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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
tinder is a display of female sexual power, they are living their life while we're chasing like dogs and it's just fueling my incel rage and hatred towards woman

YOU are fueling your incel rage and hatred towards women

there still seems to be a lack of realization on your end that you are actively choosing what data to look at in reality and which stories to tell yourself from that data. you are much more in control of your thought processes than you think. this can change, has changed for plenty of other guys, and must change for you to be successful. even aside from the fact that changing your thought processes will lead to way more physical rewards in the real world, it's also super worth it in itself because it's way more pleasant to live in a positive mental world than a negative one

truthfully speaking the level of, specifically, 'incel' rage here is retarded

you have top 20% looks

literally all the other controllable shit in your life is what's bottom 20% and holding you back

so how in flying fuck do you have permission to be an incel? ive seen too many people with way worse looks and starting with an equal lifestyle, get way more ahead of you, because they took themselves seriously instead of this endless tranny fantasy you have going on of being desired solely like a girl. id at least respect you for all the feminine behaviour you emitted if you actually chopped your dick off and started taking e pills but instead you're in a male space for developing masculinity and all you do is feminine complain about not being desired in a female enough way because theres hotter girls in guys bodies out there. is your log secretly an ad for someone on the forums to come top you? is that why theres so many feminine behaviours in it?

dont you want to rage at shit you can actually control and would make you happier once you fixed it?

anyway all that aside i see youve been doing better with dating and taking action and this is looks like just more of a down period for you especially with winter depression etc. overall good progress
Yeah, you're just hurt, man.

Your void, creates your values.

You had a decade+ of inceldom, and in that time, saw the rest of the world get on with their lives, while you were rotting.

I know how brutal this is, as I was there.

This, absolutely traumatises you, to the bone. It did me.

The time for healing from this, can be a while. I can be good for a while, and feel awesome, and then, I too still have all consuming emotional pain that seems to come out of nowhere.

That, I think, is part of having a truly painful past. And what I have found, is that it is part of you that you have to make peace with, and accept. It doesn't really go away. You just learn the skill of acceptance and moving along with life regardless.

You will slowly learn this. I can see, in subtle ways, that you are.

I think the rage coming out, and you processing it, letting go of it, is good.

Stay with it.

I have to, and so do you.

Yeah, Tinder and online dating is not great. It's not great for many of us. You know I barely get any matches, at all, after a lot of work on myself. Most of mine, are also, not even close to cute, dude. They're very meh. Many are fat also, man.

You just go through it, run the numbers game, and with sheer endurance, I promise you, some positive experiences will come.

There is no real alternative, dude. I have tried to find a way out. There's none. You just gotta go through with it.

You just cannot quit, no matter how tough it gets.

You simply can't.

Life, gets better, once you get some results, and start to move beyond this stuff. There is real beauty and decency in the world, you just have to look outside of dating for much of this, and within the dating mission, you will only survive if you can become stoic and accept all of this stuff, and be totally OK with it

I will add one more thing...........

This is more of a spiritual post, though you may not agree, I personally do believe in God and seek strength in my own journey

The Universe WILL Test Your Commitment

As you grow, and find ways to obtain what you seek, the Universe, or God, whichever you prefer, will test you...

First, you have the losing streaks

Then, you have the bitter defeats

The depression, the sleepless nights

The mind torture

Your entire being almost collapses, and you want a way out. The pain can be soul crushing. You want to blow your brains out.

.....And yet, somehow, you persist

The betrayals, the backstabbing, people who you trusted, letting you down. I can tell you no end of absolutely insane shit that has taken place in my own journey, which does not make the log, or anywhere else dude.

Knives pulled at me, mugging attempts, all sorts of crazy hostility.

Denied service, not allowed into venues and spaces, though they let my other friends.

All fucking sorts, homie.

Grinding for multiple years, and getting ghosted to fuck. Getting some weird ass treatment.

Being in no uncertain terms made to confront where you stack up. At the bottom.

You say you got 400 matches on Tinder? Do you know that I have not had that many, combined, total, since I started this shit. LMAO.

ANYONE who has a goal, who is serious, and who has stuck his head above the parapet, is going to get the wrath, homie.

