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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

klondike said:
I know this is a 'street style' message board, but you have refined and romantic facial features. I wonder how you'd do if you dressed with a more fancy style that matched it --- like a typical white shirt and blazer.

sure i will try that too once i finish with the more casual style, my idea is more of a hybrid though, like elegant white shirt and distressed jeans
Thrice said:
For now i only tried tinder with this pic only, got 8 matches and only 2 compliments from chubby girls
Honestly, this is not surprising to me. I'm not really a fan of your expression in that photo, you look a bit sad IMO. It's passable but definitely can be improved upon a lot. Having one photo on your profile also will reduce your results. It just makes you seem one-dimensional. Most girls aren't really going to overlook that unless you're extremely attractive.

Rags2Bitches also explicitly mentioned that your first photo is only usable alongside a second photo with better style. That fashion is not doing it for you in the first photo.

How long did it take you to get those 8 matches? Did you boost at all? With regards to the quality, you will have to keep your expectations tempered given how your profile currently looks.

The thing is, to get good results on online dating, your photos really need to be considerably better than average in quality. I agree with the others that you are definitely good looking enough to get laid.
Thrice said:
natedawg said:
Yeah, backwards looks better than the front facing for sure.

Hm, I'm actually curious - How did your pics turnout without the hat? Do you get a lot of compliments on your curly hair?
For now i only tried tinder with this pic only, got 8 matches and only 2 compliments from chubby girls

Still 25%. Not bad at all imo. klondike hit the nail on the head. I bet you could pull of that refined vibe big time.
In 2022 i had some significant progress, losing bodyfat Improved my face a lot, started taking pictures of myself for the first time in my life, learned to look at myself without panic attacks, started going out alone

The problem is i am aware more than ever I'm half autistic, i do in 3 years what can be done in 3 months

Now more than ever i feel time is running out, I'm in my 30s, girls that guess my age think I'm middle 20 but this can change suddenly once i develop wrinkles etc

If i don't get sex out of my system i will never be normal, i will be 50 stalking 18/22 girls on ig and asking them for feet pics, i don't want my life to turn like that, it's scary

Tried tinder with a super ugly pic with and old jacket and sad expression, the picture was just for practice, to learn how to use the remote trigger, even the hat I'm wearing in that pic is stained and dirty, i still recieved some matches and compliments (they asked for my ig though)...

The accountability group for waking up is working great, start waking up early after years and years of trying everything from bluelight blockers to light boxes, nothing worked, but having another 2 humans that hold me accountable worked from day one

This is my last chance for a normal life, even now its too late so i can't afford making mistakes

I simply need some help and can't trust my outistic brain, i deliver pizza for now, can't afford personal coaching, what can i do?

I want to take pictures for ig and tinder, get a full sleeve tattoo, start singing again, find at least one cool guy to go out with and meet girls

Simple stuff you might think, but if i do it by myself i will achieve all this when I'm 65

How can i be helped?

I don't really care about money, not trying to save money, i really don't have it now, i will use the money i will recieve tomorrow to pay the doctor to check my hairline
Hey bro,

Good. I have seen growth in you, seriously, from the time our paths met and now.

Would you believe, asking for help, expressing yourself, from a place of seeking change, is indicative of actual change, healing, and progression as a man.

Anyone who is under the change process goes through what I call a period of "exorcism". All the skeletons WILL be pulled out of the closet, and until you've thoroughly deal with your internal weak points (beliefs, insecurtieis, limiting factors, etc), the self improvement spirit will keep working with you until you're ready to integrate, process, and move on.

Patience and compassionate inquiry is how we work with hardcases, IMO, as such, some points:

-A man's prime is 37. My friend, The Dom (AskTheDom kTheDom) is a fucking pussy magnet and slayer - he's 37, and his sex life is actually elite, legendary even. He's likely to just kee getting better. What I've learned from him, is that women are just attracted to winners. Regardless of anything else, age, skin tone, height, level of social skills, if you get yourself to becoming a winner, you will be in the secret society and the flood gates WILL open. Anyone with success and status has abundance, Einstien fucked a tonne of chicks, novelist and painters, basically any dude who actually stood out and became something in effect became 'the tribal leader' and this trips an evolutionary switch that allowed them reproductive and sexual SUCCESS regardless of anything else.

