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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

MakingAComeback said:
This fucking dude stayed at it since GLL

I have not seen too many like this. I also stuck at it since I was 18 and started getting results 12 years later lul.

talk about hard cases hahahah, thank you brother!

Yesterday, for the first time, I went to the only club I always avoided till now because it has many young girls aged 18/25 and I was a bit intimidated. Once there the experience was not that bad, everyone is minding their own business anyway.

Compared to other clubs I was shocked, too many beautiful young girls, too many. I met a friend and offered him a cocktail so I could hang out with them, once with a group I was able to dancefloor, it's chaotic and difficult to look for IOI's there but still had fun dancing to big 2000's hits

Had eye contact from a couple of girls but didn't approach, too difficult, she was dancing in a circle with her girlfriends. In the smoking area there's more space and room for eye contact but I didn't get any.

So didn't warm approach and didn't cold approach either. It's only the second time I go out alone so let's be positive.
The girls were very beautiful, I'm sweating below-average results with average or below-average girls on Tinder but the girls I want to fuck were in that club and most of them aren't even on Tinder because it's so easy for them to find guys so they don't think about an app.

The guy I met (and for whom I bought a cocktail so I could have an excuse to hang out with his group) had two female friends aged like 20/22 I think. Amazing silky hair and skin, I would like to tap that, even get a temporary girlfriend like that to see what it feels like because I never had one. Yet I'm spending a lot of money and resources for Tinder and i'm not getting back enough to justify the effort.

Move/stay, just accept the situation until I buy a car, and try to get a group of friends and bandmates to create a cool ig page. Forget and move to a bigger city now. Improve my Tinder pics, pancake and September said I'm 20% looks and I still didn't take their advice to take better pictures. Pancake said I could look like a model with better pictures yet I didn't do everything

I'm the type of autistic guy for whom it takes ages to put advice into practice, at least that's how my brain works when I'm alone. When I have a friend with the same goals I work like a maniac but don't have any no

I don't if I have to text the American girl again or not, already asked her if she's free, even if I fucked her like a slut I still don't want to look desperate and lose her for no reason. She looks still interested but I assume she's looking for other guys on tinder and probably invite someone else tonight to fuck her. I assume we will never meet again.
Thrice said:
I don't if I have to text the American girl again or not, already asked her if she's free, even if I fucked her like a slut I still don't want to look desperate and lose her for no reason. She looks still interested but I assume she's looking for other guys on tinder and probably invite someone else tonight to fuck her. I assume we will never meet again.

Solid texting but careful about defusing tension unecessarily with double/triple texts. I would have left the "meat on that ass" line cause it's an incredible line and only sent the follow up if she didn't respond well.
I am fucking crying again reading this dude.

I am beyond proud of Mo.

This has really hit me deep.


I must save other men like this.

Mo, you are now a legend to me. I work hard in my life to try to be a positive example of hard case success. I came from hell, from the sewer of this world. I am determined as FUCK to see other men from bad backgrounds get the hell out and into success.


You are now on your way to becoming a hard case success story.

Go win, and show others it can be done.


This has motivated me and brought my savage back out, so I thank you for your hustle. You have fucking inspired my brown ass to go dark again and bring some brutality back out


Thanks a lot guys! I really appreciate your support!

MakingAComeback said:
This has motivated me and brought my savage back out, so I thank you for your hustle. You have fucking inspired my brown ass to go dark again and bring some brutality back out

hahah Mac you sure don't need me for motivation you're a beast in this regard

So on saturday the choice was between an easy lay with american girl or go out to "night game" again, I chose the letter.
The sex with american girl is intense, she's really into me and wants to do all nasty stuff to her, we fuck like in porn movies and had rock hard erection thanks to 10mg of Cialis but I'm not really emotionally satisfied.

The kind of girls I would prefer are not liking my profile on Tinder and I still haven't found a way to make night game efficient.
The girls I saw Friday night are the ones i would like to fuck the most and the ones that would make me more emotionally involved and help raise my low libido.
I improved too much compared to years ago to be negative about it so I will find a way to make it happen.

moving or staying here will be the toughest choice I think
Thrice said:
So on saturday the choice was between an easy lay with american girl or go out to "night game" again, I chose the letter.
The sex with american girl is intense, she's really into me and wants to do all nasty stuff to her, we fuck like in porn movies and had rock hard erection thanks to 10mg of Cialis but I'm not really emotionally satisfied.

Wow, this is an EXTREMELY good mentality.

And also why American girls are the best. Buncha nasty lovable freaks.
Usually in this situation the conversation just dies, they don't really reply when i try to ask her for a time and place that suits on the weekend

In this case is just Tuesday, should i come up with a time and place, make her agree and text her the day before the date or just send some texts till the weekend comes?
Thrice said:
In this case is just Tuesday, should i come up with a time and place, make her agree and text her the day before the date or just send some texts till the weekend comes?

I think your best move is to pick a venue that's convenient for you + that is a cool place the girl would want to go to. Message her: "Okay. Let's do Friday at [place] at [time]. Let me know: [insert your phone number or whatsapp]." The sooner the date is scheduled, the better. Once she agrees, I would just say, "Looking forward to it cutie." Usually, I also send a screenshot of a reservation if I make one. I never message the girl any more after that. The chance of her losing interest is too high, and, in any case, the purpose of the date is for you guys to get to know each other. Message her Friday morning to confirm.
Thrice said:
i try to ask her for a time
Just my 2 cents.

I am trying to avoid "asking" chicks about logistics (and other stuff) as much as possible.

When are you free?

