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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

GoodLookingNerd said:
You need serious help and Im saying this not to diss you but in a hope that you will seek help.

you should be really ashamed of yourself, the phrase you need help is an INSULT. It's a way of making people with depression feel different and inferior. There's no objective or immediate cure/solution for depression and mental health in general, even scientist and doctors don't agree on what this help could be and what should they do.

Most people with trauma have ups and downs through their entire life and never heal 100%. Another reason why you should seek help is just an insult. Also people with some form of mental pain are always looking for solution one way or another. No one with some form of mental propblem is doing nothing thats why the generic phrase you should seek help is derogatory and insulting

you should seek help is nothing but an insult unless you are scientist who discovered an objective cure
Again I do not mean to insult you. I am just calling out your bullshit because I am assuming you want to improve since we are on a self improvement board. I dont have the skillset nor knowledge about you to help you get better so thats why I am advising you to take this seriously and find a professional.

I understand that depression is complicated and it can impact the way you see the world around you, and is a hell to go through. I have only had some encounters with it so I cannot fully comprehend your situation.

However, depression is no excuse to hate women that have nothing to do with the cause of your pain. The amount of blind hantred you express is worrisome and could lead to you taking a path that will also hurt others. Its also not serving you any purpose. I have never told you to "go fix your depression". If its something youre working on thats great and I hope you make progress, but your misogynistic views are something you can get rid of while having depression. If you dont want professional help go watch a documentary on Marie Curie or something.

If you dont like my advise thats OK, I wont bother you any further.
Thrice said:
you should be really ashamed of yourself, the phrase you need help is an INSULT. It's a way of making people with depression feel different and inferior. There's no objective or immediate cure/solution for depression and mental health in general, even scientist and doctors don't agree on what this help could be and what should they do.

Most people with trauma have ups and downs through their entire life and never heal 100%. Another reason why you should seek help is just an insult. Also people with some form of mental pain are always looking for solution one way or another. No one with some form of mental propblem is doing nothing thats why the generic phrase you should seek help is derogatory and insulting

you should seek help is nothing but an insult unless you are scientist who discovered an objective cure
Bro, you do need help. It's not an insult. There's nothing wrong with needing help. It's not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength to seek help actually.

You say that people with trauma never heal 100%. But you haven't even tried to heal it at all. You haven't even given it a chance.

You've posted pages upon pages of misogynistic beliefs about women. You are in so much pain that even when girls are trying to be nice to you, you think they are trying to fuck you over or use you. And you're responding with hostility to good faith posts that actually have pretty solid advice.

I understand the distrust. I feel that way at times too. Dealing with women can be pretty fucking shitty at times. But you're not going to be happy constantly dwelling on how women have 9999 tinder matches and ride the cock carousel etc. I could go on and on about how these beliefs are skewed and biased but I won't because it isn't going to change how you feel.

You could very well lose your virginity to this girl if you play your cards right, and because of your toxic beliefs, you could end up sabotaging that.

My suggestion to you, is to just give this girl the benefit of the doubt. Have some faith that she might not be out to use you and screw you over. And if she does end up cucking you, is it really the end of the world? You'll gain much needed experience. Every advanced guy has been on dozens of cuck dates, it's a requirement basically if you want to become good.
While you're both right, I have to take on Thrice's side here a bit. The only one with the power to decide if they need help is the person themselves, and trying to force it on someone is nothing more than an act of trying to control. I often do this too though, and it's very natural even when you genuinely wish to help someone. Thrice is already seeking help, that's why he's on the forum. Let's applaud him for that. And, Thrice, you have made much progress compared to when I first remember you.

That being said, I recognize the self-sabotaging beliefs as well. I would hazard a guess that everyone on here has at least some experience with them - I for sure do. That's what kept me a virgin as long as it did. To this day I often feel like no woman could ever like me, and I tend to interpret each signal, word and action through that belief. It used to be much worse. The negative emotions, the sadness, the frustration, anger or sense of unfairness you feel cloud your judgement. Now I'm at least aware of it most of the time and can choose to interpret things differently. You learn to let go and let live.

Someone wise said that your quality of life will be best when you interpret every person's intention for the best possible. Of course, you get more disappointments, but you learn to deal with them. It's better to be excited and hopeful, and sometimes disappointed, than never have any hope at all. It ties in with the depression as well.