-You'll inevitably feel some type of way about this, maybe your unconscious will respond to me with anger, or you may wish to attack me - all is fine, I know how to work with people, learned a lot about psychology the past 12 years let me tell you. But Mo - you're actually a handsome guy. You are attractive. I say this to you as your friend and brother, you're beautiful, and you actually deserve to be loved. You are actually entitled to it.

-You are actually doing the right things. So be assured. Keep doing the following:

-Baby steps of action: keep going out, putting yourself on the front lines
-Keep working, making money, and being financially prudent
-Keep training, developing your physique
-Keep making mindset shifts: watch Andys content, read his articles, and just consume this over time, with regularity, consider this your medicine. GLL is also perfect for this. Both Andy and GLL had what I call "the winners mindset" and this is actually the ultimate level of self improvement. But you will only be able to go from negative to positive so fast, and us guys who are doing it know, your ego and subconscious will fight you, and all your demons will come out, so these expressions, negative posts, and so on - these tell me YOU ARE GROWING. Because if you weren't, they would remain bottled inside you, which was what got you there in the first place.

All of this shit is a head game, dude.

I can be told by the last girl I fucked "Ravi, you have a beautiful face"

And then just one month later I can look in the mirror and be so disappointed and feel so unworthy, unattractive, "god's lonely man" or nature's "mistake". None of that shit is true, it can't possibly be, but that was my "level of consciousness" - your best thinking got you where you were.

So that is where I have to trust my boys, my advisors, my coaches, mentors, my peers, basically I put my own life in the hands of my tribe which is the KYIL tribe and I just trusted them.

None of us will ever lead you astray. Believe it or not, here, you actually found the thing that will save you.

You're just going to have to take it one step at a time and understand that every time there is negativity and pain that floats to the conscious, that is just part of the ice berg, the unconscious contains a fucking MOUNTAIN of that shit and the conscious is just a small aspect. But this is an iceberg, and how you begin to melt that down is you bright these things to light and keep taking action.

Through sheer forward motion, the ego begins to stop guarding, and it allows integration to happen.

So, for now, understand that I hear you, all of your fears are valid and normal, I have them too about my age and my attractiveness levels, but Mo, the thing is, what we are doing will actually allow us to get the life we want. Whilst it can be tough as a man at the start, the thing that will save us is that a man can raise his value over time and actually our attractiveness level is not just our looks, but IMO the most valuable and powerful part of us in inside, and that is what we work on through inner work.

So all is well man.

All is going to be ok.

You are going to be ok. And so will I.

Keep working. Keep working. I also think, Ravi man, how the FUCK are you going to turn your shit around? It'll happen through ongoing dedication, body improvements, elite photos that show sex appeal and EDGE, and ongoing improvements in my vibe through working on it.

I have an atypical brain. And yet I am able to get laid :)

If I can, basically anyone can lol.

Ciao Momo.

There is a truckload of work to do on your mentality, simply put, being at XX% BF it's not drawing pussies to you, especially in a country like Italy where it's just a giant village aside from Rome and Milan.

What I get by reading through few of your posts, is that there is a LOT of mud to dig out of your mind.
You can use the same superpower that Mac has to laser focus on things and becoming a winner, but be aware

1) Ain't going to be easy
2) You will find dragons to slay in order to progress that will scare you
^ Really important post.

I think if Mo can begin to understand that he is just going to have to go through this shit, this pain, a certain level of suffering, he will not be surprised or be on the back foot when the REAL pain hits.