What I text instead:
I am free Tuesday and Wednesday at 5pm. (Gave her 2 options here. Exact time too)
... She agrees to some option.
Cool. Will pick you up at SomeLocation there is nice coffee place next to it.

If you can make decisions for the girl it is usually good for you.
1) Shows competence and the fact you can lead.
2) She does not have to come up with anything => less ghosting.

The "asking" for stuff is a whole rabbit hole in itself.
Like what it means socially etc.
There are situations when you have to ask.
But when you can rewrite the sentece without using the "?". Most of the time it works better.

This decision making applies to other stuff too.
"What should I wear?" => "Wear those high heels & black dress for me tonight."
Instead of.
"What should I wear?" => "I dont know baby you decide:)"...
Red said:
... She agrees to some option.

But if she doesn't agree on those 2 options i find myself in a worse situation than if i just asked when are you free
Thrice said:
Red said:
... She agrees to some option.

But if she doesn't agree on those 2 options i find myself in a worse situation than if i just asked when are you free

Yeah it's a balancing act. I've tested both throughout my career and found that it's very context-dependent. Right now my heuristic is:

Younger girls: I tell them one or two options
Older girls: I ask them what their schedule is like
when they hit me with that will see i wish the whole world was like saudi arabia lol i have to try get better girls through night game
My 1-year tinder experiment failed completely. I match here and there with girls of such low SMV who see me as an upgrade and even then they end up talking to me like I'm under them. Even fucking that American girl made me a bit depressed.
I find myself obsessively thinking about how easy it is to have sex for woman. She was horny and all she had to do was give me her address, I wasn't able to do that when I was her age and now I'm old and I need cialis and sex is not even that pleasurable after years of depression.
To be normal I should've had sex when I was young and was craving girls and intimacy. Now I'm a soulless blackpill guy with no purpose in life who works for a cleaning company at 35.

The experience with tinder is a crazy one, swiping 1000 girls to get 1 match knowing that 999 of them didn't like me. The hatred I have towards women is something else but maybe i should hate man for allowing all this. I have to find a new way and give myself a purpose in life

You can't post girls faces man. Edit them all out, and stop posting them!

You can use MS paint to block their face, and post it after.

Do not do this again.


Edit: I deleted the one where you could see the whole girls profile, her face, her name, age, all her details. LMAO. You cannot post this bro. What if a lurker found the chick and linked her to this forum? She'd go mad! Please don't do this
Thrice said:
Now I'm a soulless blackpill guy with no purpose in life who works for a cleaning company at 35.

Ever thought about starting your own company or going private? There's good money if you can get efficient at this kind of stuff and you've already got the experience to k ow what you'll need to set up in this area.
Thrice said:
My 1-year tinder experiment failed completely.

I'm afraid you've been inflicted with MakingAComeback-brain — inability to recognize your own success
So as you can see in my last post Friday I had a mental breakdown that took 5 years of my life I think. I was obsessively thinking about redpill stuff and couldn't stop, like girls have more sex than men etc.

later I match with this girl, I ask her out and i got another "maybe" that usually leads nowhere. I go full redpill rage on this poor girl and call her an animal.
I "warn" her about hitting the wall one day and there won't be any guys around to say "maybe" to. I tell her that it's girls like her that use the app for attention that makes things harder for guys looking for a normal date.
I go on with other redpill stuff like a maniac.

The next day I noticed she didn't unmatch and asked her out again and sh accepted. I was quite nervous considering that all i did to win her heart is call her an animal and go full The Rational Male on her lol

I was thinking that the most likely thing was her unmatching to make me pay by wasting my time but girls are not confrontational and don't usually do this.
The second most likely thing is she's here with her brother/father ready to beat me up.

I was also afraid about having a super awkward date with an angry girl asking why I called her an animal etc.
We met and she was super happy, like nothing happened.
In fact She's the one that goes for a hug while calling me handsome, I was quite confused.

This ended up being the best date so far. We visited the city center, the Duomo, and all the historic buildings. We had the best espresso in town in my favorite bar. For the first time in 6 years I took my espresso while sitting with a girl, it gave me almost a confidence boost.
I invited her back home and she accepted. sex with her was better compared to American girl.

Thinking about it american girl has no chill and wants me "inside her" after 5 minutes.
With this girl sex was more fulfilling, we had a long foreplay session. She has a beautiful petite body (zero tits) and amazing skin. Just touching or liking her neck made her moan very loudly. I also ate her pussy, something I didn't with american girl.

It's sad but the only thing missing was higher libido, took pt141 and didn't do shit. But I have to stay positive and remind myself that fixing my libido is a first-world problem compared to my absolutely lonely and painful past. My brain is negative so sometimes I think that my dopamine system is ruined forever but I attribute this to my negative tendencies not reality.

Another small negative note is she said you're not 25 because you have grey hair, I freaked out and started thinking it's too late to get young girls. Bought hair duy the day after.

We went for another walk in the evening and tried some good local food, at 8 pm she went to la spezia.
I feel a bit sad for this girl she keeps texting she miss me and thinks about me. As a redpilled guy i don't devolop feeling and i know she likes me just because i lookmaxed but i still feel sad for her when she send those kind of texts.

To make this weekend even more interesting I had another date with a 22yo Finnish girl on erasmus, this girl is a bit weird but very nice, had fun time with her but she didn't want to come back home which is fine, she's here for another 2 months.
We bought a bottle of Lambrusco and went to the main park, after a few glasses she started getting a bit drunk and started touching me and calling me handsome but she still didn't want to come back home with me.
Man the guys I grew up with are married with kids, it's easy to feel a failure in my position but it's these fun experiences that make it worth it.
