Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

Went out tonight to approach. Got to the station at 730 i think. Stayed out until 9.

Its like unbearably hot out but i still gotta go out and approach.

Started off strong. Got a coffee at the convenience store. Saw a hot chick checking out. Bought my coffee and walked up to her. Talked for maybe 1 min but she was off to go eat the dinner she just bought. Asked for line, we exchanged.

Got to the station and it was decently crowded and a decent amount of hot chicks.
Approached probably 3 or so more in 30 min. Walking around the station dying from the heat. Volume died down a bit and there were less hot chicks.

But i was skipping some so i wasn't too happy with my performance at the moment.

Eventually saw a buddy who was in the middle of a 2set and he introduced me and we talked with the 2 chicks. Got one of their lines. So that was a bro move on his part. But i don't remember her name lol. So i don't think i sent her a message XD

later i saw a super hot chick, Ran up to her to catch up.
Made boring conversation. Tried to invite her out to drink but she was going to the nail salon. So we exchanged.
Was probably 8 at this point

Met up with my friend and another friend as well.

Walked around. approached some more but didn't get any more contacts.

3/10ish tonight. Not the best but better than last time which is what's important

Better performance than last time but still a lot to improve upon.

There's a 300 approaches in august challenge so i'm going to be doing this.

Thoughts about today
Always try to approach the first hot chick you see
Stop over thinking
If you do a double take on a chick you should go approach
Opening in any language is fine
Doesn't really matter what you say
Always try to invite to instadate
its ok to fail as long as you keep trying
Discipline is huge for approaching

Other shit

Japanese is going decently. Better language skills. Slowly becoming more conversational. Trying to be more diligent with my studies.

Trying to quit smoking. I switched to a vaporized cig but its really fucking up my throat. been spitting out blood every morning while i brush my teeth so that's a huge sign to stop smoking all together.
Switched back to regular cigs to see if that changes anything. I think after this pack i bought ima just quit cold turkey. But im also going to limit myself to like 3 cigs a day until its gone. Then ill switch to nicotine pouches and then no nicotine. We shall see how this goes

Gym is going better. Being more disciplined. Going to try to go to the gym in the morning b4 school 4 days a week. Weight is hanging out at around 82kg-81.5kg. Tryin to get it down to 75kg eventually. Or just overall better body composition. Just wanna look lean not really jacked

Daily schedule looks something like this:
Gym at 10-11am
Study japanese until 12
School from 130-445
Get home by 6ish
Study Japanese until 7-8
Appproach from 8-10

Last 2 are interchangeable

Could be approach from 7-9
Study from 9-11

Going to try and do this for a full week and see if i can keep myself in check and on a schedule.
Only reason i wont approach is if i have a date or something with friends
Toast said:
Trying to quit smoking.

I was able to quit vaping/smoking by replacing it with some kind of candy (I like sour gummy candy). I just had a stash in my back pocket and whenever I had the "urge" to take a hit, I would eat some candy instead. Eventually I got sick of eating so much candy I didn't need that anymore.

Not to mention I would be doing this while approaching too lol
colgate glad to hear u kicked the habit. Candy is a bad replacement for me because im also addicted to sugar and my teeth are fucked from it.

I think switching to the nicotine pouches will be a good transition. I think ive developed a very sensitive throat from vaping.

Its gunna be difficult because all my friends smoke. But if i can quit with the temptations around me it will be a good test of discipline.

Maybe ill switch to gum or some shit
Todays the first day of the 300 approaches in august challenge.

Got to the station by 830 started approaching. 830-9 had decent volume 9-10 it died down a bit

Was doing decently. Not really skipping too many approaches. If i was hesitating or doing a double take i would, for the most part go back and approach.

Positive point today was i approached probably the hottest chick i saw today. So thats good. I did hesitate but then i caught myself in thought and went back tp talk to her.

Most of the reactions today were where the chick didnt say anything back to me and im just talking at her for a bit.

2 chicks were receptive. One i had a small convo and she was on her way to work. Wouldnt exchange becasue she hopped into the station to catch the train.