When you start approaching, A LOT, when you go on dates, A LOT, when you go through the ups and downs that the male on the self improvement journey goes, absolutely everything that is wrong with your mentality, that caused you to end up where you did, WILL be exposed. The self improvement spirit will bring up one thing, and you'll kill yourself to work through that. It'll bring up another thing, and you'll kill yourself to work through that.

Doubts will be constant, emotions up and down, and all of this shit you'll just have to navigate.

A MAN is something that is forged much like a powerful sword.

It is smelted in the fire and flames, and then it is hammered upon the anvil.

The process of forgery can be, especially for hard cases, truly inhuman level grinding.

One thin you can take from me: YOU CAN UNLOCK NEW LEVELS

I did. I went from 0 to something.

I went from -15 to +5.

I want to get to +100.

So there will be some road ahead. But you just need to keep taking action, and be aware that every negative thing that comes up, is basically the shit that needs to be worked through the system because that is what blocked you in the first place.

Keep pushing............work hard, never give in.

MakingAComeback said:
Keep working. Keep working

Thank you Mac, yes it's true, all we can do is keep working, whether you believe the process or not there's only one way anyway, what's the alternative?

Today i went to buy a new shirt, i saw a girl, man i was like a deer caught in the headlight, she was so fucking beautiful it hurts, and young too, and a bad girl, she was smoking, i bet she fucks a lot and only edgy guys... With only one girl like my life would change... I think her pussy would change my brain chemistry forever hahhaha

Today was a good day, practiced photography, bought a new shirt, cleaned the house.

Goal for tomorrow, workout if i feel better (i have cough with mucus)

Practice taking pictures outside (different location from today)

Take pictures inside with a white background so i can used it later

I've had 15 matches on tinder in total, it's dead now, out of this 15 only 3 wanted to go out but asked for ig first, that's why I'm taking pictures for ig too

None of this girls is hot like the girl i saw today to be honest, better than nothing but they're not the type i really like

This ia my profile by the way
today is the last day with my airbnb guest, i will stop airbnb for good now untill i take good pictures, my goals

-find a cool guy in real life to go out with so i don't look like a creep like when i'm alone and staring at girls (lol)

-find a ccountability partner online for productivity

-devolep sexy bad boy/urban style, get fake tattooes to test how i look with a full sleeve

-i'm not confortable enough totake pictures in crowded areas, sorry to admit that after all this yars on redpill forums i'm still a pussy, when there's a lot of people pasing by i'm not 100% at ease, the solution is to find areas that have good background and are compltely isoleted, so i will stop going to the main parks and find other places, a lot of good portraits pics have the background completly blurred anyway

-stop beign autistic and thinking 24h/day
Thrice said:
-find a cool guy in real life to go out with so i don't look like a creep like when i'm alone and staring at girls (lol)

I think this would be huge for you. I'm also really wanting to find a wingman / IRL biz partner. Forums are okay for accountability but IRL is wayyy more powerful. What's the closest major city to you again? I'd be down to visit Italy again in 2023. It'd probably be in like April or later though.
RogerRoger said:
Thrice said:
-find a cool guy in real life to go out with so i don't look like a creep like when i'm alone and staring at girls (lol)

I think this would be huge for you. I'm also really wanting to find a wingman / IRL biz partner. Forums are okay for accountability but IRL is wayyy more powerful. What's the closest major city to you again? I'd be down to visit Italy again in 2023. It'd probably be in like April or later though.

I'm very close to milan, let me know when you decide to visit italy

yes now i have my online accountability partner, it's essential because we are not "normal" and we need like minded guys that you can only find online, but a friend in real life is essential too, even if he's a normie as long as he's cool and likes to go out and dosen't dress like a dork like most guys

at my age it's do or die i will do everything to find a friend, even texting guys on ig or just going up to people and ask them if they want a friend
Thrice said:
at my age it's do or die i will do everything to find a friend, even texting guys on ig or just going up to people and ask them if they want a friend
What sport(s) or other activities do you like doing or think you might want to try? Doing some sort of social activity (basically warm friendship approaches) probably a lot easier than cold. And Irl a lot easier to connect than online.
RogerRoger said:
What sport(s) or other activities do you like doing or think you might want to try?

