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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
If you had my drive, my work ethic, and total commitment, I think you would be the biggest slayer on the forum

But what is that I'm not doing?

Your recent forays into nightgame are promising. Next level would be:

- Daygame
- Apps
- Recording approaches
- Consuming nightgame content
- Getting formal coaching
pancakemouse said:
Thrice said:
But what is that I'm not doing?

Your recent forays into nightgame are promising. Next level would be:

- Daygame
- Apps
- Recording approaches
- Consuming nightgame content
- Getting formal coaching

I don't live in new york brother, i live in Parma, i don't have money to buy food let alone move to another city

today tried to edit with lightroom, it's not easy, i was able to improve the pictures, they're all pretty overexposed i don't know how i didn't notice that when i was at the park, this shit need a lot of practice

i asked the "one word replies" girl out, she said she can't, wanted to unmatch her so bad, for the second time but kept calm and asked her out for next week. What an humiliating experience.

was able to improve exposure, they still suck

tomorrow will shop for new shirt and take pictures with the app, last time i paid the guy just to end up with overexposed pictures

today i heard a 35yo woman say "i had my fun in my 20's dating with badoo was my hobby" it ended up trigger extreme rage, i literaly would blow the planet out today if i could, we are a disgusting species
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Your recent forays into nightgame are promising. Next level would be:

- Daygame
- Apps
- Recording approaches
- Consuming nightgame content
- Getting formal coaching

I don't live in new york brother, i live in Parma, i don't have money to buy food let alone move to another city

today tried to edit with lightroom, it's not easy, i was able to improve the pictures, they're all pretty overexposed i don't know how i didn't notice that when i was at the park, this shit need a lot of practice

was able to improve exposure, they still suck

tomorrow will shop for new shirt and take pictures with the app, last time i paid the guy just to end up with overexposed pictures

today i heard a 35yo woman say "i had my fun in my 20's dating with badoo was my hobby" it ended up trigger extreme rage, i literaly would blow the planet out today if i could, we are a disgusting species

Hahaha, bro, I understand.

When you approach and date hella women, you learn they are just people and nothing special at all.

Yes, they can get dudes every second of the day and many of them are trash LMFAO

They don't matter 1 bit

Life is about finding your own Greatness and soaring so high in the air the lazy incompetents are like fucking ants

You can have it all man

Also, remember, many women are just so broken inside, this is the generation of females with the highest anti-depressant medication useage, and we as men are not marrying them - they're not securing quality men, quality companionship, and most of them are just declining

As a Man, if you do the work, you can basically be a god damn King

There are some quality women around for sure, but you have to live the self improvement lifestyle and get so much experience you can choose pretty much dude

There are some lovely women. My old FWB was a total doll and if I never met her, damn I would be still so screwed!

Listen, your rage is normal. When I started approaching, well, my log was so bad my old house mate used to come into my room and tell me to fucking calm down! His name was TimmyTurner and he was a great guy. He was way more experienced than me and he was, like many men who've been down this rabbit hole, a little jaded to be honest.

Mindset can overcome all this dude and you can use this to forge a killer mentality

Thrice said:
today i heard a 35yo woman say "i had my fun in my 20's dating with badoo was my hobby" it ended up trigger extreme rage, i literaly would blow the planet out today if i could, we are a disgusting species

Does this feeling come from a place of envy? Or somewhere else?
natedawg said:
Does this feeling come from a place of envy? Or somewhere else?

I don't exactly, it triggers my rage so easily, it's envy i guess because they have it so easy

september said:
I’ve stopped being insecure about it pretty much because I got laid a lot. You should realize the insecurity isn’t your looks, it’s your lack of getting laid, and that will fix itself much faster with improving your approach quantity, online pics, vibe and game than with fillers/implants

People here aren’t gaslighting you. You actually look really good regardless. Yes lack of undereye support is a failo… because everything else on your face isn’t. You don’t need to look literally perfect
thanks brother, i hope to get laid and stop thinking about, i will still look into tretinoin, some people use it even in the (super delicate) under eye area, and of course it's used for anti aging, it's the only thing that works after sunscreen

your dark area is similiar to mine, we dont have the hollow cause by lack of bone support, you might think you have it well look at people who have it and you will change idea...we have a dark area for other reasons, what might work is fat transfer, but i will put my energy into getting laid first

Adrizzle said:
For 10 euro these photos are amazing value.

