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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

LOL. i like your texting here. very assertive.
Thrice said:

Good persistence. I think (hope) to acknowledge this but you got this lay in spite of your outburst, not because of this. It's good you created drama, but make sure not to go overboard and blow out the match.

The Manny Montana comparison is interesting. You should lean into this.
Today i had an incredibly humiliating experience, i had this date planned with a french girl at 6 pm. Woke up very early to be able to finish work early and show up at the date, considering she's 1.5h drive from me.

When i was there at six i started noticing something strange, she was reading my message without replying. 1 hour later she replies sorry i'm at the restaurant with my family when do you want to meet
i tell her we can meet when she finishes dinner
anyway, this girl have been reading my messages all the time, she wasn't in a restaurant but at home
at 11pm i text her "you will pay for this" and she replies 1 second later trying to come up with a story, proof there was never a problem with her watsap
Now if I was a good guy who never threatens woman I'd be still thinking that she has a problem with her French SIM card

so imagine this girl knew i was there all of that time and didn't care, she replied only when she got scared. It's not i'm not a real human, i'm like the phone itself, something in her pocket. Changed idea about meeting...just don't answer. Imagine the lack of respect.

I felt incredibly sad and humiliated, i deleted all the girls numbers from my watsap and from drive so i wont be tempted to look for the numbers again. i also blocked and deleted the number of lithuanian girl i fucked this weekend. Same thing with the irish girl and the finnish girl.
None of them are attractive anyway, i wasent able to attractive 1 attractive girl and i have no proof i will ever be able to do that.

I spent a fortune on boost to fuck 2 girls that arent attractive. the last number i got from an approach was on june. I think about taking pictures and i never do it because i dont know how to smile and how to tak social pics

this journey is extremely painfull, maybe more painfull than if i did just accept loneliness and stayed home without doing anything. At this point i really have zero respect for woman, we're not in the same team.
local man gets flaked on, has a meltdown

what was the messaging BEFORE 6pm
Thrice said:
she's 1.5h drive from me
Surely you were aware of the possibility of a flake and the position you're putting yourself in driving that long for a chick, apparently without question? If you're going to take risks like that, you need to physically and mentally prepare for the worst case scenario.

Thrice said:
at 11pm i text her "you will pay for this"
This is a dangerous message to send a girl, I hope she doesn't take this as a physical threat. You can get in deep shit if you send this to the wrong girl. You're lucky your last lash-out didn't end badly (you may have gotten laid IN SPITE OF it, not because of it).

I don't have a solution to offer, but I can definitely tell you this isn't a productive way to react, even though yes it's absolutely fucked up what she did. Everyone gets frustrated. Very frustrated even. At the very least, it needs to be redirected to a harmless area (angry posts on a forum like here), In the best case, you should be sublimating your anger. Hope this provides some insight.
september said:
what was the messaging BEFORE 6pm
[15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Heyy [15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Hello [16/4, 1:15 p.m.]
Lola: Hello [16/4, 1:55 p.m.]
Momo: Hello [16/4, 5:47 p.m.]

Momo: Wei [16/4, 5:47 p.m.]
Momo: See you, where is the stadium? [16/4, 6:35 p.m.]
Momo: I think your WhatsApp is closed again [16/4, 6:45 p.m.]

Momo: Sorry lola, if you're no longer interested, you can tell me without any problem, so I'll go :) If you're there, I'll be happy to wait for you ! [16/4, 7:13 p.m.]

Lola: Oh sorry [16/4, 7:13 p.m.] Lola: I hadn’t seen your messages ( so at 7pm she didn't read the messages of someone she hate a date with at 6pm😉) [16/4, 7:13 p.m.] Lola: I’m at the restaurant [16/4, 7:13 p.m.]
Lola: I don’t know what time I’m coming home [4/16, 7:14 p.m.] Lola: What time do you want to meet up?

[16/4, 7:14 p.m.] Momo: No problem, I'm in the center eating focaccia [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]

Lola: Okay, no worries

[16/4, 7:16 p.m.] Momo: If you want, we can meet when you're finished, we'll probably be close. [16/4, 7:25 p.m.]

Lola: Yes, no worries 😘

Thrice said:
Lola: What time do you want to meet up? [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]
Momo: No problem, I'm in the center eating focaccia [16/4, 7:14 p.m.]

I think this is where you fucked up. She explicitly asked you what time you wanted to meet, but instead you made meeting up with her not your priority. You could've asked her what time she was done eating (a good option) but the more dominant option would be to propose a time and place.

The more dominant option has its caveats, because if you propose a time that is to early for her to meet you, it breaks open another can of worms. But it is at least better then deflecting her question, what you did.

