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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Some men are super privileged and some aren't.

If you are in category 1, your job is to stay on top, if you are in category 2, your goal is to outwork the people in category 1 and take their spot
tdan187 said:
You could do this, and fuck a plenty of hot chicks, if you actually wanted to and tried hard enough. It's not your looks or any other blackpill shit dude, and you need to get all that garbage out of your head.
Denying the blackpill is denying reality. Yeah it's unproductive to ruminate on but I agree with Crisis. Being a white guy in America is far easier than the situation that Thrice is in. He's an arab living in Italy I think he said?

I think it's easy to take for granted the racial advantage. Dating might not be easy for anybody, but being non-white makes it even harder. Racism is a pretty pervasive thing in modern society believe it or not, even if it's not always super overt.

Race plays into looks and overall SMV, and how women will perceive you. Being white makes things a lot easier, that's just a fact. At least in western countries.
Hey Thrice,

Have you tried to set your tinder to different locations around the world - different cities in western europe, eastern europe, middle east, south america, and asia? Maybe even Southern Italy will yield better results?
Is there a noticably difference in the results compared to where you are now? And how responsive are the women when you message them?

If there is a big difference - geomaxxing is without a doubt worth going into.

The first problem however is that most peoples income are tied to their location - they work jobs where they have to show up physically.
So even if you get a decent or high income from that job it wont be practical to relocate to a place where you get better results with women.

This site show roughly how much it cost to live in various cities around the world, and other info.

Thank you guys, i', happy to have my brothers here, today was a rough day and my face shows it, but i still took some pictures, it was my task for today with my accountability partner, my face looks like shit i still tried, need a hair cut and better fitting jeans
Looks wise, you absolutely, absolutely can make it.

Keep working.

Get dates, and just spend time face to face, talking to a woman.

You'll see, in time, it is one of the most healing things you can ever do.

The long nights spend cuddling my FWB all night, holding her so close, when I just wished I could have that experience the previous 10 damn years, those nights were healing beyond words man. Beyond fucking words.

It matters.

You WILL get dates. And in time, you'll heal.

Just keep working, OK?

MakingAComeback said:
Just keep working, OK?

Thank you Mac, i applied your advice and got some sunlight eraly in the morning instead of working out immediatelyin my garage with artificial light and felt way better and less depressed, got a good workout in and some cardio, took pictures with same outfit but different location, i can't seem to relax when there's people around me, maybe i should consider finding completlety isoleted location that are still good, with that tense facial expression my pictures will never be cool and will never achieve that fuck boy vibe i'm aiming to

natedawg said:
All of this stuff matters more than many people understand.

Thank you brother, i really appreciate your support, yes a lot of people just don't understand how much classist woman can be when it comes to ethnicity and sexual preference
Hey man that 2nd photo of the new set with that bridge thing is cool. That whole set has better lighting, sunset make stuff looks dramatic. Do you have any other outfits?

I’d also up the contrast on the 2nd
I tried the new flash today, my tecnique still sucks, but that can be improved, what i don't like is my face, asymmetrical eyebrows and my nose is bent to the left, also the space around the temples, i shouldve stopped coping years ago and started finastride...
There's no such thing as mature hairline, it's hair loss... Mature hairline should be called coping hairline, now i will have to use minoxidil to fill that.. i see a guy who can get 5's but not cute girls

I matched a girl, i will show her picture, asked her out, she said let's get to know each other better first
Know each other better = me asking question and she replies like a retarded robot and like Mac says she's not the bell of the ball...

I met a girl that saw at work the other day, she turned her had to the left to avoid eye contact almost in panick, imagine to cumulative pain that's sitting on my chest after seeing this pattern for years, they basically swipe left on me with their heads... They see no value... The amount of hatred i have towards woman and myself is unhealthy

Anyway i think the flash is too strong its makes me look white, the pictures in general are not great, I'm still looking for a isolated location because I'm not comfortable taking pictures with people around
you're doing well with your photos so far, your next biggest improvement is going to come from smiling or at the least having a softer relaxed facial expression

dont try to force the muscles. just think of a happy memory and try to keep happy thoughts and let it show in your face
As much as I’m aware of the blackpill (just like you), I don’t think your root issue are your looks.