The close up ones are p good. Your eyes look fine. I could edit them a bit cleaner but I feel like you’d just find another “problem”

Amazing work on the action so far dude

Thanks Adrizzle! I'm learning pretty fast, the pictures are over exposed, the sun was too harsh, also i'm a bit backlit and this created harsh shadows on my face, nothing tragic but no need to use this ones as i realised what went wrong and take better ones

another thing is the t shirt, the graphic is too strong and takes away attention from the face, will shop for a sleeveless black t shirt with less strong graphics or even just black t shirt without graphics + necklace
Asked the one word replies out, she said yesi want to go out but not this weekend, i'm busy, asked her two questions

Can i text you next week? What's your height? Just curious
-5 ft

Asked two questions gave me one word answer to just one of the questions: unmatched.

I didnt even like her, i was trying to get a date out of scarcity, the lack of female intimacy is fucking my brain up and i get treated like that

Matched another girl, 21yo, she texts me first, we talk a bit, i ask her out and she says yes enthusiastically, i give her my watsap so we can talk better there and she unmatches

This is what we have to go through, it's hard to stay positive and not hate woman, so I'm not even gonna waste energy trying.

I will just do the work even while I'm negative. We will all die anyway and we will be forgotten, we will rot in a tomb and be nothingness for million of years. Woman feel precious but they will rot one day too.

"night game"

Went out with another guy to a diffrent venue, this guy does not approach because he can't, he like to dance until some girl shows interest getting close. He said he got some girls this way.

I didnt like this guy, he wasent fun to be around like the other guy. He tried to tell me what to do, telling me i shouldn't spam approach because girls notice, and that i should just do like him, i didn't like that

The other guy is fun to be around, not self concious, doesn't judge and overthink stuff

The venue was SHIT compared to the other one, all the girls were in group, never alone not even for a second. No eye contact.

I just started approaching group until the guy i was with told me to stop because he felt "embarrassed"

The group approach approaches were shot, i absolutely have the balls to it, i open the girls and they seem a bit intimidated, so i can where are you from, what do you do here. I have to be honest, i approached 6 groups i think, none of them had a girl that seemed interested, i started asking questions and recieving the usual answers, like in police station

I have to be honest i had some incel rage, i just told them to fuck off, none of them seemed interested and i didnt want to be their intertainer for the night

Tonight will go out again, different venue different guy, lets see what happens
Thrice said:
I don't exactly, it triggers my rage so easily, it's envy i guess because they have it so easy
Do women really have it so easy though? I'm at the point where I think I'm actually more grateful to be a man.

Women get given all this attention from a young age which just gets slowly taken away from them. Yet a man can look good & become valuable well into his 30s or even 40s/50s.

Let me put it this way: If you were a woman and didn't have the sex life you wanted, it'd basically be over for you. But you're a man, and despite being in your 30s, you are still able to progress and achieve the things you want. And as a man, your value isn't almost entirely comprised of your looks/SMV.
Thrice said:
Asked the one word replies out, she said yesi want to go out but not this weekend, i'm busy, asked her two questions

Can i text you next week? What's your height? Just curious
-5 ft

Asked two questions gave me one word answer to just one of the questions: unmatched.

I didnt even like her, i was trying to get a date out of scarcity, the lack of female intimacy is fucking my brain up and i get treated like that

Matched another girl, 21yo, she texts me first, we talk a bit, i ask her out and she says yes enthusiastically, i give her my watsap so we can talk better there and she unmatches

This is what we have to go through, it's hard to stay positive and not hate woman, so I'm not even gonna waste energy trying.

I will just do the work even while I'm negative. We will all die anyway and we will be forgotten, we will rot in a tomb and be nothingness for million of years. Woman feel precious but they will rot one day too.

"night game"

Went out with another guy to a diffrent venue, this guy does not approach because he can't, he like to dance until some girl shows interest getting close. He said he got some girls this way.