2nd was was the same. On her way somewhere and kept walking away. I kept saying ちょっと待って、見せて見せて。to try and get her QU code. Translates to wait, let me see let me see. She was giggling and walked away into the station

Got blown out for the rest of my approaches until i ran into my buddy.
We were chatting and then a chick came out of nowhere. Nice tits, half pink/ green hair. Crop top and short shorts. Very sexy
Approach, shes receptive. Try talking in Japanese. But she s Taiwanese and only speaks a bit of japanese. She was very receptive. She said she was going home. I said instead of going home lets get a drink. She said its impossible lol (無理)
Asked for line, and she tried to scan mine, but i said let me scan hers. Didnt want to make the mistake of giving my line and never getting a message lol

Overall good day

Ended on a high note

18/300 for august
1/100 lines for the month. Sub goal i set for myself. But i dont really expect this to happen. But it will be interesting to see how far i can get.
Tonight was a good night.

Started off very poorly though.

Went out to approach at 815. Was getting iced all night. Had maybe 2 conversations with chicks.

One chick was listening to what i was saying but i was making boring conversation so she wasn't giving any responses. Had i maybe had better conversational skills she would have opened up. Definitely something to work on

I was 0/14 at this point after almost 2 hours. I was like 945. I was feeling dejected from getting iced all night. Was essentially just waiting to go home. Approached one chick and she was somewhat timid but giving responses. Asked what she was doing and she said going to eat somewhere. I asked where and she said she didnt know. So i was like ok lets go eat together. She said yes! I was suprised to say the least lol.

Walked her to a beef bowl place not far from the station. We made simple chit chat while eating. Asked if she wanted to drink after. She said she could for a little bit. Got a drink at the 7/11 and then we walked towards the station. I said lets watch a movie and she just agreed.

I think i might have asked twice because i thought i misheard.

Took the train to my house.

Put on spy family (really funny anime)

But she only really had maybe 45 min until the last train. So i wasted no time escalating
As soon as she sat on my bed my arm was around her waist. and she also put hers around my back.
Maybe 15 seconds later i went to kiss her

She seemed to hesitate a little bit but then she got into it.

Easy to escalate further after that. Hand in pants rubbing her pussy. Shirt came off easy, as well as bra. Home free from there.

Exchanged line afterwards.

Finished the anime and then she went home.

Lessons from today

You never really know when you might get lucky
Always do another approach
Even if you feel like shit you can still force yourself
I don't think how a chick looks in the moment really shows their emotions truly.
Sex is fun :)
No approaches yesterday

RIght action for the day was Studying Japanese
Going to the gym
Successful bumble date

Met up with a chick at my favorite bar at 7pm.
Had really nice talk with her the whole time. We seemed to get a long well. She was even cuter in person.
She was laughing at a lot of what I was saying and she was making nice conversation as well
Very nice girl

Asked if she wanted to go and watch stranger things at my house, becasue we had talked about it earlier, and she agreed

Got home. Put stranger things on. Watched or maybe 15 min. Had my arm around her back the whole time
Went for the kiss and she was into it.
Started making out
feeling her tits
slowly undressing her
After some foreplay we eventually got to fucking

This is the 3rd or 4th time now ive come to find out that Japanese chicks seem to just always have nice bodies even if they don't look like it when they have clothes on. With clothes on she seemed like she didn't really have any tits. but once the clothes came off She probably had C cup tits, but paired with how she was also thin, it made for a really sexy body

She said a few times i was fucking her too roughly and wanted me to slow down.

After a bit she started bleeding and it got all over my sheets.

She was embarrassed, but i assured her it was fine and put a towel down. Kept going at it but then she said it started to hurt a bit so we stopped.

I believe she said that this might happen to her. but I'm not sure if she was just on her period. She didn't have a tampon or a pad or anything like that so idk.

Had to buy new sheets and a pillow case cuz it got all over lol. looked like someone got stabbed

Fun date overall. Didn't feel the need to rush things home. Probably spent like 2 hours talking at the bar, enjoying the drinks and the atmosphere.

