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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

That's fair enough, but I feel like It would be a hollow victory, just because you would have allowed their negativity to occupy your headspace for all that time while you were working towards that moment
True. But its also true that they dont know that i looksmaxed. They think im still the fat beta they made the group about.
One of the girls the other day was staring at me trying to see if she can embarass me knowing that i know about the group. She tried so hard to keep eye contact thinking i would look down First, she tried her best and end up not beign able to hold eye contact with me. She really tried her best for almost 60 seconds and then went like hold on theres something wrong here this guy is not a beta anymore🤣
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True. But its also true that they dont know that i looksmaxed. They think im still the fat beta they made the group about.
One of the girls the other day was staring at me trying to see if she can embarass me knowing that i know about the group. She tried so hard to keep eye contact thinking i would look down First, she tried her best and end up not beign able to hold eye contact with me. She really tried her best for almost 60 seconds and then went like hold on theres something wrong here this guy is not a beta anymore🤣
So I haven't read your full log and I can see you have had a bit of a rough go of it with health (both physical and mental). I won’t comment on that because I'm not an expert, but I do hope things are getting better for you.

I wanted to point this part from your post out as it highlights an attitude that will hold you back. The way you're using the terms beta and chad/alpha says a lot about where you are in your journey. You're clearly angry and have had bad experiences with dating. You are using that anger to progress, and that's a good thing, but I want to point out eventually this anger will start working against you. Firstly, stop giving a fuck about this group chat. Getting into staring contests isn't going to help with the creepy perception people have of you. You can't change the fact it exists and thinking about fighting people in the group is childish at best. If you had the other areas of your life sorted and you stopped the unattractive behaviour, these groups would be meaningless to you. My buddy has been posted like 7 times in "Are we dating the same guy?" on Facebook. He gets comments from people he hooked up with that say things like DM me immediately, he's bad news or stay away from this guy. He was still getting dates any night of the week he wanted. So ignore the group chat and work on being someone people want to be around and it will fizzle out, without you having a fight and making you look like a fucking idiot.

People in these spaces use Alpha and Beta wrong. You need both to make a relationship work and you can't have too much of one without it negatively affecting things. Beta, is a term for behaviors that make her feel comfortable, whereas Alpha are behaviours that make her wet. Think of it as mixing a drink. In this case the Beta is the mixer and the Alpha is the liquor. Too much liquor will eventually make you feel bad (or in a relationship sense, anxious) and too much beta makes the drink boring (too much comfort reduces anxiety, which links to a girl's sex drive). My cousin has very little comfort building skills. He drives women mad and eventually they get too anxious and run to the safer guy for comfort. He has a great time, but he struggles to keep people around. The flip side to this is being too comfortable and that doesnt make women want to fuck you. Being attractive and going beyond a fuck boy will require both parts to make things work. If you assume all beta behaviour is bad, eventually you will run into retention problems.
I am very frustrated with my behavior. Today I had all the time in the world but I woke up late and didn't do shit. I'm working out but I'm not taking pictures and doing all the other stuff I need to do. I keep looking at girls on ig and tiktok instead of doing what I have to do to be the guy they hang out with. I'm 36 yet I act like i'm 16 with plenty of time ahead that I can afford to waste.

Tomorrow I will stick to my goals, I will add a timeline too, i hope it helps, but that's what I tell myself every time and I fail over and over again.

-wake up by 9.30 am
-clean the house from 10.30 to 12am
-workout 1pm
-practice singing 2.30pm
-practice taking pictures 3 to 5pm
i decided that multitasking is what is fucking me up brothers, i will have one goal and it's creating a cool ig page with cool pics. I will always be in a deficit and training at least 3 times/week

the problem with other things like practice singing etc is it makes me distracted, when I do the vocal exercises my brain is all over the place thinking about girls and stuff, what should be 20 minutes of vocal practice turns into 2 hours of looking at girls on ig and tiktok. my brain is too distracted thinking i have to take pics

what i'm missing is a car and a cool ig page and i have to take care of that for my brain to calm down and be able to add more tasks

i will take at least 10 pictures every day, if i can't go out with my professional camera I will just take 10 shitty selfies with my old smartphone

the goal here is to fight my demons and get rid of my trauma. I wasn't able to take pictures or look at myself for years

thats my core trauma really, you have no idea. It's nothing to joke about. One time my sister took a picture of me at her birthday and did all it took to not look at it without them noticing. Trauma is not just coming back from a war as soldier, this is real trauma. It's fucked up i know, but it's proof trauma can be many things.