I was on RxMuscle's AfterHour's show (300,000+ subscribers on YouTube) with my fucking brother, Scotty, who has my back and supports me every day of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Dave Palumbo, John Romano, Gregg Valentino. These men, were so cool to me, and praised my transformation:


What you also have to consider, is literally hundreds of racist comments flooding in, about how I am brown, must stink of curry, am an Uber driver, all sorts of just low level racist idiocy. These people are sickened by me, dude, though they do not know me. You should see my social media DMs, dude.

A few days ago, I posted a pic of when I used to be fat, on my socials. In one day, all the chicks who I'd been chatting to IG, unfollowed. The day game and online leads, just poof. They saw I used to be fat, felt some negative emotion - poof! No thanks. I don't even blame them.

I've had women I was legit dating, 3-4 dates, and properly interested in, find my forum log, and consider finding ways to pursue a cancellation of sorts. Yup.

I am also going to tell you, that it does not get better.

The lows, continue to come.

You just get stronger.

The guys who said they were going to go out and achieve something, told the Universe they were serious.

When the tests came, they folded.

I don't even blame them. I have wanted to quit, many times.

.....But the guys who you see, who actually got what they're looking for, are the 1% of men who actually paid the price in blood, sweat, and tears.

That is the great equaliser, dude.

Not your looks.

Not your game.

But your fucking heart and soul.

I am low SMV. Most women, consider me f**king ugly. I know, because I can see how they receive me, and how they receive others. No part of me, is mad about that, because I am completely at peace with my value as a male, which does not come from my exterior, but the warrior spirit I have, and the ability to come back and continue moving when I get shat on, every month of this journey dude.

That, to me, is the guy, who will finally, somehow make it.

And for a guy like me, a down low rat from dirt nothing, just to breathe that rarified air at the top of the mountain for one second, just one second, I will be able to die a god damn champion because I made it despite the odds and did not quit.



I believe in you, hardcore, and you must understand I am a stubborn, weird, autistic man. I reject the notion that a man of your looks must accept this situation, wholeheartedly. This thought sickens me to the bone and I reject this for any man who has the looks you do. God I am pissed off now.

Back to work........

Despite the pain you’re feeling now, you’re a million times improved now compared to 5+ years ago on GLL when you had like -40ish karma.

Regarding that girl’s question vs the age you put, the correct answer is yes.

That said OLD blows. Most of the girls I’ve dated from OLD are just the most boring souless husks imaginable. That said, that’s a selection bias, since I’m basically only swiping right on top picks, and most of them don’t have bios. My profile also comes off too much as brain-dead IG model, so it’s no wonder.

So you have a few choices: continue to improve your photos (and your life) so that you’re loving your life and matching with (and banging) more interesting girls (that girl who was giving you 1-3 word replicas I would’ve unmatched after her 3rd lackluster response) after another 5-7 years pass by.

Or, ditch OLD (at least for now) and focus more on improving your life.

In any case, maybe dial back OLD if it is fucking with your mental state. Your mindset is important for sure but it depends on what you’re exposing yourself too.

Cheers mate, wishing you peace and prosperity one of these days.
Why havent you tried the AI text app i suggested a few weeks back? It will be a life saviour for you. Firetexts it is called.
september said:
is your log secretly an ad for someone on the forums to come top you? is that why theres so many feminine behaviours in it?

you got me😂
september said:
literally all the other controllable shit in your life is what's bottom 20% and holding you back

i will take new pictures, the problem is with social pics as i dont have friends, i can pay people at the skate park to pose with me and create photoshop composites or use AI to get cooler pictures with social proof, likeme singing live or playing guitar

i dont work as a pizza delivery anymore, i have a decent job now i dont have to be ashamed of but only make 1100k, not enough to buy a car, i match with girls in other cities, and i lift 5 times a week also, what else should i do?
Olafsmash said:
Why havent you tried the AI text app i suggested a few weeks back? It will be a life saviour for you. Firetexts it is called.

the idea looks scummy as fuck but i would still buy it because the dude is putting in a lot of effort to create free youtubes videos, so it would be like donating money to someone who deserve it, but it's not available in europe

MakingAComeback said:
What you also have to consider, is literally hundreds of racist comments flooding in, about how I am brown, must stink of curry, am an Uber driver, all sorts of just low level racist idiocy. These people are sickened by me, dude, though they do not know me. You should see my social media DMs, dude.

they are disgusting, you know those type ofguys, they do the same and insult evrybody on their forums, they're jokes are always racist too. You can also notice they never show their faces, so they are troll. I admire for having the balls to show your face from day one and still not ashamed of putting on social media your journey. They unfallow because they felt some negative emotions, man woman are so nasty, the part of me that used to love and respect woman died years ago for this exact reason. I used to be fat too and noticed the difference in treatment too, i approached young girls and got numbers from club, than i remembered how they used to treat me when i was fat and just blocked them without asking for a date. I agree thats trauma that makes snap and it's nt very studied because society dont really care about man.