I like to lift weights alone at home, i don't like gym environments and group sports in general, i like to sing and play guitar so I'm looking for a band, they will have to ve very young, dudes my age don't do that anymore and most of them are dads

I had some very crippling depression this days, a lot od thinking and questioning things and honestly feeling like a failure, when i look at my life i feel i lost all the battles, I'm still alive but i lost all the battles... I'm a guy in his 30' who survives delivering pizza, what a fucked up life, it more more honorable to die in war defending your country for example

The fact that woman start fucking at age 15 and don't need all this honesty blows my mind and fills me with resentment

Anyway since it's so dark here i decided to buy a flash today, will use it to practice some night photography and in general when there isn't much light outside
"at my age it's do or die i will do everything to find a friend, even texting guys on ig or just going up to people and ask them if they want a friend"


"I like to lift weights alone at home, i don't like gym environments and group sports in general, i like to sing and play guitar so I'm looking for a band, they will have to ve very young, dudes my age don't do that anymore and most of them are dads"

I assume you see the massive incongruence between these statements? It is reality the that the thing you most passionately don't want to do is very likely the thing that is most beneficial to you. You don't want to do it because it is not part of who you are, but that is who you want to be. This is why it has to be done.

There's few faster cures for depression than showing yourself you're capable of doing things that make you uncomfortable.
I went to music production school in 2021 and started playing live in 2022… I made more friends in 2022 than I had in the previous 10. It’s seriously a great boon to your life to pursue music, even on a small scale.
Thrice said:
RogerRoger said:
What sport(s) or other activities do you like doing or think you might want to try?

I like to lift weights alone at home, i don't like gym environments and group sports in general, i like to sing and play guitar so I'm looking for a band, they will have to ve very young, dudes my age don't do that anymore and most of them are dads

I had some very crippling depression this days, a lot od thinking and questioning things and honestly feeling like a failure, when i look at my life i feel i lost all the battles, I'm still alive but i lost all the battles... I'm a guy in his 30' who survives delivering pizza, what a fucked up life, it more more honorable to die in war defending your country for example

The fact that woman start fucking at age 15 and don't need all this honesty blows my mind and fills me with resentment

Anyway since it's so dark here i decided to buy a flash today, will use it to practice some night photography and in general when there isn't much light outside

As I promised you a few months back, I would remain close to your log & support you when you hit dark moments like these.

This is one of those posts that make me think you're on the brink of quitting altogether.

It's time to hold on to the rope brother, and this is my attempt to help you.

First, I know what it feels like when you think nothing is going your way despite how hard you work.

Also, being a minority, I get the feeling that it's even tougher when you get this advice solely from people who are killing it with women yet look nothing like you.

That can make the feeling of loneliness & isolation even worse. Having no active, successful frame of references here in this forum, (or in general) can make this journey even harder.

All of this stuff matters more than many people understand.

I say all of this because I can understand many of the thoughts likely going through your brain right now.

You're at a crossroads. Life has dealt you every shitty hand possible, and now you're trying to find the strength to keep going.

So unfortunately, I don't have any comforting words.

I just want to remind you of the path that lays ahead of you and hopefully some of this gives you the strength to keep going:

- You're not white. You will have to work twice as hard for half the results. God doesn't care. The universe doesn't care. No one cares.
- If you're not blessed with some world-class trait, you need to stack the deck in your favor as much as possible.
- If you want hot women, a peak body isn't optional (Remember Klondike's Tushar post?)
- If you want hot women, a peak mindset isn't optional.
- Women want winners.
- Stop running from pain.
- Your complaints will fall on deaf ears.
- Your life is up to you to change.
- You have people to lean on here (like me) when you need support. Yet we can only support if you're taking action.
- You need rituals to build momentum in your life

I see you're off to take more photos, but if I can be honest, what's the point when you think the way you do?

