Syd's Progress Log

Apr 30, 2021
Hey Folks

Just wanted to post in here for accountability purposes - will aim to post here regularly (Once per day) with updates.

Here are my current goals (I will aim to add more in as time progresses).


- Get Laid
- Read for at least 30 minutes a day
- Wake up earlier and be more productive throughout the day
- Gain Muscle
- Fix my back (Scoliosis and Kyphosis)
- Work on my Cardio
- Complete my Undergraduate Degree with a 1st class (Hons) Grade
- Complete my Master's Degree in Computer Science
- Develop my own style
- Setup my own business one day
- Move out and get my own place

I shall see you all tomorrow when I post my first progress update.

Kind Regards,

Update 1: 01/05/2021

Good progress made today on getting started with everything.

- Woke up at 08:00 - usually 10:00 on weekends, but got up earlier today

- Did some gardening and painting

- Went for a long walk and listened to Andy’s Inner Winner Show on the way

- Went to the gym to sign up

- Printed off back exercises from physiotherapist to help fix my back

- Started NO-FAP - hoping to get through this month and take it from there

- Drafted a diet/gym plan for when I go back

- Researched buying a DSLR camera for Tinder/Online dating photos

- Bought some magnetic earrings - part of changing my style

- Boosted and spent some time messaging matches on Tinder. Following Andy’s Tinder guide

- Now sat in bed reading ‘Dating Essentials’ by Dr. Robert Glover (No more Mr. Nice Guy Author) to finish off before I sleep and aim for a 6/7 A.M wake up tomorrow

Some photos have been posted for accountability purposes. Will seek to post again tomorrow
UPDATE 2: 02/05/2021

Carried on making progress today - not as much as I would have liked to, but still addressed a few of my goals.

- Woke up at 07:00 - back in agony so rested for an hour (but stayed awake) and got up at 08:00. Earlier than usual on weekends, so this is a plus.

- NO-FAP - day 2 and still going strong. Currently over a 24 Hour streak. Will keep this up.

- Did my back exercises which I printed off yesterday using resistance bands I bought. Got halfway through and had to stop (Haven't worked out properly in months due to Lockdown in my country closing off all gyms) due to fatigue. Still made some good progress and will try this routine again in a couple days to see if I can get any further.

- Did some gardening

- Cleaned my bathroom

- Tidied and cleaned my room

- Listened to 2 episodes of Andy's Inner Winner Show whilst doing aforementioned housework.

- Cut ties with a girl in my life who has an addiction problem. Previously I wouldn’t have done this, but after reading Andy’s articles and No More Mr. Nice Guy, I have realised that having toxic people in my life can be such a massive detriment. I will now cut ties straight away if anything similar happens.

- Got together protein, supplements and meal-prep containers I bought ready for when I head back to the gym and start my bulk diet and gym workout routine (Next week due to this week being assignment week at University).

- Currently sat reading more of the Dating Essentials book I mentioned in yesterday's post.

- Will take a shower after reading (this I find elevates my mood).

- Will go for a walk later after dinner and once my kitchen is clean.

- Will look over my University assignments to make sure I am now happy with them (They have been submitted, but due dates are this week on the 4th, 5th and 6th).

Overall quite a productive day. I now look forward to starting each day and doing something useful and working towards my goals instead of just sitting around jacking off and playing the Xbox. I'm now going to call it a day once I have done the things later that I stated I would.

Photos have been added below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading.

UPDATE 3: 03/05/2021

Hey folks

Weather sucked today, but I still managed to get out for a walk when it calmed down a bit. Took the opportunity to take massive action (as per Andy's advice) on something which I have been stressing about for a few weeks now (details below).

- Woke up about 8. Not as early as I would have liked, but still not too bad. Will aim for earlier tomorrow.

- Cleaned my kitchen. This always nags me first thing (I live with others) so I got it cleared off my jobs list and felt better.

- Took massive action on my University assignments: All due in this week and are completed, but wanted to read through them before submission. Weather has sucked today and I had the day off due to it being a Bank Holiday, so took advantage. Read through and submitted the finalised, spellchecked and fully-read through copies ready for marking and hopefully graduation. This had been on my mind a couple weeks, but kept procrastinating at it. sorted all 3: 11,000 word final research project dissertation, a 3,000 word essay and a 2,500 word essay. Now ready to (hopefully) graduate. Will know more in 4-8 weeks once marked and will keep you posted, but definitely a weight off my mind.

