Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan


Feb 4, 2021
Started a Japanese Cold Approach Log to have it all in one place. Easy to look back at how I started my journey if its all in one log and not mixed in with other shit

4/8/2022 - Day 2 in Japan

Went to Ikebukuro had about an hour to kill b4 meeting with a friends girl friend.

Walked around and thought to myself, fuck it i got nothing better to do lets throw myself into approach. Gunna have to do it eventually.

Followed a hot girl for like a block maybe hesitating to approach. Just like when i was a beginner noob. All the familiar feelings of thinking about what to say, etc were filling my mind. Even tho I have approached maybe 1k+ in the past and did the AA program this shit doesnt magically get easy.

Chick walked into a store. Damn missed my first opportunity.

After this im like wow what a bitch.
15 sec later i see another hot chick. This is what Japan is all about!

Catch up to her as she is walking away from me. Has her headphones in and i wave to flag her down.
あなたはかわいい。私はDevin. 今はなにしていますか - You are cute. Im devin. What are you up to?
あーありがと - Ahh thanks
なまえは?- Name?
だいじょぶ - Im good
はい。ひみつ Yes, Secret -
ひみつは uhh strange なまえ Secret is a uhh strange name
なにしますか - What are you up to
eyelash appointment (using hand jestures)
ああーそです - Ahh i see
あとはなにしますか - After what are u doing
かいもの - SHopping
そおですね - Ahh i see
Line?QR コード?- (Line is a japanese IM) (QR is how u exchange numbers)
pull out my phone and show line.
She pulls hers out and shows qr and we exchange.

pretty standard approach in the grand scheme of things.
But it was a big hurdle to do it in japanese
Very happy with the results.

2nd girl I approached was almost identical with the situation. She was meeting with friends. said she was busy until like 5pm or sumthin.

Messaged both girls recently

Also swiping on tinder (not premium)
Matched 4 chicks. Messaged all of them
no response but its been like 15 min since i messaged so ill see where it goes lol

Good stuff


Went back to the station with the intention to do a bunch of approached.
Got stonewalled by not being able to speak Japanese, and just nerves

Did like 6 more approaches. and maybe one chick even paid me any attention
the only conversation I had was with a chick who said she was going home. She was giggly and smiling the whole time but didn't want to exchange line. Probably pushed for it maybe 3x.
だいじょぶ。QR を見て 
Every other chick either just turned away or didn't even look at me
kinda brutal for getting back into approach but it is what it is.
Idk if saying good evening is a good opener or just waving/peace sign. But i guess it doesn't even really matter when the chick doesn't even acknowledge you lol

End of the day I was 2/10.
Happy with it cuz i retired from approach for like a year. Gotta restrengthen that approach muscle
1/10 today in an hour

Went to Ueno Station and approached across the street in the drinking/shopping district

Went a little later then i should have because a lot of the shops were closing

Most approaches were instant defelection

My one conversion was with this super cute chick. Probably 5ft tall, dyed blond hair, frilly skirt and furlined white coat.
Called her cute
She giggled and said thanks
Asked what she was doing
said going home
What will u do when u go home?
(forget what she said)
lets go to a cafe instead
im ok
Ok, lets exchange line
nooo, im ok
its all good, lets exchange
pull out my phone
She thinks about it for a little bit and then pulls hers out and we exchange.

Im having issues approaching more because I'm thinking too much about what i can say in japanese.
I need to give myself permission to fuck up
Make a fool of myself and not understand shit.
Im here to learn japanese and the best way is to just keep talking to people
Stop thinking and just start doing

Plan for tomorrow is to try and hit 20 approaches.
Probably will choose a different location to approach. Or just approach earlier and for longer
Japanese is a hard language. I respect the fact that you're trying to approach in a language you hardly know. Approaching in your mother tongue is hard enough.

Definitely a great way to practice tho
Went back to Ueno

Getting a lot more confident approaching in Japanese

Went like 2/15 today in about the same time so its an improvement.
A lot of deflections, but probably more actual conversations today. Maybe 4/15 i was actually talking to the girl. Getting past hey ur cute.