I didnt like this guy, he wasent fun to be around like the other guy. He tried to tell me what to do, telling me i shouldn't spam approach because girls notice, and that i should just do like him, i didn't like that

The other guy is fun to be around, not self concious, doesn't judge and overthink stuff

The venue was SHIT compared to the other one, all the girls were in group, never alone not even for a second. No eye contact.

I just started approaching group until the guy i was with told me to stop because he felt "embarrassed"

The group approach approaches were shot, i absolutely have the balls to it, i open the girls and they seem a bit intimidated, so i can where are you from, what do you do here. I have to be honest, i approached 6 groups i think, none of them had a girl that seemed interested, i started asking questions and recieving the usual answers, like in police station

I have to be honest i had some incel rage, i just told them to fuck off, none of them seemed interested and i didnt want to be their intertainer for the night

Tonight will go out again, different venue different guy, lets see what happens

I used to feel bitterness but for a lot of women the only way they can influence people or have a sense of 'control' over the world and their destiny is by using their sexuality to get what they want.

That basically means they're trapped by their looks and can't do things for themselves. Not a good place to be. If they seem picky and bitchy it might be because male attention is actually the only thing they have.
Squilliam said:
Let me put it this way: If you were a woman and didn't have the sex life you wanted, it'd basically be over for you

I agree, i got a number from a 18yo last week and I'm 35 amd she thought I'm her age, we have an advantage in the long run, woman age like milk

But let me tell you, there's no such think as a woman who missed on sex, even if they miss a leg they dine in as much sex as they can in their 20's

Sewerdog said:
I used to feel bitterness but for a lot of women the only way they can influence people or have a sense of 'control' over the world and their destiny is by using their sexuality to get what they want.

That basically means they're trapped by their looks and can't do things for themselves. Not a good place to be. If they seem picky and bitchy it might be because male attention is actually the only thing they have.

yea i agree, thats why we're targeting young girls, anyway we will never have our revenge, woman dine in as much cock as they can in the 20's and just move on, they don't get stuck like us and don't analyze things, they don't percieve that it's not a good place to be, they don't percieve that male attention is the only thing they have, they don't analyze things like us so they don't suffer like man
Boys i need some ideas, for the first time i have a couple of friends to go out with, the good news is this guy is not a dork, hee's actually the opposite, if i tell him i want to go to milan or venice or anywhere he would say yes in 30 seconds

I'm 80% there with portraits, almost there, but from what i understand you don't need many portraits

so i need a variaty of pictures for tinder and instagra, i want to look like a cool edgy guy that girls age 18/24 would exchange body fluids with

they should look natural and not staged, even if they are

girls keep asking for instagram when i ask for watsap

even a page like that would be good

one thing i can do to make it look i have friend is ask people in clubs to take pictures and tag themselves, if they all refuse i can offer just 5 euro each and sure they will agree

please give me some idea

i'm sure if i give girls my current page they will just lose interest

only few weeks ago my pics used to suck really bad

the sun was too harsh again, pictures will be better when i will have the possibility to shoot at golden hour

tonight clubbing, night game

Ready for some approaches tonight

Drop it!

It was a shitty night i'm not proud of, i have low tolerance to stress

i tried the new pictures, geolocated in budapest like Mac, only like 4 matches and zero engagement

i'm all about the canon eos rp, solid camera, but to be honest i think girls are liking goodlooking guys that have photo taken with shitty smartphones and without the blurred background

went to the same club where i approached last time, this time alone my friend was not available

it was like 4x more packed, i couldn't approach, music was very loud and too many people compared to last time

you can see my story and tell me if it's possible to approach in a situation like that


i only "approached" one girl, this is a girl i remember from months ago, like january or december i think, she used to look at me like i'm a creep, so i approached and she tried to speed off, i pushed her, she pushed me back and said what the fuck are you doing, i'm not proud of this

i just run away so the bouncers don't fuck me up, also because if she tells the bouncers i wont be able to go there again

i'm sure she looked at me like a creep everytime i was there in the winter but i was wrong anyway

it was frustrating to see all those girls half naked while i dont have a sex life
This profile isn't good. You can't just make a profile with two photos taken with the same photoshoot. It looks fake. Plus, the background is low-value. Your results in Budapest seem about right.

DSLR photos mog smartphone photos every single time.

