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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

I visited an endocrinologist and he prescribed me the blood work i have to do and show him on our next visit.
I will bet money your bloodwork will be within normal range and maybe even on the high end, making TRT of little use for libido purposes.
Wether you decide to go for TRT or not, having zero social circle is something I encourage you to address.
As you noticed yourself, a social circle would do wonders in clubs. It would also be good for your mental health.
Clubs and bars are less stressful and more enjoyable with friends. That's what used to work for me: my friends and I would be there to have a good time, we'd have a good vibe, the women we would approach liked it

I'm pretty sure Spending time around masculine men and feminine women, partying with them... would positively impact your sex drive also
Based on your earlier bloodwork Dr. Terminator would recommend TRT for you if only you can get an MD to prescribe it for you. I don't know how it is in your country.

That being said, most people don't enjoy their first sexual experience(s), and for me it has been hit and miss for the longest time as well. There are a plurality of other factors that effect libido other than hormones. I know this because I'm at liberty to alter my hormone levels at will, yet still don't always have the best libido.

You're not gonna die at 60 from TRT. If anything it will extend lifespan if we're strictly talking about TRT, not self-prescribed "sports TRT".
My problems are

  • i don't know how to get younger girls because i'm not connected in any social circle
  • i work a shitty cleaning job and don't know if i want to change job
  • i live in a small 200k town, thats why i don't know if i even have to bother changing job or just move
  • i still have low libido from depression and sometimes the sex is not great
All I can say is you've identified your problems, now deal with them in a productive and healthy manner.

Social circle;
I'm in a similar boat and I saw what you said about being friends with a drug dealer. Sounds a bit like the situation I had while in college. He was a funny, intelligent guy, but wasted potential on drugs and just being a liar when he really didn't need to be. But he was connected locally to some rappers and I did get to meet some interesting people by hanging out with him.

So what can both of us do? Advice for me and you. Well logically there must be some cool, connected people that are not drug dealers and don't suck. Maybe we should try to make friends with those sort of people instead. How? Good question. But I'm sure it as something to do to A. Becoming someone that aforementioned cool connected people would be glad to have around and B. going to places where such people might hang out. Gritty sweaty nightclubs? Nah, you wont really find them there.

I have a couple for stories of meeting some cool guys, dare I say chads, that would have potentially led me to getting laid situations with hot girls had I known what I was doing ( don't worry, still don't, but exposure is experience) Its about being in the right kind of place, with a fun friendly vibe.

I sense a lot of anger from your posts. I get it and I won't pretend to be some wise sage that is all zen, I get pretty pissed off too. But anger and resentment for women is not conducive to getting more of them and more importantly to your general happiness. The process sucks and yeah trust me I see all the average and/or self-congratulatory cunts that have cute young girls around them simply by virtue that they grew up in the right family with the right friend groups etc. But the opposite applies too. People have looked at you and wish they had your looks or circumstance. There are a lot of people born in worse circumstance, or with a congenital disease that can't go out and do what you and I do. I'll save the platitude, you get the idea. Try to work on your anger and resentment, girls can sense it.

Anyway initially wanted to reply to address the TRT as someone who's on it, its not terrible but does have implications. It costs money and requires closer monitoring of your bloods regularly. You're on it for life, although there are ways to get. You've to stick a needle in your ass every 5 days (not all that bad but sometimes I forget). Your balls will shrink. Could have implications on fertility and with what kids you have (MPMD did a vid on bodybuilding steroid users having all daughter families for example)

Your levels are low and you most def are legible, and @Terminator is right. Just make you exhaust your natural potential by improving lifestyle before becoming a permanent pharma subscriber. Quit smoking, exercise, get enough sleep, eat well, and also cultivate mental wellness. Its not a fix all. It helped a lot in my life but the mental hang-ups are still there as they are all my own doing., and proper test levels won't help that. They just got me out of being bed-ridden and wanting to kill myself to just doing stuff that might actually get me the life I want.

Libido has never been an issue for me but porn has, still haven't kicked that habit but yeah if that's an issue for you than make sure you deal with it too. Just make absolutely sure you can't improve through lifestyle before becoming dependent on a pharmaceutical product.
It is very cool you started to create results.

SMV is king IMO and when that is nailed down you just get results.

Interesting that you share that it was being very lean, like abs lean, that started to bring you the results you're looking for.

I need to get that lean after my bulk and see whats what.

Glad you're plugging away. Let us know how it's going.