- Did some housework whilst it has been raining all day.

- Went for a walk once the rainy weather lulled and bought some more plastic containers for my bulking and meal prep diet starting next week. I need 6 more containers after deciding to cook healthier, quality pasta bake incorporating processed junk food into my diet for the sake of bulking up. Will purchase these tomorrow and log it on here for accountability purposes.

- Designed a shopping list for my bulking diet.

- Listened to the 'getting started with BDSM episode' on The Inner Winner Show whilst I did housework. Will look at listening to part 2 tomorrow. Interesting stuff.

- Arranged a Tinder date for Wednesday. Seems like a cool chick. Will update on here with details of how it goes.

- Read another chapter of Dr. Robert Glover's Dating Essentials guide. It's pretty good and would recommend - £7 (Approximately 11 bucks) on Amazon - you'll need a Kindle or e-reader as no hard copies unfortunately (which I prefer).

And that's pretty much it from me. Most of my day was spent taking massive action on the University assignments, but definitely needed doing and I feel much better. Will post again here tomorrow as per usual.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

If your name yourself after the main character of my favorite movie I just have to follow your log ofcourse.

I saw that you went out of bed earlyer then normal. How about the day before did you also sleep earlyer?
Relentless said:
If your name yourself after the main character of my favorite movie I just have to follow your log ofcourse.

I saw that you went out of bed earlyer then normal. How about the day before did you also sleep earlyer?

Aha I got my parents to thank for the name! Everybody in High School always used to call me 'Syd the Sloth' so I just roll with it now :cool:

The day before my first post I got up about 09:00 Hrs and felt awful to be honest like I was wasting time, so decided to try action it as one of my goals. The lockdown in this country has definitely thrown my sleep pattern and schedule off as I used to get up at 04:30 to go to the gym and get to work. Now places are opening though, I'm trying to get back into it.

Got up at 05:30 today, so I'm pretty happy with that and will try to keep it up.

Thanks for the support and following my log :)

All the best

UPDATE 4: 04/05/2021

Hey folks

4th update for today. Got quite a few things done today and made some good progress which I'm quite pleased about. Weather still sucked, but I braved it and managed to get out and about and get some things done towards my goals.

- Woke up at 05:30: Managed to get up quite early this morning which is a big improvement on the previous couple of days. The trick I have found is to not go to bed too late and to ditch the electronics. I read on my Kindle instead which has a non-blue light feature.

- Washed and dried the tupperware tubs I bought ready for my bulking meal plan (starting next week).

- Did a couple hours of work and delivered a virtual presentation - did well for my confidence skills.

- Went out shopping and talked to the older (but quite attractive) cashier in the clothes shop where I bought some vests. As part of the book I am reading, Dating Essentials by the No More Mr. Nice Guy author Dr. Robert Glover, he recommends getting out of your comfort zone and interacting with different people. This was a positive interaction. Tried the same in the health food shop I went into next, but the cashier immediately gave me 'Fuck off not interested' vibes - didn't let it get me down, so brushed it off and went about my business :cool: Would've bothered me as a teenager and I'd be constantly replaying it in my head, but couldn't give a Fuck about that now I'm older and don't stress over the small stuff :evil: The Dating Essentials book has helped me in this regard too.

- Visited a ear piercing/tattooist shop to enquire about the ear piercing I wanted. As a complete Newbie to piercings, I didn't know that the piercing I bought isn't suitable for me as it is steel - apparently piercers in this country won't use steel due to allergic reactions. Didn't have any designs that I liked either :roll: Thanked her for her time and came away. Bit disappointing, but due to having sensitive skin I valued her advice and have a workaround: I can get the style I want in magnetic and I won't have to worry about allergic reactions etc. I have ordered it today and it is on the way - something small to look forward to :) Did get her business card in case I change my mind. Best to leave the door open than to keep it closed.

