Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Colossus said:
All the mental stuff can be overcome. Especially with conscious living and focus on your own life. What gets measured gets managed.

Rewards are also important. You have this stuff worked out. Keep on the grind and be smart about medication - that is, avoid it unless you know it is for you.

I’ll be doing lots of my own research over the weekend as I’m not really mega keen on taking those kind of tablets. I picked them up, but I’ll need to look into things more before I even think about taking them

I reckon I can overcome it with lifestyle changes and methods that don’t involve pills now I’ve been told there’s nothing physically wrong with me

Thank you for the continued support ⬆️

Spider 🕷
Day 109: 28/01/2022 ✅

Healthy lifestyle changes ⚕️

After getting the all-clear from the nurse yesterday, I feel a hell of a lot better today. I’ve now spoken to 4 medical professionals who can’t see anything blindingly obviously wrong with me and haven’t said: ‘need further tests…’ or ‘you need to go to hospital right now…’. 👎

If anything, this has made me want to live healthily as this was a bit of a health scare/wake-up call. Don’t know what I’d have done if I’d have been told ‘something’s wrong’

So today whilst at work, I’ve been doing some planning to live a healthy lifestyle going forward ➡️

Some things I’m going to do in the near future:

- Book a dental checkup
- Book a chiropractor appointment
- Go on a healthy diet
- Hit the Gym
- Start running

Some things I've already done:

- Quit drinking
- Back exercises
- Don't smoke
- Don't vape
- Don't do drugs

I'll post on here when I've done or begun these things. Gonna be a gradual thing over the next couple of weeks, but good to hold myself accountable ✅

Today's Update: 📝

- Woke up at 04:10 (No photo as I forgot to take one!) 🌅

- Had Coffee and Contemplation at my Battle Station ☕💭

- Worked 08:00-16:00 Hrs 💾

I’ll do a podcast roundup over the weekend 🎤

Just a quick update as I’m pretty beat from work and it’s been a long week, so I’m gonna get an early night now 🌘

Photos posted for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 108: 27/01/2022

Doctor's check up and subsequent relief - all clear physically

Kept this quiet as I didn't wanna say anything until today, but I went to the Doctor's and saw a nurse for a check up.

Blood pressure excellent. Oxygen level 99%. Weight good. Heart rate a little high, but that was due to being at the actual doctor's office.

She basically said that if I had any heart and lung problems or disease, the readings she took wouldn't be this good, particularly the Oxygen reading which was 99%.

She wanted me to have a chat with the doctor about my anxiety, so I did. Won't discuss on here what was talked about as that's for me, but I've been diagnosed with Anxiety, PTSD and Depression and put on some antidepressants. Discussed family history - cancer, heart disease etc. because of my family and it seems to be down to lifestyle choices so hasn't recommended any specific tests etc. in relation to this.

Also been advised to go for therapy. She said I could have a blood test to do a health screen if I really wanted to, but it's unlikely it'll show anything specific as I haven't got any actual symptoms of anything.

She said they'd want the blood test before therapy to rule out the fact it's not down to a thyroid issue which I guessed is the main reason they'd want to have it done, as the therapy department is pretty crowded and under resourced due to COVID mental health etc. and there's a long ass waiting list.

At this stage just having the all clear from the nurse is all I wanted. I feel very relieved to hear this. I can put this behind me now and start to move on with the self-improvement.

I'm going to McDonald's now as a reward for getting through this as I hate going to the doctor's. Kinda ironic, I know, but I haven't had one for a while and I think I need to reward myself for getting through this.

Thanks for Reading

Spider 🕷

Some quick thoughts, disclaimer the below not actual medical advice, you should never take medical advice from a rando on the internet, get advice from your doctor only, this is just "education" at best, blah blah blah.