Messaged her after and said id like to meet again and she said that would be nice too.
Havent updated much lately

Approach Related Things
Been consistently going out to approach with varying results

300 approaches in august challenge is still underway I think im at around 100/300 approaches for august. So coming next month ill need to buckle down and put in the work

One day I went to shibuya and did 24 approaches. Acquired 5 lines
Another day in Shinjuku i did 12 approaches and got 2 lines
Yesterday i only did 2 approaches and gave up early because it was raining like crazy

Went on a D2 with my bumble date that i hooked up with in the previous post. Kbbq and then after back to my house to fuck
Today Im seeing her again. Gunna go do normal dating stuff and go to a museum ive wanted to go to for a while. Its like 45 min from my house so maybe ill bring her to a love hotel. We talked about them on our last date and i told her i was interested in going one time. So maybe ill bring her to one if she doesnt want to ride the train back to my house after the museum

Not much to update with Lays from Cold approach.
Out of all of the lines ive gotten maybe 2 are talking back. One chick lives an hour away and another chick said she couldnt meet up becasue she was back at her parents house. Im assuming she lives far away too. Oh well. Just keep plugging away

Non Approach Things

Weight loss seems to be going well. Joined a group that keeps me in check.
Post my morning weight/daily calorie intake/ and total steps for the day as a reminder to keep on track
some issues with consistently going to the gym
colgate gave me the idea to donate to a charity im not a fan of as a punishment for not going. So im going to adopt this starting Monday. I dont think its a permanent solution to motivation but it will jump start the progress into settling into a schedule and becoming more disciplined
Went to approach today from like 830-1030

10 approaches 3 lines

While walking around i was toying with the notion of if im not approaching certian chicks becasue i think theyre not hot enough. Or if im searching for the super hot chicks as a challenge.

Obviously i want to hook up with a mega hot chick, but i also think that chicks in the 7-8 range are fine as well.

Spoke with my buddy a bit on the topic and he basically said its an excuse. And i definitely agree.
Something he said is since all japanese people wear masks he usually focuses on their bodies rather than their faces.
So ill probably do this as well.

One chick whom i was going to bail on approaching i said fuck it why not she has nice tits.
Went and approached. She opened easy and we exchanged line. Once i saw her profile pic she was cute without the mask.
So it almost validates that im just being picky for no reason.

Going to try to think about this more and hopefully it will increase my volume as well

Other notion is Spam approach vs Better interactions

On one hand the ability to approach in high volume is a skill in and of itself. But on the other hand the ability to talk a chick into coming with you and then sticking around also has tons of value.
Its like do you spam approach and gamble that you find the one DTF chick at the right place and time.
Or do you try to increase your sexual charm and smooth talk your way into a chicks pants.

Both have value but im more keen on the latter.

But at the end of the day what really matters is just going out and talking to chicks and gaining that experience.

Non Approach Shit
Consistently walking around 15k steps per day
Eating around 2k calories per day. But im thinking that the weekends drinking with my friends is ruining all my progress with keeping my calorie intake down. So i think besides dates where the chick wants to drink. I may limit myself to 1 time per week drinking with my friends.
This should keep more time available to approach as well

Today was the start of pressuring myself to go to the gym, Or else i have to pay to a charity.
Went to the gym at 715. Finished by 8
So a success on that front.
Did like 6 more approaches. and maybe one chick even paid me any attention
the only conversation I had was with a chick who said she was going home. She was giggly and smiling the whole time but didn't want to exchange line. Probably pushed for it maybe 3x.
だいじょぶ。QR を見て 
Every other chick either just turned away or didn't even look at me
kinda brutal for getting back into approach but it is what it is.

Boy, I thought it was just me and being inexperienced in Japan, because from Nash it sounds almost easy at times, but you're experiencing the same difficulties. But really, things are pretty brutal there in the cities. It's worth it though.
NightRoller said:
Did like 6 more approaches. and maybe one chick even paid me any attention
the only conversation I had was with a chick who said she was going home. She was giggly and smiling the whole time but didn't want to exchange line. Probably pushed for it maybe 3x.
だいじょぶ。QR を見て 
Every other chick either just turned away or didn't even look at me
kinda brutal for getting back into approach but it is what it is.

Boy, I thought it was just me and being inexperienced in Japan, because from Nash it sounds almost easy at times, but you're experiencing the same difficulties. But really, things are pretty brutal there in the cities. It's worth it though.