- Bought some more tupperware containers - now have 12 in total and 6 small ones. Enough to hold the 2 main bulk meals and 1 pot of fruit. Rest of my diet will be made up of protein shakes and high calorie (but largely healthy) snacks. Hope to do the first cook Sunday/Monday and will post on here the photos and details.

- Listened to another episode of Andy's Inner Winner Show (BDSM part 2). I was interested to listen to the second part after completing the first yesterday. I have a Tinder Date tomorrow and she has hinted at being into it, so some good tips there in case things progress.

- Brushed my teeth 3 times today as well as flossed and used mouthwash (in that order). Will seek to continue this routine as I want to get my teeth even whiter (been told they are my best feature and I regularly get compliments on them - hence my profile avatar photo).

- Currently finishing the evening by reading more of the Dating Essentials book. I have started reading just 1 chapter a day instead of 30 minutes. This is more manageable for me.

And that's it for my update today. Will post again tomorrow.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

UPDATE 5: 05/05/2021

Hey Folks,

Mostly worked today, so just a quick one:

- Woke up at 5 A.M - big achievement here which I will keep up.

- Did 3 hours work. Nothing major, but money in the bank and now closer to my financial goals.

- Cleaned my kitchen and living room first thing - good to get it done and made me feel better.

- Listened to 4/5 of the shorter Inner Winner Shows. Really good snippets of advice.

- Carried on reading my current book (1 Chapter).

- Went on a Tinder date - currently lying in bed next to her hence the short update! Lay count now currently stands at: 1. Will update further tomorrow.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes

Thanks for reading

UPDATE 6: 06/05/2021

Hey folks,

Got a few things done today, but spent most of the day recovering after my Tinder Date - had a late night, but still got up early considering. Will get an early night tonight and try wake up at 05:00 Hrs tomorrow.

Here's today's update on the progress log:

- Spent the previous night with my Tinder date. Met her for dinner at a pub which went well. Some of her friends were having a get-together and she asked me if I wanted to head back and hang out for a couple hours with them. Thought it would help me with meeting my target of getting out of my usual routines/pathways and interacting with new and different people as per the guidance in the Dating Essentials book I am currently reading and trying some of the techniques in. After a couple hours hanging out with her friends (who were cool) she invited me back to hers where we spent the night (1st Lay). It had been 18 months since spending a night with a girl (Lockdown :roll:) but she's a real cool chick who I get on well with. Open to a FWB situation, so considering carrying on. We hung out today and got a smoothie this morning before I headed home. A good night all in all :cool:

- Watched an episode of the Inner Winner Show on YouTube - the one on Tinder Burnout. Some good tips and I can totally relate as have felt frustrated using Tinder many, many times. Will consider a break from it or at the very least reducing the time I spend using the app.

- Read another chapter of my Dating Essentials book - some really good techniques in this. Favourite quote from this so far: Women don't Fuck a man they have gotten to know. They get to know a man they want to Fuck.

- Researched some clothing styles to get a few ideas for purchases. I currently have some money saved up and will likely do a shopping trip at some point.

- I have now officially finished University as my last assignment hand-in date was today, hence taking a little break and not doing too much - felt like I could do with a day off. I now have to wait 4-8 weeks for the results which I will post on here. One of my goals is to get a 1st Class Honours Degree (The top grade) so I am quite nervous about this, especially as I have been learning remotely for a year and a half due to the Pandemic which has been a huge challenge in learning and completing my University assignments. I shall now look to start learning about computers for my upcoming Computer Science Master's Degree.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Good luck with your goals and congratz on the lay. Original log with the pics and all, cheers.
Relentless said:
Good luck with your goals and congratz on the lay. Original log with the pics and all, cheers.

Hey thanks man - appreciate the support. Its a real boost to my confidence and helps me keep going

Thanks again!

UPDATE 7: 07/05/2021

Hey Folks

I've now been posting on here every day for a whole week - a small milestone sure, but I said I would commit to posting on here daily and this is a step in the right direction. Start with the small things and the big things eventually change.

Quite a productive day today. Got a fair few things done and got a few steps closer towards my goals.

- Woke up at 05:00 Hrs - Keeping in check with my goal to get up earlier and be more productive. Now done this for a couple days in a row and aim to keep it up to keep my sleep pattern in check. I now set 2 alarms, 1 main (05:00 Hrs) and 1 as backup and place the backup away from my bed to go off at 05:02 Hrs. This has been a big help and a tip for anybody who wants to try get up early.