Notable interaction was a really receptive girl.
She's standing outside a 7/11. Super pretty chick. Very thin. Maybe 5'7 with heels.
Walk up to her and call her cute. She starts giggling and says thank you
Ask he what she's up to. She said she has a business meeting later
Ask what kind of business. (forget what she said)
Told her I'm in japan studying Japanese in school
She was like "wow! so cool!"
The whole time she was being very energetic with her responses. Allowing me time to think of the words to day in Japanese.
Asked to exchange line and she agreed no resistance.
Asked if she wanted to go to a café right now, but she had her meeting.
Asked when she was free. She said she was unsure, but that I should text her.
Dont remember the rest of the convo, but it was basically me just trying to say shit and not knowing how. She was saying take ur time.
”日本語上手” - Nihongo Jyozu - Your Japanese is good. Essentially only said to Gaijin(Foreigner) who can barely speak Japanese

Sent her a line and this is how she responded.
Probably means nothing, but it was a nice interaction that made me feel good for once

The other 3 contacts I got went nowhere. Blocked them all already lolz
Do you ever ask if they speak english or are you only interested in closing in Japanese?
Manganiello said:
Toast said:

I'd suspect this translates roughly into

'Wow you're pretty bad, but I like that you're trying.'

Lol Yah u get this even if ur japanese is complete shit. Its like wow ur so good for trying!
Radical said:
Toast setting up to demolish Asia
That's the plan :)

Dewm said:
Do you ever ask if they speak English or are you only interested in closing in Japanese?
I generally don't ask to speak English. I'm trying to get better and more confident in speaking Japanese. I only ask if they completely don't understand what i'm saying. Id rather look like an idiot speaking Japanese, then try and speak English lol
Great job Toast. They ever look at you and start trying to speak English? I had that "problem" when I was visiting, but you and I look a little different ;)
sundleboro said:
Great job Toast. They ever look at you and start trying to speak English? I had that "problem" when I was visiting, but you and I look a little different ;)

The ghost of Christmas past posts!

I always open in Japanese and try to continue in Japanese, so not really. But one Korean chick who's number I go started speaking in English and I continued cuz it was easier. Generally nah im just trying to speak Japanese, even with how limited it is. Gotta try to use it to get better

An interesting perspective on girls who wont speak English that I learned today is that those girls who only speak Japanese and have no interest in learning English are the ones who are treated like queens out here. The ones who are interested in America are possibly unhappy with the way things in Japan are. So those who try to speak English to the Japanese girls are already not interesting to them. Cuz why should they speak or learn English if they already have everything they want in Japan with Japanese. Interesting viewpoint
Dewm said:
Do you ever ask if they speak english or are you only interested in closing in Japanese?

I think many people in Japan do not speak good English. At least that was my experience while there
Squilliam said:
Dewm said:
Do you ever ask if they speak english or are you only interested in closing in Japanese?

I think many people in Japan do not speak good English. At least that was my experience while there

Definitely depends where ur at. In tokyo some do, In the sticks, literally nobody does. They may have not even seen a foreigner b4 lol. Or so ive been told
2/15ish today. Slowly increasing my volume.

Nothing special to not about the approaches. Just putting in the milage
Exchanged with a Korean chick and a super cute Japanese chick

Met up with some of the other Japanese approach guys in Shibuya. If you know Japan its where the scramble crossing is that gets like 1000 people crossing like pre pandemic. Today id estimate maybe 500 at a time or so. So that speaks to the volume in that area.

Someone from a different chat invited me to a chat on Line with like 150 members all based in Japan.
The guy who i met today is like 50yo and had a lot of interesting things to say about approaching in Japan. We discussed Voldemort's style and the new groups style.

Then we met up with some of the other members in the group. One guy who we met would be talking to us then peel off to approach and wouldn't be seen for a bit.

