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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Squilliam said:
Why would you waste your time doing this?

it was tosee if texting really makes a difference and can convert girls that would otherwise ghost

MakingAComeback said:
Lol how do you think I've been able to go on ~200 dates

200 dates is amazing man, i have hundreds of useless matches, i find hard to believe that better texting can change things, can you give me an example of some of your conversations? maybe some girls that started out by giving one word answers and you were still able to get her to agree to a date with good texting

i'm talking with a yo milf from tinder, we moved for watsap and she asked for a selfie, i kinda panicked because i dont have a selfie where i look good, this goes to show you have to prepare some fake selfies in advance
now the only one i have is this one with the cat, i feel i look lame and not good, After getting covid for 2 weeks i'm not in the best shape, i need to lose the 4 pounds i gained and take care of my skin again cto remove inflamation cause i literally ate sweets and junk for 3 weeks between christmas and covid vacation, but she asked for a selfie this morning. either i make her wait and send this one with the cat, what do you think?
The milf keed engaging, iket her invested by asking her question that made her write a wall of texts, also asked her for oictures and she sent me pic oh fe5r in different outfits...she doesent have a great face though, i like girl 8/22...not43.

i had again a number of girl not trplying, no one to this day showed how text game works, never seen an axample, the playing with fire guy has writing entire paraghraphs and calls the video "how to deal with ghots".
Sometimes i sna and get angry, today is ent the same massage to all girls, i sent a GIF of a woman swallowing a banana and "how many banana supplirs you're chatting with at the same time, its hard to keep uh? anyay if you've already found a front banana i can give you mine, it s very good for back activities"

ooops within 5 seconds they unmatch, and some peope even say that girls dont look at their phone very often, they all unmatch, they all already had the phone in their hands and it was 8am

they have to like your face, i have a problem with animals, why can i hav matches with girls that like my face and only deal with them? the problem is them not us, we have to deal wuth girls that dont like your face but still want attention

man invent tecnology, woman fucks it up and make it useless...not the first happens i guess

my next step is new pictures and new clothes
Thrice said:
i had again a number of girl not trplying, no one to this day showed how text game works, never seen an axample, the playing with fire guy has writing entire paraghraphs and calls the video "how to deal with ghots".
Sometimes i sna and get angry, today is ent the same massage to all girls, i sent a GIF of a woman swallowing a banana and "how many banana supplirs you're chatting with at the same time, its hard to keep uh? anyay if you've already found a front banana i can give you mine, it s very good for back activities"

I hope you can agree that text game certainly doesn't work like THAT.

How to learn text game? Try, fail, understand why you failed, improve, fail again, repeat. No one is going to show you one example that makes you understand.
pancakemouse said:
No one is going to show you one example that makes you understand.
why is it a secret sect or something? the other user the other day called me low ig, i asked him for example of his text game he disappeared, how can you learn without examples?

Based on what i heard there should be hundred of examples of guy that got ghosted, double texted triple texted until they got the date. I would also like to see example of someone that got ghosted after the first message and double texted, got the girl engageg till the date
Thrice said:
The milf keed engaging, iket her invested by asking her question that made her write a wall of texts, also asked her for oictures and she sent me pic oh fe5r in different outfits...she doesent have a great face though, i like girl 8/22...not43.

i had again a number of girl not trplying, no one to this day showed how text game works, never seen an axample, the playing with fire guy has writing entire paraghraphs and calls the video "how to deal with ghots".
Sometimes i sna and get angry, today is ent the same massage to all girls, i sent a GIF of a woman swallowing a banana and "how many banana supplirs you're chatting with at the same time, its hard to keep uh? anyay if you've already found a front banana i can give you mine, it s very good for back activities"

ooops within 5 seconds they unmatch, and some peope even say that girls dont look at their phone very often, they all unmatch, they all already had the phone in their hands and it was 8am

they have to like your face, i have a problem with animals, why can i hav matches with girls that like my face and only deal with them? the problem is them not us, we have to deal wuth girls that dont like your face but still want attention

man invent tecnology, woman fucks it up and make it useless...not the first happens i guess

my next step is new pictures and new clothes
You sent that message to girls and you're surprised they unmatched you?