I second giving this woman the benefit of the doubt. What's the worst that can happen? A bad date is better than no date. That's where experience is gained.
I apologize if I was a bit inconsiderate. I got a little frustrated trying to reason with you Thrice .
Thrice said:
I'm over reacting because i'm angry and emotional but it's true that she kept asking to go somewhere and things to do, like i said even if she likes me she wants to do both things and use to go around.

Logically, I think you already understand that this is not rational. Like, if you went to go to join a metal band, it doesn't mean you just want to use the bandmates. But I understand it's hard to "feel" this even if we understand it logically. What would be the absolute worst thing that could happen Thrice if you had went on the date with her? Be specific, what are the fears and how would it make you feel?

BTW - This kind of self awareness you are showing (that you're emotional and it's making you over-react) is good Thrice , being aware of our emotions is one of the hardest parts in the moment. (it was for me anyways). One thing that really helped me was just realising "I feel bad now, but it's just a feeling and it will pass". After time, it's possible to realise what kinda things trigger these emotions in you, and how to help manage them.

I had a lot of trauma from my past (parents used to abuse me, it was real bad). When I grew up and left that environment, I was initially like "all good, I survived and I'm fine".

Then, when I started getting a little bit of success with women, it came back to bite me. I was kinda at the stage you're at now, I had a couple of dates, girls were at least engaging with me. And I just found myself cripplingly jealous of them. Like I wanted to be controlling, know where they were all the time etc etc. I was anxious. It was not fun. I would spend hours thinking what I should reply to their text, what their actions meant etc etc. Often I'd self-sabotage without knowing it.

Later on, I realised, the reason that I was so jealous and insecure was that my early childhood experiences taught me that if someone was nice to me, they would then be bad to me later. Like my dad would be "come play with me", then he could just turn and a switch would flip and he'd be aggressive. So that manifested in me believing that nice people would inevitably be horrible to me later. It didn't just affect my relationships with women, for a long time I was also very uncomfortable around older men and didn't give them eye contact.

I went to the doctor and basically said I am a controlling motherfucker and don't want to be so jealous. They told me I was anxious/depressed, they gave me antidepressants (I didn't take them, but I told the doctor this and they were ok with it, I basically said, "I don't want to take them but you can give me them to me just in case if you insist"), but, more importantly, they also arranged CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) for me. This really helped me a huge amount. It was scary because I had to be vulnerable and our sense of self/ego wants to protect ourselves always. But afterwards, I had a much better understanding of why I felt how I felt, and how to be aware of it, and how to handle these emotions. Plus it was very practical focused, it wasn't all just mumbo jumbo. Stuff like "if I feel like I want to go check up on x girl, rather than checking, acknowledge the feeling".

Nowadays, I reckon I'm one of the most secure guys around, but I definitely wouldn't have got there without the help of CBT. Being secure in yourself and happy does attract women, and it massively helps retention.

BTW - this wasn't meant to be patronising at all, it's sometimes hard to get the right tone in text!

You reminded me, after I finished CBT, my therapist encouraged me to write notes to myself on what I'd learned. I wrote this about 8 years ago, as a kind of emergency cheatsheet if I needed it. I attach them below, I've bolded things that were particularly useful to me, and added any thoughts nowadays in italics. Not as a kind of "follow this and all will be fine", but moreso to show you that it is possible to change:

CBT notes:

If relapsing then go to step 5 then follow it and can read rest of this for reference

Remember – will not go away straight away forever – when it comes back will be less strong, and manageable – decreasing sin graph. You can self refer back to therapist if you want it.

Better to have small reoccurrence – will give you confidence you can deal with it when it comes back. This was so true - when I felt jealous again, but was able to deal with it, without being controlling, or avoiding the emotion, it gave me more confidence and I got into a positive circle of reinforcement


1) What have I learned?
- what fuels problems?
Childhood experiences – parents and lack of certainty.
Trigger situations – (less stable behaviours, feeling less wanted (but relationships will naturally undulate a bit!!)
lead to (vicious circle of):
body(physical feelings) – nausea etc
feelings – jealous, nervous, uncomfortable, anxious
thoughts – she's going to leave, she doesn't love me
• desire to check – leads to need more to check – becomes a crutch – say check
where she is, next time check where she is, and what friends say etc.. to point of wanting a GPS tag..!
• seeking certainty – doesn't work – and even causes doubt
• if you don't check, and she doesn't leave – she's with you for you, not because you check/control her, but because she loves and wants to be with you.
• Checking is dependant on other person – not self reliant.
• Analogy of scared of dog bite – microanalysing it's behaviours – e.g shows teeth – will it bite me? Tail wagging furiously – bite me? Etc Not productive
• If you see it through by yourself, much more powerful than checking.
• Checking appeals to 'logic' but not emotions
• Emotions are the things that get to you At the time, I felt kinda "weak" that I had these kind of feelings, like it was bad that I had them. Nowadays, I realise negative emotions are a part of life and that I can manage them when/if they will come
• You will become more secure with more time and letting the feelings pass through and not avoiding it or checkingSo true - nowadays people always tell me that I'm secure and a huge part of it is knowing that I'll be OK whatever happens