Thank you brother, i will keep pushing i promise, i'm one those guys,people come and go and i'm always here after many years. no plan b and burned the bridges years ago. Nowhere to go actually.I love you brother and feel your pain, we will make it

Thank god when i have a mental breakdown dosent last much, i also noticed that benzos really work to calm myself down immediatly, i know that stuff is bad but it really work. Letting the angry brain activity shorten your life is bad also, perhaps way more than benzos
Thrice said:
So they ready the questione but don't answer, Animals...

You built zero comfort. Just plow, plow, plow. You don't even know anything about her, nor she about you. Why would she waste her holiday time to go out with you?

To her, YOU'RE the animal.
pancakemouse said:
You built zero comfort.

building confort with this level of pictures i have means getting ghosted, i'm not retarded, at my actual level they ghost, might as well ask for a date immediately until i get new pcitures and new photone/sim/profile. I have been ghosted like 300 hundred times, it gets tiring, i know you believe in game, build attraction,etc, and your life revolves around that, i really respect that but i have a hard time believing i can keep same pictures and learn to pull with text game. i agree you can suck and lose them though
Thrice said:
building confort with this level of pictures i have means getting ghosted,

Why are you rejecting yourself ?

By not following pancake's advice (that he gave many times), you decide to reject yourself, because you're not trying to optimize your chance to get laid. You say you follow PwF, even him, in his videos mention the fact that you shouldn't go for the close too early.

I'd personally dig into that. Maybe you don't really want to put the effort to get laid because something is still blocking you.

It's easier to say "my pictures are the problem" or "they're animals" than "maybe I'm doing something wrong".

Your profile gets matches (more than I ever had), some girls even directly starts the conversation with you. Stop thinking that your pictures are the issues.

If what you've been doing is not working, time to change the way you approach things.
Thrice said:
they are disgusting, you know those type ofguys, they do the same and insult evrybody on their forums, they're jokes are always racist too. You can also notice they never show their faces, so they are troll. I admire for having the balls to show your face from day one and still not ashamed of putting on social media your journey. They unfallow because they felt some negative emotions, man woman are so nasty, the part of me that used to love and respect woman died years ago for this exact reason. I used to be fat too and noticed the difference in treatment too, i approached young girls and got numbers from club, than i remembered how they used to treat me when i was fat and just blocked them without asking for a date. I agree thats trauma that makes snap and it's nt very studied because society dont really care about man.

Thank you brother, i will keep pushing i promise, i'm one those guys,people come and go and i'm always here after many years. no plan b and burned the bridges years ago. Nowhere to go actually.I love you brother and feel your pain, we will make it

Thank god when i have a mental breakdown dosent last much, i also noticed that benzos really work to calm myself down immediatly, i know that stuff is bad but it really work. Letting the angry brain activity shorten your life is bad also, perhaps way more than benzos

Yeah they are idiots tbh, it doesn't even register to me though, remember, the forum here is totally mixed. White, black, Asian, brown. No one gives 2 fucks. They just value hard work. Most of my mentors and advisors, who got me to where I am today, look different from me. Pancake, The Dom, and Rags are white. Well, Pancake is technically brown. But the point still stands. Dante, is brown, sure. Timmy Turner, was black, and he was the one who took a MASSIVE gamble on my autistic ass and let me move in with him.

Andy and Radical, opened so many doors for me in my life, it's insane. They insisted that I was worthy, that I had value, and they demanded that I be able to succeed in life also. They did a lot for me.

