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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

It's been a rough week mentally. I had a hard time processing what I saw the week prior. A 23 yo guy fucking and doing coke with the hotties I've been stalking with a fake profile for 2 years. This made me realize that it was never just about appearance, I was beta and that's what destroyed my life. These guys don't even have papers and are fucking hotties, not stalking them with fake profiles.
I felt embarrassed.
They're not doing the coke and hookers things, but the coke and hot girlfriend. Say what you want but even to do coke you have to be alpha, as a beta I'm scared of everything that can have long-term non-predictable consequences. They do without thinking, while I wasted the first 35 years of my life just thinking, and I'm still doing it.

I have the flu + I spiraled down into depression and my libido/energy went to zero. No plans for the future in my brain just a constant recap of how it went and questions about how it could have been.

I hope to get out of this depression phase and go back to work. I'm still working so the car and full sleeve money are coming soon. Not working out or going out but I will force myself to do it once I heal, even if the depression is still there.

Sometimes the hatred and negativity emerge from the abyss and I just let it do its course, telling myself tomorrow is another day.

the bluepill is like opium, it gives you that sense of well-being by making you detached from reality. I navigate the world sober, and it can be painful sometimes.

Starting from Monday I will practice taking pictures every day. A good ig page is crucial to get the social circle lays going. I'm sure about this and I proved my theories right in the past. Let's see if this is also true.
It's been a rough week mentally. I had a hard time processing what I saw the week prior. A 23 yo guy fucking and doing coke with the hotties I've been stalking with a fake profile for 2 years. This made me realize that it was never just about appearance, I was beta and that's what destroyed my life. These guys don't even have papers and are fucking hotties, not stalking them with fake profiles.
I felt embarrassed.
They're not doing the coke and hookers things, but the coke and hot girlfriend. Say what you want but even to do coke you have to be alpha, as a beta I'm scared of everything that can have long-term non-predictable consequences. They do without thinking, while I wasted the first 35 years of my life just thinking, and I'm still doing it.

Lol. Doing coke doesn't make you alpha. I have done my fair share of that kinda dumb shit in my past life. Been teetotal for years now mind you.

Alpha are the guys who get in the MMA cage and compete with other tough bastards, and deal with it. The guys who asser their will in the world, are fierce, and go for their dreams.

The world is full of losers who give no fucks in life just living a basic existence and engaged in hedonistic mindless crap.

We are the minority of men who take life seriously and attack it to squeeze every last bit out of it. And we are creating outcomes because of that.

I have the flu + I spiraled down into depression and my libido/energy went to zero. No plans for the future in my brain just a constant recap of how it went and questions about how it could have been.

Depression & rumination.

Drugs makes this 1000000000000000% worse

A guy with mental health issues cannot be doing drugs. So just stay in your lane,
I hope to get out of this depression phase and go back to work. I'm still working so the car and full sleeve money are coming soon. Not working out or going out but I will force myself to do it once I heal, even if the depression is still there.
Hardcase life brah.

Sometimes, it just hits you. But I promise you it gets WAY better over time.
Sometimes the hatred and negativity emerge from the abyss and I just let it do its course, telling myself tomorrow is another day.


You have healed a bit internally. This is a different Thrice.
the bluepill is like opium, it gives you that sense of well-being by making you detached from reality. I navigate the world sober, and it can be painful sometimes.

Starting from Monday I will practice taking pictures every day. A good ig page is crucial to get the social circle lays going. I'm sure about this and I proved my theories right in the past. Let's see if this is also true.

Sense of wellbeing alone can help us be more effective in life and the pursuit.

It can come from being blissfully ignorant, and it can also come from working on your mindset, and being a well-rounded and put together person

Say what you want but even to do coke you have to be alpha, as a beta I'm scared of everything that can have long-term non-predictable consequences. They do without thinking, while I wasted the first 35 years of my life just thinking, and I'm still doing it.
Doing drugs doesn't make you an alpha. Trust me.
Today worked at the pizza place and had a new Airbnb guest, i will use the money to pay the bills.
Tomorrow I'm on sick leave so I will clean. No more multitasking as I get too easily overwhelmed and end up just scrolling TikTok. Just 1 task for the day, cleaning. Allow myself to do what i want after I finish to celebrate my daily victory. I'm too depressed to be doing a bunch of stuff like the other guys, i barely function.

what ruined my life was the mental illness I was born with, me beign a beta and very bad parents.
These three things stole my youth from me and left me with an empty hole inside I'm constantly trying to fill.
That's why I could care less about money, business, and stuff like that and I just go to tekno clubs. I feel that my youth was stolen from me and I don't care about adult people's stuff.

I also don't care about high value people or beign one of them, like zero. I would like to have the social circle and the girlfriend I never had. This would make me happy even with zero money in the bank.

