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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Manganiello said:
- Landmark, or

is it this?


ThePermanentFix said:
Which is why I'm telling you to go seek help. You will not fix it alone.

i know i need help i'm in a lot of pain for thinking all day, i fantasize about creating a youtube channel and spreading the redpill, i also have debates with myself about girls having more sex than man and lying about the numbers making it look like man are more promiscuous, i also go around all tense and nervous thinking all woman around me never had problem with sex and most of them had sex recently while many man i see are lonely and suffer in silence

now the problem is that i don't look up to therapist or respect them, i think they are the product of a bluepilled society, one trait of our current society is the negation of biology, thats why therapy is so common. Besides not respecting therapist and seeing them as real professionals, i think trauma causes biological changes in the brain and the theories about therapy beign able to fix issues is more a liberal progressive thing, with no proof.

Also if i went to therapy i should tell him i hate woman and have whats called incel rage, thats it at the end of day, i can tell all my story in 10 minutes. Even if he's a male i'm afraid he will just freak out and tell me i should look for a good woman my age and stop chasing young girls like the patriarchy want me to do

this is not me beign stubborn, i really think i need help, and a friend and a social life, i really dont see therapist as a real profession after doing therapy for a year with this girl that just seemed to be annoyed

i also dont have time, i dont like old woman and i'm already old for younger girls

zekler said:
you should get therapy. Not even in a "gay bluepilled well adjusted person" s take on it. You aren't bad looking enough for things to be going this shit. So you should admit you are having some sort of crisis most of it being mental. Which I understand, given that I am sort of a im da joka baby type of person too. But yeah man, not good.

i will try thank you

my goal now is to take new pictures after buying new clothes, i will also try to use a green screen and photoshop
Sometimes you just need to spend time finding the right therapist. They're individuals just like us, so some will mesh well with you and some will mesh terribly. By therapy I actually meant a psychologist, specifically one the teaches CBT techniques.

I had a psychologist who wouldn't accept the fact I was so depressed about not getting laid for a year and thought it was a deeper issue. I changed to someone else and rather than try to narrow it down further just helped change my mindset around it.

Meds wouldn't hurt too if you are constantly feeling shit, crying, extremely wound tight and anxious. There is no point living a red pilled life if it is ceasing your ability to function as a human at all.
ThePermanentFix said:
Sometimes you just need to spend time finding the right therapist. They're individuals just like us, so some will mesh well with you and some will mesh terribly. By therapy I actually meant a psychologist, specifically one the teaches CBT techniques.
Absolutely, try finding an independent therapist, they seem to be less "bluepilled". I have had similar struggles where I spent 90% of my day obsessively thinking about dating blackpills. Therapy helped me recognize and interrupt my thought patterns, which has improved my enjoyment of life drastically. I was close to suicidal a year ago. Took therapy in the summer and along with working on dating, it has helped me get to a point where I no longer worry about it and am genuinely content. Don't reply to this with "but I am a special exception because X", I made those same excuses.
if you dont want to do therapy with other people

do it with yourself

ning li's bulletproof mindset helped me a lot
it's a been a while since the last update, what i'm trying to do now is get enough money to buy a car which is now the main goal because thinking about it, if i had a car my success rate with tinder would have not been that bad, i'm in a 200k city and not beign able to date girls in other cities didn't allow me to play the numbers game and i ended up getting blackpilled an depressed again, if i try to see things from a rational prespective the number of girls that wanted to date is not that bad but they were all from other cities

right now i have 3 girls that one to date on tinder and one 40yo woman on watsap and i just didnt follow up because it's too complicated without a car. It doesent mean that this girls are very far away though, they're just in cities without a good train connection, to give you and example Milan is way farther from me but well connected so i can be there in 45 minutes with a cheap ticket train

Also the girls want an evening date in most case and after 8 pm there's almost no trains anymore

i worked my ass of cleaning toilets for 12 hours a day, they promised me 8 euros/hour but all they ave me is 1000euros, i got scammed by this shady cleaning company so now i'm looking for another job. They should've paid me at least 2500 which would have been enough to buy a used car like a fiat, not a cool car to show off and raise my status but good enough to travel with

i'm looking for a good therapist but it's really difficult, at least in my area, it's very expensive and all they offer is some bluepill advice. i don't know how i can find a good therapist without wasting money, the only way to try them out is to pay for the first session which is 100euros