Scotty, if you know who that is - he is the reason GLL exists, has proven to be an incredible ally to me. He has opened doors for me, and he backs me, believes in me, and wants to see me have epic abundance. He is a very, very great dude. For instance, he welcomed me to come on the RxMuscle show with him, man, all these little things, add up, and build your brand and image. We're going on some other big shows soon, also. Without Scotty, do you think I would be allowed in these rooms? No. He, is a man of true integrity - "my biz partner is with me, and unless he can come on too, I won't". That, is a true bro.

Men who are of substance, do not care, We value hard work. You only need a few solid men in your corner in this life to fucking slay. I show my face and am open with the whole world that I am a self improvement guy, and I cold approach. I will always stand firm to my beliefs and will apologise to no one for trying to find a quality woman to start a family with. Period.

Fortunately for you, you have us at Winner Within, we have your back.

Yeah, you are even spotting how you are having trauma responses. I now know, you are definitely healing. This was how it was for me and in my log.

This stuff, has probably left deep scars, like it did for me, I can't promise you they go away, but I can promise you, that the pain does subside a lot, and you find more healing and love for humanity. I still have, a tonne of love, for people, animals, nature. All that. You will find, in your core, you were never a hateful and hurt person at all. You just got wounded. And when that wound starts to recover, you will see, that you are just a person like everyone else.

Dating, and women, in today's market, is definitely a very sticky situation. Where you are now, tbh, is just self sabotage. Sorry man. But you will overcome this roadblock.

You will start learning text game, and convert so many more of these leads.

I have to be persistent AF to get dates. I am a true bonafide hustler and though I have less than 1% of your matches, because I am a very, very hard man, I am able to push those small number of leads into dates (~200 dates so far) and lays.

So, there is no evidence to suggest you will not be able to do the same.

This, can take a while to nail down. Just to get my first fucking matches, took 6 months of grinding. Not for a date or a lay. A match. I whined a little, but I worked my butt off, and stayed with it.

This persistence has produced outcomes.

I share this, to allow you to work on your own underlying thinking, and ingrain some better persistence and consistency.

Your blocks and self sabotage behaviours, you actually understand. You will, hence, start to heal. I know, because I had these. In my own case, they took a long, long time to start to weaken.

Just being honest.

Thanks for the kind words brother, all things that are worthwhile in life, bring challenges.

The guy who will succeed, is the guy with true pain tolerance.

Believe it or not, people with tough backgrounds, have some advantages in this game of success. They are strong and resilient. I have seen so many men, just quit. This is an action oriented forum, and I have seen, very few have true fortitude. Most, get some results and outcomes, and just stop pushing themselves. Fold into comfort.

It is possible to take another avenue, the warriors path, where the training of darkness, actually becomes a great strength.........

i'm curious to know what guys even mean with "text game", in my opinion there's no such thing as text game, results depends on looks and pictures. I deleted my account and created a fake one using a male model, suddenly no ghosting, girls engaged and asked questions, a 29 girl from marocco wanted to send me pics and videos of her pussy and invited me to fuck in her car...this woman is muslim supposedly

i opened girls with texts like "i like your tits let's go out", the answer most of the time was yes

i even matched the indian girl that texted me first, in my real profile her answer was "i'll let you know" when asked her when she's free, with the male model she wanted day a same day date and was thirsty as fuck. Also she unmatched me after i asked if sh's indian, low attraction, low tolerance. Fucking animals.

a lot of the girls i matched with model are girls i matched with my real profile too, some of them texted me first just like they opened the model first, and this is good news, the difference between me and the model is not huge, but i disagree that the convertion rate is up to me and my text game
the gave me one word answers in my real profile and wanted a same day date and engaged way more with the model, i disagree that you can change that with text game, when they give those one word answers they've already decided you're not worth it

you can lose an opportunity with bad texting, you can't create one with great text game, you can be bad at texting and lose girls or be good at texting, good a texting is neutral, i dont think there's levels to texting, you can be bad or normal

the guy from playing with fire showing some eamples of difficult girls he was able to convert with great texting over several days or even weeks, sorry to tell you, those conversation are FAKE. After living almost your entire life on the internet you should be able to to tell whats fake and whats not. Most of the conversation he's posting are fake

The girl i matched with my real profile and with the fake profile are proof it's all about improving looks and pictures, they engaged more and had more energy with the model, now you might say water is wet we're not models so we have to work more, what i'm saying is i dont believe you can level this with texting, once the texting is normal all you can do is improve pictures and looks

except simping by asking more questions and free validation i dont know what to do, THEY are the ones that decide if the conversation will be boring or not, not us. they decide you're not worth it because you're not attractive enough and only deserve one word answers.