As Pancake said, there's not one sole screenshot that is going to teach you text game. Also, I'm not really a fan of PWF. A lot of the shit they write seems kinda cringe to me.

Yes, many girls on dating apps just want attention with no real intention of meeting up. That comes with the territory. Either you suck it up and accept it, or don't use online dating. I know where you're coming from. On a bad day this can frustrate the hell out of me too. But it's part of the process.

The way you deal with it is not overinvesting in girls who seem uninterested, and unmatching them as soon as you find out they're a timewaster.

Also who told you that girls don't look at their phones often? Of course they do, rather they're just flooded with matches and it's overwhelming and hard to keep up.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
No one is going to show you one example that makes you understand.
why is it a secret sect or something? the other user the other day called me low ig, i asked him for example of his text game he disappeared, how can you learn without examples?

Based on what i heard there should be hundred of examples of guy that got ghosted, double texted triple texted until they got the date. I would also like to see example of someone that got ghosted after the first message and double texted, got the girl engageg till the date

Double texting essentially does not work and is not worth the effort:

You basically need to be working with a group or a mentor who will critique your texts in real time. That's the only real way to learn.

I would share you a screenshot of what I text but all you'd do is copy and paste my lines and then you'd complain about it not working because you don't know the context.
Squilliam said:
You sent that message to girls and you're surprised they unmatched you?

who said i'm surprised? it was to show that every girl that ghosts actually keps reading tinder, even at 8 am they unmatch, there's this idea that you have to wait because for some girls tinder is not a ptiority and they only log every 3/4 days, its not true based on my experiment
pancakemouse said:
I would share you a screenshot of what I text but all you'd do is copy and paste my lines and then you'd complain about it not working because you don't know the context.

dont worry about that, it's more important to me to know that this text game even exists, you are th one saying is not my looks or pictures it's just texting. Can you give give an example of a girl that didnt reply to the first message and an example of a girl that ghosted in the middle of the conversation? examples that ended up with a date of course. thank you i would appreciate it
Thrice said:
who said i'm surprised? it was to show that every girl that ghosts actually keps reading tinder, even at 8 am they unmatch, there's this idea that you have to wait because for some girls tinder is not a ptiority and they only log every 3/4 days, its not true based on my experiment
Ok, and your point? Girls prioritize the guys they are interested in, it's the nature of online dating. If you had 500 matches you would pick the girls you were most interested in too.

How does doing these kinds of experiments help you get closer to your goals? How about you stop worrying about whether girls are intentionally ghosting you or not, and focus on the girls who are engaging.

Also you do have to keep in mind that provocative or negative texts are more likely to elicit some sort of reaction.
I have no girls engaging, tinder sucks for me as i am not facially attractive enough which to be honest is the only thing that count. I'm unmatching a lot of girls, this idea that I'm allowing them to waste my time makes boil with rage, one word answers, some girls Don't even aswer, they just like the message. So i have to go through all this rage and negative emotions because dumb woman decided it's a good idea to use technology created by man to waist time and get some free validation from those man
I'm sure you get all panties wet when you call these girls sluts, animals, or straight up unmatch them, you big alpha male
kratjeuh said:
I'm sure you get all panties wet when you call these girls sluts, animals, or straight up unmatch them, you big alpha male

We don't have the block function in this forum, please make this the last commenti on my log, i would really appreciate It. Thanks you.
Thrice said:
I have no girls engaging, tinder sucks for me as i am not facially attractive enough which to be honest is the only thing that count. I'm unmatching a lot of girls, this idea that I'm allowing them to waste my time makes boil with rage, one word answers, some girls Don't even aswer, they just like the message. So i have to go through all this rage and negative emotions because dumb woman decided it's a good idea to use technology created by man to waist time and get some free validation from those man
You have serious inner game issues man.