Lola: Okay, no worries [16/4, 7:16 p.m.]
Momo: If you want, we can meet when you're finished, we'll probably be close. [16/4, 7:25 p.m.]

Lola: Yes, no worries 😘

Here you could have asked your question differently.

Instead of saying: If you want, we can meet we can meet when you're finished, you could have asked: What time are you finished? -> [She answers] -> you: Okay, lets meet at [place] at [time]. Enjoy dinner ;).
Call her next time.

MisterE is spot on, if you are going to spend the time to drive to someone's city, you need to take the lead more in your actions. Instead you come off as weak in your messaging and then explode as soon as things go your way.

Channel that anger into grounded masculinity and cold dominance so she understands from the start that you're not to be messed with.
Tried to call her many times, I'm also not stupid. She was at home not at restaurant, she was within a mile and there was no restaurants

All she had to do is say no when i asked her out
MisterE said:
I think this is where you fucked up. She explicitly asked you what time you wanted to meet, but instead you made meeting up with her not your priority. You could've asked her what time she was done eating (a good option) but the more dominant option would be to propose a time and place.

She started ignoring my calls from 5pm, she came up with the invisible restaurant thing while sitting in her couch at 7p.m. Way past our date time.

Ok i wasent assertive enough and didn't take the charge, i just told we meet after you finish dinner at the invisible restaurant. From that time on she didn't text until i became aggressive

Remember, after many calls she's asking herself if i turned aggressive already, that's making it look like I'm chilling while waiting it's not a bad thing

Be more dominant and maybe call her for confirmation before going to her city? Yeah i will start doing that with girls that need it
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).
Also control your impulses a bit more when you feel this angry/disencouraged. Deleting all the numbers doesn't seem like the smartest move.
You might use some of the girls as temporarily fun fuckbuddies so you don't come over to needy with other girls.
(But ofcourse I have no idea how your vibe was with these girls)

In general, never do a 1,5h drive, make them come to you the first time.
If she proves to be worth your time, you can then invest that time. (But I have a feeling you already know that)
Making her come all the way to you, also gives you the advantage that's she's already investing alot to meet you.
(As you noticed from yourself, because you are hurt because of the investments)

As for the not smiling on pictures part, there is an easy fix. You take your photo's and add the emotions on facetune/faceapp (whatever it's called)
Seems like you are making a bullshit excuse to not improve your profile.
ThelegendofJ said:
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).

dont worry for me, worry about you not getting laid and do something about it. You have 11 posts, i don't need your advice
Thrice said:
ThelegendofJ said:
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).

dont worry for me, worry about you not getting laid and do something about it. You have 11 posts, i don't need your advice

Your ego wrote this reply. Not you.
pancakemouse said:
Your ego wrote this reply. Not you.

The guy is like "ask them to come to your place so to your place so they're more invested" Da genious

Of course this is the fucking log of someone with a SMV that doesent allow that, and they wouldn't even be able to do it. Most italian girls are scared to drive on highways let alone 20 yo tourist hwo dont even have a car and dont even know where they are

the american girl i fucked said she almost never left the house beside school

Today i had second and last date with finnish girl, zero sexual tension, this girl is really looking for a friend to show her around
I already had many proof of those, on the first date i told her come to my house and she said for what, never everything is about tonality etc and i can assure that "for what" meant "why would i come to your house". It wasent playfaul or anything

another proof was that she said i could help her cook pasta, than changed idea and said "i already made lemon pasta". It's not about pasta, it's that you dont want me in your house.
We took hamburger and ice cream and paid for her. Despite all my fucking knowledge i found myself in a foodie date with a non sexual girl. Thank god it was ust 25euros in total.

She likes photography and asked me for my camera, i could ask her to take picture of me but i wont to that. She's looking for a guy to practice some hobbies with and i dont want to be that guy. Ahe knows i'm interested in fucking her and dont want it to happen, imagine me becoming her beta friend

Also i already know that it would be so painfull to try to teach her what pictures i want for tinder. Again the fact that she knows i want to fuck her and dont wanna it to happen is more than enough, there's enough simps out there. the only difficulty for her is to find onother simp for foodie dates that speaks english. I wish her good lucjk and deleted the number

tried my new dunk lows, i have to say they add edge by themselves, nothing else is needed. The baddies will get wet when they will see me waring this at the club
so no one else here is gonna comment on this????????????????