Did that make you feel better? Hope it did.

Pure ego preservation, until you drop the disbelief you will never progress.
pancakemouse said:
Did that make you feel better? Hope it did.

Pure ego preservation, until you drop the disbelief you will never progress.

what ego preservation? i matched the same girls with the fake profile and didnt require any texting and wanted to date that same night, those same girls were boring and only gave me one word answers every 5 days on my real profile. If you're theory is that with great texting you give her a dopamine hit and she gets wet, welll i don't believe it. I already created my real profile again and started recieving one word answers again, what do you even mean with texting, all you can do is ask more questions or ask her out, it dipends on how much you're wiling to simp and give free attention.
Thrice said:
i'm curious to know what guys even mean with "text game", in my opinion there's no such thing as text game, results depends on looks and pictures. I deleted my account and created a fake one using a male model, suddenly no ghosting, girls engaged and asked questions, a 29 girl from marocco wanted to send me pics and videos of her pussy and invited me to fuck in her car...this woman is muslim supposedly

i opened girls with texts like "i like your tits let's go out", the answer most of the time was yes

i even matched the indian girl that texted me first, in my real profile her answer was "i'll let you know" when asked her when she's free, with the male model she wanted day a same day date and was thirsty as fuck. Also she unmatched me after i asked if sh's indian, low attraction, low tolerance. Fucking animals.
Why would you waste your time doing this?

Chadfish experiments are pointless. It literally just confirms common knowledge that everyone already knows. If you're a 10/10 chad out of the girls league, you can say almost anything you want. This is common knowledge. Why waste your time and blackpill yourself further? It doesn't help you get closer to succeeding.

It is true. A hot guy can say the most ridiculously uncalibrated shit ever and succeed. But believe it or not, there will be girls who are turned off by it. Blackpill is a strong thing but there are girls with self-respect who will not tolerate bad behavior from a guy no matter how hot he is. Women aren't like us, they are less forgiving of bad behavior in relation to looks. Men don't care as much. Although there's definitely self-respecting men who wouldn't tolerate bad behavior from a girl no matter how hot she is.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Did that make you feel better? Hope it did.

Pure ego preservation, until you drop the disbelief you will never progress.

what ego preservation?

When you're failing at something, the ego never wants to take responsibility. It looks for all excuses to blame everything else but itself.

You can see this in yourself and several other guys on this forum.

Until you experience ego death and put yourself in the arms of those that have walked this path before you and follow their advice, you will not progress.

Sorry if this post is rude or insulting. Maybe thats what you need to hear. You are being fucking retarded dude. Pancake is right, but let me tell you another thing thats majorly holding you back: Your ignorance and low IQ. Most ignorant people don't want to admit this though. The more ignorant they are, the more stubborn they are to their ignorance.

The best thing you could do for yourself is to go and bash your head to a wall and repeat "I am a fucking retard, my opinions are stupid, worthless and i should blindly listen to Pancake and other chads(olaf;)) on the forum"

Make that your morning routine. 3x12.

I read your intro post. Almost 3 year ago you posted that. 3 years later you are still doing the same retarded shit, making model accounts to confirm that the sky is indeed blue. You have any idea how much men simp for hot girls? Same shit opposite way. It's the way the world works you dumbass. you might aswell complain that there exists rich kids while you are not. thats how childish your complaining is.

"text game" is simply a term for META to get a girl out on a date using a mobile phone. Meta stands for = Most effective tactic available. Ofc it exists.

But you know better right? there is no such thing as most effective tactic to get girls out using texts and PWF is a giant liar, so am I and pancake. Thrice the self acclaimed 35 year old incel knows how shit works!!!

i gave you a tip for a tool that would massively help you with texting, instead of humbly trying to use it, you return here saying the creator is a scammer and liar, with no comment on wether you tried the app or not. You also dont bother translating your screenshots so people here can see whats up.

geez dude. you ought to be ashamed of yourself. go fuckin check yourself and drop the massive bitch attitude
Lol how do you think I've been able to go on ~200 dates

My looks are 5 levels below yours, I have to deal with a lot more shit than you do, and yet, I am getting them out

Texting is just a basic standard you have to nail

I will text these chicks, for weeks, btw. They are assholes to me, also. They're rude to me, shit test, blow me off. Many leads, go nowhere. They confirm, and don't show. They give next to no investment. Welcome to women, You are here to get laid and get results. You are not here to fix the world. That is not your responsibility. Fix yourself and get results. And get on with it like the rest of us....

