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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
I'm not able to cut to visible abs to see my face at 10% for the first time ever, the goal was to eat 1500kcal/day for december, i lost some weight went from 73 to 71kg and stalled, i would eat r 1500kcal for 7 days and then feel depressed and angry and overeat refined carbs

Mental health and fitness basically go hand in hand. If you feel so bad that you get urges to fuck up your diet, your gym progression takes a hit by this which puts you back in this vicious circle. Also, feeling good is proven to give you better results. I've noticed this personally where I'm able now to life 10-20% more than when I was really conscious about myself.

Don"t get time pressured to achieve a certain physique. You started later and this makes it more difficult, you have to be ok with it. Just look at my log. I've played professional sports and now I just finished my first year going to the gym. I'm also not an elite fitness model even though I've worked on my body for years. Everyone is different and not everyone will reach a godlike body. BUT everyone can get lean at about 12% bodyfat and look lean and healthy and good. You can do too.

Women might look at you badly and that's that for now. i advise you to not take this personally and rather use it as fuel to train even harder. I guarantee you that all people who've done this improvement stuff for a couple of years will tell you that people look at them in a different way than when they started. It will be the same for you as long as you don't give up.
Thrice said:
and the signals i recieve from woman is that my facial expression is either scary or disgusting

You mentioned feeling hangry. Goals for 2023: smile more, laugh more, dance more, sing more, enjoy life more.
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
This is good editing. What editing app do you use to add the squinch?


charm, hollywood 4, and cute are probably the most useful filters in the impressions tab. The filters lighten your face so sometimes you need to add a tan under the skin tab. Be careful not to overdo the changes; significant changes to bone structure, shiny eyes/hair, or unrealistically smooth skin are typically signs you're going too far
thank you guys for the advice, i had to deal with some negativity this last days, ruminating about redpill content about woman having higher bodycount than man etc, nervously debating with myself...

i tried to relax for christmas and eat anything i want, drink some alcohol also and reset, tonight i will go to the club, it will be the second time i go out alone this year, i bought the jacket and i don't have anymore excuses, also it's free entry tonight so one more reason to go even if i stand there and nothing happens

i also watched a great movie, The skeleton key

Your trauma comes out the more action you take

Its called psychological integration

Whatever your trauma is, this will bring it out and it'll torment you

You have to just sit there and take it

Eventually it goes away brother

This is genuinely how it goes, all normal. This is why the first year can be so ugly once hardcases start taking action, but I promise you, these demons get "exorcised". The holy water for this demon is action, facing this head on, and then letting go and letting the pain hit you and wash off....

MakingAComeback said:
This is genuinely how it goes, all normal. This is why the first year can be so ugly once hardcases start taking action, but I promise you, these demons get "exorcised". The holy water for this demon is action, facing this head on, and then letting go and letting the pain hit you and wash off....

true brother, used christmas to reset but from tomorrow the goal is to take drastic action, let's goooooo
Doing what scares you, going out alone


I'm scared I'm losing hair, checked my hair before going out and i see too much space in the temples, i have to see a doctor asap, i would 100% prefer finastride and any side effects than losing hair, i care more about hair than my dick working


The music is great but it's too loud, it's difficult to socialiste or talk to girls, not recieving any ioi's, kinda discouragin but went I'm about to feel bad for my self and internally break i think about what MakingAComeback went through and shut up, I'm not even approaching, the guy approached hundreds of un receptive girls and kept pushing, he's like a war hero to me. I still think I'm not built to go through that but he is an inspiration for sure, at least thinking about what he did will push me to do the minimum and not give up


kratjeuh said:
Women might look at you badly and that's that for now. i advise you to not take this personally and rather use it as fuel to train even harder

It's for me to not take it personally when girls i didn't even approach look at me like a creep, sometimes i get some paranoia and think that maybe some of them find out i stalk on Instagram, but i have no pictures on Instagram so i don't how they would know that... Next where i work there's this girl she goes out with her dog every day, she avoids eye contact with me like her life is in danger, as if I'm medusa or something and i don't like her and never found her on Instagram but it still hurts... You have a great body by the way! Way better than mine hope i get to that point and see my central abs
i ca't say yesterday was a good night, not that bad either. I stayed in the club till the end for the first time, 6 am.