The fact that you're blaming women for everything says a lot about your mindset and your view of dating.

Ever considered that the reason women can get validation so easily is because of men? Because men nowadays are so desperate and will shower tons of girls in attention just for the chance of sex.

If you're barely getting any matches, you likely need better pictures and/or looks. Might be better for you to take a break from online until you do.

But if you're getting matches consistently, and no dates, it's probably not due to timewasters, there's probably something you're doing wrong with text game.

Even if you do get dates, this kind of mindset will hold you back. You are bitter towards women and it really shows. Believe me, I get where you're coming from. Online dating is frustrating, it sucks when you're not really really attractive. That is true, and it's a bitter pill to swallow. Even reasonably attractive guys have to work to get success.

But this just comes with the territory. You either suck it up and play the game, or you look for other avenues to find girls. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I match with tons of girls who are spoofing their location or who even give me fake compliments to get my attention. What do I do? I get slightly frustrated, unmatch them, and move on. It is what it is.
hey thrice

the world wants you to complain, whine, bitch, and generally focus on retarded shit that only stunts your growth

the more you fuck yourself with basically 99% of what you think and post, the less you're competing for the same girls everyone else is

thanks for cucking yourself so I don't have to! part of the game is avoiding psyops while inflicting them on others after all

I'd be more helpful about getting you to win, but you'd have to want that in the first place and your behaviour doesn't show that at all
september said:
thanks for cucking yourself so I don't have to! part of the game is avoiding psyops while inflicting them on others after all
i dont even know if you read my posts, i dont have anny sucess on tinder, girls unmatch, ghost and generally dont give a fuck about me, they give me one word answers like robots, where's the part where i'm cucking myself?

Squilliam said:
But this just comes with the territory. You either suck it up and play the game, or you look for other avenues to find girls. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

i dont hate the game but i do hate woman, i know a lot of people have this zen mindset inner game inner peace leads, maybe they're fucking and have a sexual life. I'm traumatized and depressed, i dont have any sexual intimacy, i dont see why i shouldnt hate who finds me repulsive and who's responsible for all my pain and suffering since the age of13
Thrice said:
i dont even know if you read my posts, i dont have anny sucess on tinder, girls unmatch, ghost and generally dont give a fuck about me, they give me one word answers like robots, where's the part where i'm cucking myself?
You are cucking yourself. I have not seen one post where you genuinely took responsibility for your life or your lack of success. You have eternally been in a victim mindset. You just blame blame blame, without taking any responsibility.

You never take responsibility for yourself at all. You constantly offload the blame onto others. You treat every little thing a girl does to you as a personal attack, when in reality, it's not that deep. Every guy gets unmatched, ghosted, or girls who only send one word answers. As I've said multiple times before, it comes with the territory.

Thrice said:
i dont hate the game but i do hate woman, i know a lot of people have this zen mindset inner game inner peace leads, maybe they're fucking and have a sexual life. I'm traumatized and depressed, i dont have any sexual intimacy, i dont see why i shouldnt hate who finds me repulsive and who's responsible for all my pain and suffering since the age of13
Then honestly, you need therapy. Sex isn't a remedy for deep rooted trauma. You could have an 8some with 7 10s tomorrow and you'd still have the same inner game issues and trauma. Sex isn't going to fix your problems, I promise you. Look at that guy Finaplex. He's got 100+ lay count and is still super insecure about himself. I only have a lay count of 11 but I am too. Sex on its own does not fix your problems. It helps a little bit but it doesn't fix childhood trauma.

I don't know your background, but I seriously doubt bad interactions with women are the only cause of your suffering. Even if they are, you need to take more responsibility and work to heal from your trauma. You won't be happy as long as you're hateful and resentful. I can promise you that.

September is right. You behavior communicates that you don't really want to improve. You'd rather sit around and bitch about how much women suck and how much you hate your life, without actually taking any responsibility for yourself. You're just coping. You'd rather say that the system is broken and that you can't get women, and that you're screwed, because it's easier to do that than to actually do the hard work required to turn around your life.

