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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
My only problem and very VERY big fear is that I will waste all this and find myself with grey hair and wrinkles to overcome with game, which I'm not even intelligent enough to learn.
Whats your long term goal? What is it that you want to have achieved/attained before you are "too old"?
I can't help but want to say I'm really proud of you. I had my doubts you'd enjoy any type of success but look how far you've come. It's one of the few times I was wrong about someone, and I'm happy about this.
My only problem and very VERY big fear is that I will waste all this and find myself with grey hair and wrinkles to overcome with game, which I'm not even intelligent enough to learn.

Better late than never.

I'd like to offer help but I'm still kinda in the same situation as you.

However one piece of 'advice' that I know will help you is getting social momentum.

Start saying high to everyone. Or hi fiving them. Dudes, girls. This gets you into a social state like crazy. Having a good energy (smiling and shit) is important, in nightgame even more. It's easier to approach in this state and you'll get much better reactions.

This drill is hard at first but you need to do it. You don't even need to keep talking them. Just say hi and bounce.

It will also help with the social circle goal.
GoodLookingNerd said:
Thrice said:
My only problem and very VERY big fear is that I will waste all this and find myself with grey hair and wrinkles to overcome with game, which I'm not even intelligent enough to learn.
Whats your long term goal? What is it that you want to have achieved/attained before you are "too old"?

fucking young girls
Crisis_Overcomer said:
I can't help but want to say I'm really proud of you. I had my doubts you'd enjoy any type of success but look how far you've come. It's one of the few times I was wrong about someone, and I'm happy about this.

thank you and to everyone who helped and gave advice even if i never looked like someone who could ever achieve anything

After a bad Friday with only one approach on saturday, it didn't get any better. i went to another club with young hot girls and they didn't let me in. Called 19yohe police because I noticed there was no dress code the security was only bouncing black and brown guys which is illegal.

The police told me i have 90 days to press charges if i feel they violated my rights, i will go all in even if it will be expensive. many lawyers take anti-racism cases for free anyway.

Went to another club, smaller indie club which is fine.
I approached 2 groups that were not interested, man when they reply like that I actually can't contain myself, looking me in the face and talking like fucking police officers.
One of them tried to bring up the boyfriend thing with an excuse, she said if I stood there for too long her boyfriend might get angry lol it's a fucking indie club where guys are dressed the same as girls I told her whats your boyfriend gonna do suck my dick??

The two 18/19 I approached on friday told me they have boyfriends and didn't want to give me their numbers but i wasn't angry at all. The 18yo told i have a boyfriends while staring at me like she's totally in love. They were so sweet.

Saturday in this indie club with 25yo+ girl it was different. They were staring at my face like "what you're gonna do now? saying something else or leave"? which made me aggressive towards them. Filthy old women, they have zero value if it wasn't for the reproductive/sexual value.

Today i had a tinder date at 5pm, she's one hour drive from my house but i was on time. Sent her a massage but she didn't answer, i thought i got flaked but she sent me a voice message 5.30pm saying sorry i will be there in 10 minutes.
I asked her why so late she said she was having sex with another guy because I didn't confirm (not true) and thought i was going to flake on her so she called another guy.
I felt so disgusted i almost puked. I told her you're disgusting and you can go back home because there will be no date
Today wasted too much time on the internet and this is a very bad thing, one of the reasons I would like one-to-one accountability is to avoid this
Anyway, I did what I had to do, workout after work, swiped on Tinder, and practiced singing.
My goal is to add a video of me singing Numb from linkin park to my instagram page to make it cooler and get some followers

one thing i need very very badly is a cool guy to go out with on Friday. I'm ballsy enough enough to go out alone but after proving that to myself I still would like a wing.
I feel intimidated in that club full of smoking hot 18/23yo

It's a club for college people and all the groups somewhat know each other, spam approaching would be counterproductive. Being seen with a cool edgy guy and chit chat some girls here and there would be the best option in a club like that

Now I ask random guys on ig who follow the page's club if they want to go there with me, most of them don't even read my message because they don't follow me, any other ideas on how to find this guy I need?

I will still go there every Friday even alone, my goal is to find a hot 18/22yo there and I will keep trying every Friday till I succeed

I have some possible dates, still negotiating on whatsap and Tinder

Will take mew portrait pic for this this week, please keep me accountable with this so i don't chicken out
Thrice said:
Now I ask random guys on ig who follow the page's club if they want to go there with me, most of them don't even read my message because they don't follow me, any other ideas on how to find this guy I need?