It's like I blinked, took a big breath, felt huge and unbearable levels of emotional pain, and woke up just to realize that my best years are over. Just like that, in a second.

I admit that the idea that they made a group about me being a stalker has been bothering me, but I will have to accept it. I think is an ego thing. I like to say I don't give a fuck but when I get approached or get compliments from a young girl I feel validated. So it's not true that they don't count and I don't care about them.
My brain recognizes them and for the same reason, I do care and feel embarrassed knowing they made a group about me.

I'm still better than 99% of male population, i went after them and approached them, even knowing 100% they will talk amongst each other about it lol

90% of man can't approach in normal conditions, I'm out there chasing and approaching girls that made a group about me lol

It's really easy to forget how much we evolved, if you saw me at the club you would not believe I was a beta who could not look at them in the eyes. I also can't believe how much I changed and evolved at different stages.

This journey made me change my views about society in general and woman. Most men are whipped and work their asses off for ungrateful old women. I check out thanks

what I like is the temporary company of young beautiful feminine girls. The Lithuanian girl was 25 and her body was amazing. No older than that.
Firstly, I truly know we've helped you heal, and suffer less as a person, when I notice subtle things in your posts.

This, for me as an admin, is great.

I want to help as many people as I can. And I am satisfied we've started to really get somewhere with you.
what ruined my life was the mental illness I was born with, me beign a beta and very bad parents.
These three things stole my youth from me and left me with an empty hole inside I'm constantly trying to fill.
That's why I could care less about money, business, and stuff like that and I just go to tekno clubs. I feel that my youth was stolen from me and I don't care about adult people's stuff.

You only see it as life ruining now, while you're still healing

When you're further along in your healing, it's no longer life ruining at all. It was part of your story, and you used it to create a better life.

We often paint an unrealistic picture of people's youths. Looking at the younger generation now, where 60% of men 18-26 are still virgins, I'd hardly say their youth was much.....

And when I consider the Giga Chads in my school, who were the most popular people and got all the girls and great experiences, some of them now reach out to me on social media and tell me how proud they are of me and what I became. While they are sat there with their fat wife and still existing in the shithole I grew up in.

The life of success, and to be a happy, healthy man, who made it, and who has a sexy girlfriend, is such an epic win that IMO you will let go of your perception of your mispent youth a lot.
I also don't care about high value people or beign one of them, like zero. I would like to have the social circle and the girlfriend I never had. This would make me happy even with zero money in the bank.


We know you value relationships above all.

So we just need to keep pushing you to build them.
It's like I blinked, took a big breath, felt huge and unbearable levels of emotional pain, and woke up just to realize that my best years are over. Just like that, in a second.

Is that true?

Is the best behind you?

I had the best months of getting laid in my life, this year at 33. I had the highest quality lay, this year at 33.

I got closer to people, opened up more, developed stronger relationships, and began to grapple with my very difficult inner game situation, this year. I am way better socially, find it easier to talk to people, and became far more grounded and whole. It is easier for me to speak to my extended family, and I am glad to have gotten closer to friends, clients, and acquaintances alike. I shared in the log recently that a client's wife wanted to introduce me to her best friend, who is a gorgeous woman, because of how much she likes and values me.

The human experiences which are very rewarding, began to happen over time, because I kept doing the work.

And this is taking place for you too. Slowly, but surely.

I used to dream about running a business and waking up to the sunrise on the beach in Mexico. I used to log about it, and used to tell my housemate Timmy about it.

I actually did it this year.

Point here is: in life, it's NEVER OVER UNTIL YOU'RE 6 FEET UNDER.

If you can breathe, you still have the damn opportunity to win the fight, even if you have to come back in the last round, it can, and will, be done.

No one's best years are behind them. Self Improvement, does not work like that. As you IMPROVE, as do your outcomes. Even if things are getting tougher, which I believe they are, we will always win, because we understand reality and how to work with it.
It's really easy to forget how much we evolved, if you saw me at the club you would not believe I was a beta who could not look at them in the eyes. I also can't believe how much I changed and evolved at different stages.

This journey made me change my views about society in general and woman. Most men are whipped and work their asses off for ungrateful old women. I check out thanks

Hahaha. Thrice dropping bars. Look, yeah, it's rough out there.

Staying with this shit, gives us a shot at fantastic outcomes.
what I like is the temporary company of young beautiful feminine girls. The Lithuanian girl was 25 and her body was amazing. No older than that.

Fuck yeah.

It is hard to find, but once you get it a few times, you stay with this shit.

Have had it twice myself. Those 2 women changed my life, and are why I keep going.

I disagree that they can't be older than 25. The 2 women who gave me exceptional sexual experiences were both 26 (lol). I agree this is typically the range.

I've done as old as 34/35, and they are starting to really degrade a lot at that stage!