tomorrow I will post the next 10 pics, it's hard to explain what style i want to get so i will also post pics of guys i look up to so you can understand. Mainly edgy tattooed guys i see on ig

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So I haven't read your full log and I can see you have had a bit of a rough go of it with health (both physical and mental). I won’t comment on that because I'm not an expert, but I do hope things are getting better for you.
thanks brother for your insight but things are very very hard to explain on a forum. i'm not going around beating people up to be alpha. Girls from tinder still text me, half of them said they're in love with me. It's hard for a guy like me who changes mood every day to portray my real self on a forum. even when i'm angry i don't think it really shows so i'm a bit tired of the "girls sense that" theory. The only way to know is to meet in real life
Nice way to confront this head on. I still don't like having my picture taken either, you got this bro!
Tomorrow is my free day so i will try to get more stuff done

- wake up by 10 am
-clean house 11
-take pictures inside and work on posture and expressions 12
- workout and clean house by 2 pm
- look for musicians and band members 3 pm

at 4.30 pm I will visit a dermatologist because i'm worried about my hairline, i don't know if it's receding, instead of living in denial and waking up when it's too late I immediately started 1.25mg Finastride and 5% minoxidil, I also ordered a dermaroller from amazon

after the doctor visit i can take pictures outside but it will probably be too dark already

in the evening I will work on photoshopping my pictures and cleaning the gym

Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about the group they made about me, it makes me depressed.
i need a real social circle, not just for weekends, but real friends i can go out with everyday, i also need hobbies but i don't know how to fucking do it
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Tomorrow is my free day so i will try to get more stuff done

- wake up by 10 am
-clean house 11
-take pictures inside and work on posture and expressions 12
- workout and clean house by 2 pm
- look for musicians and band members 3 pm

at 4.30 pm I will visit a dermatologist because i'm worried about my hairline, i don't know if it's receding, instead of living in denial and waking up when it's too late I immediately started 1.25mg Finastride and 5% minoxidil, I also ordered a dermaroller from amazon

after the doctor visit i can take pictures outside but it will probably be too dark already

in the evening I will work on photoshopping my pictures and cleaning the gym

Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about the group they made about me, it makes me depressed.
i need a real social circle, not just for weekends, but real friends i can go out with everyday, i also need hobbies but i don't know how to fucking do it
u do it one little thing at a time. join something. "le climbing gym" show up, be nice, ask how to do something.

I too am an introvert so i also hate doing this, but yeah, thats how its done i think. Our messiah amdy recommends Meetup. Read andys posts about it, and remember to have a drink and a flirt with life itself, and see what happens.
I've had tonsillitis and it fucked me up, I had to take antibiotics and rest. I will start logging again today. Today I cleaned the house for my new Airbnb guest and it was so much work, the house was a mess as usual.
I have to find a way to work less while still making the same money, fuck cleaning toilets.

goals for tomorrow

- gym (push day)
- clean the rest of the house
-practice singing (30 minutes)
-take pictures inside for tinder and ig

I have been dealing with a lot of anger lately while sick and bedridden. I don't like that they made a group about me and want to know who did it first. Also, I wouldn't say I like it when some girls look at me like that at the club. These girls never faced any consequences and never paid for this behavior. The West is a fucking circus with beta males allowing all sorts of behavior from women.
Now they will have to deal with my new chad version and I bet none of them expected that. I'm not a clown and will find out everything about that group and who said what.

My plan is to use the girls that like me and ask them to tell me everything, we know they do everything for you when they like you. I have at least a couple of girls that like me from that group, maybe 3. If the person who started the group is a guy i feel it won't end very well for him.

Yes i used to stalk girls with fake profiles, there's a very long story behind this. All they care about is protecting the little angels from creeps. No one mentions that "creeps" are created because woman find most men repulsive so most man live in a constant state of sexual and love scarcity. Which is the reason i used to stalk girls, to see what they are doing on weekends.
It was just fear on missing out on love and sex, and thats what happened to me.

