting side note: Turns out I know a guy who knows her (I live in a small town) and she mentioned him briefly. This guy is a short, fat dude who she said 'is so nice and he's always there for me when things don't work out with my partners...'


The words 'Simp' and 'Nice Guy' immediately flashed up in my Red-Pill aware mind πŸ’Š I know this guy is a β€˜hang-around hoper’ as I call them. Can’t talk I guess as I was once that guy in my late teens early 20’s πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Never again! πŸ‘Ž

She offered me to attend a quiz night with her and her friends which I'm not really into. Told her straight she needs to have her own life and I keep my friends and partner's friends separate as if there's a breakup things could get a bit messy. I think she appreciated the honesty ⬆️

So yeah, first date in a while. Going for milkshakes on Thursday πŸ₯€ She mentioned she's got a '3 week sex rule'. I responded 'Well, I got a 3 date rule, so one date a week it is' and smirked at her 😏

No-Fap Day 11 ⬆️

Day 11 and still a'rockin' an' a'rollin' with this 🎸🀘

Mind map πŸ’­ photo attached for proof πŸ“·

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·