I mean I don't want to be insensitive or even racist, but is Mohamed your real name and written on your jg page?

Many guys will right of the bat imagine this stereotype of a horny, aggressive dude from the Middle East and steer clear of people like you.

fucking young girls
I mean in a way it is indeed true lol, you are aggressive as well as horny, but maybe you can hide this fact somehow, as long as possible.
yesterday's cuck recap
the club was packed and did 3 approaches in total
-18/19 yo girl who gave me eye contact (not sure about now), cringed and ran away
- 18-year-old chick, technically she approached me asking for a cigarette, tried to remind her that I approached her in another club and she gave me her number. She was too drunk to remember. In hindsight, I should've asked for a kiss or just gone for it

-22yo i had eye contact with inside(not sure about this too, maybe it's just my fantasy or they look at me to see if I'm looking at them and I confuse this as an ioi's). I approached both her and her friend outside the club asking where i can grab some food. I turned my attention to her, talked for 2 minutes and asked her for watsap. She said she never gives watsap but ig at most. I don't have ig so i just took the rejection.

It made me so angry because i don't have ig and i'm still not putting serious work to create one, hell i'm not even taking better pictures for tinder.

yesterday for the first time i kissed the finnish girl, she seemed happy and into me during the kiss. I have to be honest though my cortisol levels are too high with this girl and i'm i'm started to think she's not worth it.

Yesterday we had a huge long-ass date before the fucking kiss and she didn't invite me in her home. And it's the third date. She also repeated "i'm not into casual hookups". But if you're staying only one month in italy what the actual fuck you want to do with me??

I started to resent this girl, I already told her to give me my money back and told her she was a time waster and hard to deal with.
She asked me what i can do to improve and asked me to give her another chance and yet we're not fucking and the choice is hers

I only tolerated her till now because she absorbed my black pill breakdowns without even flinching and staying sweet

after the dry answer, she gave me today I was tempted to block her and delete her number so I can't find it even if I wanted to. Man, i'm using a lot of force of will to not do it.

I called her slavic prince she could've said something like "hey" or "how are you"
I hate the way girls can make me feel just because i have scarce access to sex and affaction
no the goal is pics to create a cool ig i can give to girls and a better tinder profile
Thrice said:
-22yo i had eye contact with inside(not sure about this too, maybe it's just my fantasy or they look at me to see if I'm looking at them and I confuse this as an ioi's). I approached both her and her friend outside the club asking where i can grab some food. I turned my attention to her, talked for 2 minutes and asked her for watsap. She said she never gives watsap but ig at most. I don't have ig so i just took the rejection.

It's not about the IG, she just wasn't interested.

Finnish girl sounds like a waste of time, she knows she has you because you freak out at her yet you keep going back to her. The only way you can win this is by showing you're willing to walk away.
monday i had a date but the girl canceled on me, she said i didn't text her for 4 days and lost interest. Didn't try to save it because she seemed retarded. Had a match with a hot polish tourist today but she only wanted info about good food and wine, when i told her i'm looking for a date she unmatched of course

i don't have any matches anymore even with boosts so if you wanna critique my profile you're welcome


it's not a good profile it lacks hobby and social pics but still want to know what changed. There's a huge influx of tourists in Italy for the holidays and i'm not getting any matches, and it's not because i ran out of people

today is leg day so I'm going to the gym for a killer low volume low calories high-intensity leg workout and hit the club at 11 pm hoping to get some approaches in

abs are starting to pop up, I'm barely eating so I might look emaciated but fuck it, I want to get abs for the first time and see how my face looks at such low body fat

My frail body never got me and will never get me any attention, I only got laid when I lost the fat and got a jawline so might as well double down on that. Healthy or not I don't care at this point. I'm at 1500kcal or even less and will continue like that and I'm going to approach without drinking

I'm using 4andro to have higher test, I'm feeling huge improvement in the libido/aggression department. I have a hard time sleeping though so I'm using some sleep aids. Will have to check for lipids and liver health too because 4andro can fuck things up but it's the only thing that worked for libido, at least for now
So this week i already had a new lay, and tonigh i'm 99% will get laid. This girl is very down to fuck and we agreed on watsap to meet in a airbnb and let choose one in the midle of the road between me and her. Will talk about how i got here later.