- Read another chapter of the Dating Essentials book. This chapter was about 'icing and cake'. To sum this up, women are meant to be icing and not cake - the cake being your own fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful lifestyle that you create for yourself. A good woman is simply the icing that complements your great lifestyle and having a good cake attracts this icing. Trying to see women as your cake not only turns them off, but makes you unattractive to the opposite sex as it turns you needy, desperate and a seeker of women for validation purposes. Interesting stuff.

- Did a lot of housework today - arguably took massive action on this.

- No-Fap - edged last night so restarted this morning. Technically not a relapse, but in my eyes it was.

- Listened to 5 or 6 episodes of Andy's Inner Winner Show whilst doing aforementioned housework. Retained some good snippets of information and the topics that were discussed were personal to me. It's good to not feel alone and know others have gone through things and come out okay on the other side.

- Sent off details for my University accommodation via e-mail. Been meaning to do this as it'll mean no rushing and racing around in a couple of months trying to sort somewhere to stay whilst I study my Master's. Good to get ahead of everyone else.

- Brushed, flossed and Mouthwash 3 times today - part of keeping one of my best features in top condition!

- Cleaned and dried my Snapback cap - hats suit me (see profile avatar photo) to improve my style.

And that's it for my update today. Next week The focus will be on beginning my diet and workout routine - I shall keep you posted on both.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

TylerDurden1995 said:
Relentless said:
If your name yourself after the main character of my favorite movie I just have to follow your log ofcourse.

Aha I got my parents to thank for the name! Everybody in High School always used to call me 'Syd the Sloth' so I just roll with it now :cool:

Well actually I meant Tyler Durden
UPDATE 8: 08/05/2021

Hey folks - late one today due to celebrating a family birthday. Here’s my progress update:

- Woke up at 04:45 Hrs - getting earlier gradually and aiming for 04:00 Hrs.

- Listened to 2 episodes of Andy’s Inner Winner show

- Bought a new pair of glasses (Online) which I think match my style and are a good fit for my face. On their way soon so will post a photo when they come.

- Read another chapter of the Dating Essentials book I currently working through. Good advice here on how to attract women.

- My magnetic ear studs arrived - I like them and think they suit the style I am going for. Photo posted below.

-NoFap still going.

- A little off-topic, but my family came round today and instead of playing around on my phone (like I used to) I caught up with them. I feel happier for doing this and will make a point in the future to have times where I leave the phone in another room periodically.

Good to take a break from the bullshit world of social media and 5 minute ‘celebrities’.

That’s it for today’s progress log.

Photos have been attached below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE 9: 09/05/2021

Hey Folks update 9:

Bad news on the Gym/Weight gain plan - due to car issues, I’m unable to get into a gym until next week, so am gonna have to postpone my bulk up diet and workout plan until then. Bit of a blow, but one of them things.

Good news on the lay front though as will detail below. Spent most of today entertaining family for a big birthday, but still got a few things done:

- Woke up at 04:45 again - this is getting easier and I didn’t feel like I’d been hit by a car like the first few mornings.

- Read another chapter of the Dating Essentials book. Really good strategies and advice and I’m actually enjoying getting back into reading.

- Took some time to reflect and meditate early morning (05:30) outside whilst drinking my morning coffee. Fresh air and birds singing.

- NoFap still on track despite a relapse last week.

- Bought some more ear studs to experiment with/enhance my style. These are really cheap, but look good on me and got 4 pairs for about £5 on eBay. Better prices than the piercing shops by me.

- *LAY 2 ARRANGED* Arranged a long weekend break away with a girl I was speaking to a while back, but due to COVID ‘Police State’ Lockdowns couldn’t meet :roll: This chick wants to experiment with BDSM and has her own place. Perfect opportunity to practice and develop my skills on this. Train tickets booked and will update soon. Lay 2 appears imminent.

- Did buy some toys and BDSM gear recently - will post details on here in tomorrow’s update. Taking steps that will enhance and improve my sex life.

And that’s it for today. Will post more details tomorrow.

Photos have been attached below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading.