So yesterday I hit the club again, I had a drink to get loose which is something I don't like, i'm trying to get very very lean and of course, alcohol doesn't help this goal. Thing is i went to Tekno club as usual and the atmosphere is wild so if you're someone who does not do drugs you need something to unlock the wild side

The recap is always the same, didn't do shit. It's difficult to approach. the hot 18/23yo party girls are either already with someone or single but difficult to approach. By 5am I was very angry and frustrated. It's like I'm going out on weekends just to look at those party girls I want but don't get.
In a small 200k town I can't do big volumes, approaching on the streets is not an option. 90% of girls here already see me as a creep and look scared because I used to stalk them with fake profiles and I was completely sexless.

the fact that they recognise in the club shows how small towns work. imagine if I approached on the street, the girls are the same and it wouldn't end well.
All I'm left is social circle game but i don't have a plan, i don't know exactly what to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow which leaves me just stuck and thinking all-day

On a positive note is incredible how man don't age like woman and can repeat "life cycles".
I already did this "life cycle" of hitting the clubs at 20 and now i'm repeating at 36 and when people in the club guess my age still think i'm 20 something. Basically as a man if we lower bodyfat we almost don't age, we're like vampires compared to woman.

The deejay's girlfriends was so sexy with those shorts, she's probably like 19. I asked to follow her on ig and she accepted. She also remembers I asked to follow her, proof they check every single profile.
Her ass was painful to watch but again it should not be that frustrating. Every year 100's of millions of girl are in their party years, I'm the one who decided to take a different non-normie path and decided to redo that cycle.

I'm giving them too much importance. there's millions of party years girls with that kind of ass and that kind of shorts in every city around the globe.
So the party girls i want are living the "party years cycle", but since they are girls they will only do it one time and stop at 25. That's quite interesting. I was thinking about it yesterday.
as man we can repeat the cycles that didn't go well and do it better this time.

the cycle that didn't go well for me is fucking and being seen with these young girls because i fell in love with a girl like that at 15 and it was hell for 3 years. From 15 to 18 3 years of extreme blue pill fueled pain, was writing love songs for her and shit. I was beta as fuck.
That's why when I see these girls now I get stuck like a deer in headlights. if i have to be honest with myself I want to fuck and be seen with those girls. I think Chris from GLL said in an articles that just beign seen with a hottie can do wonders for your self esteem

I mean I will always have a thing for Chris from GLL because every time i do some introspection about the unconscious reasons that drive my behavior and desires I find an article on GLL that talked about it. It's just incredible
I only admitted to myself very recently that one unconscious motivation is not only fuck but also beign seen with those party girls, that's why i didn't stop hitting this clubs for the last 15 years

Difficult to admit, imagine even i said that in the normie world yet chris already talked about it.
I'm waiting for blood results, and looking forward to trying test. My test and free test are shit and I'm curious to see what will improve once I
None of us approach at techno raves generally it’s archetype or death and it’s also very hard to approach as you can’t talk and generally people are not mixing

If you want to do night game seriously you gotta really find venues that work

I tried nightgame in Budapest with Paw and Ralph, generally it was quite fun and I’ve done nights out with guys from here (Olaf, Ali) and was getting attraction in my sets from the hottest girls but it just wouldn’t go anywhere

There are a lot of logistical issues in night game like her friends, the shame factor, women also are tribal so if you’re outside her market in nightgame the shame effect is going to flood her brain with negative emotions and it’ll be blowout central, which was what would often happen to me

I decided to just never approach groups and just try to move around and try to find solo sets when they were in between doing things so I could catch them off guard, that would allow me to get convos and sometimes that would be enough to generate some attraction but often came to nil

Good work Thrice

I’d say try to nail the archetype for this environment to put it on easy mode, like scumbag drug dealer type look would work man

You know you close when you’re lean af

Is just keep leaning into the looks optimising route as you know it works and have gotten outcomes

The rage actually over time subsides and makes you far harder and tougher as a man

When rejection literally means nothing to you, it will be a happier part in the journey for ya

The game is the game

Either you play it and try to find ways to win

Or you sit at the sidelines are are guaranteed to lose

You're probably an archetype match for a techno rave. Just sit in the smoking area with a pack of smokes and people will bum cigarettes and start talking to you -- I guarantee this. Or if you want to approach strangers, the easiest line is to ask people/girls which DJ they came to see. All of this is in the smoking area though; inside it's way too loud to interact.
You're probably an archetype match for a techno rave. Just sit in the smoking area with a pack of smokes and people will bum cigarettes and start talking to you -- I guarantee this.
You're spot on. The only number i got from night game is from girl who asked me for a cigarette. and the only times I got approached is from girls who asked me a cigarette but I don't smoke
I tried nightgame in Budapest with Paw and Ralph, generally it was quite fun and I’ve done nights out with guys from here (Olaf, Ali) and was getting attraction in my sets from the hottest girls but it just wouldn’t go anywhere

we have to meet and try night game together, I'm curious to see what I can do with a wing that can also give me live feedback. We have many options in Europe, if you want try Milan it's 50 minutes train distance from me.
weekly update
my photoshoot is ready,