Yes if you were a handsome guy with an amazing body, not a single girl would care too much about your introvertiveness/depression/…

Just like all of us, you should continue improving your looks and appearance. BUT your main focus should be your mental health. Unhappy people give of a certain vibe which people tend to stay away from.
Nobody sees a broken man and tries to fix him. People rather see a happy man and join his life.

You don’t have the common experience that girls flake, see you as a friend or think that they can get someone better. Right now you are basically rejecting yourself beforehand.

I can only tell you that this is what you have to change in order to get closer to the life you want. How you’re going to do this will be up to you. Becoming more open is a big challenge, you will have amazing days, you’ll have poor days. Enjoy the ride!

I’ve personally became a lot more social the last 2 years. For me it was about talking louder and being more present which automatically shifted into me having more and more engaging conversations.

I think you also have it in you to transform
Good to see you got a flash. Flash photography is defs more advanced. Also are you shooting raw and editing? That could help bring down the highlights.

I think like the others, expression right now is more important than a technically correct photo.

I can give you flash tips. But are you going to work on your expressions?

Everyone feels a bit odd and silly taking photos in public you have to do it anyway.
tdan187 said:
Squilliam said:
Denying the blackpill is denying reality. Yeah it's unproductive to ruminate on but I agree with Crisis. Being a white guy in America is far easier than the situation that Thrice is in. He's an arab living in Italy I think he said?

I think it's easy to take for granted the racial advantage. Dating might not be easy for anybody, but being non-white makes it even harder. Racism is a pretty pervasive thing in modern society believe it or not, even if it's not always super overt.

Race plays into looks and overall SMV, and how women will perceive you. Being white makes things a lot easier, that's just a fact. At least in western countries.

It just doesn't matter though.

At the end of the day, all that matters is what helps you, not someone else, get what you want.

Is it unfair? Definitely. How does it help though?

You gotta start believing in you, not in some other dude who is better and has it easier in whatever X way. You aren't them. You are you.

That's how you start to think when you are playing to win. If you want it bad, then find a way. Doesn't matter if it's harder for you or not. You gotta find a way.

Really good post.

And thank you for the kind words above, bro, I really appreciate it.

Ultimately, this is the attitude - regardless of difficulty, challenges, or disadvantages, just do whatever it takes to get success.

Dates, pulls, lays, for me are annoyingly difficult. That's an archetype thing. There are SOME women out there who would feel attraction for men like me. I'm not going to say it's a lot, it's not at all. But they ARE out there. The way I see it, it's my job to find them, and to explore whatever can be explored between us.

Nuance is really important and its why King Crisis highlighted this.

We're NOT shitting on you dude, OK? That is never going to happen. You know me, and you know I would never treat a brother of the community in that way.

What we're saying is, the path for some males, is quite complicated, multifaceted, and may be a multi-year process of us working with that person and trying different things. We are willing to make the commitment and we will back these men, 100%. But, it isn't as simple as, just back yourself and keep talking to girls. It isn't as simple as "of course you can bang attractive girls bro just go for it bro".

Whilst the winners mindset is MISSION CRITICAL.........




That is where we can take issue with it. Because even with the winners mindset, some guys will have to go deeper into themselves, require a lot of compassion and kindness, and really manage their expectations.

Some guys have to max themselves out. For some, just getting in shape won't cut it. It didn't for me. These guys will have to objective measures of an excellent body.

Some guys will have to restructure their life and move. I had to. In most parts of England, my nation, I am not really what a woman would desire. And I completely respect it. That's their choice. I will get my biz right, get on a plane, and move. Their loss. I will still be a great man for the right woman one day.