Its just extremely normal for chicks to get approached out here so they have high defenses. Although i know some guys who are more experienced that i who can open these chicks up and get responses. Same with seeing the japanese dudes out here. They open chicks and get them to talk all the time.

Just gotta improve my japanese and keep pluggin away.

It can actually be extremely easy at times. The chicks that i pulled home from the street and smashed same night were just down. Just gotta be there at the right place and time.

You're living in japan? Where at im in Tokyo
Tuesday 8/16
Something along the lines of 10 approaches 1 line
mostly gettin iced as usual
My buddy pointed out a chick who looked happy and was just strolling along. So i was like all right lets go ruin her day and approach
Turns out she was nice and actually talked to me. Said i though she had a happy looking face. talked for maybe 3 min, going to meet a friend as all japanese chicks are. Exchanged

Wednesday 8/17
10 approaches again
All ice
No notable interactions i remember

Thursday 8/18
20 approaches 3 lines
One chick i approached blew me off but i remember seeing another girl giggle at my approach.
saw the same girl who laughed before and approached her. 18yo slutty chick
She opened up, was on her way to meet her boyfriend. we exchanged

Dont really remember the other 2 chicks whos lines i got

It was a good day for approaching. This whole 300 approach challenge has definitely lessened the AA as im just going out every day basically and putting in some amount of work

One chick from bumble ive seen 3 times and we have hoked up each time. She nice and has a nice body and tits
other reg i met like 4 months ago i only see once a month and she is busy a lot so i havent seen her in a while.
Shes supposed to hit me up this month to hang out but we shall see

Theres a chinese chick at my school ive been working on but pretty sure she only wants to be friends. Shes said it many times that she wants to just be friends, but i always push the limits of our friend ship and she still keeps talking to me afterwards.
Last night we drank after school. walked in the park and talked, grabbed a beer at a bar near my house, and then ended up at my place.
I started kissing her and grabbing her butt and boobs but she was resisting. Kinda like a push and pull sort of thing. Was not able to escalate any farther. This is like the 3rd time ive done this to her.
Although this time afterwards she said if i kissed her again we would not be best friends any more. So ill chill out and just get back to the streets and push the limits another time lol

Texting wise with all of the chicks whos numbers ive gotten non have agreed to come out on a date just yet.

19 yo tried to shit test me and ask if i pick up girls at the station all the time. Told her she was the 300th girl i talked to that night. Continued the conversation and were trying to select a day shes free. I suggested next friday she said shes busy. I said wednesday. shes busy. so i asked when shes free. No response

another chick i said next sunday. She asked what were going to do. Said drink alcohol. she doesnt drink. said i know a nice cafe. Waiting on a response

Another girl same boat. She said lets meet up when its convenient for both of us. Suggested a date. Shes busy. Asked when shes free. waiting on a response.

4 other chicks im waiting on a response from as well.

colgate if u wanna read how i text in japanese. quite shit lol
Toast said:
You're living in japan? Where at im in Tokyo

I was along the Tsukuba express line (closer to Tsukuba than Akihabara). Sadly, no longer in Japan, but the girls on my college campus are cuter regardless.
Approached yesterday
Got iced the entire time. Did 30 approaches in about 2 hours. Maybe had 2 decent conversations. Feeling dejected the whole time. Conversations felt wack. wasnt enjoying the process

Went out today for a short time. did only 10 approaches and had a completely opposite day
converted to 4 lines and had great conversations

One for example:
Friend and i were chatting about approaching girls who are just standing waiting for a friend and how usually we dont approach becasue, for the most part, they wont pull. But thats really just a preconcieved excuse. They can pull and be receptive

so i walked up to her and said in japanese" sorry for making you wait for me"
she was like what?
i said i thought i knew you. You looked familiar.
shes like noo i dont think so
Im like ok what are you up to?
waiting for a friend
ah ok, yah im here :)
she laughs
more normal conversation
try to pitch that we go for a drink while she waits for her friend even tho she previously said she only had 5 min
thought about it for a second and realized that she didnt have time
Exchanged line afterwards.

Fun and light hearted approach where i was really just acting silly. Maybe if she didnt have to meet her friend in 5 min she would have pulled to have a drink with me.