A saturation of 99% proves nothing especially in a younger dude. A normal heart rate proves nothing. Neither are particularly great diagnostic tests. You can have significant lung problems and still maintain a decent saturation at rest, and an ECG (strapping wires to you) is really the bare minimum for checking the heart. Bottom line is unless you show serious breathing or heart issues, really serious nowadays, you aren't getting properly tested because so many other people will be triaged over you.

If you have a history of smoking drug use and you get breathless on exercise that might be worth chasing, but the bright side is otherwise as a young fit guy you're probably in the clear other than anxiety.

Stuff that isn't drugs that might help depression/Anxiety:




Fish oil (although fish oil quality varies wildly, I personally just eat skin on salmon many times a week with pepper to aid absorption of the omega 3s)

St. John’s Wort

But as always, go easy and measure your reaction to stuff. People react to stuff in different ways.

My bad if I'm missing anything here, I only skimmed stuff!
Good advice from Bob. Alternative measures do wonders.

Some people report excellent results from cold showers for depression/anxiety. Wim Hof Method is the advanced version of that.

I'd also like to see your mornings used for things other than listening to podcasts. I see the value for altering your world view and belief systems in a subtle way and Andy's influence but wonder what the point is of doing these everyday. Just a thought.

Thanks for the advice - no history of any drug use or anything like that and no other symptoms

So I think I’m just panicking and overthinking things but I will keep an eye on my health and look into those suggestions

Many thanks


I would like to be more active in the mornings even if it’s just going for a walk etc. before work. Could even listen to the podcasts whilst I do it

I’m exercising the mind but not the body and I do think you’re right and I need to do both. I’ll get started on this

Many thanks!

Day 110: 29/01/2022 ✅

First steps: First run in a long time👟trip to the Chiropractor 🔙 20 push ups ⬆️

So I went for a run this morning and I feel really good for doing it.

Took Colossus’s advice about being more active in the mornings and restarted the Couch to 5K Program. Weather was mild which helped a lot. I handled the run pretty comfortably. 1 minute of running then 1 Minute and 30 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes of warm up and cool down walking either side. I did get much further along the path with Couch to 5K last year, but I got depressed during lockdown and gave up 🛋 ➡️ 👟

The benefit to this is the fact that I know I am capable of getting there. I'm determined to complete the program now and get my cardio health up 🫀

On top of this, I listened to Podcasts while I ran so I made the most of my time 🎤

Also rang up the Chiropractor today and was told they had an appointment available at 12 noon, so I thought 'Fuck it, why not?'. Haven't been for 2 years due to losing my job back in 2019 through redundancy and I had to cut my monthly expenditures right down. 40 bucks a month is a lot of money over time. Now I'm working full-time and I'm ready to invest in my health, I'm happy to pay this monthly as my back is pretty bad and I'm willing to try and reduce the pain and strengthen it. This will likely help with my fitness goals too. Who wants to go to the Gym if they are in Fucking agony because they bent down to pick something up the day before? 👎

Had the appointment and the guy was sound. Told me it's the curve in my spine which is causing rib pain around the chest and the back muscles. Doctor wasn't interested and fobbed me off last year (Socialised healthcare systems for you) 😒

Wearing body armour and a tac-vest for 7 years was also not the best choice for my back from what he was saying 🛡

Had some adjustments and there was some loud cracking noises and man, I feel so much better 😮‍💨

The pains in my ribs, shoulders and back is now gone. He said everything is really tight and that it was long overdue and I should feel better. The muscles are imbalanced due to my spine, so I think I need to keep this up regularly but it was so relieving ⬆️

Also cleared me for the Gym, just told me to be mindful of my posture when lifting and be careful. Once my back is better, he will look at giving me some proper exercises to complete. I'm willing to commit to this as it's my health and I'm happy to pay the 35 bucks a month. To me making the financial commitment is taking my health seriously 👊

So that's 2 things ticked off the list I made yesterday. I'd say this is a good start ✅ ✅

Today's Update: 📝

- Woke up at 04:10 Hrs today. Ended up lying in bed for an hour or so after, but stayed awake. Been a long week 🌅

