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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

when they hit me with that will see i wish the whole world was like saudi arabia lol i have to try get better girls through night game
My 1-year tinder experiment failed completely. I match here and there with girls of such low SMV who see me as an upgrade and even then they end up talking to me like I'm under them. Even fucking that American girl made me a bit depressed.
I find myself obsessively thinking about how easy it is to have sex for woman. She was horny and all she had to do was give me her address, I wasn't able to do that when I was her age and now I'm old and I need cialis and sex is not even that pleasurable after years of depression.
To be normal I should've had sex when I was young and was craving girls and intimacy. Now I'm a soulless blackpill guy with no purpose in life who works for a cleaning company at 35.

The experience with tinder is a crazy one, swiping 1000 girls to get 1 match knowing that 999 of them didn't like me. The hatred I have towards women is something else but maybe i should hate man for allowing all this. I have to find a new way and give myself a purpose in life

You can't post girls faces man. Edit them all out, and stop posting them!

You can use MS paint to block their face, and post it after.

Do not do this again.


Edit: I deleted the one where you could see the whole girls profile, her face, her name, age, all her details. LMAO. You cannot post this bro. What if a lurker found the chick and linked her to this forum? She'd go mad! Please don't do this
Thrice said:
Now I'm a soulless blackpill guy with no purpose in life who works for a cleaning company at 35.

Ever thought about starting your own company or going private? There's good money if you can get efficient at this kind of stuff and you've already got the experience to k ow what you'll need to set up in this area.
Thrice said:
My 1-year tinder experiment failed completely.

I'm afraid you've been inflicted with MakingAComeback-brain — inability to recognize your own success
So as you can see in my last post Friday I had a mental breakdown that took 5 years of my life I think. I was obsessively thinking about redpill stuff and couldn't stop, like girls have more sex than men etc.

later I match with this girl, I ask her out and i got another "maybe" that usually leads nowhere. I go full redpill rage on this poor girl and call her an animal.
I "warn" her about hitting the wall one day and there won't be any guys around to say "maybe" to. I tell her that it's girls like her that use the app for attention that makes things harder for guys looking for a normal date.
I go on with other redpill stuff like a maniac.

The next day I noticed she didn't unmatch and asked her out again and sh accepted. I was quite nervous considering that all i did to win her heart is call her an animal and go full The Rational Male on her lol

I was thinking that the most likely thing was her unmatching to make me pay by wasting my time but girls are not confrontational and don't usually do this.
The second most likely thing is she's here with her brother/father ready to beat me up.

I was also afraid about having a super awkward date with an angry girl asking why I called her an animal etc.
We met and she was super happy, like nothing happened.
In fact She's the one that goes for a hug while calling me handsome, I was quite confused.

This ended up being the best date so far. We visited the city center, the Duomo, and all the historic buildings. We had the best espresso in town in my favorite bar. For the first time in 6 years I took my espresso while sitting with a girl, it gave me almost a confidence boost.
I invited her back home and she accepted. sex with her was better compared to American girl.

Thinking about it american girl has no chill and wants me "inside her" after 5 minutes.
With this girl sex was more fulfilling, we had a long foreplay session. She has a beautiful petite body (zero tits) and amazing skin. Just touching or liking her neck made her moan very loudly. I also ate her pussy, something I didn't with american girl.

It's sad but the only thing missing was higher libido, took pt141 and didn't do shit. But I have to stay positive and remind myself that fixing my libido is a first-world problem compared to my absolutely lonely and painful past. My brain is negative so sometimes I think that my dopamine system is ruined forever but I attribute this to my negative tendencies not reality.

Another small negative note is she said you're not 25 because you have grey hair, I freaked out and started thinking it's too late to get young girls. Bought hair duy the day after.

We went for another walk in the evening and tried some good local food, at 8 pm she went to la spezia.
I feel a bit sad for this girl she keeps texting she miss me and thinks about me. As a redpilled guy i don't devolop feeling and i know she likes me just because i lookmaxed but i still feel sad for her when she send those kind of texts.