That doesn't actually look that crowded for a club. Many of my nightgame approaches are in clubs like that. Go up to the girl, smile, see if she's receptive, then grab her shoulder and bring your mouth to her ear and talk in it. Try approaching in the smoking area if it's too loud inside.
pancakemouse said:
Try approaching in the smoking area if it's too loud inside.

all the approaches from last time were in the smoking area, but this time it was too crowded, last week i was recieving IOI from girls in the smoking are (and i approached like a retard) this time not, too much people and 90% man

i'm thinking that when this small club is too crowded i can simply try bars and public gardens with students staying there until laste at night in the summer. It would be a way to grow some balls and not rely on the safety that a small club offers with girls giving IOI's first

in fact the reason i never approached a girl dancing like you describe is because it's less safe and didn't have the balls yet. No excuses i have some AA

yestday a girl was looking at me in the public garden and didn't approach because i would've have to walk to her straight from a distance

felt so bad because i'm 35 not fucking 15, i can't afford any of that my life is going down the drain

i have to save money and come to the US, and approach with you guys if you want, maybe get a cheap airbnb next to your area
Keep it up Thrice. If your struggling to approach, maybe try re-framing it in your head.
Could you, instead of going in with the intent to get the girl on a date or back home, approach with the intent to ask for her help with a photoshoot & offer to get some shots of her aswell. Test in the public garden setting.
In my experience, girls seem less intimidated by the approach with a camera hanging around the neck.

Don't hate on the DSLR gives you way more editing options in post among other benefits - Get a better background / setting (Grand Hotel Loby, Resterant, Garden) (Bro your in Italy, get a shot next to a colorful potted lemon tree) & spam that shutter button man.
pancakemouse said:
This profile isn't good. You can't just make a profile with two photos taken with the same photoshoot. It looks fake. Plus, the background is low-value. Your results in Budapest seem about right.

DSLR photos mog smartphone photos every single time.

Seconded. Get some variety, and get some action in your photos. These are good for posing, framing etc, but as Pancake said, there's gains to be had.

There are some guys who can get by with shitty photos, but even they would benefit from well-taken photos. And the reason is because they're top tier attractive - attractiveness makes everything in dating easier, so it's an important primary focus if dating is your goal.

You're doing the right thing man. It can get frustrating sometimes but stick with it.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Try approaching in the smoking area if it's too loud inside.

all the approaches from last time were in the smoking area, but this time it was too crowded, last week i was recieving IOI from girls in the smoking are (and i approached like a retard) this time not, too much people and 90% man

i'm thinking that when this small club is too crowded i can simply try bars and public gardens with students staying there until laste at night in the summer. It would be a way to grow some balls and not rely on the safety that a small club offers with girls giving IOI's first

in fact the reason i never approached a girl dancing like you describe is because it's less safe and didn't have the balls yet. No excuses i have some AA

yestday a girl was looking at me in the public garden and didn't approach because i would've have to walk to her straight from a distance

felt so bad because i'm 35 not fucking 15, i can't afford any of that my life is going down the drain

i have to save money and come to the US, and approach with you guys if you want, maybe get a cheap airbnb next to your area

Been away for a while. Glad to see you're still moving forward and even cold approach now. You've come a long way mate and it's awesome to see it. Cheers to your continuing improvement.
i'm just sad as fuck people are on vacation and i dont have friends to go to the beach with nor money to stay for more than one day
i'm also sad because i dont have an ig page with followers and girls ask for instagram both live and on tinder

i need a car so i applied for jobs, i was called for two job interviews but i changed idea last minute, if i get a job i wont be able to take pictures

the goal would be to take pictures at golden hour with the best lighting, something i wasent able to do for the entire year except august i work everyday without rest days

i would take action pictures at the skate park and playing basketball make it look like it was taken by a friend, this would be the month to do it, the city is empty except for a few tourists

also go to beach and take some pictures theremaybe take a pictures of me eating at a restaurant

but somedays i wake up iand think i just should get a job and stop delivering pizza
Keep at it man.

Sometimes you gotta sacrifice for the big picture. I can’t tell you what to do but I trust you will figure it out man.

You could write down all the things the job and a car would help you with and the timeframe you can do that in. Because after that then you can do back to photos and building a profile. Write down what the pictures and building a profile would do with a timeline too. This could help with your decision