- Had Coffee and Contemplation at my Battle Station ☕💭

- Went for a run. Started the Couch to 5K program 👟

- Did 20 Push ups and Sit-Ups. Decent milestone. Can I get to 25? ⬆️

- Went to the Chiropractor 🤲

- Picked up my brother's birthday present (an extra one). A re-release of an Xbox Original game that he liked when we were kids. Trip down memory lane for him. It'll tide him over until Dying Light 2 gets released early next month anyway 🕹 👾

View attachment 5

- Cleaned and tidied my room. Weekends being the only chance I have 🧹🧽

- Did some research regarding the tablets I've been prescribed. Don't think I'll be taking them. Saw my friend today who told me she'd taken them also and it sent her loopy and the side effects were bad. Forgive me for sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but I'm also very sceptical of big pharma and the drug manufacturing companies and corporations. Especially when you see about the Pfizer Share price etc. jumping up and the Government contracts. I'll keep hold of them for now, but I'll probably flush em' at some point 💊 🚽 💦

I'll try the lifestyle changes and maybe therapy first and see how we get on. I'm conscious that once you start on these kind of things, you can get dependent on them and you won't come off them. I saw drug addiction day in day out, so imma pass on this one 👎

Podcasts: 🎤

Listened to a Fuck-ton lately over the past week to keep my mind off things. Really helped 💭

Couple of lines on each:

- Listened to Episode #170 of Andy's Podcast - Day 170: “I’m Freaking Out About an Upcoming Date!” 🎤

Used to freak out myself, but for me it's a mindset thing: I just see it as hanging out and grabbing coffee with someone. If it don't work out, I'd rather know there and then rather than wasting time.

- Listened to Episode #171 of Andy's Podcast - Day 171: Locking Down Over ONE New Case, & Why Something is Better than Nothing 🎤

More batshit insane Government Dystopia control, but a valuable lesson to come out of it: There's always something you can do.

- Listened to Episode #172 of Andy's Podcast - Day 172: 5 Things Guys Need to Do to Get Laid (According to a Girl) 🎤

Solid advice. Not many girls get asked their perspective so this was valuable. I'm working on most of these - getting my looks on point and getting my shit together with my career as well as mentally.

- Listened to Episode #173 of Andy's Podcast - Day 173: The Bridge is Green So We’ll Have a 3some 🎤

Enjoyed listening to this one. Threesomes currently aren't on my list, but may be in the future so I'm getting good value out of this which may come in handy. It's also interesting as Fuck.

- Listened to Episode #174 of Andy's Podcast - Day 174: How to Tell if You’re Being Ignored on Tinder 🎤

I am now of the attitude of 'Why would I care?'. Abundance mentality. Plenty chicks out there who will reply.

- Listened to Episode #175 of Andy's Podcast - Day 175: Why Gratitude is a Cheat Code to Instant Happiness 🎤

I did this exercise recently. Made me feel a whole lot better. One to use in the future going forward.

- Listened to Episode #176 of Andy's Podcast - Day 176: You Deserve to Be Here 🎤

Needed to hear this. I occasionally get the 'Impostor Syndrome' creep into my mind. I keep posting and I keep working on my goals, so I now do believe I deserve to be here.

- Listened to Episode #177 of Andy's Podcast - Day 177: My Audience’s Goals (And How to Achieve Them) [Part 1 of 2] 🎤

This was a great idea. Respect to Radical for doing the Spreadsheet. I've definitely noted down a few key articles/episodes to refer to in the future.

- Listened to Episode #178 of Andy's Podcast - Day 178: My Audience’s Goals (And How to Achieve Them) [Part 2 of 2] 🎤

Had to rollover and continue. Was surprised myself at some of the goals e.g. photography.

- Listened to Episode #179 of Andy's Podcast - Day 179: What Do You Want, vs What Do You Think You Deserve? 🎤

I got a lot out of this one. I am now sure if I work hard and put the effort in, I will pretty much be able to achieve what I want and get what I desire out of life.