To make this weekend even more interesting I had another date with a 22yo Finnish girl on erasmus, this girl is a bit weird but very nice, had fun time with her but she didn't want to come back home which is fine, she's here for another 2 months.
We bought a bottle of Lambrusco and went to the main park, after a few glasses she started getting a bit drunk and started touching me and calling me handsome but she still didn't want to come back home with me.
Man the guys I grew up with are married with kids, it's easy to feel a failure in my position but it's these fun experiences that make it worth it.

LOL. i like your texting here. very assertive.
Thrice said:

Good persistence. I think (hope) to acknowledge this but you got this lay in spite of your outburst, not because of this. It's good you created drama, but make sure not to go overboard and blow out the match.

The Manny Montana comparison is interesting. You should lean into this.
Today i had an incredibly humiliating experience, i had this date planned with a french girl at 6 pm. Woke up very early to be able to finish work early and show up at the date, considering she's 1.5h drive from me.

When i was there at six i started noticing something strange, she was reading my message without replying. 1 hour later she replies sorry i'm at the restaurant with my family when do you want to meet
i tell her we can meet when she finishes dinner
anyway, this girl have been reading my messages all the time, she wasn't in a restaurant but at home
at 11pm i text her "you will pay for this" and she replies 1 second later trying to come up with a story, proof there was never a problem with her watsap
Now if I was a good guy who never threatens woman I'd be still thinking that she has a problem with her French SIM card

so imagine this girl knew i was there all of that time and didn't care, she replied only when she got scared. It's not i'm not a real human, i'm like the phone itself, something in her pocket. Changed idea about meeting...just don't answer. Imagine the lack of respect.

I felt incredibly sad and humiliated, i deleted all the girls numbers from my watsap and from drive so i wont be tempted to look for the numbers again. i also blocked and deleted the number of lithuanian girl i fucked this weekend. Same thing with the irish girl and the finnish girl.
None of them are attractive anyway, i wasent able to attractive 1 attractive girl and i have no proof i will ever be able to do that.

I spent a fortune on boost to fuck 2 girls that arent attractive. the last number i got from an approach was on june. I think about taking pictures and i never do it because i dont know how to smile and how to tak social pics

this journey is extremely painfull, maybe more painfull than if i did just accept loneliness and stayed home without doing anything. At this point i really have zero respect for woman, we're not in the same team.
Thrice said:
she's 1.5h drive from me
Surely you were aware of the possibility of a flake and the position you're putting yourself in driving that long for a chick, apparently without question? If you're going to take risks like that, you need to physically and mentally prepare for the worst case scenario.

Thrice said:
at 11pm i text her "you will pay for this"
This is a dangerous message to send a girl, I hope she doesn't take this as a physical threat. You can get in deep shit if you send this to the wrong girl. You're lucky your last lash-out didn't end badly (you may have gotten laid IN SPITE OF it, not because of it).

I don't have a solution to offer, but I can definitely tell you this isn't a productive way to react, even though yes it's absolutely fucked up what she did. Everyone gets frustrated. Very frustrated even. At the very least, it needs to be redirected to a harmless area (angry posts on a forum like here), In the best case, you should be sublimating your anger. Hope this provides some insight.
september said:
what was the messaging BEFORE 6pm
[15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Heyy [15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Hello [16/4, 1:15 p.m.]
Lola: Hello [16/4, 1:55 p.m.]
Momo: Hello [16/4, 5:47 p.m.]

Momo: Wei [16/4, 5:47 p.m.]
Momo: See you, where is the stadium? [16/4, 6:35 p.m.]
Momo: I think your WhatsApp is closed again [16/4, 6:45 p.m.]

Momo: Sorry lola, if you're no longer interested, you can tell me without any problem, so I'll go :) If you're there, I'll be happy to wait for you ! [16/4, 7:13 p.m.]