I am entering this space more, and I am committed to honesty and transparency. I'll tell you, and everyone else, the truth, and give you realistic expectations. People didn't tell me the truth, and it was not helpful. It does piss me off, but now, I will stop this from happening to others and tell them the raw truth.

For you:

You have no looks issues, so your complaints are pure mental illness & trauma.

We know you do not have SMV issues, because you get matches. If you didn't get many, like myself, you'd be able to complain, and the guys would likely be understanding and sympathetic. You will see very few people criticising me for my complaints, because they know if they switched bodies with me for a week, it'd be over. ;-)

Yes, you are right in some sense. Looks are king.

But anyone who isn't a high SMV & attractive guy, will need text game.

I ignore those men, they don't exist to me. Leave them to live in easy mode reality. You go work, and create success. Stop tormenting yourself with these experiments. I block those men out, and live in my own reality.

Also, if you think Alex is telling lies, you're dead wrong buddy. Me and Scotty speak to him, and he is a great dude. He has been very cool to us, man, and we're doing part 2 with him next week.

Work on letting go of having to get your texting down.

If you were to approach with me, you'd see how one has to FIGHT at a lower level of looks. I have to plough for hours and hours and hours, flip every stone, to find one gal who will at least chat. The gals who will atleast chat, are often the bottom of the bottom, absolute trolls who smell like cheese. Welcome to women. It's like this, for many dudes. Most girls, are rude pricks. My friends, who are better looking than me, just stare in awe that I actually keep going, after getting obliterated again and again. The people who approached with me, know I do not quit, never throw in the towel, and I battle these women and do not let them stop me from living a good life. Because if you lose your willingness to fight for a better life, it's over.

In the SMP, the lower you are in looks/SMV, it just becomes uglier, murkier, more traumatic, treatment gets worse, and you have to be a stone cold gangster to keep going. At the bottom, where there's rats, where it's dark, where it smells and no one wants to be, you will see how women will find new, innovative ways to truly disappoint you and break your heart, for no reason.

The rest of us, deal with it, and just find ways to get laid. Players, take it in their stride, and do the work. Regardless. Whatever it takes to win.

...And you are out here, as a good looking man, complaining about having to learn some text game.

Fucking unbelievable. You should be punished by switching bodies with me for a week. Then you will WISH your problems were just texting, LMAO!

You should know this, Mo, and that you don't have the right to complain right now.

You should know, people like me, and there are others here, put in YEARS of work, and still get bad reception, treatment, ghosting, and don't see any of the "fruits of labour" we were told would be our future.

That is just the way it is.

And it isn't anything to do with you. We have to play the card we're dealt, alright?

Learn text game. And you gotta keep working on your mind.

Or you will, rightfully, continue to get destroyed by the Nordic Chad, Olaf above (good lawd that was a brutal post lol)

I am not so brutal, it's not my style.

Olafsmash said:
"text game" is simply a term for META to get a girl out on a date using a mobile phone. Meta stands for = Most effective tactic available. Ofc it exists.

of course it exists, you can say that you're an ex rapist and lose the girl or do things right. The question is how much you can do with texting, does it count for 1% or 50% etc. Again, the playing with fire guy is using fake screenshots that are very easy to create.
Yesterday i watched a video where he was showing what to do when the girl gives one word answers and is not invested, first the girl is not giving one word answers, aqnd then she ghosts, he texts her again and makes her invested, she ghosts again, he double texts her, she's invested again and after some cringy back and worth she asks him if he has a condom...you believe this stuff and i'm the one low iq?

by the way when i sexualized the conversation with the model male profile all the girls who were sexual chickened out and removed the match, they are afraid of meeting a model after beign too s exual, the playing with fire guy is not even good looking. Either the convos are fake or the girls are 3's

can you show me some of your tinder conversations? maybe the ones who started with the girl giving one word answers like mine