- Listened to Episode #180 of Andy's Podcast - Day 180: Make Girls Say “Yes” to Sex with You 🎤

I'm sure the title of this one pissed off quite a few feminists! Makes sense though and I really respect the honesty angle. I think most women don't experience that from guys these days with Tinder etc. Solid advice which I'll be giving a try when I get back into dating.

- Listened to Episode #181 of Andy's Podcast - Day 181: How to Last Longer in Bed 🎤

I use Viagra too recreationally. I buy the non-Viagra branded Sildenafil as the generic stuff is cheaper as an 'insurance policy'. Went soft once and never forgave myself - wonders of alcohol! It also makes me last a hell of a lot longer. I only use it occasionally and if I'm pretty much 100% sure that sex is on the cards. This one time in college, I took one and the chick kicked me out! I Was walking like John Wayne on the way home! Good times!

That's it for today's update 📝

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for Reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Dude Spider 🕷 so happy to see you still posting bro. Haven’t read through most of your January posts but just this page and am so happy to see you’re still grinding it.
Dewm said:
Dude Spider 🕷 so happy to see you still posting bro. Haven’t read through most of your January posts but just this page and am so happy to see you’re still grinding it.


Good to hear from you my man! Been a bit difficult lately, but doing okay now - I still kept up with the posts best I could as I was determined not to let shit get me down ✅

Been checking in on your log myself and I’m real glad to see you’re still getting after it too! 👏 💯

All the best brother!

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Weather was mild which helped a lot.

Recommend investing in a base layer like UnderArmour or something. Used to dread running in the shite UK winter weather but when I bought a longsleeve base layer and some gloves I didn't feel the weather at all and made no real difference if it was freezing cold or not. Makes it much easier to find the motivation when you look outside and it's dark/grey and wet, windy and cold haha.

I also have some thermal undershorts which help too though I bought them due to chafing originally.
Striker said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
Weather was mild which helped a lot.

Recommend investing in a base layer like UnderArmour or something. Used to dread running in the shite UK winter weather but when I bought a longsleeve base layer and some gloves I didn't feel the weather at all and made no real difference if it was freezing cold or not. Makes it much easier to find the motivation when you look outside and it's dark/grey and wet, windy and cold haha.

I also have some thermal undershorts which help too though I bought them due to chafing originally.


I'm gonna head out today to a sports shop where I'll grab a high-viz running jacket as I'm running in the dark a lot/ I'll take a look at the base layers whilst I'm there and see what I can grab - failing that be an eBay job

Many thanks for the good suggestions!

Day 111: 30/01/2022 ✅

Day 111 Part 1: Married cheating bitch told to hit the road 🚪👈

Just a quick post as I woke up to this on my Tinder this morning and wanted to share:

Even just talking to someone like this could invite drama into your life. I can imagine some husbands would believe the 'It was all him! He forced me into meeting him and having sex with him...' story and would try and track you down! 🚩

I hope he finds out, divorces her ass and takes her for everything. Cheating bitch! 🖕

Thanks for Reading - Part 2 of today's post will be up later 📖

Spider 🕷
Manganiello said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
I hope he finds out, divorces her ass and takes her for everything. Cheating

Have you been cheated on b4?


Hey Manga

A friend of mine ended up drinking himself to death after his wife cheated, left and took his kid too so it's a bit of a sore subject for me.