didn't have any specific goals other than to have my first photoshoot, look at it, and see my reaction. This guy has his style, he uses flash, etc. The photos on his ig are cool but i look like shit. I felt like shit as soon as I opened the link he sent me.
I lost the energy and positivity I had, skipped workouts, and started eating junk cars while listening to sad songs.
Tomorrow I will try the trauma tapping technique, by the way, i react when I see myself it's a clear product of trauma and I don't know how to solve it because I would prefer to change instead of working on acceptance. I don't like the idea of going zen and accepting things that are shit but will try all the trauma-relieving techniques anyway

thing is i look better in the pictures i took myself with my camera

if i looked like this in real life I would have no problem with my appearance but we look like our worst pic. The guy above is handsome but he's a completely different guy from any other pic. I have been called handsome sexy etc on tinder with this pic even if the background is shit, also when i use this pic many girls open first. So why i look like shit on other pics?
Maybe i kept the calorie deficit for too much and now i'm all dry and sucked in? because i have a more muscular face and neck in the pick where i look good.
If i only knew that i look like that pic in real life i would approach 10 girls a day with no problem. Now i still approach girls, but as soon as they don't comply with something i tell them to fuck off. I start thinking that talking was useless because they thought i'm ugly in the first second.
I'm looking at test and a possible cycle too. Those thin arms are not doing me any favor either.

I'm going out friday and saturday, i actually don't approach much but the goal is to create a social circle. The guys i'm meeting are fucked up but belive it or not they have very hot young female friends. I can also just approach by myself, i don't have to stay with them the entire night, it's just a good thing knowing i'm them and not completely alone.
yesteday i saw this super cute girls, she noticed i looked at her but didn't want to approach her. i prefer waiting and approach later, thats actually how social circle game works. She's in that social circle so i will see her again
Once i have a good ig page i will approach more often, girls just prefer to give ig and not watsap, they feel safer with ig. The hope was to use one of the photoshoot pics for ig but i feel i look ike shit and i also have a sad expression
You look good in the photos, they're not incredible but you're expression is milder and a bit more approachable than before. The photo you took of yourself is pretty good imho. Shows your good facial features and expression is smouldering but not too stern, again more approachable.

if i looked like this in real life I would have no problem with my appearance but we look like our worst pic. The guy above is handsome but he's a completely different guy from any other pic. I have been called handsome sexy etc on tinder with this pic even if the background is shit, also when i use this pic many girls open first. So why i look like shit on other pics?
Maybe i kept the calorie deficit for too much and now i'm all dry and sucked in? because i have a more muscular face and neck in the pick where i look good.
If i only knew that i look like that pic in real life i would approach 10 girls a day with no problem. Now i still approach girls, but as soon as they don't comply with something i tell them to fuck off. I start thinking that talking was useless because they thought i'm ugly in the first second.

Whats this? Whats this attitude about? Have you gained 5, 10 kilos since these pics? Lost an eye? No? Then these pics are you man, a few hundred grams of water weight or some bags dont mean shit, as long as you are lookoing after yourself generally.

Again i need to call you out on your attitude adjustment. Sounds like take rejection or non-compliance too personally, and just throw the whole thing under the bus if its not going 100% how you imagined it (by the way, it never does)

And what do you gain by telling girls to fuck off, you feel better? That reinforces in their mind that men are aggressive and mean when things dont go well, and guess what, you left two people, you and her, shittier than before the interaction. Not really what were about here, and not much to gain from that.

She's rejecting your approach, not you as a person, because if you just met her, she knows nothing about you.

The guys i'm meeting are fucked up but belive it or not they have very hot young female friends

Were the sum of the 5 people we spend our time with, so be careful you don't become a fucked up person as well.
She's rejecting your approach, not you as a person
they actually reject your looks and dont care about approach. My log actually proves this

the last 2 girls I fucked from tinder
- Lithuanian girl, I told her she's a retarded animal and she wanted to fuck anyway. She asked me to not kill her after fucking lol
- girl from Milan area, she asked me what you're looking for, I told her it's a silly question because woman have nothing to offer beside pussy. She laughed and didn't care.

They could care less about approach, either they like or don't like your looks
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they actually reject your looks and dont care about approach. My log actually proves this

the last 2 girls I fucked from tinder
- Lithuanian girl, I told her she's a retarded animal and she wanted to fuck anyway. She asked me to not kill her after fucking lol
- girl from Milan area, she asked me what you're looking for, I told her it's a silly question because woman have nothing to offer beside pussy. She laughed and didn't care.

They could care less about approach, either they like or don't like your looks
Not really true for cold approach.

You're talking about online. Yeah, online is blackpilled as fuck. Nightgame is a close second. In terms of daygame though, your approach absolutely matters.