For perspective, when I was going through my own down period and asked for feedback, the guys were quick to let me know that I'm still well overweight. My dating apps were always dead. Women never checked me out, and I felt invisible. I never got many of the IOI's that people talk about here. No one blowing me up asking me to meet, etc.

Yet the Gods of Pain & Agony being who they are, they don't care about any of this. They're only here to forge those who demand excellence in their lives.

Since that day, my #1 priority has become to lose my fat and finally be in shape for once. I've easily cried more in the past few months than I have in my entire life. Yet slowly, but surely I can see the man in the mirror changing. I'm getting tougher. Veins are starting to bulge on my biceps. I'm working out 15 times a week. There's a firestorm in me that demands the best of what life has to give.

I've also stopped reading 99% of the logs here. Not because they aren't valuable, but I literally can't relate to them. What they're enjoying is stuff I can't even fathom, so I have nothing to contribute. I have to set my own barometer for progress, and the best way to do it is by getting in your own lane to run your own race. My blinders are on.

I know the same can happen for you, but first, you gotta stop avoiding the hard things man.

I haven't heard anything lately about your gym routine, the books you're reading, social life you're trying to create, therapy sessions attended, etc. Your posting is also quite infrequent, and I think it would be helpful to show up daily. More profile bio pics are the last thing we need right now, brother.

I know there's an excellent version of you waiting to come out. You just need to give it permission to do so.

You got this, brother.

P.S. If you're absolutely, positively not sure where to start, read the post from The Dom in my sig.
Thrice said:
i like to sing and play guitar so I'm looking for a band
Okay sweet! Definitely getting a band together would be great. Idk but maybe find some group guitar or singing lessons? Not sure otherwise how people put together a band but would be a tight and sweet social circle there I bet.

I'm sure there are other social options available but that's all I can think of currently. As I think some of the other guys mentioned, you could try a sport even if you think you don't like them --- but maybe it's better if you try something new that you might not think you like but hopefully you try and end up finding you like it. But I also think music could work well enough.
Thrice said:
RogerRoger said:
I think this would be huge for you. I'm also really wanting to find a wingman / IRL biz partner. Forums are okay for accountability but IRL is wayyy more powerful. What's the closest major city to you again? I'd be down to visit Italy again in 2023. It'd probably be in like April or later though.

I'm very close to milan, let me know when you decide to visit italy

yes now i have my online accountability partner, it's essential because we are not "normal" and we need like minded guys that you can only find online, but a friend in real life is essential too, even if he's a normie as long as he's cool and likes to go out and dosen't dress like a dork like most guys

at my age it's do or die i will do everything to find a friend, even texting guys on ig or just going up to people and ask them if they want a friend

I understand, Mo.

You're my friend, and I've got your back, OK?

Do you know how many times I had this discussion with Thebastard?

This man is a fucking WARRIOR. Fucking outright SAVAGE. That is why he is one of the most respected people in self-improvement of all time.

This dude put in inhuman level grinding for YEARS, year after year, and JUST.KEPT.GOING.

Reading The Golden Eagle project, over and over again, sometimes in floods of tears, gave me the strength to keep going. At times of my life, I actually idolised this guy for his tenacity, unbreakable spirit

He's had highs, lows, he's had epic wins, low moments, he's been up, down, broken and at rock bottom, but this guy has lived his fucking life to the maximum, and he will tell you, if he were to drop dead tomorrow, he has had a fucking EPIC run. He defied the odds, totally broke past his limits, he's fucked almost 100 women, and plenty of them drop dead gorgeous, and has a stunning, absolutely beautiful girlfriend today who is good for him.

This is kinda the level some of us will eventually have to get to, where we say, OK: I will just fucking die trying to make it. I will just not stop, for decades if need be.

Here's what I've got for you today:

Life is the ultimate competitor.

It is the test of tests.

It is relentless. It will just keep fucking coming at you.