I have also been cheated on personally and it was one of the most humiliating and degrading experiences of my life. Felt like everyone was laughing at me and it's a big reason I will never get married. Got put through hell.
Day 111: 30/01/2022 ✅

Day 111 Part 2: Birthday Weekend 👍 Run 2 🏃🏻‍♂️The Backpack Project 🎒

Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll be turning 27 ⬆️

I know this sounds cliché, but it is really going quite quickly and I feel like I'm hurtling towards 30 at full speed ahead 🚀

This is serious motivation to get my shit together and be as prepared as possible for when I reach that milestone age in 2025 👊

I feel I'm already making good progress investing in my health, fitness, confidence and financial security as well as keeping up with the regular posting on here. It's good groundwork, just need to keep building up and adding to it and I’m hopeful that in 3 years time, I’ll be set 💯

I've mentioned briefly on my logs about a Backpack Project I've been working on 🎒

It's pretty much finished as one of the last patches arrived Friday and I ironed it on yesterday, so thought I'd share my hard work on here! ⬆️

View attachment 2

How many pop culture references can you spot?

- Alien franchise: - used to be a big fan. Aliens the best, Resurrection is my guilty pleasure!
- Gears of War: Phoenix pin. Hooked on this game series when I was younger.
- Akira: Red/blue pill 1. A great anime.
- The Matrix: Red/blue pill 2. Ground-breaking film.
- Transmetropolitan: 3-eyed smiley. my name Spider Jerusalem is from this, my favourite graphic novel series.
- Cowboy Bebop: my favourite quote from Spike I'm trying to live by: 'Oh well. Whatever happens, happens'.
- Pepe the frog: I hate normies and their opinions.
- Stay Rad: Love a bit of Vaporwave.
- The Last of Us: 'Endure and Survive'. Good motto for self improving. TLOU 2 was a car crash, but the 1st one is exceptional.
- Max Headroom: Somebody hacked a T.V station dressed as this dude back in 1987. I've been intrigued ever since.
- Cyberpunk 2077: Panam Palmer - Nomad lifestyle which values Truth, Freedom and Honesty. this mean a lot to me.
- Blink 182 Album 'Enema of the State': One of my favourite albums. I like how provocative the album artwork is.

- Tombstone/Gunfight at the O.K Corral: 'I'm your Huckleberry'. Famous quote from Doc. Holliday. Interesting fact: Didn't actually kick off at the O.K Corral - the shootout took place at an antiques store further in town. The Newspapers at the time just put 'Gunfight at the O.K Corral' down and it stuck. Never believe what you read in the papers and see on the news! 📰 = 🧻

It's been quite therapeutic. I'm not really a creative kind of guy, so it was good to explore this side of me a little every now and again 🎨

Today's Update: 📝

- Woke up at 04:10 Hrs. Keeping up with my sleep pattern even though it's the weekend 🌅

- Had Coffee and Contemplation at my Battle Station ☕💭

- Went for another run as per Couch to 5K. Just repeated yesterday's run, so that's 2/24. See how many I can do this week, but I'm feeling pretty motivated 👟

- Did 21 push ups and Sit Ups. Blackjack ♠️♥️♣️♦️

Podcasts: 🎤

- Listened to Episode #182 of Andy's Podcast - Day 182: When a Girl Says No... 🎤

I'd make the mistake of trying in the past. I know now that the best thing to do is just exit the situation as it's not much fun. I get frustrated and they may think you're a creep.

- Listened to Episode #183 of Andy's Podcast - Day 183: Can You Make a Girl Cum with Only Your Penis? 🎤

I have a couple of times, but with the same girl. Definitely think this is a bit of an ego thing. You've got so many other tools in your arsenal (tongue, fingers) which allow for precise targeting and more control over the amount of pressure applied etc. I don't really see where/how this comes into it? I've always had better luck with using my tongue.

- Listened to Episode #184 of Andy's Podcast - Day 184: How to Have Rough Sex 🎤

Just gonna make a few notes on this one for future reference:

- Sexual bucket list (consent)
- Shibari rope bondage
- Blindfold
- Ice cubes
- Spanking
- Choking
- Hair pulling
- Make her squirt (finger technique)
- Paddle
- Gag (her underwear)
- Whips
- Handcuffs
- Anal (lotta lube!)