Thrice said:
[15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Heyy
[15/4, 9:42 p.m.] Momo: Hello
[16/4, 1:15 p.m.] Lola: Hello
[16/4, 1:55 p.m.]Momo: Hello
[16/4, 5:47 p.m.]Momo: Wei
[16/4, 6:35 p.m.]Momo: See you, where is the stadium?

you didnt confirm anything about the date the day before or of. you just swapped "hi" back and forth.

then when she messaged at 115pm, 5 hours before the date, when you should've responded instantly, you took FOUR hours to respond about it by calling her, an hour before the date. if I was in the position of the girl I'd assume the date is canceled too. once the date is confirmed and you're in logistics mode, you should be replying instantly.

the implicit communication in this thread is that the date ISN'T going to happen, because you DID reach out and DIDN'T say anything about it until you called her an hour before, so the frame is that we're just ignoring whatever plans we made and going back to random wyd pinging.

it's an expectation in modern dating and acquaintance meetups etc that plans are confirmed like a day before, or if it's in the evening, by the morning at the latest. especially when you get a message 5 hours before and dont do shit to confirm for 4 hours.

you can like this expectation or not, but it's your choice whether you want to do the thing that works and get laid, or do the thing that doesn't work and then melt down and rage on the forums.

something like "looking forward to seeing you tomorrow" would be the baseline thing you send. then she either responds like "yes :)", or ignores the thread, in which case you know that it's not happening.
Thrice said:
ThelegendofJ said:
Like other said, your reaction to the flake, and to the other girl not responding are a bit worrying (from an anger point of view).

dont worry for me, worry about you not getting laid and do something about it. You have 11 posts, i don't need your advice

Hahaha Thrice went rage mode on em

Dude, this was unnecessary. Jorim has been in this game a long time, and is a great dude, he's a friend of mine and Paw's. He's solid, helpful, and there's no need to be dismissive. But I understand you were raging!

Ayway, I was also going to say, the rage against the chick, saying she will pay....you have to work on this alright?

They're allowed to absolutely mog you. They do it to me. They can be rude dickheads, and a pain to deal with, for all of us. And yet, some chicks are cool.
In this game, you simply can't hold it personal against chicks. There is a lot of pain in this game and you get to where you have been broken so many times, you cannot be broken. Because you no longer care. I have seen the most senseless and downright sickening female behaviour over the past 3 years. It was that which made me strong, and made me not care. You gain an unshakeable quality when you can present, and in your core, not give a flying fuck about her anymore. Because you have seen her sort come and go, so, so, so many times.

This is a journey and you are making wonderful improvements.

So let's keep improving and build on your success.

I was the king of raging and I do know how you feel, btw. I've been stood up a few times, had a lot of bad shit come my way from chicks. Never did anything negative to them about it though, simply took it on the chin and moved on.

Regarding you commenting on low SMV

Do you even know what low SMV is? It' when your product is basically so undesirable you can't use your looks and physical appearance at all, you have to overcome them.........!

Low SMV is when you can't get any matches after years and years of this shit. don't get any frame, have no Yes girls and basically just have to use technical game and things like that to get traction.

Guys who are low SMV, are the warriors who had to build their core masculinity by doing thousands of approaches, getting treated like trash so many times, and eventually became like stone. It is a f**king tough experience, will test you, and you can't have any weak links if you are to survive it.

You at present are in a position where your outcomes are pure SMV: your mental health is not great, your comms and overall game is horrible, your vibe will be ass (we can tell) and yet, you're getting matches out the ass and breaking every rule in the book & STILL creating outcomes. You're getting traction with some attractive chicks (I dated almost exclusively fatties and chicks who were quite low in looks for the first 2 years, and I am grateful to these women) and I gutted up and went through it for so many dates (100+) to practice and get better. I read this log and see zero evidence of low SMV. None. Looks are king in its game, and you have them. You have become the literal Chad you used to despise, who can get away with murder, say absolutely insane things to chicks on text, and still get laid.

You have looks, therefore, you cannot be low SMV. You have them. You do. So, it's easy mode all day long baby.

You are allowed to vent, express, and whatever else. You may fall into a pattern of insisting you're low SMV, and I won't argue with you, I will support you and help you out regardless like I have done for f**king years, pushing you, always, and never giving up on you.

I used to write posts to you, feeling pain for you and sorrow. Now, I am writing this post, with a smile on my face, laughing to myself.

Because I know you're gonna be OK ;-)

september said:
then when she messaged at 115pm, 5 hours before the date, when you should've responded instantly, you took FOUR hours to respond about it by calling her, an hour before the date. if I was in the position of the girl I'd assume the date is canceled too. once the date is confirmed and you're in logistics mode, you should be replying instantly.
yes i think that was the mistake on my part
MakingAComeback said:
Ayway, I was also going to say, the rage against the chick, saying she will pay....you have to work on this alright?

yes will work on this
MakingAComeback said:
They're allowed to absolutely mog you. They do it to me. They can be rude dickheads, and a pain to deal with, for all of us. And yet, some chicks are cool.
In this game, you simply can't hold it personal against chicks. There is a lot of pain in this game and you get to where you have been broken so many times, you cannot be broken. Because you no longer care. I have seen the most senseless and downright sickening female behaviour over the past 3 years. It was that which made me strong, and made me not care. You gain an unshakeable quality when you can present, and in your core, not give a flying fuck about her anymore. Because you have seen her sort come and go, so, so, so many times.