There are two types of unhelpful behavoirs – avoidance and excesses

• Overthinking
• Checking
• Sexual
• Reassurance
• Drink
• Watch tv/anything to excess
• Distractions

• Avoid trigger situations
• Avoid thinking about it – and avoid challenging/thinking about it) – and not seeing the thoughts through to the end – sticking at painful bit – and not pushing through to a couple of years down the line in visualisation.. e.g someone dies, painful, a couple of years later, have happy memories of them/coping A critical realisation - I was focused on thinking about the pain (that the girl would leave me) and not that in a year or two after breakup I would be fine
• Divert attention to something pleasurable.
• Sexual thoughts (distractions)
• Seeing multiple girls – to avoid risk of feeling bad. So clique PUA thinking! Nowadays I still see multiple girls sometimes but it's because I enjoy it, it's not because I'm trying to protect myself from scary feelings

If you don't check, and she doesn't leave – she's with you for you, not because you check/control her, but because she loves and wants to be with you.
If you see thoughts through by yourself, much more powerful than checking.
You will become more secure w more time and letting it pass through you – not checking or avoiding it.
“owner didn't give me my fav food” - he doesn't love me. Thus fix thoughts and cycle is stopped.
My thoughts are misleading and sometimes totally wrong – hence challenging them.
Thoughts → feelings
People who don't feel jealous have different thoughts in the situation thus no jealous feelings.
e.g they know they'd cope – but they know partener likes them too.
Coping – they know it'd hurt, but doesn't mean that they're unlovable – gets easier w practise of breakups.This is true. First breakup is always the worst but over time you realise it's not a reflection on me

2) What was useful?
Thoughts can be wrong This sounds so obvious but I always thought my thoughts were correct.
Feelings are valid as come from thoughts – but thoughts can be untrue – it makes sense to feel like that, but doesn't mean it will occur/is likely – e.g worry dog will bite – makes sense, but not logical.That feelings are OK to have was a big realisation for me

Changing behaviours
• Increase helpful behaviours – closeness, fun, work on relationship
• Decrease unhelpful – less checking, less sexual thoughts This is very true, the equivalent would be not consuming more redpill content
Likelihood of leaving occuring is low, and high likelihood of coping. Basically, realising whatever happens, I'll be OK

3) What are high risk situations of a lapse happening?

Away from her, distant, getting on less well, fear of being left by loved ones – not constant affection etc.
Other guys being around that are attractive – combined with us not being that close at the time.

4) What are the signs? (symptoms – thoughts, feelings, behaviours and body)
Thoughts – she's going to leave/likes someone else
Feelings – anxious and jealous
Body – nausea
Behaviours – want to check, overthink, sexual thoughts, avoid it

5) What can I do if I lapse + who can help?

• Thoughts aren't automatically true.
• Feelings will appear + make sense, but doesn't mean it's true – based on inaccurate thoughts.
• Let feelings pass through – if it doesn't, can challenge the thoughts.
• Don't engage with unhelpful behaviours – find out what happens if you do nothing –
let yourself surf wave of anxiety until it levels out again – will lead to long term
security and less anxiety.
Write it down every time (will help you recover faster):
• Thoughts/behaviours/feelings/body
• What stages you went through and how it made you feel afterwards
• What does it say – nothing had happened, thoughts still likely to happen for a while, but they aren't true and it's unlikely - and even if something did happen you'd cope, well :)

You'd be able to cope much better than you think – you're
fucking great. You're fucking you. Everyone wants to be
fucking you ;) Some positive self-talk to finish up, being nice to me
september said:
if you're positive but unaware of the actual disrespect girls send at you, chicks end up walking all over you and seeing you as weak

Just for a little devils advocate, you don't necessarily need to be aware of the disrespect if you have the right boundaries/frame. Like you can be unaware but have healthy self-belief. Like a lot of these "shit tests" I don't even notice at the time.