Listened to Episode #185 of Andy's Podcast - Day 185: How to Lick Pussy 🎤

Some guys I've heard shun this activity and I've particularly seen similar ramblings on the Red Pill Reddit page with claims of 'it's weak...' and 'you'll lose respect...'. What an absolute load of bullshit. I've always enjoyed being good at this particular activity and pleasuring a woman. I feel like more of a man if that makes sense? It is a bit of an ego massage to hear them whimpering above the covers and moaning my name, gripping the bedsheets, shifting their hips around... Oops. Was getting a bit distracted there. How the mind can wander 💭 Heh.

Listened to Episode #186 of Andy's Podcast - Day 186: “I’m a Bisexual Guy and I’m Ashamed of it” 🎤

I can't relate to this, but I can relate to the advice given: Why would you give a Fuck what normies think? Fuck normie opinions 🐑 🖕

That's it for Today's update 📝

Photos have been posted for accountability purposes 📷

Thanks for Reading! 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 112: 31/01/2022 ✅

What's My Age Again? 🤘 Spider turns 27 ⬆️ (Filler post)

Had hoped to do a proper post being as it’s my birthday, but I’m afraid that didn’t go to plan and it hasn’t been a great day 👎

Work was shit and I’ve now gotta be in the office 5 Days a week (was told 3).

Was back late from work due to a massive crash on the way and I’ve been up since 03:30 A.M. walked in the door at half 6 and I’m now about to sleep as it has literally just hit 8 P.M 🛌

3 Hours travelling a day.

Come August/September once this contract is up, I’m bailing!

Thanks for Reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Had hoped to do a proper post being as it’s my birthday

Happy Birthday Bro. Even though it's been not the best of days, be grateful for another year on a planet rotating around a burning star.

Spider Jerusalem said:
Work was shit and I’ve now gotta be in the office 5 Days a week (was told 3).

Did you have anything in writing stating how many office workdays?
TimmyTurner said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
Had hoped to do a proper post being as it’s my birthday

Happy Birthday Bro. Even though it's been not the best of days, be grateful for another year on a planet rotating around a burning star.

Spider Jerusalem said:
Work was shit and I’ve now gotta be in the office 5 Days a week (was told 3).

Did you have anything in writing stating how many office workdays?


Hey thanks man! I'm gonna try make the most pf 2022 too - definitely need to be more grateful myself

Just a risk assessment with agreed days (COVID) and now it's 'over', they want me back in 5 Days a week. It was kinda made out it would be what I was comfortable with, but now I kinda feel pushed into heading back although nothing solid in writing


Day 113 01/02/2022 ✅

First 10K Banked 💵 and shorter posts (for now)

Happy to say I've officially banked my first 10K

This is the first time I've ever had this much in my savings account so I'm very pleased about this.

Got paid yesterday and I put 100% of it into my savings account. 3rd Month in a row I've done this and it's paid off.

I'm afraid my log posts might be a bit shorter from now on. It's not that I'm not wanting to put in low effort on purpose, it's that I genuinely do not have the time.

I used to type out my drafts in the mornings that I worked from home, but I now have to travel in 5 Days a week:

To get into the city on time, I'm up at 04:00 Hrs and I get home at 18:00 Hrs. That consists of 3 Hours + of travelling a day. Not to
mention the time spent waiting for the bus (it's always late). I go to bed at 20:00 Hrs so it's currently 20 minutes until bedtime and I haven't finished this post yet.

Feel like I'm living for the weekend at the minute which was a position I promised myself I would never get put into.

Gotta try and find a way to better manage my time going forward as this is really eating into it.

I think I may plan in advance what I'm going to do in the week and then put the effort into the draft posts on the weekend when I have the time to commit to them - bit like Andy does with his Podcasts.

I won't be sticking this job past the 9 month interim point that's for sure.

A bit of management experience, 10 Full Pay checks, a good job reference and then I'm Fucking bailing and taking a month off before I get into anything else.

Roll on September 1st.

No photos as I've just been too busy to remember to take some.

Thanks for Reading

Spider 🕷