I chose this tattoo artist for my sleeve

now the goal is to instagram max and ascend so i can have my first social circle lay

i found this guy on youtube, some positive looksmaxing content without any blackpill spin, so i like it, at least it keeps me positive

bro this is gunna sound RETARDED coming from me, Im a very angry person. But bro. Your mindset is not going to work. It's like a super villians mindset, and your placing yourself agasint the world. That is exhausting and not worthwhile. It WILL NOT WORK. UNFORTUNATELY. I ought to know.

Them making a group about u is whack. Unfortunately going joker mode and trying to get back at them is just what those people want. Don't do that. Build YOURSELF not expend energy on those people. cmon, that should be obvious. Also, yes the west is 100% fucked up right now. Its DEI, its gaslighting, it is gynocentric, its cold and gdp oriented in the states, the culture is lowest common denominator shit for the most part, and they're literally deliberately replacing the host populations of western nations and feminism does suck.

But what does that do for you to curse the betatization. You're not that good bro, you're not gunna be able to do anything. You gotta focus on you man, truly. im really in the same boat mindset wise.

You're not a creep. Or if you were, your past it. Understand theres two sides to every viewpoint, and even if you're right here just simply UNDERSTAND why they would label you as such, have a laugh about it, and move on. if you were stalking girls, and then they talk shit about u cuz of it, well bro, you just have to accept that. move beyond it. That's what a man is, to move beyond and press forward despite mistakes, grievances, embarrassments, punt-offs, disrespect you've caused yourself, things you put yourself on trial for and the ramifications. You must move beyond it. A new paradigm.

Stop viewing these bitches as anything but silly idiots. Girls are screwballs, and frankly bro, you've acted like a screwball yourself too. So have some sympathy for their retardation, would ya?

and Idk if you watch porn. If you do, stop.
I'm trying to take some pictures every day, it's so hard to get rid of that incel stare. It's amazing how girls start taking amazing pictures at 15 and adult males can't for most of their lives. Thinking about it it's one of the few things they do better than us. All I need is 4/5 pics for a good ig.
I downloaded Tinder and got 8 matches that went nowhere, and I had to use a boost for those 8 matches. Meanwhile, girls are slaying.
The pain in my chest is so heavy it's holding me down like an anchor.
Girls are never single, and here I am in a fucking forum to figure out how to get laid. What a fucking planet we live in, humanity should be grateful I don't have access to the red button.
I have nothing to say for now, I will delete tinder because I can't handle it like I thought. It blackpilled me all over again in 24 hours and I'm already depressed as it is.

I will keep taking pictures and working out on a deficit. Once i learn to pose and get rid of the incel stare i will start taking pictures outside. Ideally, I need one or two social pictures that still look cool. Not me drinking with bald fat friends. if the friends are visible they have to be edgy and in good lighting like it's a magazine pic.

The second option would be me djeing and i can just pay a dj to let me play with him. The third option is me playing or singing live, i can also pay a band and ask them to let me do it.

One of the pictures could be a traveling pic, i can just book a weekend in Paris or Amsterdam, it's very cheap. I have to learn to pose and smile first or it would be just a waste of money

Once i get back to a decent bf i will start hitting the clubs again

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
can't get that of my fucking autistic expression. Not having a good instagram is my biggest limiting factor right now and i'm taking it very seriously. The "game" guys that keep saying that if a girl doesen't want to give you her watsap is a waste of time are wrong. I literally recieve compliments from girls that ask for my ig, when i ask for watsap they tell they don't use it and don't feel safe giving their number.

another proof is i got matches on tinder and compliments with this pic from girls that gave me their ig with the intention of following up

after i gave them my low value ig they unmatched and removed the fallow, they would not do it if i looked like that in every pic and had cool social pic and cool portraits like the guys on pinterest

i would like at least to be able to replicate this expressions everytime, i got laid the first time with this two pictures even if in the one with a skateboard i look like someome who's planning he's suice

i trained the entire day and i got the same pic where i don't look attractive and my eyes are always sad

not having a good ig is ruining my life, last saturday i met girls that wanted to give theirs and i said i don't have it because i prefer to wait until i have a good one instead of losing them. i will meet them again anyway because we are in a small city. my ig is so low value that girls change idea for the worst and unfollow even after giving me compliments on tinder

Dude IMO the IG is honestly not that important. Mine is pretty weak, I still have no trouble getting laid on dating apps. Obviously a good IG will help but it's not that necessary.