Do you have any female friends? I made one recently. It is actually very helpful for empathizing with women. You speak about women as if they're some monolith, as if they're all the same. You're being no better than the crazy feminists on twitter who say "men are trash".
I will never do therapy, i already said that. Will keep trying until i'm tired enough of all this bullshit and off myself. I'm 35 my best years are already gone.
Today i was very depressed thinking about the past and how my lif went, at 35 no car, no friends to go out with on weekends and i'm not chad enough for the tinder princesses. I have tried tinder for a few months now, i bet all the girls i saw on those months had sex, and they already had it before anyway. Meanwhile all i got is negative feedback that damaged my mood and self esteem even more.

I consider this day a success, i was able to get an intense push workout in despite the intense pain i was feeling in my chest, i had zoe jane from staind on repeat and couldn't stop crying while remembering things that happened many years ago. Didnt cut myself to relieve the pain even if i was very tempted.

Bought some confort (but still health) food and played Valheim for 2 hours, i need to relax and reward myself for surviving, tomorrow is another day, will delete tinder, sell the phone and take new pictures and buy new clothes

Squilliam said:
Then honestly, you need therapy

meanwhile the therapist...

Thrice said:
I will never do therapy, i already said that. Will keep trying until i'm tired enough of all this bullshit and off myself. I'm 35 my best years are already gone.
Today i was very depressed thinking about the past and how my lif went, at 35 no car, no friends to go out with on weekends and i'm not chad enough for the tinder princesses. I have tried tinder for a few months now, i bet all the girls i saw on those months had sex, and they already had it before anyway. Meanwhile all i got is negative feedback that damaged my mood and self esteem even more.

I consider this day a success, i was able to get an intense push workout in despite the intense pain i was feeling in my chest, i had zoe jane from staind on repeat and couldn't stop crying while remembering things that happened many years ago. Didnt cut myself to relieve the pain even if i was very tempted.

Bought some confort (but still health) food and played Valheim for 2 hours, i need to relax and reward myself for surviving, tomorrow is another day, will delete tinder, sell the phone and take new pictures and buy new clothes

Squilliam said:
Then honestly, you need therapy

meanwhile the therapist...


you should get therapy. Not even in a "gay bluepilled well adjusted person" s take on it. You aren't bad looking enough for things to be going this shit. So you should admit you are having some sort of crisis most of it being mental. Which I understand, given that I am sort of a im da joka baby type of person too. But yeah man, not good.
Thrice if you're not going to do therapy. You need to look at places that have a track record for helping.

- Landmark, or
- Tony Robbins program or event
Look man, the only thing that will help you improve is therapy. I'm not trying to be a dickhead about it, but your world view is extremely fucked and clearly comes from internal issues. If you hate women so much then take a break from them and do something you enjoy. There is no point forcing yourself to compete in a game you detest. Women and the game will exist ad infinitum and you can come back to it whenever you want. If all you want is sex, you can shift your focus to earning like $100 more a week and just buy a hooker a week. Fuck for even more cash you can just buy your companionship as well.

I recommend you go watch HealthGamerGG's shit on incels and really try to change your mindset. I have a fucking obese friend, who has been obese his whole life with a more active sex life than me. The girls he sees aren't trash either, they're like 6-8's. Being a chad in looks is one way to optimize, some people are just good with talk. No one who is suicidal and actively hates women is ever going to do well, work on that first.

Also 35 is fucking nothing. I've seen peoples lives do huge 180's starting in their mid 40's, they just worked fucking hard for it. I'm 32 and my life is pretty mediocre too. A mediocre life is basically the average and that average is slowly slipping towards a shit life as the world gets more expensive. The only way out is to work on yourself as hard as you can.

Also, I'm proud of you for not self-harming. I tried to kill myself at 17 and at 25. I know how painful the mind can get and how impossible the urge is to resist at times. Which is why I'm telling you to go seek help. You will not fix it alone.