I will ignore my depressive thoughts about beign too old or not good looking enough for young girls, i think in my case the best i can do is just to ignore those thoughts and take action anyway, even if they're trues there's no point in thinking about the possible negative outcomes

i booked a tattoo session to get a full sleeve, it will actually be expensive but the artist is amazing and has a lot of followers on ig, he's in Milan area
i asked for a raise, i told them they have to give what they owe me for all th extra hours i did in january and this month or leave. At my age it's not time to be a pussy, anyway they said they will give me way more money this month, let's see if it's true.
Out of 31 matches i got now 5 of them want to date, all this five girls are at about 50km/30 miles distance, it shows how much i need a car, those 30 miles are easy with a car but a huge pain in the ass with the train, what many people dont is that in Italy only the famous touristic cities have good railway connection, going just from parma to Mantua is a pain

i'm thinking of doing two jobs to be able to get a car and pay for the full sleeve tattoo, keep my daily job and deliver pizza at night, i would make 2000k/month easly but i wouldnt be able to lift and i already had a 2 months beak from lifting

another thing i'm thinking about doing is to use the company car to go on dates, the car has a gps of course but i doubt they check it, if they find out and decide to fire me they can fuck off, i hate them after what they did anyway, they tried to pay me less to see if i'm a new immigrant who dosent know his rights, i'm not, i ended up doing this fucking job for other reason and i hope to improve and upgrade in the future
wasent able to workout because i had stomach flu, it was bad, i slept for 2 days straight to recover. Tomorrow i will go back to my shitty cleaning job while looking for others jobs online. The goal is also to set up some tinder dates and use their car, they scummed me so i scum them back. Another girl agreed on a date today, she's near Milan, like 50 miles away from my city. If i get fired so be it, imagine cleaning toilets at 35.

I looked some therapists reviews online, hard to decide based on that alone but reading other peoples experiences helps. I don't have the money for coaching so i'm looking to create some sort of accountability group with some other broke guy that needs some motivation to not procrastinate. Hopefully one day i will have the money for real coaching.
I'm also looking for a friend to go out with on weekends, even if i start havig some sucess on tinder the quality is low on apps anyway, none of the girls that agreed to date is hot so night game is needed one way or another. Apps don't offer quality, might as well start hitting bars next weekend.

I think a good friend and a good therapist would change my life, i keep looking for both. Fucking a cute 19yo would change my life too so i'm also looking for that hahah
i might have 2 or 3 dates (or zero if they flake), i want to buy a good jacket. The idea is black jacket and a simple grey hoodie that might be with zip or not. The advantage of zippers hoodie is if we sit down for a coffee i can just open the jacket without removing, underneath it i will have the hoodie and a good t shirt with necklace, of course in this case i would keep the zuppers open too.

In theory i have a sure date on sunday and taliking with two girls about a possible date tomorrow. I am bit hesitant and i have a bit of anxiety about my appearence. I had the flu two times this year and my face looks a bit dark and sunken. i will use this dates to see how girls react to my appearence live

ps. for context i will wear white nike force (the only good shoes i have) and black slim fit jeans. But let me know if you have other ideas

Can I suggest a leather parka? There’s one on eBay for 44 bucks. I stand by parkas because through the entirety of my high school life I had a married woman chasing me and tracking me after she saw me wearing a faux Andrew Marc leather parka.

Also regarding the therapist. Start reading about CBT. Library cards are free and many PTs and therapists now just start with,” so what did you google?”

Andy has a few recs on books he’s read as well. Not saying a therapist is a bad thing. But start your journey now and start journaling.

Black is always a good start for clothing. I don’t know what’s @Radical take in this. He may mention some tailoring but you mention that you’ve been sick.
Wnyhg said:
Can I suggest a leather parka?