It's amazing how plastic women's reactions are if you just take whatever they say as a compliment and don't even acknowledge it as disrespect, they fall into your reality. Hence why confident ugly guys are so attractive.

A couple of examples with what was initially "disrespect" but then flip by not acknowledging it:

Girl tells me, "you're wearing so many patterns today", slightly negging tone. I had on a lumberjack style top, a checkered shirt underneath and a diff checkered trousers. They were undoubtably clashing and the outfit was pretty poor. I just said "thanks, I completed the set", non-reactive. She replies, "you always look so handsome".

Girl tells me (lastminute, after we'd arranged a date at a specific location), "I want you to come to mine and collect me". I said, "no, I'm tired, come here". She does.

Girl tells me, "you always wear those boots". I reply, "they're my magic boots, they bring me good luck". She replies "well, they must be working then!"

september said:
all you have to do is work towards the end state of seeing women as harmless children whose tests you can easily and patiently handle. And if you genuinely have a realistic, yet positive worldview like that, then you'll succeed with women. They'll throw shit at you, and you'll effortlessly turn it into a positive energy that brings you two closer.

Squilliam said:
My suggestion to you, is to just give this girl the benefit of the doubt. Have some faith that she might not be out to use you and screw you over. And if she does end up cucking you, is it really the end of the world? You'll gain much needed experience. Every advanced guy has been on dozens of cuck dates, it's a requirement basically if you want to become good.
Antonio44 said:
Be specific, what are the fears and how would it make you feel?
Terminator said:
I second giving this woman the benefit of the doubt. What's the worst that can happen? A bad date is better than no date. That's where experience is gained.

when i dated the other girl from bologna for 2 months she didn't ask any questions, like at all, we met at the same place and we wanted to be intimate i just used the airbnb app. She never even asked if the house is mine or not.

I was a bit annoyed with this girl asking stuff, first the car is not mine, it's the car i use for work and it's forbidden to take other people on, In fact i shouldn't even use it for dates. When this girl started asking question it was clearly she supposed we could use my car, thats why she said i can come over in a time where there's no trains.

I also always lie about my distance, i never say an hour i always say 20 minutes, which is not a problem unless the girl turns out to be a detective like this one.

I was annoyed, her wanting to go some place with me puts me in a position where i can't hide the lies i told her. You might think lying is bad and it is but the girl i dated for 2/3 months didn't even ask me one question, not even once. I liked her because she didn't care, she was interested in me but not interested in what job i do, if i have a car or not, if i can take her to a club or not, if we can go swimming or not (she's in La spezia and there's a harbor there but no beach)

This girl clearly likes me and keeps sending vocals but she's also a smart ass and wants to get the most out of her trip in Italy.

the other girl was clearly attracted but not a curious pain in the ass like this one

now will have to explain why we can't use my car and why i live one hour away and not 20 minutes because meeting in the same place is not enough for her, she's working but just to sustain herself and visit new places

GoodLookingNerd no problem at all, we are all different and you are in good faith. I thinks it's just people with 10+ years with some mental problem start noticing the pattern with the you need help phrase but it's nothing to do with you
Thrice said:
I liked her because she didn't care, she was interested in me but not interested in what job i do, if i have a car or not, if i can take her to a club or not, if we can go swimming or not (she's in La spezia and there's a harbor there but no beach)

What would be the worst thing that could happen if you did let a girl get to know you better, and you did some stuff with her like swimming etc?

It’s interesting that you don’t like girls who ask you questions (and I’m sure you are smart enough to deflect a “20 minutes drive” into an hour, just tell her you normally drive fast)
september said:
You have to be aware of chicks testing you and fucking with you and playing games and disrespecting you
Is it really disrespect though? If I am getting the story right, it sounds like she wants to go sightseeing or hiking for a second date and he wants a lower effort date. I don’t think that’s disrespect. And she’s asking logistical questions and unwittingly stumbling into the lies he told, which is causing issues, but again not really her fault or even something she’s aware of. (not shaming the lying, but part of the cost is you have to keep you’re story straight. You accept that headache when you lie.)