I definitely like these types of approaches more then the standard your cute, what are you doing. Its boring and robotic.

Goes to show that every day can be drastically different from the next and everything is honestly really random

Just always gotta be either indifferent to approach or non reactive based on the outcome. Its all really random
Had a date last Thursday on 8/25

Got this girls phone number on 8/18

She was actually easy to schedule the date with. I initally offered a day and she replied with 3 days shes available. Kinda rare

Met up and brought her to a bar i usually bring my dates to. Good atmosphere, small place, good music, good drinks.
Order our drinks and start chatting in Japanese. She is super into anime and a lot of my friends say these kinds of girls are weird.
We just talk about anime, music, movies, netflix were watching and other random stuff

Eventually i finish my drink, shes barely had any of hers but im like ok, lets go watch a movie we were talking about. she agrees

Pay the bill and head to my place

Put on some netflix and i throw my arm around her hip fairly quickly

After watching for a bit i try to kiss her but she turns her head away.

im like ok, dont really react and go back to watching the movie

Try again and same reaction. Maybe she said something like im not your girlfriend so we dont kiss


I then go to try and feel her boobs up a bit, she lets me feel a bit but then say to stop

ok pull back again, then reengage a bit later

There was a lot of this back and forth, A lot of だめだめ which means like bad or dont do that.

She asks if i always bring girls home, i say that I do it every morning, afternoon, and night

She laughs a bit. Try to reengage and fondle her tits a bit more, caress her leg and walk my hand up her skirt

She pushes my hand away again.

After maybe like 20 or so min of this im like ok. How do i escalate further. She was letting me do a little bit more every time i reengaged so i thought maybe shes just playing japanese hard to get, as they can do sometimes. But im not so experienced in this area.
a lot of the chicks ive pulled have been quite easy to lay.

So i just stood up and took my pants off and then sat back down next to her and put my arm around her again. She doesnt react at all.
So im like still caressing her leg, around her waist right above her pussy. Trying to push that boundary. Getting a little bit farther every time. but she still pushes back

She's like I'm Japanese so we don't do this. Im like im American so we do do this. your with a foreigner right now so its ok

Eventually she's letting me actually fondle her tits and not pushing my hand away after a while. Seems like she's warming up a bit more to my play. Im able to creep my hand up her skirt and rub her pussy a bit. Still resisting a bit but letting me get further after some engaging and disengaging

So after a while of that i laid her down on my bed and was able to start fingering her. She's moaning while i'm doing this.

I go to take off the shorts she was wearing under her dress, she's still saying ダメダメ but lets me take them off. Start fingering her pussy again and she's seeming more into it.

Go to take off her panties and i get the same reaction as well, but a bit less resistance.
Finally i have her laying down, feeling horny after some fingering, but the whole time she wouldn't let me take her dress off.
So i spread her legs and start fingering her again. She's finally getting into it and not pushing my hand away or anything so i take off my underwear and start fucking her. She's moaning and enjoying herself now. Sex was nice but i didn't last very long probably because i was excited from all of the foreplay

This was definitely the most difficult lay i've had my entire career. The entire escalation period probably took maybe more than an hour of back and forth. Engaging and disengaging and then reengaging. Not really a fan of this type of play because as an American and resistance is like an immediate no go. But in japan there is this type of play where they act like they don't want it but want it. I've spoken to friends here in japan and it is common. Girls tend to act like this. They want to have sex but don't want to seem easy.

colgate Heres the screenshot of the convo for texting game in Japanese
haha fuck im so bad with resistance, so seeing you do more of these kinds of lays is really valuable

would be cool if you could also post the approach interactions along with the date+lay reports with those girls btw
Had a date on the 28 with a nice girl. Went to a cafe actually had a really good conversation and we vibed pretty well. Pulled home but didnt take any action. Not cuz i was scared or anything like that. Put my arm around her waist and watched a show for maybe 20 or so min and then she had to leave to go meet her friends afterwards. in like 2 weeks she said she would be available again and would show me a good ramen place.