Who knows why that chick unmatched/unfollowed, could be a million reasons. Don't get hung up on any one chick, move on to the next.

Why don't you try smiling in a photo, I think that would help a lot with looking less "sad" / "incel" (in your words)

Also it's pretty clear from your posts that you have a mindset problem. This could be what's driving girls away. If you have mental health issues, I would focus on fixing these as your #1 priority. Otherwise you just gotta practice being more detached from the outcome, just focus on the process and have faith that eventually it will work.
Mine is pretty weak, I still have no trouble getting laid on dating apps.
what girls and where? can you share your profile and dm me some of the girls you bang? i'm not getting shit on tinder in Italy. I saw your pictures and i'm pretty sceptic, are you in thailand or something? Are the girls young and hot?

Anyway ig is the most important thing, i'm doing social circle game and night game name, the goal is hot girls age 18/23. Did you read the part where i explained why ig is important? you replied like you didn't read anything
can't get that of my fucking autistic expression. Not having a good instagram is my biggest limiting factor right now and i'm taking it very seriously. The "game" guys that keep saying that if a girl doesen't want to give you her watsap is a waste of time are wrong. I literally recieve compliments from girls that ask for my ig, when i ask for watsap they tell they don't use it and don't feel safe giving their number.

another proof is i got matches on tinder and compliments with this pic from girls that gave me their ig with the intention of following up

after i gave them my low value ig they unmatched and removed the fallow, they would not do it if i looked like that in every pic and had cool social pic and cool portraits like the guys on pinterest

i would like at least to be able to replicate this expressions everytime, i got laid the first time with this two pictures even if in the one with a skateboard i look like someome who's planning he's suice

i trained the entire day and i got the same pic where i don't look attractive and my eyes are always sad

not having a good ig is ruining my life, last saturday i met girls that wanted to give theirs and i said i don't have it because i prefer to wait until i have a good one instead of losing them. i will meet them again anyway because we are in a small city. my ig is so low value that girls change idea for the worst and unfollow even after giving me compliments on tinder

You need to squinch.
You need to squinch.
I tried to squinch as I watched the tutorial. I angled my face to show the jawline, trying to find where to look so that in the picture looks like I'm looking at who's looking, I don't know how to say it but you get the idea. All the cool guys on Pinterest either look purposely at the side or have portraits where they're looking straight at you

also another problem is i dont get really to show my two earrings


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Instagram is more for showing off your lifestyle rather than your looks. Ofcourse, you want to look as good as possible but it's less blackpilled than Tinder. I do very well as an above-average guy with an Instagram focused on sports and travel.

You can make your IG around another niche, it doesn't even need to be expensive or whatever. That's work for you to find out what you like and how you can show it to the world in a good way. You said you've been going out a lot, maybe you can befriend some photographers from venues so they take more pics of you. Or you ask strangers to take pics of you out with your friends. Those are some ideas that popped up in my head, I'm sure you can find even more and better ideas.

For now, ask for girls Snapchat instead of IG until you have an Instagram that you think is ready to be showed off.
For now, ask for girls Snapchat instead of IG until you have an Instagram that you think is ready to be showed off.

nobody uses snapchat in Italy. I might be trippin because i always find it hard to believe but since starting this social circle and night game i've had some girls interested. I received compliments and i have been told to my face "i want your ig ig to see that you're normal"

Tinder stopped working, those same pics that got me my first 6 lays and my first dates ever don't work anymore. Now i need good pics that can work for both tinder and instagram. I have been told that i look sad in those pics and they have poor background, they still got me some lays. The idea is getting new pics things will improve.