I think Thrice wants her to accept his proposition to do the same thing on the second date as the first and she wants to do tourist-y things unaware of some of the problems it is creating. I can see why that would be annoying, but not aggravating. Maybe Thrice can clarify what is so aggravating about the situation? Is it a fear that she may use you as a tour guide and not do anything sexual with you? Or that even if she winds up having sex with you, you want her to follow your game plan and not try and do the tourist-y stuff with you? Or is it something else?
Antonio44 said:
What would be the worst thing that could happen if you did let a girl get to know you better, and you did some stuff with her like swimming etc?

It’s interesting that you don’t like girls who ask you questions (and I’m sure you are smart enough to deflect a “20 minutes drive” into an hour, just tell her you normally drive fast)

the worst thing she finds out i lied about those stuff

Thanks for the post, i took my time to read it and it was worth it. Actually it's the first time i think i see a practical example of how CBT works. I guess you worked with the therapist for some months before coming up with the most effective steps that works for you. My triggers are different but the feelings are the same and this gives me hope that therapy can work for me too

september said:
Agreed with Thrice's interpretation of the tone of the posting. I generally want to cave people's face in when they go "seek help"

thank you, i thought i'm the only crazy one who noticed something wrong with that phrase!

september said:
I do agree that Thrice should spend more effort on trying to stay positive and not feeling so threatened by chicks being the easily handled children that they are.

thanks for the advice, i think the only way to achieve this is to actually fuck them, which i'm till not doing. I feel that once i start having sex a lot of things will change naturally


Yggdrasil13 said:
Maybe @Thrice can clarify what is so aggravating about the situation? Is it a fear that she may use you as a tour guide and not do anything sexual with you? Or that even if she winds up having sex with you, you want her to follow your game plan and not try and do the tourist-y stuff with you? Or is it something else?

thats exactly what happened, i told her lets meet in the same place for a low effort date without me beign a tour guide that has to invent stories to cover previous lies. Nothing wrong, it's not her fault and she's completely unaware but for gods sake stop asking where we can go and what we can do i'm not a tourist guide. Nothing wrong with asking 1 time but not 10 times. The last time she added she didnt want me to travel, nice on her part but i thought we'd agreed to meet in the same place. It's her wanting to visit a new place or is she really worried about me having to travel? Go figure

hello pancakemouse https://imgur.com/a/hdoYyrd

she has "looking for company" in her bio. I asked her what area she lives in to look for bars near her so a car it's not needed
Thrice said:
i think the only way to achieve this is to actually fuck them, which i'm till not doing. I feel that once i start having sex a lot of things will change naturally
It’s cliché, but changing attitudes can change results as much as results can change attitudes. Results are important, but you can still change your attitude, at least somewhat, by making an effort to do so. A lot of guys fall into a trap of “I’ll have a good mindset once I succeed” but sometimes in order to succeed you have to improve the mindset first. At the very least you should work on it from both ends.

Anyway it sounds like beneath it all the real issue here is that it’s impractical/impossible to do a date like this girl wants because it’s going to expose previous lies you told. If not for that, going hiking or sightseeing or something, wouldn’t be a problem? But the date basically has to conform to your specifications because otherwise you’re going to be caught lying or have to go to great lengths not to be? Because I understand not seeing her again for that reason.
Yggdrasil13 said:
A lot of guys fall into a trap of “I’ll have a good mindset once I succeed” but sometimes in order to succeed you have to improve the mindset first. At the very least you should work on it from both ends.

Yes i'm trying to work on both

Yggdrasil13 said:
it’s going to expose previous lies you told. If not for that, going hiking or sightseeing or something, wouldn’t be a problem?

in general yes, if i only really lived there i can even do it once. Whats annoying is that she kept trying to do "something different" when most girls that are not tourist really don't care

yesterday when i started thinking about going out i felt huge resistance, it's been many months I don't go out alone and I could feel it. I was hesitant and thinking of staying home till the last moment.
Rationalizing it with excuses about bad weather that don't make sense. Sometimes fewer people in the club because of bad weather is a good thing because there's less chaos and more possibility to strike up a conversation.
I chose the closest club to my house even if not ideal because it was a minimal goa techno party which means that 90% of people there were on something. I approached a girl "How you going", "Good" and kept walking without brakes.
another girl was giving me eye contact, maybe on the older side 25/26 i guess but didn't approach even when she got very close.

Not good but it was my first night, and I was probably the only one alone without friends in the entire venue, I spent only 10 euros and got one approach in. And i did all this without alcohol. Not super bad for now.

Tinder dried up, I don't get matches even with boosts. I see many many attractive girls, it hurts knowing that they're all seeing my profile and I'm not attractive for any of them.