so i didn't reach that point of not caring yet, well it's quiet scaring that a guy like me still didn't go through enough pain to spot caring, but will wait

MakingAComeback said:
Guys who are low SMV, are the warriors who had to build their core masculinity by doing thousands of approaches, getting treated like trash so many times, and eventually became like stone. It is a f**king tough experience, will test you, and you can't have any weak links if you are to survive it.

much respect, i do not have that level of mental strength and i would crush me
MakingAComeback said:
You have looks, therefore, you cannot be low SMV. You have them. You do. So, it's easy mode all day long baby.

how can I use it to get the girls i want? I feel stuck. Can't even find the courage to take better pics for tinder

Had another tinder date yesterday, the girl is not hot but has a great personality and we immediately clicked. She's fun and cool to hang out with. we had a drink, played pool and kissed outside the bar. She's 25 and not the 18/22 hot party girl i'm looking for but it was a good experience and we might have sex in the future once we figure out the logistics

today the goal is to do some approaches in the center and practice some night games at club. On Friday i see so many hot young chicks I'm not getting it's depressing. I think even just getting my first one will be a huge change and the beginning of a new era. Slowly things are changing. I'm getting dates and kisses or sex on first dates, something i always thought of as completely unthinkable. I used to see guys that do this like another species.

After the second date with the Finnish girl i had anger and I asked her for my money back. She didn't want to come to my house on the first date and made excuses on the second date saying she needed to know people mentally before physically.

She just doesn't like me enough and I felt cucked for paying on the second date so I asked for many back and she agreed.
this fucking bitch said many times she has nothing to do during the day and feels bored yet she takes fucking ages to reply to a single message. Hours and hours. We are NOT that important to them and will NEVER be because they have a constant flux of options. Fuck you and give me my money back. I'm tired of this shit. When they text I reply within 30 seconds regardless of what I'm doing That is because I have an enthusiasm they will never have because of how used they are to male attention.

I felt bad at first for asking for money back and I still feel bad for the Lithuanian girl I blocked but I'm fed up with them. That's what they did to me for 20 fucking years

the Finnish girl took so much to reply I asked if she was building a fucking spaceship. Because man actually build spaceships and yet dont take that much to reply. If I meet her today I will ask her if she still wants today because if not she has to give me my money back. business is business, it was all transactional from day one anyway.
Yesterday I went to the usual Friday night club again, the one with an enormous number of hot 18/22. This time I went with an acquaintance, a 23yo guy I always saw as cool and chill until tonight when things took another turn.
He started feeling unconformable "without his gang", always embarrassed and looking for someone to call on WhatsApp. he asked me to buy drinks for him after i already bought the entrance and first drink for him. He was for the entire night because he didn't want me to move because he felt embarrassed if left alone. Never again.

This shows you the difference between us and the average normie. We are literally another species.

I only did one approach, two girls 18 and 19yo. They were so sweet and the 19 seemed to like to talk to me and she had that pretty face that makes me weak in the knees.
I asked for numbers but They both had boyfriends, at least that's what they said.
there were maybe 2/3 girls giving IOI's but I chickened out from approaching and having a guy next to you who was having a panic attack just because he needed more male friends to feel comfortable didn't help.

The good news is that this club is for local people with not much turnover. So my goal is to create a social circle there and not spam approach in a place where most groups know each other.

I asked the Finnish girl from Tinder for money back or date seriously and not friendly walks, she said she likes me and wants to keep dating.

If you're laughing about this money-back thing, believe me, I find all this stuff stuff happening to me surreal and hilarious.

So i look good enough that the 19yo from yesterday guessed 25, i recieve ioi's and yes girls. I fucked a girl after insulting her for an entire night on tinder. I asked for money back and she asked for another date.

My only problem and very VERY big fear is that I will waste all this and find myself with grey hair and wrinkles to overcome with game, which I'm not even intelligent enough to learn.

The goals are
-build a better ig page, the girls from yesterday said no to numbers because they have "boyfriends" but wanted to follow me on ig and I'm embarrassed with my current ig.

-take way better tinder pics with better portraits, and the hobby and social pics I've never had since starting tinder

-keep on approaching going to clubs with or without a friend and create a social circle in university clubs with 18/22

Not that difficult for people with a normal brain but I can't trust mine, i think personal help like 10 minutes on WhatsApp or telegram would change my life forever. And I also have money to pay. Unfortunately not much for American standards.
Can I ask if there's someone who would be willing to help?