Some guys will need to learn game, fix their vibe, and learn to become a far more attractive personalities. I had to. All but 1 of my lays required straight-up game, and had I know been taught this (Rags2Bitches, Pancakemouse, The Dom mentored me here) I'd have never gotten the experiences I needed. They were all on a knife edge and did require me to play some great moves and really make the stars align. It was fucking annoyingly hard.

And then, there is the majority of the forum, 95% of guys.

There are many men who are at a sufficient level of SMV that they don't have to go down the route of the warrior, extreme grinding and basically the absolute rewriting of the soul and psyche. Very few would have survived my journey so far, very few.

There are MAJOR signs you're not low SMV. If you can get attraction from a chick - you're not low SMV. The SMP is not going to be a challenge for you, you can get laid, not necessarily much of grind at all tbh. If your matches are attractive, if they're receptive, if you can sleep with "hot" girls, you just aren't a low SMV person. You certainly may FEEL that way, have very significant challenges of the mind, and of your beliefs, and past trauma, sure. But the market decides, and it has already decided in your favour. The dating game isn't inherently against you, rather, it is rigged for you to win. End of story.

Low SMV guys can be ked astray because so few have understanding of the deep truths of hardcase, low SMV transformation, which is truly a process of burning everything about a person down to ash, and forging something again, but this time, out of raw steel.

It isn't necessarily useful advice to say to someone, man, it's all in your head, you can fuck hot girls - no homie, that isn't necessarily as cut and dry as that. A guy can grind away, really hard, for a year plus and not even get a sniff of that. And then he is going to fucking self-destruct. Giving people unrealistic expectations is a recipe to destroy that person.

Rather, we build them up over time IMO.

Embedding the winners mindset is mission critical, as I said, and equally:

JUST getting dates with any type of chick is a MAJOR win.

JUST getting a lay, MAJOR WIN.

These guys need to heal and normalise, and recover from their shitstorm life.

Getting traction for the lower SMV male is not a simple process, and it takes world-class resilience and sheer hustler spirit.

90% of my interactions with ladies in clubs, just normal looking chicks, are over within 1 second. Hard deflection. Cold approach is actually better than that for me, but is a true skill and fine art, that I am improving at, but is still very telling....1000+ approaches last year, nothing. If you look at how many dates of mine pull, and how many lay, it's 1 in 10. It took 100+ dates in 2022 to get 9 lays. And this was still worth it BY FAR. It was fucking AWESOME and I loved it.

Many of us tried and tested the conventional wisdom to insane lengths. This is not a time for theory, we have the data, and we have established this at this point.

Again, I say that with love, because I am here to serve, share, and facilitate growth.

Take home point:

Certain guys just need to be eased into the SMP, developed, nurtured, and allowed to bloom over time. It is not useful to tell these guys they can get hotties. Sure, they have a shot, we all do. But likelihood is, they will need to spend quite some time levelling up and grinding hard in self improvement...

Approach after approach.

Date after date.

Gym session after gym session, with perfect diet, in bed at 1030pm latest, just building a fucking stud body.

Levelling up and becoming more successful.

Photoshoot after photoshoot, nailing a great profile.

All of this shit has to converge for some guys, it is a fucking ass buster, and it also takes TIME. This takes FAITH. I have to just gut up, work my ass off, and just pray my future improves. All the while, I get shit shovelled in my face consistently, dating is legit grim and like pulling teeth, the effort level is just fucked. And that's the game for me here, at my level. I have to just brainwash myself into believing if I get jacked, and hit certain measurements in my bodyparts, I CAN find someone who will be worthwhile. This situation takes extreme mental toughness because terrain is fricken hostile.

Wanna know how I survive it?

I am surrounded by my boys, who know the SMP deeply, who are constantly affirming me, backing me, believing in me, and just brainwashing me into success by telling me, dude if you keep working hard and stick at it, it WILL pay off. So I wake up, understand the mission, and bust my damn ass EVERY DAY, and am prepared to for as many years as it takes, and whatever the fuck I have to do.

Coaching these guys through this specific experience is a fine art, and requires patience, persistence, and just listening to them and supporting them.

