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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

Man another "good" night (didn't have sex), same club, same friend (the illegal immigrant guy i stumbled in with instagram, good guy, beautifull soul, god bless him)

I didn't want to to get too wasted, just one drink to get going, was almost sober, i tried to use the tekno music to "meditate", i closed my eyes and danced for two hours, trying to not think at anything, just breath and dance reaching a sort of trance situation without drugs, it was good, it's a small club, no need to approach immediately, i danced, had a lot of fun, girls saw me dancing this means they wont think i'm a creep older guy who's just looking for pussy

also most people dance inside first, at about 3am they start going out outdoors to relax and talk with their friends, thats when i start approaching anyway, my initial goal was 10 approaches, i did 6:

I also need someone who speaks italian to understand if i'm doing something wrong AskTheDom

1) -can we get to know each other? if you're single..
- No, yes i'm single, but no

what an ugly fucking bitch, barely a 6, she didn't have to add "yes i'm single but no" after the first no, i wasen't hurt, reading the hundreds of approaches of MakingAComeback and colgate just changed man, it's the equivalent of the AA program

this bitch was looking at me for the rest of the night loughing and dancing and not giving 2 fucks about her, she kept looking while i was looking at her, it was clear i don't give much of a fuck, this is the best revenge

2)-can we get to know each other?
- no thanks
- ok
- if you can give me a cigarette we can talk
- i don't smoke, bye

this girl wasen't rude at all, nice girl, but she said if you can give me a cigarette i thought she was not interested and was trying to make fun of me and exercise power, but maybe i was totally wrong and you'll understand why

3)-can we get to know each other?

nice blonde, she said no with usual bitch face, nothing special

4) this girl was with a group of tree friends (yes i can approach groups), walked up to them, grabbed her gently by the arm so she can turn and notice me

-can we get to know each other?

5) i signed on watsap that i approached 6 girls, i don't remember the fifth girl, but she said no i guess, i don't remember her face and the conversation

6)cute brunette, she looked at least to be honest, it turns out she's 17, her friend is hotterto be honest, she had this top and you could see the tits basically hahah, anyway i aproached the brunette because the other one was talking to some guy

--can we get to know each other?
she looks at me for 10 seconds like she didn't expected like all girls, but without a mean face, i recieve a "no" anyway, for some reason i stay there and don't move but don't talk to her either

after 5 minutes she restarts the conversation

- if you can find me a cigarette i will talk to you
- challange accepeted, i don't smoke but i will find you a cigarette!

no one wants to give a fucking cigarette, they scared that other people will ask, so i approached a group of black guys, didn't want to lose time so i just told give a cigarette and i will pay you, 2 euros for a cigarette, all good

went back to her gave the cigarette and we started talking, they tried to guess my age, 30...25..28...23

i asked them for their age and they turned out to be minors hahaha, both 17, the girl i approached is still 16 will turn 17 in two weeks

we talked a bit and asked for her number, she asked for instagram, i told her i don't have instagram so she doesent see my creepy autistic instagram


she gave her watsap, do you understand why i need to improve my instagram? Squilliam it's not for "instagram game" with high status and lamborghini, i just need some pictures looking attractive, cool and socially calibrated, i'm in 200k, it's not about instragram "game", i'm not in miami, it's just that girls feel safe with instagram and use it like watsap

what a wild night man, getting 16 yo numbers at 35 hahahahah

Now some reflactions, my approach could be too aggressive and girls are forced to say no, two girls told me "if you can get me a cigarette we can talk" after saying no, within 15 minutes

so maybe the second girl wasent trying to make fun of me, maybe it's the equivalent of "if you ask like that i'm forced to say no, i want to talk and the cigarette excuse is a way to remove the pressur you've put on me"

another thing, the 4th girl, she was giving me some subtle...VERY subtle looks all night, the same type of looks that i was recieving from the girl who gave her number, like lateral looks so i don't notice, i can't be sure but if it's true i was too aggressive with the 4th girl too, she just had to say no.

