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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

I wanted to say money really does help with a lot of shit. If you have money to pay someone to shoot for you, you’d get way better photos way quicker.

And your good at photography but having someone else shoot you is better cos it’s way way easier to just focus on posing. I’m speaking from experience as a gun photographer. I get better photos when someone else is on cam even though I’m a better photographer
Thrice said:
i'm also sad because i dont have an ig page with followers and girls ask for instagram both live and on tinder

Go to a country where your look is en vogue (maybe Russia, Colombia, Philippines), look at top photos, and add random attractive women and like a few of their photos. For every 20 or so of these you should get 1-2 follows back. You should be able to do this to around 100 women a day, so that's 5-10 followers a day.
Adrizzle said:
You could write down all the things the job and a car would help you with and the timeframe you can do that in. Because after that then you can do back to photos and building a profile. Write down what the pictures and building a profile would do with a timeline too. This could help with your decision

thank you, i'm so fucked in the head for trying for so long without getting, maybe pictures and at least one human looking girl should be a priority, man after not getting laid for a long time become weird
pancakemouse said:
Go to a country where your look is en vogue (maybe Russia, Colombia, Philippines), look at top photos, and add random attractive women and like a few of their photos. For every 20 or so of these you should get 1-2 follows back. You should be able to do this to around 100 women a day, so that's 5-10 followers a day.

i'll try there, dont know where my look is en vogue, maybe arabic countries, you mean i search for those places on ig right? not going physically there
yesterday wanted to take some action pictures at golden hour in the skatepark, to my suprise the skatepark was packed even if the city is empty so i decided to go early in the morning 1 hour after sunrise, woke up at 5.50am but wasent enough

i was at the skate park by 7am and the magic light of golden hour was already gone, the sun was already too harsh casting an ugly shadow so i didnt do portraits, just practiced action shots at a very high shutter speed, i had good results considering it's the first time but i still look like a dork

the skatepark is just 20 minutes distance but im so slow in the morning

i guess the action shots can be used after good editing that makes them look cool

tomorrow will try to wake up earlier to get full advantage of golden hour 600min after sunrise, will try to get a cool portraits and some action shots again

i don't know if the green pants and black shirt are

I like #4. Not sure that sleeveless shirts are really in right now. I think a tank top would be better if you want to go that route.
pancakemouse said:
I like #4. Not sure that sleeveless shirts are really in right now. I think a tank top would be better if you want to go that route.

do mean this? black or white?
Brother I have read through some of your posts but don't have the full story. Sounds like it's a challenging spot with financial constraints. You're on a good path.

Here's advice you didn't ask for.

Fuck all the online shit and stop spending time on Instagram! Get the fuck off the dating apps and get out into the real world. Go to events, meet people at things you're interested in.

A string of positive interactions in real life is going to change the way you think about yourself. Your goal frankly shouldn't be to get laid at the moment, it should be to create a baseline life for yourself, with some half-decent friends, and hence a support group.

You need real people, brother. People are healing. Friends are healing. You need to heal. We're evolved to live in community. Don't resist that. Build relationships.

Now the financial situation: save your money and get the fuck out of where you're living if it's truly (and I mean truly) not working for you in terms of job opps. Figure this out. Find a community of people in person who have similar financial goals as you, even if it's just something small. You have to take action yourself, but you can get support from other men. Invest significantly more time here. I suspect though once you get out there and start making relationships, you'll find a lot of opportunities in REAL LIFE.

Spend all your time socializing, building platonic relationships, working out, and figuring out a way to make some more $. Don't waste another second online.

Stop calling yourself a dork. Stop calling yourself creepy. Stop calling yourself all this shit. It's reinforcing garbage in your head that doesn't exist. Yes, easier said than done, but you can start with the shit you write on your own fucking log.

Stop the judgements, brother. You're none of these things. A part of you likes to wallow in the sea of victimhood, I can feel it from the way you post. Maybe deep down you like telling people about how shit things are so you can get attention and feel good about yourself. Maybe this triggers you, if it does, ask yourself why. I'm not judging you for it, but it's not helping you.

Respect for the journey you're on. Keep going.
i don't need your advice brother, i will figure out what to do trying, dont come into my log with this kind of language fuck this fuck that do this do that, thats not a good and respectful way of phrasing advice, life is complex and i also have mental illness, this kind of advice fuck this fuck that gets you hyped for 30 seconds but its useless in real life

i'm not a retard i know i have to make friends
Why is your thread called "advice on how to move forward"? Why do you continue to talk shit about yourself in your own log?

I guess you didn't read what I wrote. I am supportive of your journey and want to see you succeed like everyone else here.

Cheers mate

If you guys want to get heated. Take it to the DMs.

Thrice - he means it sincerely. Try and hear it through the tone.

Noclip - I know you mean well. Just have some awareness for how you might come across.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
I like #4. Not sure that sleeveless shirts are really in right now. I think a tank top would be better if you want to go that route.

do mean this? black or white?