I have been in a slump for some time now, going to bed late, waking up late, wasting money on hookers. One of the reasons might be that I'm working with my endo to improve the test-estrogen ratio, and I just started taking an ai recently. Who knows what the ratio is now and if it's the reason behind this depression phase.

Anyway, going back to work with full force, better than before, and the goal is to get something to show for it and stop being all talk. There's no reason why I shouldn't have girls now. The only reason is my fucking mental retardation and I'm sick of it.

I literally receive random compliments from strangers and still don't believe i have the looks even knowing that 99% don't receive compliments from random girls, let alone at 36. I better start fucking believe in myself, stop all the time-wasting insta-dopaminergic activities, and do the work.

I will write my daily goals here and follow them, report here if I fail to work at something as scheduled, and explain the reason. If I'm to mentally retarded to stick to it at least it's here for everybody to see

- workout push day
-30 minutes vocal exercises
- practice taking at least 10 pictures
I have been in a slump for some time now, going to bed late, waking up late, wasting money on hookers. One of the reasons might be that I'm working with my endo to improve the test-estrogen ratio, and I just started taking an ai recently. Who knows what the ratio is now and if it's the reason behind this depression phase.

Anyway, going back to work with full force, better than before, and the goal is to get something to show for it and stop being all talk. There's no reason why I shouldn't have girls now. The only reason is my fucking mental retardation and I'm sick of it.

I literally receive random compliments from strangers and still don't believe i have the looks even knowing that 99% don't receive compliments from random girls, let alone at 36. I better start fucking believe in myself, stop all the time-wasting insta-dopaminergic activities, and do the work.

I will write my daily goals here and follow them, report here if I fail to work at something as scheduled, and explain the reason. If I'm to mentally retarded to stick to it at least it's here for everybody to see

- workout push day
-30 minutes vocal exercises
- practice taking at least 10 pictures
You got a set routine for your vocal exercises? I'm trying to put together a daily practice routine myself

the biggest goal for today is to clean the house, can't keep living in a house like tha. I also want to get a workout in and 30 minutes vocal exercises. Will also take at least 10 pictures of myself
Recovering from the slump - good!

Now some energy is returning, let's take it slowly...

Above is great. MASSIVE STEP after weeks of bed bound depression and I am happy for you king.

What is ONE small action you can take on your big sticking point?

Of mental health recovery.

Love you brother,

What is ONE small action you can take on your big sticking point?

Of mental health recovery.
Thanks Mac!
I'm still learning about inner game and healing so I'm not sure if i understand the method, but in my view one small action is taking pictures and looking at them every day. As silly as it sounds I find that not accepting my appearance is my biggest sticking point. So exposure therapy


-cleaning house - not completed, will finish today
- 30 min vocal exercise - done and it was great, i did my first proper growl with a proper mic and i felt so confident
- taking 10 pictures - didn't do it so i will take 20 pictures today to compensate for yesterday

- finish cleaning the house
-30 minutes vocal exercise and record at least one song
- tak 20 pictures and look at them, experiment to find the pose and lighting that makes me look my best
Thanks Mac!
I'm still learning about inner game and healing so I'm not sure if i understand the method, but in my view one small action is taking pictures and looking at them every day. As silly as it sounds I find that not accepting my appearance is my biggest sticking point. So exposure therapy


-cleaning house - not completed, will finish today
- 30 min vocal exercise - done and it was great, i did my first proper growl with a proper mic and i felt so confident
- taking 10 pictures - didn't do it so i will take 20 pictures today to compensate for yesterday

- finish cleaning the house
-30 minutes vocal exercise and record at least one song
- tak 20 pictures and look at them, experiment to find the pose and lighting that makes me look my best

Hmm alright, I'll speak to Coach D and we can do a men's mental health series for our content next week.

WIll give you all the info you need.

Those insecurities about your image, MIGHT be resolved through exposure, to some degree.

But IMO, they are best handled, via inner work. Specifically:

-Nervous system regulation
-Psychological recovery work: Journalling, rebuilding your connection to your Self

If exposure therapy was enough, don't you think I would have found my core and inner game, after 10,000 approaches, 200 dates, dozens of lays?

For hardcases, and trauma cases, it doesn't work that way.

The way we approached Self Improvement here for the longest, in a cookie cutter way, was not effective for people. Getting laid, just starts the process of full recovery & healing off IF you're a guy who needs to go through a full and comprehensive development journey

Your concept of what it takes, might shift, as you learn more. So, stay open minded.