You, me, natedawg, klondike we are on a different pathway entirely dude. We need to find a few more underdogs, and we need to assemble together and support each other. This is why me and Colgate so close and tight as bros - we can relate to each other, and I will go to the wall for him to get his goals, and he will for me. I would love it if I had a crew of other dudes who are in my same situation who were total grinders. I will make it happen.

Arguing with reality is pointless: we just don't do it. You can express, vent, explore all of this shit, and grapple with it, deconstruct it, it will help you letting it go. It'll take time. There is a lot of pain in your heart, and like me, you got wounded in life. That wounding is the real issue here, the trauma it brings to you.

Just understand that our road is different, and we'll have to max ourselves out, move around the world, become successful and really push for elite. We have need to get location independent income so we can just travel the world and find locations which will work for us, and where women will give us a shot.

Effectively, life just FORCES us to aggressively level up to this insane level, and believe it or not, that is a good thing.

You know the level of grind I put into my life. I don't need to explain. You, and everyone else, knows. I DID THE FUCKING WORK. To this day, it is a total ass busting grind to generate leads, and to make anything dating wise happen in the UK. When I lived in London, I found ways to make it work through extreme level grinding/insane volume. But that did leave a lot to be desired in terms of quality of girls, retention, investment, and just general desire for me.

I absolutely KILLED myself to become more successful with women, as you know.

And guess what?

I did it.

In 2022, I got 9 women to sleep with me. 1 was a FWB for months and the sex was awesome. Approached 1k+ women (no lays), dated ~100. All of those experiences reconditioned my brain and body, and developed me, made me grow, and become better. That entire process was me going ALL IN, and was absolutely necessary to leave the hellish nightmare that was my life for 29 damn years. Lost my virginity at 30 bro, as you know, and now, I am confident, healthy, happy, grounded, and improving all the damn time.

1 of those 9 lays was fucking DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, and I get up and am motivated to bring that into my reality again, every damn day of my life. If I could wake up to a gal like that each morning, fuck me, I could conquer the damn world.

It was one night only. But I am determined to make it happen again.

True, true, true fucking willpower can be forged buddy.

You can get to the point in life where you say, fuck you, I'm going to fucking fail as many times as I have to....UNTIL I SUCEED.

The pain in the psyche just has to be worked through. Keep taking action, keep actually working on yourself, hard.

People like me and Nate are kinda leading by example here. We're crushing in the gym, we're pressing forward like crazy, and we just don't stop.

You MUST BELIEVE that it is possible for you to have a positive, enjoyable, healthy sex life.

It is not exactly easy for me in the UK. But I bust my ass, and I get results sometimes. It's not what I want, and yeah, it hurts, but I just keep working on myself, keep improving, and once my biz is right, I am getting on a plane and fucking travelling the world.

We'll have to bring every aspect of the elite equation together. The body must be incredible, mindset, confidence, all of that.

It's not women's fault at all buddy, this is just the way it is, it's just life.

This can be a blessing in disguise.

The world rewards many basic ass dudes with fantastic outcomes, despite them doing 0 work, putting 0 effort in, and they just carry on with their life.

The world then has other people on nightmare mode, for no reason, and grinds them into a fine fucking powder for bullshit returns, and just sadistically expects them to keep going.

That's the way it is. Nothing can be done about it. Nothing. It is sad, tragic, and senselessly cruel to people who do not deserve it. And how you get your victory is you just gut up and get back to work.

Things not being fair is something many of us had to confront.

I would have loved it, absolutely loved it if I could just go out there into the world and have a fair go, have a shot, and experience some outcomes that reflect my dedication and work. I see that it's not necessarily like that for all males, dude, it's a question of value & attraction: the male will just have to keep ascending in looks & attraction + value, and take mind-bending levels of action, until the Universe says, OK, you can now have the good stuff too. Different males are at different levels. Skin tone matters, yes. WE ARE OK WITH IT. You know what my online dating process is, you know I am putting in the numbers hardcore for my upcoming trip. And yeah, getting traction is like pulling teeth, fucking grim. Trip starts next week, 5 numbers, but just unresponsive, and no dates scheduled yet. We'll see, won't we? I'll cold approach daily for that trip, hit the clubs daily, and just push for that week. You love yourself either way, you see yourself as valuable either way, and you just live your life the best way you can regardless of this shit.