We can facilitate a space for them and we CAN get them over the line. And we can respectfully agree to disagree, its cool man, its not a big thing, we can just share and listen to each other, and respect it. We're still friends regardless of any views, OK?

Mohamad can make it. He will have to put in some work, though, and that's fine. Everything good in life requires it.

workout today and practiced some photography again, i have found a super isoleted area, i just hope i don't die there it's next to a river hahah
Gj finding a better area and lighting conditions (ideally we have no shadow at all by picking either an overcast day or golden hour)


september said:
your next biggest improvement is going to come from smiling or at the least having a softer relaxed facial expression

you didnt listen (well actually maybe you did a bit, you look a little softer)

this isnt really a "nice to have", it's mandatory. it's the line between you scaring everyone off by looking like a handsome psycho, versus being a sexy handsome friendly guy that you're already capable of being

its better to have a shitty selfie of you smiling than a super crisp dslr of mean mugging the camera

if you're finding it hard to smile or soften your face then its even more important to work on this - you will have much better date performance if you can soften up
september said:
you didnt listen (well actually maybe you did a bit, you look a little softer)

Yes i will start to pracrice smiling, i have to say that what i like the most is the fuck boy subtle expression, which is also the best for the girls i wanna target and in general i think males look better like this
Thrice said:
i have to say that what i like the most is the fuck boy subtle expression, which is also the best for the girls i wanna target and in general i think males look better like this

facial expressions and posing can give HUGELY different impressions based on VERY subtle changes

for example both pics you showed, the guy's face is VERY relaxed, his eyes are very hooded, he has the faintest hint of a smile on the corners of his lips, his eyebrows are high up (notice that his forehead wrinkles from it in the 2nd pic)

pretend you're a girl in front of him and he's looking at you like that. the vibe is immediately obvious - in the first pic he's very sultry like he's going to kiss you, in the second pic he's lost deep in your eyes.

tighten some his facial muscles by just a few millimeters and the pics would "look" almost identical, but the vibe would go from sultry and romantic to weird and hostile.

If you really look closely, fuckboy expressions are always made ON TOP of a relaxed, content face. It never looks like their baseline mood is anything but "winning". At most they're looking at you in a "challenging" or "suspicious" way, but it's always as if they were having tons of fun before you came along, and now they're PLAYFULLY testing you, and not under any real threat


basically, you NEED to have a "baseline" happy expression before you start trying to look cool. I really suggest not trying to look cool either. Because it's too easy to fuck up and gives like a 1% improvement over looking content and relaxed, which is a 10000% improvement over not looking like that

For reference all my pics on all my dating profiles have me smiling or with a very content, relaxed face, and I don't try to look cool in any of them

It's likely even MORE important for you to look friendly because you're a more "foreign" archetype in your market and need to balance out various weirdness cues (which I also have a ton of)
September is spot on about the face being relaxed. That's basically the difference imho between Andy (intense) and Radical (relaxed). Intense can work too but much more niche. Anyway keep up the good work with the photos mate. As long as you're trying to improve you'll get there -- you've come a long way since -26 karma on gll :D
Adrizzle said:
Good to see you got a flash. Flash photography is defs more advanced. Also are you shooting raw and editing? That could help bring down the highlights.

I think like the others, expression right now is more important than a technically correct photo.

I can give you flash tips. But are you going to work on your expressions?

Everyone feels a bit odd and silly taking photos in public you have to do it anyway.
yes i'm shooting raw, not editing yet, i will work on my expression and download lightroom to edit
Bro you're actually handsome lol.

You're actually way better looking than I am.

I am happy for you, because with work and time, I KNOW, truly, you can get what you are looking for.

Great help from the boys.

Mate shooting raw and not editing is like, buying a manual rally car when you only drive 5 minutes down the road.

Please please don’t shoot raw if you don’t edit. Shoot in jpeg and your cameras colour profile will be better than an unedited raw. All these technical things are secondary to expression and posing