At maybe 10pm we met with the "leader" of the new group. I quote leader cuz he's not in charge of anything but he probably has the most experience. He was super informative and gave me some solid advice on approach and backed it up with his own experience. HE started in Japan like 6 years ago with 0 Japanese. His advice for someone like me is to just keep approaching. He related it to hiring a trainer at the gym. They can teach u a bunch of useful stuff but at the end of the day u still need to go out and lift weights. And even if u don't have a trainer, picking up weights is better then reading a bunch of stuff on working out and doing nothing.

Also its interesting cuz the pickup culture is huge in Japan. Besides the 4 dudes I met today. I saw like 5 or so Japanese people approaching chicks as well in the same area. Cool stuff
Toast said:
Exchanged with a Korean chick and a super cute Japanese chick


Toast said:
The guy who i met today is like 50yo and had a lot of interesting things to say about approaching in Japan.

That KK?

I remember thinking after 35 your time to game is limited, but this 45 y.o. guy in the Facebook group is regularly banging cute/hot 20 year olds.

Toast said:
Japan like 6 years ago with 0 Japanese. His advice for someone like me is to just keep approaching. He related it to hiring a trainer at the gym. They can teach u a bunch of useful stuff but at the end of the day u still need to go out and lift weights. And even if u don't have a trainer, picking up weights is better then reading a bunch of stuff on working out and doing nothing.

Wow that makes a lot of sense.
6 years of nampa is pretty legit tho.
Manganiello said:
Yah its KK. He has a wife and kids but he said his wife cheated on him first lol.
Manganiello said:
6 years of nampa is pretty legit tho.
Yah he is really fine tuning his approach. Super intelligent guy. Also puts in the milage to get his style of approach to work
Went 3/40-50 today. Possibly even more, I wasn't counting in the slightest

Approached in Ueno. Was shit
Moved to ikebukuro cuz that's gunna be my home station in not too long.

Today was a blur. Super fun day today
Was approaching Intrastation and did probably 15 maybe?
One girl gave me her line.

Met up with another guy who is part of the new chat i joined.
German guy whos been here for ~2 years i think.
Hes prefft funny. We would be walking and then his heads on a swivel and he just turns around and approaches. Eventually meets back up. I essentially was doing the same.

Ikebukuro was dope Af. Super high volume outside the station.
Super high volume in the station.

Met another guy from the chat who is probably one of the top guys and he showed me an eye opening experience.
He was just chillin not approaching, but he kept going on about this croissant and peanut butter.
He was trying to get the German guy to go up to someone and give her the croissant and say "hey hold this for me ill be right back"
German guy wasn't able to pull it off. So the other guy walked up to a girl and chatted with her for like 30 seconds. Got her to take the croissant and then walked back to me. We were both laughing pretty hard but then he felt bad so he went back and started chatting with her again. Essentially she was hella confused the whole time but she thought it was funny. He then got her to hold a 2nd croissant and she had a bag so he like took her phone and she had a croissant in both hands. He was basically just acting a fool. She then got a phone call and he took her phone and answered if for her XD. She tried to give the bread back but he was like nah this is for you and she walked off holding croissants.

The value in this interaction is that you don't need to open chicks directly. You can just approach and say random shit and make them laugh or bein intrigued and then they open up to you. You can eventually transition that to like getting a drink or sum shit and then pull home.

opening girls with "you're cute" is super standard around here and hella girls have heard that a million times. So a lot of the time they just instant reject. But if u open with something random they get interested and warm up to you.

My Japanese isn't good enough to do this yet, but I'm sure I can try some variation with English.

Some advice from the german guy was to stop doing approach and focus on studying Japanese. I might have to agree with him because my limited Japanese really makes it difficult to hold conversations. But approaching is a great practice for speaking so i might just limit my approach to like 2 hours a day or something. Ill have to think on what's optimal. Rn class is not so hard that i need to study cuz I'm ahead of where the class is but I'm sure class will catch up soon to what I know.

Super interesting guy who's been in japan for like 12 years gaming.
Went like 2/ 15 or 20 yesterday.
Shibuya was brutal. Girls extremely guarded. I think maybe 1 chick even talked to me.