I can't be 100% sure but 4th and 6th girl were giving me the same subtle eye contact all night, both said no, the 6th girl had to find a "solution" to say yes, the 4th girl couldn't

also there's another girl, not super hot but very cute, it's been two weeks of eye contact with her, i didn't approach not because i pussied out but because there's no need to, its a small club and she's a regular, let's see what happens building "confort", and by confort i mean she give me subtle looks, i don't act like a desperate, i go out every weekend and i become a "regular" too, let's see what happens when she feels safer and safer

what a fucking will life, i need a good instagram page ASAP, they ALL ask for instagram, they want to see that you're normal and they can't see that with watsap

no status no money bullshit, just an instagram page looking cute, well dressed, edgy, and normal

when i tried tinder a while ago girls asked for instagram anyway, the only reason i didn't have dates/sex is that i din't have ig and with two autistic pics they didn't trust me to give me watsap

also my house need cleaning and furniture

i have to stop with the pizza delivery bullshit job, it looks so weird at 35 and not enough money

i need money, a lot of money, i need to buy a car

now imagine i have a date with the crazy 17 yo girl, both she and friend like an older guy with a car so they can move from club to club and not be stuck, imagine the validation of having both of them in my car, and replicate the situation with other girls

time is running out, i will devolep wrinkles and grey hair and be too old for this shit, i have to do the work asap,

below i will attach a picture of the hairstyle i had, my general style, and a picture from watsap, the girl is the brunette on the right

any advice about hair and style is welcome
Seems like an odd opener unless it's just an awkward translation. Can you clarify, are you literally saying possiamo conoscerci? It sounds like you're asking for too much when the girl doesn't even know you yet.

Instead try making eye contact, come in with a smirk and say: come va. If the girl isn't directly looking at you you can say ei, mi piace il tuo stile or something else about her that sticks out.

Hair is looking fantastic. YOU are looking fantastic. And you're getting out there. Now you just need to learn the fundamentals of calibration, comfort, and just having a normal chat instead of this intense "APPROACH" mindset.
pancakemouse said:
possiamo conoscerci?

Thank you Pancake!
exactly, possiamo conoscerci or ti va di conoscerci, almost same thing

i had eye contact with 4th and 6th girl but then i opned with that phrase, i approached the other ones while they were moving, so i still need another phrase for girls who are moving (some girls keep moving no stop the entire night), and i will adopt your suggestions with girls standing still talking with their friends
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
possiamo conoscerci?

Thank you Pancake!
exactly, possiamo conoscerci or ti va di conoscerci, almost same thing

i had eye contact with 4th and 6th girl but then i opned with that phrase, i approached the other ones while they were moving, so i still need another phrase for girls who are moving (some girls keep moving no stop the entire night), and i will adopt your suggestions with girls standing still talking with their friends

With moving girls it's a difficult open but I'll typically use the "I like your style" line there. Tap them on the shoulder, say "excuse me" to get their attention, then once you have some eye contact deliver the line.

Important fact that doesn't get enough attention: approaching is WAY more than just about "saying a line". Body language, eye contact, timing all has to be on point.

Might be useful to read the post I just put up on breaking up the opener into 3 phases: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2023/06/27/break-down-your-daygame-opener-into-3-phases/

Can't wait to see your progress. I'm chuffed that you've moved into the action-taking stage.
Good shit dude.

As for the ones who kept looking at you after opening them, I have a very simple theory that you still caught their eye because you were man enough to approach them. For that, they simply don't look at you the same as all the other men who never try. I think it's a good place to be. I'd take that any day over being invisible.

Fucking Thrice in the building man DAMN!

He's been around since GLL, he never broke the approaching barrier did he?

This motherfucker is shattering milestones for himself

When Thrice gets laid this will be a legendary achievement, this would have been like 10 years in the making lol

I am so sure he will do it

Congratz man! I remember a while ago you stopped posting and struggled. Now back with this. I'm pleasantly surprised!
SpongeBob said:
That girl is mad cute. Congrats for approaching her.

thanks Sponge!

Olafsmash said:
Congratz man! I remember a while ago you stopped posting and struggled. Now back with this. I'm pleasantly surprised!

Thank you, will get first date and lay soon

MakingAComeback said:
When Thrice gets laid this will be a legendary achievement, this would have been like 10 years in the making lol

I am so sure he will do it

i'm sure i will get first date and lay soon, been on GLL since 2013 man, after the first lay i can even get hit by a bus and will die happy anyway because this log will forever be a source of motivation for strong hardcases with depression

jakeD said:
Literally will just keep telling you again and again but you already know - you look good.

thank you brother

i have to say i recieved some looks, from girls i didn't approach also, also i was the best dressed guy in the club, i don't know about the US but here guys dress like clowns, i followed Radical guide, total black + with airmax + accessories. Easly the best dressed guy anywhere

also lost a lot of weight and i have a very lean face now, when i get abs things will be even better

natedawg said:
Good shit dude.

As for the ones who kept looking at you after opening them, I have a very simple theory that you still caught their eye because you were man enough to approach them. For that, they simply don't look at you the same as all the other men who never try.

oh man it felt so good, not only they could not stop looking (trying to not get caught), but also they noticed that as a redpilled guy i don't care about rejection and move on, another thing they never seen normal guys do

pancakemouse said:
Can't wait to see your progress. I'm chuffed that you've moved into the action-taking stage.