I will use tinder passport to try and swipe in different cities. I have some girls on tinder that want to date but they don't know when because they're "busy" and "will let me know". I don't know what to do in this case and if I have to keep texting or not. What I know is they're never "busy" when they find you attractive
Thrice said:
hello @pancakemouse https://imgur.com/a/hdoYyrd

She seems like a waste of time, but baseline Game rule: never write "haha" to a girl, or laugh at something she says via text.
pancakemouse said:
baseline Game rule: never write "haha" to a girl, or laugh at something she says via text.

Why not?
Thrice said:
Not good but it was my first night, and I was probably the only one alone without friends in the entire venue, I spent only 10 euros and got one approach in. And i did all this without alcohol. Not super bad for now.

That night sounds like a win to me. Sure, in a perfect world you would’ve done 15 approaches and pulled the hottest girl in the club, but you did two things — going to a club by yourself and opening a girl while at a club by yourself— that 95% of people would never have the balls to do.

You took action toward a goal that’s important to you in a way that almost anyone would find terrifying. Well done
Terminator said:
pancakemouse said:
baseline Game rule: never write "haha" to a girl, or laugh at something she says via text.

Why not?

Breaks tension and/or needless validation. She should be laughing at what you say, not the other way around. It also doesn't move the interaction forward.
This was a wild experience, I got my first tinder lay Monday night, and a strange one at that. So at about 6 pm, i use a boost with almost no matches, just a couple of girls, one of them is down for a date but next weekend. After dinner I had nothing and knowing I didn't have work the day after and could stay app all night I kept swiping (without boost)

At 1.30 am i match this 22yo American girl, she's a student in Milan, i asked her out for drinks and her answer was come and fuck me basically
I'm very afraid of getting cucked knowing I would have 1h travel to reach her so i try to send a couple more messages.

She was very nice, asked me what i wanted to eat and told me to not drive fast and be carefull. Basically assuring me she will stay up and not go to sleep even if it takes a bit more

I park the car and go straight to her apartment, she was very happy to see me. We tried this self made cocktail with limoncello and orange tia and started chatting about this and that.
Within 5 minutes maybe I tried to kiss her, she was down at first but stopped after 30 seconds. I didn't push because i'm the down who's been invited to fuck and she's the one trying to close the deal
We talked a bit more and she said she liked my eyes and was a bit intimidated and needed more time. It turns out that by more time she meant 2 minutes, we get undressed and start fucking

She sucked my dick for a good 15 minutes, deepthroating until gagging. She only made pauses to be able to breathe before swallowing my entire cock again
She had condoms with her but when I tried to put one on she tried to convince me it was not needed. This is where i get turned off and start worrying. This girl wants me to fuck her during her period without a condom...
I put the condom on and start pounding, she doesn't really scream or moan loudly but asked to be as rough as possible and choke her too.
It was a good 15 minutes of pounding. We started talking after sex and she told me she has ADHD, I asked her if she has adderall and she gave me a couple of pills to bring home. That stuff is almost impossible to get prescribed in Italy.

I know they say don't stick your dick in crazy, this girl is only 22 but she obviously had a lot of practice and has some mental issue, but i have some mental issue too as you can in my log
We had crazy wild sex and was wild on her part to ask me to fuck her without a condom, which I didn't of course, but besides that, the girl is very logical and rational.
She talked about her life and she likes/dislikes about America like a very normal girl. No signs of a mean or irrational side. I slept with her and went back home the morning after, again i woke up next to a very normal girl, we talked about normal stuff like two normal people
I sent her a message on watsap in the evening to see if she ghosts maybe out of shame/regret or something, she didn't and her reply was very sweet

I kept receiving texts from the Irish girl, i don't know what she wanted to do but since i don't want to have sexless dates with a girl that was one 1hour from my home I tried to sexualize the conversation to see if she's down to business. i will show you the screen shot so you can tell if this is the right way to sexualize the conversation

there's a possibility that my first lay with tinder will always remain the wildest one, and that's strange. It also feels strange because only chads get invitations at home directly, in fact, i'm the one who tried to "prove" this for years doing tinder experiments with fake male model profiles. And now at 35 i just lived that same experience

Its so strange

Dude this is epic. I told you it was bound to happen soon.

And I will say from experience that crazy girls are usually the best in bed.

Interesting that you enjoyed it so much because most people’s first time isn’t good.

Congrats man and I hope this will give you more confidence that you can succeed in the future