I've had girls who liked my looks but because my vibe is so unmasculine and autistic they lose interest fast.

Looks on their own isn't enough unless you're an absolute chad.

However it is true that if you're really good looking, girls give you more of a pass for bad game.
Looks pill has to be swallowed man.

All you can do, is work on your looks. There is no use torturing yourself for not having them.

In your case, the thing is, you do have the looks. You'd get no matches and have access to absolute pigs if you didn't have them. Guess how I know that.....lol...............

Looks are king.

They are literally 90% of your dating success.

Ascend, work on every facet of this game, and just learn to live a healthier, happier, and enjoyable life.

You're pretty early on man. The guys who've been going for years, seen so much of this shit, done the work and seen the process through, tend to let go. Modern women and relationships, are pretty terrible for the best of them. You just get what you can, stack up the lays, find what positive experiences you can, and learn to grow and mature as a dude.

You'll get over it. It took me a few years, but I moved on. I improve myself, for me, and no longer want a wife and kids.

You can't blame yourself for reality, you can't blame yourself for deficits in looks and not fitting the mould of what modern women are looking for, sadly they are looks and imagine obsessed.

You can only blame yourself for not rising to be the best version of yourself and finding ways to win and live a good life.

Too much focus on women, will just bring hell and agony. That is why, this is a SELF IMPROVEMENT forum, and we encourage men to have good lives.

You'll be OK man.

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In your case, the thing is, you do have the looks. You'd get no matches and have access to absolute pigs if you didn't have them. Guess how I know that.....lol...............
I think Thrice is in a similar boat to me. He's somewhat attractive (above average) but he's not on the level where (attractive) girls will just throw themselves at him. Hence, his approach does matter.
I think Thrice is in a similar boat to me. He's somewhat attractive (above average) but he's not on the level where (attractive) girls will just throw themselves at him. Hence, his approach does matter.

Yeah, I agree with that.

He will have to nail that down.

I'm just saying, he will still have to accept his looks, just work on them, and swallow a few bitter pills.

For even the most motivated, driven, and hard working men in society, if you don't have really superb looks, you will have a dating life that is a bitter uphill battle, for often shit returns.

Charlatans and cunts trying to make a buck, won't tell you that.

But, this is literally how it works.

He should know that, and do the deeper work to accept & be OK with it.

they actually reject your looks and dont care about approach. My log actually proves this

the last 2 girls I fucked from tinder
- Lithuanian girl, I told her she's a retarded animal and she wanted to fuck anyway. She asked me to not kill her after fucking lol
- girl from Milan area, she asked me what you're looking for, I told her it's a silly question because woman have nothing to offer beside pussy. She laughed and didn't care.

They could care less about approach, either they like or don't like your looks
When you're so beginner that all you get are Super Yes girls, then it's easy to have that mentality.

I actually used to think this same stuff. Then as I leveled up I realized I was seeing a small percentage of the greater picture.

If you knew how to build tension, how to approach, how to vibe, how to be positive and emanate charm, you would actually see results in nightgame in accordance with your looks.

But it's like The Force, just me explaining it to Han Solo isn't going to convince you, you have to see it and perhaps wield it for yourself one day.
When you're so beginner that all you get are Super Yes girls, then it's easy to have that mentality.

I actually used to think this same stuff. Then as I leveled up I realized I was seeing a small percentage of the greater picture.

If you knew how to build tension, how to approach, how to vibe, how to be positive and emanate charm, you would actually see results in nightgame in accordance with your looks.

But it's like The Force, just me explaining it to Han Solo isn't going to convince you, you have to see it and perhaps wield it for yourself one day.
how do you explain the guys that got nothing out of 1000approaches? I also feel like a bluepiller who doesn't know that attraction (or lack of thereof) is created within a fraction of a second. So I feel like a cuck who's entertaining a girl when the outcome is already decided.

The numbers I got from the club were from girls who stared at me all night. I would have to approach a girl who didn't notice me to believe in game, and even then I would have to ask her if she found me attractive from the start

by the way, we're not so distant as it may seem, I do believe in something and it's "social circle game". There are this girl at the club, they are super hot and like 19yo and they are dating illegal immigrants they met within their social circle. they simply bought weed from them I think

These guys are not better looking but the girls are hot, I can send a picture if you want of a girl I find very attractive and her current boyfriend. I can't believe my life revolves around this while a girl that hot is fucking a guy that's average at best and selling weed.
What's most fucked up is that he probably think that this girl is nothing special while I get a small heart attack every time I see her lol

So we can agree there's another form of attraction, which I would call "attraction through proximity". Maybe the female brain evolved for this kind of attraction, or maybe I'm being too harsh and those guys are actually good looking?

in any case I will approach and test game. I will try to follow all the rules and not snap or rage at girls.