Lola: Oh sorry [16/4, 7:13 p.m.] Lola: I hadn’t seen your messages ( so at 7pm she didn't read the messages of someone she hate a date with at 6pm😉) [16/4, 7:13 p.m.] Lola: I’m at the restaurant [16/4, 7:13 p.m.]
Lola: I don’t know what time I’m coming home [4/16, 7:14 p.m.] Lola: What time do you want to meet up?

[16/4, 7:14 p.m.] Momo: No problem, I'm in the center eating focaccia [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]

Lola: Okay, no worries

[16/4, 7:16 p.m.] Momo: If you want, we can meet when you're finished, we'll probably be close. [16/4, 7:25 p.m.]

Lola: Yes, no worries 😘

Thrice said:
Lola: What time do you want to meet up? [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]
Momo: No problem, I'm in the center eating focaccia [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]

I think this is where you fucked up. She explicitly asked you what time you wanted to meet, but instead you made meeting up with her not your priority. You could've asked her what time she was done eating (a good option) but the more dominant option would be to propose a time and place.

The more dominant option has its caveats, because if you propose a time that is to early for her to meet you, it breaks open another can of worms. But it is at least better then deflecting her question, what you did.

Lola: Okay, no worries [16/4, 7:16 p.m.]
Momo: If you want, we can meet when you're finished, we'll probably be close. [16/4, 7:25 p.m.]

Lola: Yes, no worries 😘

Here you could have asked your question differently.

Instead of saying: If you want, we can meet we can meet when you're finished, you could have asked: What time are you finished? -> [She answers] -> you: Okay, lets meet at [place] at [time]. Enjoy dinner ;).
Call her next time.

MisterE is spot on, if you are going to spend the time to drive to someone's city, you need to take the lead more in your actions. Instead you come off as weak in your messaging and then explode as soon as things go your way.

Channel that anger into grounded masculinity and cold dominance so she understands from the start that you're not to be messed with.
Tried to call her many times, I'm also not stupid. She was at home not at restaurant, she was within a mile and there was no restaurants

All she had to do is say no when i asked her out
MisterE said:
I think this is where you fucked up. She explicitly asked you what time you wanted to meet, but instead you made meeting up with her not your priority. You could've asked her what time she was done eating (a good option) but the more dominant option would be to propose a time and place.

She started ignoring my calls from 5pm, she came up with the invisible restaurant thing while sitting in her couch at 7p.m. Way past our date time.

Ok i wasent assertive enough and didn't take the charge, i just told we meet after you finish dinner at the invisible restaurant. From that time on she didn't text until i became aggressive

Remember, after many calls she's asking herself if i turned aggressive already, that's making it look like I'm chilling while waiting it's not a bad thing

Be more dominant and maybe call her for confirmation before going to her city? Yeah i will start doing that with girls that need it
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).
Also control your impulses a bit more when you feel this angry/disencouraged. Deleting all the numbers doesn't seem like the smartest move.
You might use some of the girls as temporarily fun fuckbuddies so you don't come over to needy with other girls.
(But ofcourse I have no idea how your vibe was with these girls)

In general, never do a 1,5h drive, make them come to you the first time.
If she proves to be worth your time, you can then invest that time. (But I have a feeling you already know that)
Making her come all the way to you, also gives you the advantage that's she's already investing alot to meet you.
(As you noticed from yourself, because you are hurt because of the investments)

As for the not smiling on pictures part, there is an easy fix. You take your photo's and add the emotions on facetune/faceapp (whatever it's called)
Seems like you are making a bullshit excuse to not improve your profile.
ThelegendofJ said:
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).

dont worry for me, worry about you not getting laid and do something about it. You have 11 posts, i don't need your advice
Thrice said:
ThelegendofJ said:
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).

dont worry for me, worry about you not getting laid and do something about it. You have 11 posts, i don't need your advice

Your ego wrote this reply. Not you.