thanks for your advice brother, i live in Italy and i had the date for the day after, so i just bought the normal jacket which goes well for my style anyway, a leather parka would require overall more work to style it. What i have at home goes well with the jacket i bought, 40 euros from the chinese and it looks very https://imgur.com/a/bdScHSB

so i had this date on saturday, i used the car i work with, zero fucks given. As expected the girl was fatter in real life, normal face, lame personality. She said some feminist bullshit, complained about the guys she dates from tinder, she said she doesent like their personality

it was clear there's was no attraction on both sides. This is the first time i use a car to go on a date on another city. The goal is to see if this can work, meaning if i actually can succefully use tinder without moving completely but just using the car to go on dates in other cities in north Italy

this is an example of a conversation with a better looking girl that changed idea last minute, i also should have another day on https://imgur.com/a/xaBiuG6
Thrice said:
this is an example of a conversation with a better looking girl that changed idea last minute, i also should have another day on https://imgur.com/a/xaBiuG6

name one interesting thing this girl knows about you as far as why she would move her schedule around for you or go out with you as opposed to any other guy
pancakemouse said:
name one interesting thing this girl knows about you as far as why she would move her schedule around for you or go out with you as opposed to any other guy

this girls have the personality of a night stand. Every man is better than every woman. Notice the only time i didn't follow up she replied "mi fa piacere". If you speak italian you know how retarded that answer was and it was because i didn't follow up with a question after the "fine thanks"

Having said that i don't see where i had the opportunity to say something more interesting about me
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
name one interesting thing this girl knows about you as far as why she would move her schedule around for you or go out with you as opposed to any other guy

this girls have the personality of a night stand. Every man is better than every woman.

You only say that because you have no idea how to make a woman open up, how to get her to reveal her deepest emotions, and how to share yours. Because your brain is so addled by reading Chadfishing experiments you think that all there is to game is having boring conversation and getting the girl to come over.

For one, try asking something substantive about them instead of asking them out on the third message.


Every girl experiences these things, no matter how boring she may seem. OPEN HER UP.
had another date yesterday with a 29yo girl from tinder, she was a bit overweight but to my surprise she was cuter in the face compared to her pics. I like her face. She looked into me, we had two drinks and played one card game till midnight. I didnt even try to escalate, first because she complained about guys from tinder wanting just sex, second because of logistics, i was in her city not mine and it's like 45 minutes from my home. I can't take her home even if i wanted to, the car is not mine.

What i can do now is envite her to my place, it's like 20 minutes train for her. I texted her today and she replied immediately, i told her i' going to rehearse with my band in the evening, not true i just wanted to make it look like i have stuff going on. it's true that i'm looking for a band though

For tonight i have two choices:

- try to do something with the girl i dated yesterday (not what i want to do)

- go back to night game, now i have a car and i have no excuses, i can reach any club in my area and beyond. There's a bar in my area with many many young girls, i would like to go there first and once the girls start to move to clubs i go there too.

the second choice is the ideal choice, if the girl from yesterday is DTF we can do it any other day. Also she's not my ideal girl, 29, a bit overweight. Good personality and cute face but not enough to be a priority.

friday tinder date saturday night game is the ideal, this way i keep up with both skills.

The honest problem is i'm a bit intimitaded about going out alone at bars first and clubs later where everybody knows and talks to at least someone.

I'm trying to solve this problem by reminding myself that this my last chance because i'm already 35 and soon i will be too old for young girls. The girl from yesterday thought i'm 26 but i don't for how long i can pull that off before wrinkles and old age spots start appearing in my face. I also remind myself that we all will die and humans don't count anyway. One day i will be dead and nothingness for million of years.

the mind fuck is actually work, you know i did it last year and went night gaming alone. What changed is that now i have the car to go to better clubs with more girls and people in general, this messes with me a bit, any advice to overcome neign a pussy?

pancakemouse said:

Every girl experiences these things, no matter how boring she may seem. OPEN HER UP.

will try this thanks
Thrice said:
this girls have the personality of a night stand. Every man is better than every woman. Notice the only time i didn't follow up she replied "mi fa piacere". If you speak italian you know how retarded that answer was and it was because i didn't follow up with a question after the "fine thanks"

Having said that i don't see where i had the opportunity to say something more interesting about me

Ironically, if I was only reading that convo, she has more personality than you.

You had lots of opportunities to tell her about you, you don't need to wait for her to ask. You can just insert it into the convo.

I.e - when she replied saying she likes black and white, you could have replied:

1) something about art or photography that you like doing, building commonalities.
2) something playful - e.g tease her about being from an old b+w movie. This could pivot into roleplaying that your first date will be in b+w, where you're going to meet wearing your best 1940' s dress etc.
3) something flirtatious - i prefer 50 shades of grey (higher risk, I'd probably just use this in person).

Nice progress on the dates, the vibes in your posts are improving.
Antonio44 said:
Nice progress on the dates, the vibes in your posts are improving

Thank you!