I was a bit angry and uncomfortable because everytime i tried eye contact with a girl i recieved a badlook, i didn't like observing them having the time of their life, and why they wouldn't? they're in their prime years and they're all fucking, all of them fucked recently, all of them, and all of them got male attention, for free

i also recieved bad looks from girls i stalk on ig, don't know how the fuck they know that because i have no pictures but i don't give a fuck, i embrace beign an incel creep, they can go fuck themselves

the only way to understand what i'm feeling would be to go back in time and live their entire life lonely and unwanted, i guess they can't do that so their opinion doesen't count, i have nothing to hide

I thought why i'm here, what's the point, first of all even if i find a girl i have low libido and low desire, and like i said all girls already fuck, starting from the age of 15, they don't need me and they all experienced sex and intimacy very recently and with no particular effort on their part

i also don't want to do anything else, making money and music is great but not to the point that it would make me alone and happy, i would just be a miserable guy making money and music

i also thought that someone like me is better off killing himself, i can't be normal and i can't be a happy normie either

the other day i saw a guy he's like 26 and already looks older than me, completly bald single of course but happy as fuck and with a lot of hobbies...i got cucked by society and redpilled so it's impossible for me to have that naive happiness, but if i'm not attractive enough i can't achieve redpill goals either and i will be stuck in this pain forever unless i off myself

just the idea that society doesen't admit that most man are lonely and girls fuck more than us it's becoming a problem for me, i'm angry everytime i see girls basicaly, the first thing i think it that they fucked recently and i have been lonely my entire life

i was pretty angry and dead inside the whole night, usually i go home in cases like that but i stayed there, i don't give a fuck anyway, i'm not like the other guys who think that they have to look like they're having fun and they force themselves...i really don't give a fuck

i got approached by two drunk girls that told me it looks like i'm sleeping and should go home, this girls were old and quit unattractive and yet guys tried to game them, this goes to show you how man live in a constant state of sexual scarcity, it was sad to watch

i'm looking for dermatologist to check the space around the temples and i ordered some clothes online
Yo man, I'm really impressed that you managed to stay the entire night. Looks like you didn't have fun, yet you bit through because you said you would. I understand your negative emotions towards women, I've been there as well and it's a very confrontational place.

Men are by nature motivated to reproduce, that's why they chase so many girls. Especially when they've drunk some alcohol and even their standards drop lower. Hence even less desired women actually get lots of male attention. For someone like you who wants to get laid a lot, this sounds unfair, but think about it from the women's perspective. They have lots of options for easy sex, but if something goes wrong, they are set with a fatherless baby. They could choose abortion but this has a big emotional impact on a woman.

You are not ugly, your vibe is completely off though. As much as redpill and blackpill have changed my life, it is important to not go too deep into it. I can guarantee you that you don't need to have 20 mils, the perfect body, and the sharpest jawline to land a beautiful girl. Yes there are guys who were just born as handsome men, who need 2 gym sessions a week for a sexy body and they get all the girls super easily, I am also a bit jealous of that easy life. But hey, that's not me :)

Luckily for us, there are key traits that make us attractive that we have full control over such as income, confidence, body, social skills, ... Imagine being born as a 5/10 girl. The only thing she can do to increase her value is to improve her looks and wear makeup + go to the gym.

There are 3 things that you should prioritize asap in your life.
1) Get a decent income
2) Gym and diet are things you follow religiously with 1 exception per week
3) Fix your vibe --> No more blackpill/redpill content (you know enough already), gratitude daily, meditation if you can

In 2-3 years time everyone can be a 7 IRL. And let's be honest, a 7/10 is a pretty sexy girl that many men will be jealous about ;)
kratjeuh Is right on the money.

There's an order to this stuff. Anytime women come before self mastery, your journey is going to be 10x harder.

I say this because it's something even I have to constantly remind myself of: Women are the byproduct of self mastery.