Today something happened and made feel very bad. I had a match on Badoo. After swiping through millions of trans and obese people i found this gem, a cute dutch girl.
We talked a lot, she sent me pics of her place, we also agreed to meet but logistic didn't workout first time.

She kept suggeting bnb's next to the hotel she works in (lago di garda) and asked for a selfie. I sent her the pic i have attached here because i look like shit in a actual real selfie, she unmatched immediately and felt bad about.

She explained everything about the camping she works in, it's a beautifull place to relax.
When i told her i have a professional she said you're pretty you should come here and take pictures of yourself, i replied you're pretty too and she sent an imoji

i will go to the camping she works in, low prices and great food, thats what she said. I will bring a friend with me who's very good at taking pictures so to make my profile appar more safe.

Even the girl i will fuck tonigh (thats our plan at least and she knows i already paid the airbnb) said multiple times she didn't trust because i have few pictures. We just laughed about and she agreed to fuck tonight.

As soon as i can i will book a room in her camping. I'm a stressed overthinker guy who never allowed himself to unwind and relax, so why not chose a camping in front of beautifull garda lake considering i even recieved positive reviews froma girl who works there and has no interest in lying?

I want be aggressive or anything, i will just say "Hi Anouk i'm Momo from tinder". If this embaress her it's not my problem.
Yeah nah don't even think about doing this.

I don't care how much you're getting laid, if you don't fix your head this is all a waste.
So I had 2 lays in the last 2 weeks. The first 25yo girl was a match from Bologna, she was a yes girl from the start, gave me her WhatsApp, and started texting me during the day inviting me to do activities with her. She doesn't have clear face pics on her profile so I was a bit worried but the possibility of getting laid was so easy that I ended up setting up the date.

Travelled 1hour and met her downtown Bologna, my fears were true she was not attractive in the face and had many acne scars. She's also the type of girl into drugs and stuff like that. We had a drink and she asked me if I wanted to eat something so we went to her house and she cooked pasta for me. We went into her room after that and started fucking.

She was hairy, I didn't like her taste while kissing, her skin also wasn't so smooth. I think it might be a common girl with radical leftist girl that do drugs. I ended up ghosting her.

The last lay was on thursday. A 23yo with cute face but without body pictures. Asked her out and while trying to set up a date i was looking for a bar around her place. The girl was sexual and flirty but i still didn't have the balls to ask her if she wanted me to book a motel and fuck there.

After beating it around the bush she got frustrated and told to wake the fuck up. I told her i will book an airbnb around her area and bring a bottle of wine with me. i had to travel 1hour and she travelled 30 minutes.

This stuff is so predictable it's scary. like all girls that don't show their bodies, she was a bit chubby. We fucked the entire night, she's so much into kissing... sucked my tongue for hours. Even the morning after she wanted to kiss before brushing out teeth. A bit chubby but cute face and smooth skin and also tasted so good. Young girls who don't smoke or do drugs actually taste very good. She's 23, i told her i'm 29 and she told me i look younger. But i'm actually 36.

At this point, i don't know what to do to actually have that turning point moment in my life. I feel I'm there, at the turning point. For someone who has been depressed all his life and logged on self-improvement communities for 10 years without results, I ended up being one of the few who made it after so long.

Young girls like me, if I take a walk downtown on weekends I get stared at, I got approached in clubs. I'm getting some lays with tinder.

My problems are

  • i don't know how to get younger girls because i'm not connected in any social circle
  • i work a shitty cleaning job and don't know if i want to change job
  • i live in a small 200k town, thats why i don't know if i even have to bother changing job or just move
  • i still have low libido from depression and sometimes the sex is not great
After my first 4 lays i've decided to dig deeper in my libido issues and look into testosterone relacement therapy.
I visited an endocrinologist and he prescribed me the blood work i have to do and show him on our next visit. I'm quiet exited. My goal is to improve my life, who cares if i die at 60. I wasted most my life/young years anyway and TRT is actually pretty safe.

I had to do it because i didn't enjoy the sex i had enough and wasen't horny enough. Getting laid for the first time after 10 years of self improvement and not enjoy it enough is not the best feeling in theworld for someone who is dedicated to this only.

Another thing that's bothering me is not beign able to get hot young party girls. I see them on clubs and man, some of them are with dudes that are average at best and look like drug dealers (because they are).
I have that same edgy drug dealer archetype and yet i can't get them because i don't have a social circle.

What makes me angry is that i'm wasting my potential because many of those girls showed interest in me last year when i used to go out with the illigal immigrant guy that introduced me to his social circle. I can always improve my looks but it's not a look problem now.