Everyone is human, no one is better than anyone else, the SMP is definitely extremely unfair and will drive you insane if you let it.

When guys whose attraction ability is lower seek to have a great love life, they should be aware that it'll likely be an uphill struggle and will involve extreme self-improvement.

None of that even matters. It is YOUR JOB to adapt and find a way to win. It doesn't matter if it's borderline impossible, SOMEONE OUT THERE has beat your excuses. I am that someone.


The signals in your environment tell you a lot about yourself. I have to bust my ass, I am always approaching, am pretty confident as a guy, and am definitely 'out there' as much as a guy can be. Geuss what? No dice buddy. Nada. Zero. Rien. Ducks egg.

And I try again.

And then again.

And then again.

And then again.

Many outcomes are not what I seek. Much failure happens. Most of it is shot into the void.

.....And yet, with sheer persistence, I am able to get SOMETHING, from time to time.

If the measurements of my body parts keep going up, and I keep aligning myself with The Adonis Ratio, and I keep improving my looks, cold approach, dating profiles, keep getting more success and start travelling the world.

I could find what I am looking for.

Gutting up to this, is not easy. Consider the absolute transcendental lengths that I have to go to, because I have no freakin' choice!

I just have to gut up and do it. No one to blame, no one to question, nothing anyone can even do man. I just have to run the gauntlet.


The feeling of waking up next to a beautiful woman who fucked my brains out for 7hours straight was just too incredible, I will simply MAKE MYSELF attractive & valuable enough that I can repeat this experience.

I will grind myself into dust and damn near break myself off to have an incredible body, and great looks, and just pull out all the stops dude, tattooing, surgeries, whatever the man fuck. I am 6 gt 5, not terrible physically, there are some barriers I face yes (my skin is brown) and yes this can be like riding a bicycle with the brakes on, you peddle as hard as you like, and it is just such a slow brutal process. That does not stop me. Nothing can.

You know how much I appreciate it when I can just get a good date?

You know how it makes me feel when I can just get a girl to TEXT me?

When I get a second date, when I get a lay.....man these experiences are truly magical.

You know I am not just another guy on the forum....you know I have had to painstakingly improve myself so, so much, and have taken extreme action non stop for almost 2 years

I find few who have succeeded in this game particularly impressive as they were basically at the finish line by the time they started. They just never had to grow, and it is overwhelmingly obvious from just being around them, and they're kinda just basic ass dudes without a lot of substance and depth. That's cool. But it isn't greatness. They had to lift their finger, fair enough, but that was about it. A basic ass dude inserting his cock in things isn't particularly interesting to me,

What is, however, is a man who is forging total excellence in themselves. The underdog type person has no choice but to forge total excellence. I am interested in those people and back them, hardcore. What is interesting to me, is the pursuit of total fucking greatness.

Mo, imagine if I pull this off? From the hell I came, if I can keep going until I can find a lady who is amazing and willing to build something with me, god dammit, it'll have been worth it, and I can move on with my fucking life.

....Pause and reflect for a moment, and consider that you, too, could make it. You, too, are a man like me, flesh and blood, just as good as me and anyone else.



But you already knew that, didn't you?

So you can take it from me:

  • We are on the right path. We just need to keep pushing and working on the metrics that matter. Body will need to be on point. Looks, Style, Grooming on point. Everything will need to come together and we can't have any weak links. Confidence, Game, the lot.

We'll have to move geographically until we can find somewhere that works.

This may be a multiple-year journey.

Every 6 months, you'll be getting noticeably better.

Every few 100 approaches, every 50 dates, every 6 months in the gym. Every 6 months of looksmaxxing.

And then, it'll compound.