So i had a bad date with this chick, an old school chick from sicily. She didn't get any joke i tried to make, she doesn't understand sarcasm. She also asked me if i have a car and a group of friends to go out with becuse she hasn't any. It looked like she wanted to use me for something. It was awkward till the end when she just run away, it's like she was afraid i would try to kiss her or something.

I would just text her to see if she wants to fuck, how would you proceed?
Thrice said:
because she complained about guys from tinder wanting just sex


I'm trying to solve this problem by reminding myself that this my last chance because i'm already 35 and soon i will be too old for young girls.

To the first thing, when i hear something like that, sometimes (!) i go all in, high risk high reward and carefully call her out. I then turn the tables and ask "suppose a man dates a lot of women and wants a relationship but none of the women want to commit to him, what would that say about the man"?
You really have to have a feel for it, but if it works you can have very good deep conversations about man-woman dynamics.

On the second thing, damn I feel similar. I'm 33 and my SMV is good at the moment, better than it's ever been actually. BUT I have certain concerns about the future in a romantic sense tbh. What are your ambitions?

Thrice said:
I would just text her to see if she wants to fuck, how would you proceed?
Personally, I wouldn't give a damn. Let's be honest, it's mostly about ego.
Women I don't "vibe" with on the first date I just ghost them or sometimes send them a message afterwards aka "I don't feel it, but best of luck". Sometimes the reactions are very funny because women are usually used to it and they rarely get to hear something like that from a man.
Vamos said:
To the first thing, when i hear something like that, sometimes (!) i go all in, high risk high reward and carefully call her out. I then turn the tables and ask "suppose a man dates a lot of women and wants a relationship but none of the women want to commit to him, what would that say about the man"?
You really have to have a feel for it, but if it works you can have very good deep conversations about man-woman dynamics.

this girl ended up beign very nice, we really had fun in that date and if i text her now she replies immediately. The only problem is logistic, she lives 1hour away from me, i used the company car to go to the date but i can't use it to transport other people. I'm starting to think that i will have to grow some balls and move if i want to get results. I will see what i can get in this situation first.

Vamos said:
On the second thing, damn I feel similar. I'm 33 and my SMV is good at the moment, better than it's ever been actually. BUT I have certain concerns about the future in a romantic sense tbh. What are your ambitions?

my ambition is to fuck enough young girls and get it out of my system so it's not a problem/need anymore. I don't have long term ambitions i will never marry so...

Vamos said:
Women I don't "vibe" with on the first date I just ghost them or sometimes send them a message afterwards aka "I don't feel it, but best of luck".

i didn't ask how to ghost. Woman don't care about us and forget you after 5 minutes. So i'm not worried about how to ghost. there's no one to ghost anyway, she never texted after that date.

What i wanted to know is how to text her for the last time so i can maximize the possibility of a lay, because even if we don't click i would still fuck her once.


i matched with a girl that asked me if i want to have a "threesome" with her boyfriend, she's in a open relationship. The girl is a ...5. But i accepeted. I told her i'm staright, she said ok you don't have to have any contact with the guy i'm already dating.

After a few texts i was asking myself what to text her and if what i had in mind was too sexual. After 2 seconds she said she thinks i look good and wants a threesome.
This girls have a pussy but don't pussy around like us... straight to the point

Holden is spot on about the secret society thing

should i text this again or would it be too needy?

Thrice said:
i didn't ask how to ghost. Woman don't care about us and forget you after 5 minutes. So i'm not worried about how to ghost. there's no one to ghost anyway, she never texted after that date.

What i wanted to know is how to text her for the last time so i can maximize the possibility of a lay, because even if we don't click i would still fuck her once.

As always, it depends on the SMV. If a woman sees a man as the best option and can't easily replace him, she will actually always text and won't forget him after 5 minutes.

But anyway, to your question:

Definitely text her in the evening, very important. Asking for sex directly only works if she's a "special kind" of woman, she's mega horny and you have a significantly higher SMV.
Text something indirect but still clear, like "Do you have plans for the next few days? I have some good wine at home and if we click, you might even get a massage by candlelight." Sounds cringe, but works extremly well, copied it from a friend. Works better than any other Netflix and chill shit for me.

Thrice said:
should i text this again or would it be too needy?

Only her name + this smiley 😅 aka „Lin 😅
Works very well, sometimes they have so many messages that we simply disappear from the app view.