Improving look and pics will always help with tinder but the the young hotties i want not only aren't on tinder but often have boyfriends that are worst looking than me.

I actually want to fuck and be seen with my first 19yo and i'm afraid it will take another 10 years.
I visited an endocrinologist and he prescribed me the blood work i have to do and show him on our next visit.
I will bet money your bloodwork will be within normal range and maybe even on the high end, making TRT of little use for libido purposes.
Wether you decide to go for TRT or not, having zero social circle is something I encourage you to address.
As you noticed yourself, a social circle would do wonders in clubs. It would also be good for your mental health.
Clubs and bars are less stressful and more enjoyable with friends. That's what used to work for me: my friends and I would be there to have a good time, we'd have a good vibe, the women we would approach liked it

I'm pretty sure Spending time around masculine men and feminine women, partying with them... would positively impact your sex drive also
Based on your earlier bloodwork Dr. Terminator would recommend TRT for you if only you can get an MD to prescribe it for you. I don't know how it is in your country.

That being said, most people don't enjoy their first sexual experience(s), and for me it has been hit and miss for the longest time as well. There are a plurality of other factors that effect libido other than hormones. I know this because I'm at liberty to alter my hormone levels at will, yet still don't always have the best libido.

You're not gonna die at 60 from TRT. If anything it will extend lifespan if we're strictly talking about TRT, not self-prescribed "sports TRT".
My problems are

  • i don't know how to get younger girls because i'm not connected in any social circle
  • i work a shitty cleaning job and don't know if i want to change job
  • i live in a small 200k town, thats why i don't know if i even have to bother changing job or just move
  • i still have low libido from depression and sometimes the sex is not great
All I can say is you've identified your problems, now deal with them in a productive and healthy manner.

Social circle;
I'm in a similar boat and I saw what you said about being friends with a drug dealer. Sounds a bit like the situation I had while in college. He was a funny, intelligent guy, but wasted potential on drugs and just being a liar when he really didn't need to be. But he was connected locally to some rappers and I did get to meet some interesting people by hanging out with him.

So what can both of us do? Advice for me and you. Well logically there must be some cool, connected people that are not drug dealers and don't suck. Maybe we should try to make friends with those sort of people instead. How? Good question. But I'm sure it as something to do to A. Becoming someone that aforementioned cool connected people would be glad to have around and B. going to places where such people might hang out. Gritty sweaty nightclubs? Nah, you wont really find them there.

I have a couple for stories of meeting some cool guys, dare I say chads, that would have potentially led me to getting laid situations with hot girls had I known what I was doing ( don't worry, still don't, but exposure is experience) Its about being in the right kind of place, with a fun friendly vibe.

I sense a lot of anger from your posts. I get it and I won't pretend to be some wise sage that is all zen, I get pretty pissed off too. But anger and resentment for women is not conducive to getting more of them and more importantly to your general happiness. The process sucks and yeah trust me I see all the average and/or self-congratulatory cunts that have cute young girls around them simply by virtue that they grew up in the right family with the right friend groups etc. But the opposite applies too. People have looked at you and wish they had your looks or circumstance. There are a lot of people born in worse circumstance, or with a congenital disease that can't go out and do what you and I do. I'll save the platitude, you get the idea. Try to work on your anger and resentment, girls can sense it.

Anyway initially wanted to reply to address the TRT as someone who's on it, its not terrible but does have implications. It costs money and requires closer monitoring of your bloods regularly. You're on it for life, although there are ways to get. You've to stick a needle in your ass every 5 days (not all that bad but sometimes I forget). Your balls will shrink. Could have implications on fertility and with what kids you have (MPMD did a vid on bodybuilding steroid users having all daughter families for example)

Your levels are low and you most def are legible, and @Terminator is right. Just make you exhaust your natural potential by improving lifestyle before becoming a permanent pharma subscriber. Quit smoking, exercise, get enough sleep, eat well, and also cultivate mental wellness. Its not a fix all. It helped a lot in my life but the mental hang-ups are still there as they are all my own doing., and proper test levels won't help that. They just got me out of being bed-ridden and wanting to kill myself to just doing stuff that might actually get me the life I want.

Libido has never been an issue for me but porn has, still haven't kicked that habit but yeah if that's an issue for you than make sure you deal with it too. Just make absolutely sure you can't improve through lifestyle before becoming dependent on a pharmaceutical product.