Thank you for your advice Pancake, i'm sure i will get my first lay soon. i will close the old "10 years on self improvement with no lays" chapter and open a new one




I waited to flag this, because I am genuinely happy for you taking action and want to praise you for that

But a hard rule on the forum, as Andy outlined above, is we never mention anyone under 18.

Will need to ask you to edit the posts above

But SOLID work homie

pancakemouse said:
Can you clarify, are you literally saying possiamo conoscerci? It sounds like you're asking for too much when the girl doesn't even know you yet
It is… honestly smells needy AF from the get go…
Back in my clubbing days I used to open with “ciao! I miei amici (indica da qualche parte lontano ma senza interrompere eye contact) mi han detto che balli uguale a “inserire minor celebrity della tv” e sono venuto a vedere se è vero” (ovviamente suppongo tu sappia ballare)
AskTheDom said:
“ciao! I miei amici (indica da qualche parte lontano ma senza interrompere eye contact) mi han detto che balli uguale a “inserire minor celebrity della tv” e sono venuto a vedere se è vero” (ovviamente suppongo tu sappia ballare)

Ok! "possiamo conoscerci" non è il massimo, pero' anche questa frase mi sembra troppo lunga e troppo da uno che vuole fare il simpatico per forza, non è il mio stile. In quale altro modo potrei aprire?

Matched with the new profile with the old 21yo again, the one i unmatched months ago because she was giving me one word replies, she's doing it again, this girl is chasing me on tinder to give me one word sentences

bought converse shoes because i don't think it's good to go in the same club with the same shoes every weekend, i think girls notice that

i asked on reddit about under eye filler, was worried i'm looking too old, also i already had one filler years ago and i'm a bit scared of doing another one, some doctors say that too many fillers become heavy and start migrating...

anyway...ended up recieving a lot of compliments


one iphone pic for reddit ended up beign better than all the pictures i took with the 1k Canon EOS RP where i look like an autistic

i'm already approaching, the next issue i have to address is pictures, i need flattering pictures looking edgy/hapy and attractive

with a friend would be much better, but i have to do it anyway, for now it's the only piece missing

i recieve looks in the club but not even one match on tinder, good photos should make you look better than reallife not worst

worst case scenario i will take pitures in some isolated place without people, not all good portraits pics are taken in parks ect


Tagged you hear didn't want to talk about my case in some else's log

Yea my problem is that i don't have friends so don't know how this fucking candid pics should be hahaha

With the canon rp i can take posed pictures with the remote function

I can take a picture of myself playing guitar smiling pretending the picture is taken by a friend

I also just met this new guy, we went out for two weekends, he works 10 hours a day so i don't want to annoy him with requests, all i can ask him for now is to go out and take pictures in a good bar, this would be "fake" candid pictures, because i would dress and accessorise my best for the guitar and bar pics, with backwards hat and stuff

But without a real group of friends don't know how to do more

So a lot of hard to get the leanest face i ever had still don't know how to use it yet

The posed pictures would be like this ones i attach
no more fucking tripod, went to the park, gave a guy 10 euros upfront and asked him to take pictures of me, it turns out he's into photography too and knows all the terminology iso shutter speed etc, but he has a compact camera not a reflex

i have to say those might be the best pictures i've ever taken but i don't like them at all to be honest, on reddit they said i don't need under eye filler but i have black under eye that looks like crap, also the pictures are not flattering and good enough to get girls but still i tried

it was hard to smile, still not used to it and too many blackpill thoughts in the back of my head

we exchanged numbers, if i need him again i will text him, not i will try to edit the pictures on lightroom
For 10 euro these photos are amazing value.

The close up ones are p good. Your eyes look fine. I could edit them a bit cleaner but I feel like you’d just find another “problem”

Amazing work on the action so far dude
Nice pics. Fourth and last are imo especially good. Thrice you are easily in the top ten percent of facial attractiveness. Get some more pictures and make an account on the apps. You will easily get matches.
Dude you're such a good looking guy

If you had my drive, my work ethic, and total commitment, I think you would be the biggest slayer on the forum

You need to give yourself a lot of credit

We have put a lot into you just to keep you in the fight and it was hard to get you just taking pictures

Look at you now

Reflect on that Mo

MakingAComeback said:
If you had my drive, my work ethic, and total commitment, I think you would be the biggest slayer on the forum

But what is that I'm not doing?