And you'll actually be a high value man.

And ALL of what we see, WILL be attainable.

You have to trust Universal principles here: The Universe/God is not so insane that it will continue to not reward those who are deserving.

You and me both are going to have to clamp down and stubbornly just improve ourselves for a few months now, OK?

tdan187 said:
You could do this, and fuck a plenty of hot chicks, if you actually wanted to and tried hard enough. It's not your looks or any other blackpill shit dude, and you need to get all that garbage out of your head.

My country has a lot of Pakistanis and gypsies, yet I have not seen a single one of them with a white girl. Especially the gypsies have an attitude of "I can do anything" but sex is not one of those things.

I understand the sentiment but comments like yours show you don't understand how the environment affects things. You're a white guy living in America if I'm not mistaken? Give me a break man.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
tdan187 said:
You could do this, and fuck a plenty of hot chicks, if you actually wanted to and tried hard enough. It's not your looks or any other blackpill shit dude, and you need to get all that garbage out of your head.

My country has a lot of Pakistanis and gypsies, yet I have not seen a single one of them with a white girl. Especially the gypsies have an attitude of "I can do anything" but sex is not one of those things.

I understand the sentiment but comments like yours show you don't understand how the environment affects things. You're a white guy living in America if I'm not mistaken? Give me a break man.


Grecian Wisdom

tdan187, please don't feel attacked, Crisis is a very experienced guy who has been doing this shit and crushing for a long time, and he will give people tough love sometimes. I know you're a good sport, and have seen you respond maturely, so I hope you take the comment in the spirit of our community, which you are a part of, OK? :)

I also get this from King Crisis, and we're actually friends, lol.

But yes, the Greek is correct. 100%.

Objective reality will persist beyond the fantasy our mind can conjure up in fleeting moments.

I am myself very open minded, I date and sleep with women from every background on earth, and am frankly looking for someone who is really into me, and I them. Tone doesn't matter to me, lay #2 was dark like me btw. And I actually dream about her. She was an awesome creature and I cannot even describe the nasty stuff I did with her, it was epic, lol.

That said.

I know where I am sitting in the SMP. I know, as a 6ft5 guy, who is BALLS DEEP in becoming elite, what I can get, what I want, and the process that will get me there.

It is going to be some ass busting grinding for YEARS.

I can approach until the cows come home.

I can keep grinding in the gym for 12-18months.

I can keep making money and levelling up.

And I will actually have to develop a far better product to enable a better reality.

If this wasn't the case, I'd have tasted it by now! I didn't, and that proves the point: so you get back to work and clamp down.

And all I really get is a chance, a throw of the dice, an opportunity to present and see if the stars align for me. I'll have to come freakin' correct, and just live the biz lifestyle of travel and geomaxxing.

This will be a true adventure and test of will.

Many make statements of sheer ignorance and prove they have not done the work, or are basically guys living on easy mode, who have sufficient SMV, and for whom, the world is basically set up for them to just win.

I've been working on myself intensively, spent my life savings on this, and gave my entire lives blood to this, so actually know the game of self improvement quite deeply, and as such, people like myself and Crisis can inject a dose of realism and support guys in actually getting a better life for themselves.

For some, it's not "in your head bro" - they will need to fucking transform if they are to survive.

Many guys dream of waking up next to beautiful women. Many, it's just there for, because society's programming engenders it, and it's set up for them to have it. Then, there's those who have to actually break down the walls of reality and bend the Universe to their will. That task is fucking HURCELEAN and should not be taken lightly

This is not to say Thrice can't do it.

He has many of us backing him, who will help him get there.

He will just need to heal, hustle, and grow.

It serves him to encourage him to keep working with a long term vision. It may not serve him to tell him he's got a boatload of pussy at his finger tips if he just fixes his "mindset". Maybe he does, I don't know, I'm not him - but likelihood is, if he's anything like the rest of us, he'll need structure, process, discipline, and to dramatically improve himself over the long haul.