(wow that guy looks a lot like me)

For that outfit, black. You can also layer this under a button down shirt, especially a quilted one with holes in it
Thrice said:
i don't need your advice brother, i will figure out what to do trying, dont come into my log with this kind of language fuck this fuck that do this do that, thats not a good and respectful way of phrasing advice, life is complex and i also have mental illness, this kind of advice fuck this fuck that gets you hyped for 30 seconds but its useless in real life

i'm not a retard i know i have to make friends


This is highly uncalled for.

noclip took time to give you what I class as decent advice. Advice is something you have specifically asked for and you give this as a response?

You need to check your ego. This was a pretty shitty thing to say to someone trying to help you out. Anyone else reading this is going to be reluctant to give you any advice in case you act like an asshole and throw another tantrum at them.
Spider Jerusalem said:
took time to give you what I class as decent advice. Advice is something you have specifically asked for and you give this as a response?

Brother, i never read your log and know nothing about you, not because it's not good but because i'm a beginner and dont follow many logs because i cant give advice

i remember you rarely ever comment in my log, in fact i only remember your nickname because you comment in cases like this, this is weird, do you read my log and only comment in cases like this?
your last comment was you saying i did something wrong, and the comment before that too, and then you dont comment for months, it's weird...
People are trying to help you, specifically because you asked for help, then you are punishing them for helping you because you don't like their tone or consistency? Then you comment you already know how to make friends? You also want a hardcore accountability partner. Did I get all that right? Does the cognitive dissonance not register?

What you are clinging to is holding you back.
please stop it and leave me alone, you're stressing me, i dont need and want advice from Zug noclip and Spider Jerusalem and dont want them to ever post on my log again and i dont know them anyway
move on with your life and stop the discussion here...my fucking problem is i dont get girls not useless discussions with users i dont even know. Move on and stop commenting about this, my cognitive dissonance is not your problem
Hey Mo,

I understand you're in a bit of a tough spot. Been there, as you know very well.

These things, can be resolved. Believe me. Even in my case, we are making progress.

For now, I am just reaching out to say, please just try to rest up, get some sleep, and focus on your mental health today.

We are working on a plan to help you move forward. In my chat today, Rags2Bitches has given your case some thought, and has given provided an action plan for you. We're working on it and we will take some small steps, that will move you forward.

I will share tomorrow, once you've got some rest. Please forget about this for now. I sense your overwhelm, and I sense your present frustration. All part of the journey, and we don't judge you for it.

We'll work out a plan and we will find a way to move forward, OK?

Just leave it with us for a bit, got your back, alright?

woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my shoulder, went to the ER and find out i have Calcific tendinitis , stayed in bed for a week and a half, ate some junk food so i lost my jawline and skin quality in the face got worse, today took pictures at the skate park anyway, woke about 5.30 am...i just cant take pictures when people are looking so the only way is to wake up early


- keep approaching on weekends and ask girls for numbers, i can't tell them i dont have ig until i have enough followers and cools pics, my logistic is good, the house is near the center and even if the apartment sucks i can use the airbnb room

if i dont do this i will live inside my head which i'm already doing

-find a better job to buy car and forniture
worked on my pictures with photoshop because i still can't use lightroom, most pictures are overexposed so what i did is simply upload the pic -new fill-levels- blend mode from normal to multiply and decrease opacity as needed

i got 14 matches with a boost, none of them hot

the only very cute girl is a 20yo with freckles, the kind of girl i masturbate to everyday so it felt very bad when she said she doesen't trust people with social media after asking me for my instagram

she said if we met in real life and i dont have a social media it would be ok, but if i'm on tinder, which is a social media, and i dont have any other social media she cant trust me

the sad thing is that this bitch is right

of course she's not that interested, if i was a chad she'd be flying to me like Goku, but she has some level of interest and i lost the opportunity because i dont have ig, and i dont have ig because i dont have a life, this means i have to get a life

it's still encouragion that i got matches with normal looking girls with pictures that i consider not good at all, certainly i can do better than that

those are just the first pictures transitioning from weirdo to normal, i can do way better, still getting use to smiling etc

i'm also really thinking about a test cycle
Thrice, It really is a battle against your psyche every time here, isn't it?

She's not judging you for not having social media, she's judging you because your PROFILE LOOKS FAKE.

You have four photos, all obviously taken with the same camera, same location, and all practically with the exact same outfit.

This is WEIRD. And you were already warned once not to do this.

Take a look at other profiles on KYIL, the ones that people say are good. Figure out what they are doing that you aren't, and copy that. I'm happy to spell it out for you if you need help.
ok Pancake i thought there's enough variety and the fake profile thing is not a concern anymore, also the other girls didnt think i'm fake and the girl with freckles said something like "i want to see what people are up to looking at their social media" to me it sounded like she wants to screen out weirdos with no friends and no followers

but you're right i will keep working on quality and variety thanks brother