When you don't pursue self mastery, your effort to reward ratio in everything is extremely low.

We set women up to be more important/relevant than ourselves often when we're doing zero to better our lives. In order for us to have a quality life with women, we must become winners ourselves. As AskTheDom the said, "Women fuck the winners." But you can not become a winner until you master yourself first.

A stronger body.
More money.
Better social sphere.
Great style.

All of this stuff adds up, and fills you with the confidence you need to conquer not just women, but life. The road became clear from me once I reversed the order of things, and started following the process.

I recommend re-reading Dom's post here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=48007#p48007

Chris from GLL once said a line that always sticks with me "This is about way more than women, and you know it."

You need more inputs to build you up, brother. You got this.
Thrice said:
Doing what scares you, going out alone


I'm scared I'm losing hair, checked my hair before going out and i see too much space in the temples, i have to see a doctor asap, i would 100% prefer finastride and any side effects than losing hair, i care more about hair than my dick working


The music is great but it's too loud, it's difficult to socialiste or talk to girls, not recieving any ioi's, kinda discouragin but went I'm about to feel bad for my self and internally break i think about what @MakingAComeback went through and shut up, I'm not even approaching, the guy approached hundreds of un receptive girls and kept pushing, he's like a war hero to me. I still think I'm not built to go through that but he is an inspiration for sure, at least thinking about what he did will push me to do the minimum and not give up


kratjeuh said:
Women might look at you badly and that's that for now. i advise you to not take this personally and rather use it as fuel to train even harder

It's for me to not take it personally when girls i didn't even approach look at me like a creep, sometimes i get some paranoia and think that maybe some of them find out i stalk on Instagram, but i have no pictures on Instagram so i don't how they would know that... Next where i work there's this girl she goes out with her dog every day, she avoids eye contact with me like her life is in danger, as if I'm medusa or something and i don't like her and never found her on Instagram but it still hurts... You have a great body by the way! Way better than mine hope i get to that point and see my central abs

Not hundreds.


Rejection after rejection, so unreceptive, they were truly repulsed. That was not one year. Not two. Not three. Not five.

Not six. Not seven.

Not nine. Not ten.

Not level.

Fucking TWELVE years of doing this shit, falling, getting every aspect of my identity as a human being, every component of who I am, burned completely down to mineral salts. Reduced to nothing.

There are no words to describe this. This is truly hell itself.

How could I even want to die - there was nothing to even remove from this world.....

Everything you post, every thought you have, and every aspect of what you share, is just what I experienced and how I felt. This is psychological pain, and because you are now taking action and going to the club, the pain that is buried in your subconscious is coming out! The conscious mind is learning, OK, Muhammad is stronger than we thought - I think he can actually fight this demon, so we will allow him to process more.

Hammering those pavements for 4hrs a day in London for almost a year brother, talking to all the types of lovely, charming, pretty, interesting girl you can imagine, and not having ONE, not even ONE, like me - that was necessary.

In my younger years, my early 20s, when I was suffering from anxiety disorders, you will never know the pain I experienced at my loneliness and failure. I was weak back then in mind and spirit. So weak. That shit broke me and has definitely left me with scars, they may even be permanent for all I know!


My truth to you:




To get over to the other side from where you are right now, you will need to look deep inside and find strength that IS THERE. I promise you it is there. The creator gives this to us.

This game is played on different difficulties. Life isn't fair. Look at my background - what kind of sick, sadistic psychopath ventured to put me in that position? I would truly not wish that on my worst enemy because such a lived experience is inhuman, and an aberration of nature.

The hardest setting this game is possibly even able to be played on is EXTREME HARDCASE FUGLY BROWN INCEL IN THE WEST.

This is a situation which is basically 99.9999999999999% impossible.

But even so: with sheer force of will, grinding through everything that life throws at me, and it throws a lot, I remain here, standing tall, and will not, cannot, and am unable to accept anything other than victory and success in this life.

And why should I not?