Switched to Ikebukuro and the first girl I approached exchanged lines. She was nice. A law student and aspiring model. Taller then me. Bangin body, but kinda a butter face. lol
Today I had nothing to do and it was like 430pm.

Went 3/20-25

Went to Ikebukuro which is going to be my home station in a month. Was out approaching and met up randomly with some other dudes who ive met through the Japan approach group. They live out there so its going to be common to meet up I'm assuming.

Was out for probably 5 hours. Super chill approach day. It wasn't a spam approach and talk to every girl I saw. More selective, trying to gauge the vibe of the chick. Looking for slow walkers, girls just hanging out.

Chicks were much nicer here today.

First chick i opened was just waiting around.
Asked what she was doing.
Waiting for a friend
Blah blah blah
Go to exchange and her friend which was a dude shows up.
I kept talking to her for a bit while he hung out in the background lol. He just patiently waited till i was done. Love Japanese dudes 🤣

Rest of the girls either didn't pay attention to me or like hopped into the station to catch their train.

Hanging with the other approach guys has been valuable cuz they show me where the good spots to chill are, when the good times to be in the station, etc.
Was in Ikebukuro again.

Volume was good. Was in my head a bit being selective with my approches.
Saw a hot ass girl and approached. Completely ignored me. That got the ball rolling

Some approaches later I walked up to a girl who was waiting for the cross walk
Said her off white jacket was cool
Asked her where she got it
said online.
She was receptive and talking back with me so that was nice
We walked and talked and she said she was going to the post office
I said lets go grab a drink after u are done at the post office.
So we walked to the post which was like 5-10 min away.
Chatting the while time
once she was done I said lets go drink.
She said she was poor cuz she just paid rent.
Said she had less then 2000 yen (~$15) in her bank account
Said if i paid for drinks she would come out to drink
I didnt wanna waste my time or money on this chick
So i suggested we drink cheap beers and walk around
She didnt want to do that either. I got the vibe she though that was trashy from how she reacted.
Like "what no way, im not gunna do that!" was what she said essentially and how she emoted
Then i said "lets go to my house and ill buy the drinks
She said she doesnt go home with someone she just met
I then said lets exchange line and meet some other time

Lessons learned from this interaction were:

Say what you are going to do, dont ask them if they want to. Dont ask to go to the bar. If u ask a question most likely they feel like the answer should be no. Its like you are insisting on them rejecting you. Its better to say come with me im going to the bar. Its somewhat the same but different then asking. You're not asking you're telling what theyre gunna do with you.

Have a plan and good logistics. Today i went in with the intention to exchange numbers cuz my home station is like 35 min away. I got the advice to look for local net cafes, love hotels, or karaoke so that i have somewhere to pull. Approaching without a plan makes for shitty outcomes. Had i known what i wanted to do when i had a potential ID then things could have gone differently. I need to learn what are cool bars to drink in the area, where local places to bring a girl are, etc

Things i did well:

Spoke in mainly Japanese the whole time. I definitely sounded like a dumbass but this is a big confidence boost that i can actually hold a basic conversation in Japanese.

Went with the flow. I think it was good that I wasnt extremely pushy with doing what I wanted. I was patient, and let her do her thing, but kept trying to steer the interaction in what i wanted to do. So it went to show that being flexible and not getting derailed when a chick doesn't immediately pull to ID is good.

Basic instinct of this chick being a money/Time waster. Hypothetically had i brought this chicks to drink and paid for it she may have pulled. But my instinct was telling me that she wouldn't regardless of if i did. So i think that ejecting when i did was the right move.

All in all, it was a good learning experience. Proves that i can do this in japan and have marginal success in the right direction. All up from here anyway. Every mistake i make is one to learn from so interactions like today all add to a greater success in the future.
I love reading about your adventures. Did that last girl give you her LINE? Her offering to come out if you pay for her is hilarious. What kind of alcoholic mindset is that