I have met a really hot 18yo last saturday, offered her a cocktail and started chit chatting, if i gave her my current ig https://www.instagram.com/_momo_.d_/?hl=af i would just lose her

Also tinder is a good way to increase followers, but i need good pics to make girls invest and move to ig

in simple words i'm working on becoming a normie and not someone who creeps girls out. They literally made a group chat about me because i follow them with fakes profiles. Two of the girls in that group chat are interested and they talk to me everytime i meet them in the club. My looks should not be that bad if even girls in a group chat that "warns" about me are not interested, yet i have a hard time believing in myself

Now i will get a sleeve tattoo, make my room very cool with blue lights/neons and record myself singing a cover and playing a cool but simple song with my electric guitar...so i already have ideas for two non-autistic posts but i still need pictures where i look attractive

i can also add some filler posts with full body pictures where i don't show my face

i'm doing this things for the first time ever, the pics that got me lays with tinder were possible because i decided to fight my trauma for the first time now i need to go further, if you want i can send the profile of the girl i met saturday

i will try to take pics with my friends at the clubs but the lighting sucks and my face will suck, i don't need if it will add or subtract value on my ig. I still don't have friends that want to go out during the week
what girls and where? can you share your profile and dm me some of the girls you bang? i'm not getting shit on tinder in Italy. I saw your pictures and i'm pretty sceptic, are you in thailand or something? Are the girls young and hot?

Anyway ig is the most important thing, i'm doing social circle game and night game name, the goal is hot girls age 18/23. Did you read the part where i explained why ig is important? you replied like you didn't read anything
This post really highlights your mentality. Your mindset is absolute garbage and you have a lot of work to do,

1. People with any sense will not share photos of girls they are banging. Girls value reputation and discretion over everything else. To send you these photos would be a breach of that trust for no actual gain. Right now you’re an angry man on the internet who hates himself, no one has anything they need to prove to you.

2. You think Sparkles must be lying based on his photos when he offers advice. Then you go on to say well if he is telling the truth, he must be in Thailand where it's "easier". Then you are asking if they are young and hot or it doesn't count, which is giving uncle touchy vibes.

3. IG is a powerful tool, but you are not really in a position to compete with the people who are already doing well on there. In fact, based on how you view and approach things, I would wager you are 1 heart break away from taking a long walk off a short pier. This is not to be mean (and please never consider anything like this), but it's probably for the best that you haven't seen a ton of casual success right now.

I remember you have been doing work on your mental health, but I think you need to do a ton more work before you can get anywhere. If you actually had the hot lay and it broke off after 3 months (which is the average running time of a casual encounter unless you are also a viable boyfriend), you would fall apart. It's clear reading the last few posts that you're too ego invested in hot lays rather than fixing things one step at a time and getting regular lays.

From my side, My socials are all private and I've never struggled to get girls out on dates. In fact, the dating profiles I used based on your other comments would probably be deemed by you as bad against the professional Tinderchad, even when my results have always been good.

I almost hit report on your post to warn the mods that I think you're in too dark a place to be interacting with people on these forums. You are bringing down the mood and are a potential risk of doing something stupid and bringing a negative light on the community. To give grace here, the fact that you are posting, means you are semi-invested in improving. To that end, here are some actionable steps you can choose to take to improve your situation:

1. Keep seeing a therapist and deal with those feelings of inadequacy. You need to be able to put these behind you so you can actually see and hear people who're trying to help you

2. Date outside of the age range you are targeting. Go older. This is odd to suggest, but I think you would benefit from seeing success and building some self confidence. You are caught up in drama of early 20 year olds and have been tarnished as creepy for doing actually creepy things. So go fish in a different pond (late 20s, early 30s) and try to have successful dates. You don't have to sleep with anyone, but get some matches and convert those leads into dates, learn to talk to girls on dates and build the confidence that you can be hot. When you can do that, you will be better placed to go and fish in the age range you want.

3. Consider moving, it sounds like where you're fishing is really bad for you. With an EU passport, you can go anywhere, so abuse the shit out of that opportunity! I would suggest checking out some places with strong English to move you away from your drama and let you test your profile in new places.

4. Start being attractive, stop being unattractive (which in your case is stop doing unattractive things)

This will come across as me shitting on you (and I am), but rather than leaving this and pointing to your story as a cautionary tale for future members, there is a good opportunity for you to turn it around and become a success story. You're working on photos and that's a good thing. Your logs should do more talking about progress and things you are doing to improve and not only your failures or self perceived flaws. By all means you can say I did X, I got Y result which sucked, but you could then also look into how you would improve on this in the future.
@Brother_Tucker i won't read all that brother, if you don't like my log don't read it and thats it, it doesent take a wall of text
My hope is that at some point, you can put your ego aside and read the post. Until then I would deem this log a cautionary tale for anyone of what happens when you have no intention of doing any real work here.

All the best to you.