UPDATE 10:10/05/2021

Hey Folks,

Update number 10 from me - double digits already!

After recently listening to Andy's Podcast on Tinder Burnout (well worth a listen) I identified some of the behaviours he mentioned i.e. constantly checking Tinder and getting frustrated with swiping right to a point where I was doing it multiple times a day. As per the podcast, I have been turned off notifications for Tinder and I am now checking it twice a day only. If anything, this had made chicks More interested! This relates to the Dating Essentials book I am reading. I am definitely seeing the links from Andy's work and the material I am currently reading. More details on this below.

Today's update:

- Woke up at 04:30. Again I felt okay and this is starting to become a habit.

- Read another chapter of the Dating Essentials book. This chapter talked about Tinder and online dating and how being 'too available' (replying quick) is a nice guy behaviour and turns women off. Having a life outside of Tinder is what attracts women to you. I have attached a screenshot message as proof of this below from a recent conversation. now only check Tinder twice a day (morning and night) for 10-15 minutes each time where I'll reply to messages from girls that look good/interest me. Being in control rather than letting it control me for the sake of a dopamine hit.

- Sat outside and drank my morning coffee (05:30). Might make a habit out of this as taking in the fresh air is doing wonders for me I find.

- E-mailed my future course leader to ask about pre-reads for my upcoming degree so I can get a head start.

- Listened to another episode of Andy's Inner Winner Show Podcast.

- Went clothes shopping and bought some more gym stuff, a cool t-shirt and some black and white Converse Hi-Tops as part of my alternative/rocker-boy style.

- Went and looked at some DSLR cameras to get some ideas. May buy one used and get it cheap to play around with first as they are quite expensive new.

- Ordered some more BDSM Gear/toys (Including the DOXXY magic wand recommended by Andy). Should be here in time for the weekend - will give it a try if it is and report back here!

- No-Fap still going strong and I feel much better physically and mentally.

- Chatted to a chick on Tinder. Potentially another lay next week, but too early to tell. Will see how this pans out and take it from there.

And that's it for my update today

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Hey folks

Just a quick one today. Had a busy weekend and Monday, so took today as a bit of a recovery and rested after work. Here’s a very quick update!

- Woke up at 04:30 again. Not too bad this morning.

- Read another book chapter.

- Chilled in my garden early morning again with my coffee.

- Did 4 hours work.

- Sorted my new clothes.

- No Fap still going strong!

- Listened to an episode of Andy’s podcast

And not much else!

I’ll have more tomorrow as I’m planning on being productive now I’m rested.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Hey Folks

Busy but fairly productive day today - made some progress and fell behind at the same time, but it’s all a learning curve and I’m staying positive.

- Woke up at 04:30.

- Read another chapter of my book.

- Took some time to reflect in my garden early morning again.

- Relapsed on No Fap - made it to 6 days and didn’t binge, so seeing this as a marathon not a sprint! Started again straight after.

- Went for a walk to clear my head.

- Ironed my clothes ready for the weekend.

- Bought some accessories to go with my new style (online). Photos to follow in the coming days.

And that’s it for today.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Hey Folks,

As well as a daily log, I'd appreciate some opinions: bought some accessories that arrived today, any thoughts please let me know!

Here is my update from today:

- Woke up at 04:30 again - didn't sleep great last night, so almost killed me, but I did it.

- Read 2 more chapters of my Dating Essentials book.

- Did 3 hours work.

- Arranged a Tinder date for next week - cute blonde. Been using the techniques learning in the Dating Essentials book e.g. not replying too quickly, telling not asking, testing for interest etc. These seem to be working very well. Will update once I have the date on how it goes.

- Cleaned and tidied my room.

- Will go for a walk shortly to get some fresh air and stretch my legs.

- Listened to another episode of Andy’s Podcast.

Also, my accessories arrived in the post. Feel free to take a look! Feedback welcomed.

- Glasses
- Wallet chain
- Bracelet
- Bar pendant necklace
- Coach belt

Also included my current watch (Planning on buying a decent dress watch once I have the money) and ear piercing.

Heading away for the weekend to a cool chick's place to experiment and have some fun. Lay 2 pretty much guaranteed. Updates to follow early next week!

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!