Look at what the fuck I had to put in, the depths that I had to go, not for success, because I am not there yet, but just for the fucking opportunity to come to the starting line of the race and say, I too am here, I am in this world, I am going to run the race because while I am here, I have a chance.

We will both find a way, dude. Just keep fucking going. If I find that way, I will share it with you - right now I am strategising and moving into business and brand building - I do not think the dating advice we give here actually works past a certain point FOR LOW SMV MALES. I have seen guys who are brown like me and SLAY, but they found a hack. I was with one in London yesterday, but he is very good looking, jacked, 6 pack and a multi-millionaire surrounded by billionaires and celebrities. His stories were insane, and I met him through my best friend who is a legendary internet marketer and massively successful guy. Anyway, this dude was fascinating to me, because he is a brown guy who found a way to win in life - confirms the theory that The Dom posted: IF YOU ARE A WINNER IN LIFE, YOU CAN OVERCOME LOW SMV. He has 500k followers on each of his socials and manages brands with 10+ million followers. Sure, if you're low SMV, it can get you the odd 4 or 5 with extreme grinding and sacrifice. But who wants that? I'd rather take a bullet to the head. We had a great conversation about women (he fucks models, actresses, and so on - he played a sex tape for me with him and the winner of the UK TV show Love Island, who came to one of his high net worth poker parties in Mayfair) - I am going to have to get very wealthy and build a huge brand to have made the fucking BULLSHIT of my journey worth it. BTW, this dude showed me his IG, his DMs were 20,000+ exchanges with models, he throws mansion parties all the time and 100 models attend, world class athletes, and influential business people - understand the level of grinding I put into building a relationship with my best friend and just to be able to sit down at a table with these guys. Top G level success opens up the world and it's something to really grind towards but damn you have to be good - this guy is extremely smart and basically a genius so yesterday was a mind blowing far for me lemme tell ya.

I'd rather have the bitter truth than a sweet lie. But least I can give this information to you and save you from the pain and hell I had to endure to learn this shit.

We'll both find a way dude...........I will not allow you to go out like this, you will not live your life without dates and lays, I refuse and I am too relentless for you to deal with. But you already knew that.





It takes time. It's OK. We are patient and no one will judge you. Express yourself, and you will heal in time.

Remember how nasty my log used to be?


I am not like that any more.

Mate, my suggestion is that, you use a nickname instead of your full name.

I am Turkish and although I am the most blasphemous atheist you can find, people are racist and they still see me as Muslim. (especially on Tinder & similar platforms)

Use something like Mo or Moe instead of Mohamed.
i recieved the hat i ordered, the goal is to wear backwards, i bought a simple back skateboard hat, i think they are too dip and don't look good straight forward, but for the the same reason can look good backwards, they're the only ones deep enough to cover the front area, i'm not comfortable though, i don't see myself going out like this...i can still send it back and get my money back, what do you think?
Backwards looks good but there's something wrong with the bill. I dunno. I don't love it.
Do you mean the logo (Carhartt) ? The lighting makes look super dramatic, live is more discrete, keep in mind i would never wear this type of hat forward, they're too big, i like it backwards but never had the balls to try and go out like that

If the logo it's not good i can send it back and get this other hat from a brand called HUF, the logo appears even less visible, at least on picture
Yeah, backwards looks better than the front facing for sure.

Hm, I'm actually curious - How did your pics turnout without the hat? Do you get a lot of compliments on your curly hair?
natedawg said:
Yeah, backwards looks better than the front facing for sure.

Hm, I'm actually curious - How did your pics turnout without the hat? Do you get a lot of compliments on your curly hair?
For now i only tried tinder with this pic only, got 8 matches and only 2 compliments from chubby girls
Thrice said:
natedawg said:
Yeah, backwards looks better than the front facing for sure.

Hm, I'm actually curious - How did your pics turnout without the hat? Do you get a lot of compliments on your curly hair?
For now i only tried tinder with this pic only, got 8 matches and only 2 compliments from chubby girls

I know this is a 'street style' message board, but you have refined and romantic facial features. I wonder how you'd do if you dressed with a more fancy style that matched it --- like a typical white shirt and blazer.