UPDATE 4: 04/05/2021
Hey folks
4th update for today. Got quite a few things done today and made some good progress which I'm quite pleased about. Weather still sucked, but I braved it and managed to get out and about and get some things done towards my goals.
- Woke up at 05:30: Managed to get up quite early this morning which is a big improvement on the previous couple of days. The trick I have found is to not go to bed too late and to ditch the electronics. I read on my Kindle instead which has a non-blue light feature.
- Washed and dried the tupperware tubs I bought ready for my bulking meal plan (starting next week).
- Did a couple hours of work and delivered a virtual presentation - did well for my confidence skills.
- Went out shopping and talked to the older (but quite attractive) cashier in the clothes shop where I bought some vests. As part of the book I am reading, Dating Essentials by the No More Mr. Nice Guy author Dr. Robert Glover, he recommends getting out of your comfort zone and interacting with different people. This was a positive interaction. Tried the same in the health food shop I went into next, but the cashier immediately gave me 'Fuck off not interested' vibes - didn't let it get me down, so brushed it off and went about my business
Would've bothered me as a teenager and I'd be constantly replaying it in my head, but couldn't give a Fuck about that now I'm older and don't stress over the small stuff :evil: The Dating Essentials book has helped me in this regard too.
- Visited a ear piercing/tattooist shop to enquire about the ear piercing I wanted. As a complete Newbie to piercings, I didn't know that the piercing I bought isn't suitable for me as it is steel - apparently piercers in this country won't use steel due to allergic reactions. Didn't have any designs that I liked either :roll: Thanked her for her time and came away. Bit disappointing, but due to having sensitive skin I valued her advice and have a workaround: I can get the style I want in magnetic and I won't have to worry about allergic reactions etc. I have ordered it today and it is on the way - something small to look forward to
Did get her business card in case I change my mind. Best to leave the door open than to keep it closed.
- Bought some more tupperware containers - now have 12 in total and 6 small ones. Enough to hold the 2 main bulk meals and 1 pot of fruit. Rest of my diet will be made up of protein shakes and high calorie (but largely healthy) snacks. Hope to do the first cook Sunday/Monday and will post on here the photos and details.
- Listened to another episode of Andy's Inner Winner Show (BDSM part 2). I was interested to listen to the second part after completing the first yesterday. I have a Tinder Date tomorrow and she has hinted at being into it, so some good tips there in case things progress.
- Brushed my teeth 3 times today as well as flossed and used mouthwash (in that order). Will seek to continue this routine as I want to get my teeth even whiter (been told they are my best feature and I regularly get compliments on them - hence my profile avatar photo).
- Currently finishing the evening by reading more of the Dating Essentials book. I have started reading just 1 chapter a day instead of 30 minutes. This is more manageable for me.
And that's it for my update today. Will post again tomorrow.
Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.
Thanks for reading