Your concept of what it takes, might shift, as you learn more. So, stay open minded.
sure I will, I'm liking your CM video series and I'm learning a lot from it too

- finish cleaning the house - incomplete, will finish today
-30 minutes vocal exercise and record at least one song- did the vocal exercises but didn't record the song
- tak 20 pictures and look at them, experiment to find the pose and lighting that makes me look my best- failed

-finish cleaning the house
-30 minutes vocal exercises and record a song
-take 20 pictures and look at them, experiment to find the pose and lighting that makes me look my best
I've had tonsillitis and it fucked me up, I had to take antibiotics and rest. I will start logging again today. Today I cleaned the house for my new Airbnb guest and it was so much work, the house was a mess as usual.
I have to find a way to work less while still making the same money, fuck cleaning toilets.

goals for tomorrow

- gym (push day)
- clean the rest of the house
-practice singing (30 minutes)
-take pictures inside for tinder and ig

I have been dealing with a lot of anger lately while sick and bedridden. I don't like that they made a group about me and want to know who did it first. Also, I wouldn't say I like it when some girls look at me like that at the club. These girls never faced any consequences and never paid for this behavior. The West is a fucking circus with beta males allowing all sorts of behavior from women.
Now they will have to deal with my new chad version and I bet none of them expected that. I'm not a clown and will find out everything about that group and who said what.

My plan is to use the girls that like me and ask them to tell me everything, we know they do everything for you when they like you. I have at least a couple of girls that like me from that group, maybe 3. If the person who started the group is a guy i feel it won't end very well for him.

Yes i used to stalk girls with fake profiles, there's a very long story behind this. All they care about is protecting the little angels from creeps. No one mentions that "creeps" are created because woman find most men repulsive so most man live in a constant state of sexual and love scarcity. Which is the reason i used to stalk girls, to see what they are doing on weekends.
It was just fear on missing out on love and sex, and thats what happened to me.

I chose this tattoo artist for my sleeve

now the goal is to instagram max and ascend so i can have my first social circle lay

i found this guy on youtube, some positive looksmaxing content without any blackpill spin, so i like it, at least it keeps me positive

I've had tonsillitis and it fucked me up, I had to take antibiotics and rest. I will start logging again today. Today I cleaned the house for my new Airbnb guest and it was so much work, the house was a mess as usual.
I have to find a way to work less while still making the same money, fuck cleaning toilets.

goals for tomorrow

- gym (push day)
- clean the rest of the house
-practice singing (30 minutes)
-take pictures inside for tinder and ig

I have been dealing with a lot of anger lately while sick and bedridden. I don't like that they made a group about me and want to know who did it first. Also, I wouldn't say I like it when some girls look at me like that at the club. These girls never faced any consequences and never paid for this behavior. The West is a fucking circus with beta males allowing all sorts of behavior from women.
Now they will have to deal with my new chad version and I bet none of them expected that. I'm not a clown and will find out everything about that group and who said what.

My plan is to use the girls that like me and ask them to tell me everything, we know they do everything for you when they like you. I have at least a couple of girls that like me from that group, maybe 3. If the person who started the group is a guy i feel it won't end very well for him.

Yes i used to stalk girls with fake profiles, there's a very long story behind this. All they care about is protecting the little angels from creeps. No one mentions that "creeps" are created because woman find most men repulsive so most man live in a constant state of sexual and love scarcity. Which is the reason i used to stalk girls, to see what they are doing on weekends.
It was just fear on missing out on love and sex, and thats what happened to me.

I chose this tattoo artist for my sleeve

now the goal is to instagram max and ascend so i can have my first social circle lay

i found this guy on youtube, some positive looksmaxing content without any blackpill spin, so i like it, at least it keeps me positive

What happens when you find out who made the group chat?
Imagine being so interesting that people make a group chat about you.

Reminds me of back in the day when I approached a salesgirl at a mall I used to frequent, and she asked "are you that guy?". It made me think my reputation must've preceded me. Another time when I was talking to a chick on Tinder she asked me what's up with people warning about me. She said she just laughed about it though.

I also identify with what you said about not accepting your looks. I'm also still seeing a slight self-negating undertone in your writing - I probably have the same, it's just easier to spot when someone else does it.
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Imagine being so interesting that people make a group chat about you.

Reminds me of back in the day when I approached a salesgirl at a mall I used to frequent, and she asked "are you that guy?". It made me think my reputation must've preceded me. Another time when I was talking to a chick on Tinder she asked me what's up with people warning about me. She said she just laughed about it though.

I also identify with what you said about not accepting your looks. I'm also still seeing a slight self-negating undertone in your writing - I probably have the same, it's just easier to spot when someone else does it.

in my case they made the group when i wasn't looks maxed yet, now that i look maxed i'm getting different reaction, some girls are scared and creeped out some girls seem interested anyway. I'm in a 200k city and who made the group might have ruined it for me. I'm afraid of a false rape accusation, you know when you have sex with a girl and she finds out you were stalking girls with a fake profile, she might feel like a victim. This group didn't allow a smooth incel-player transition
just walk up to them and let them know I know, embarrass them
That's fair enough, but I feel like It would be a hollow victory, just because you would have allowed their negativity to occupy your headspace for all that time while you were working towards that moment.