Date on the 29th with a boring chick. Complete polar opposite of the first chick. Conversation was stagnant. She didnt really reciprocate any of the conversation. Was complaining she was tired the whole time . Also before the date she said she didnt have time. And then out of no where she's like ok we can meet. Tried to pull home to my place. Said she didnt want to ride the train. Tried to walk her home which is like a 20 min walk. She initially agreed but complained she was hungry, even though she said she wasnt hungry at the first cafe we went to. Got some sandwiches after wards and she bounced home. Told her we should meet again when shes less tired and she said sure lets hang out again some time.

Last chick i smashed actually replied to a message i sent her. After like 3 days of no response. Completely figured she would ghost forever because of how aggressive i escalated on our date. But i talked with a friend and the non-receptiveness, in his head, is a result of the chicks defense mechanism for personally not feeling like a slut and hooking up on the first date. Going to ping her to hang out again eventually.

Date for tomorrow was scheduled maybe a week ago. Pinged her tonight with a time and place. No response yet. She also didnt respond to my last text. We shall see how that goes.

As for approach. Tonight after school i ate a fuck load of chicken and had a huge beer. Was feeling super bloated and gross. Was going to go hom and take a nap but said fuck that and dropped my bag in a locker and started approaching. 31 approaches 2 lines aquired.

Notable approaches were as follows
Chick waiting to cross the street i open and say hi.
then i say ああ~おなかいっぱい。たくさん鶏肉を食べだった。
(ahh im so full. I just ate a lot of chicken)
she laughed and i said i was a language student studying Japanese.
I came to japan on april 6th. She was surprised and welcomed me to japan
asked what she was doing.
meeting a friend in 7 min (very exact time lol)
said lets grab a drink while she waits for her friend
no time
lets exchange
line aquired

Last approach of the night
Walking to grab my bag out of the locker
Key has a bunch of kanji i recognize except for the last one.
Chick is walking behind me
turn around and say
Shes like yah thats what it says
im like よっしゃー!
she then fumbled in her bag for something i dont remember
i commented on how she had like 3 empty bottles of tea in her bag and she laughed
asked to exchange line
Line acquired

Interactions like these are definitely what im aiming for. Its way more interesting than youre cute. hows your day. what are you doing
i can express and have amore interesting conversation and show im a normal human being who can speak some Japanese. I still struggle to start up interesting conversations.

My friend and I were talking about this issue as well. How the charm of being a foreigner is annoying and we want to break out of that mold. being able to communicate your feelings with limited japanese is difficult and a lot of the lays come from the gaijin charm. Thats not to say i wont still use this tool in my bag. but to score the truly hot japanese chicks. Some level of interesting communication needs to happen to show that i have something to offer to them. Extremely hot Japanese chicks dont need the attention from foreigners because their life is content being pampered by japanese men. So a dirty white monkey means nothing to them.

Japanese conversation skills are getting better by the day. Nice compliment i got from a sensei was when we were talking. She asked what class i was in and guessed i was in a grade above what i was. So all this nampa shit is helping my conversation skills. but my reading and comprehension skills are lacking. so i need to make up for that with being more diligent with my studies.
Been absent from the forums for a while but im not dead yet lol

Took some time off to collect my thoughts about what im really doing here in Japan.

Number 1 problem that was on my mind was the thought that ive been here for almost 6 months and I havent really gotten any closer to figuring out how im going to stay here long term. Also lat time i went out to approach these same thoughts popped into my head and distracted me. So i needed to take a break and really think about what im doing here and what needs to be done.

So i took the weekend off from hanging with friends. and holed myself up at home to think and figure out shit.

This is the conclusion i came to. Nothing ground breaking but it helps me reorganize my thoughts and actions that need to be taken.

#1 - Finding a job that leads into a working sponsorship visa is #1 priority.

Above all else this is what keeps me in Japan. Which is the most important goal. Learning Japanese and smashing hot Asian chicks can happen for a long as I want as long as im living here in Japan. So its the most important thing on the list.
Along with this is finding a job right now that can lead into a career or some sort of visa. I plan to try and apply to many jobs over the course of the next few weeks. As well as search for new leads on jobs that can sponsor visas that may not be as known of.
Right now i applied to be a language teacher for a kindergarten. This specific job doesn't offer visa sponsorship, but having some sort of teaching experience is a good transition to a position that does offer a visa.

Once i find some sort of job and start working this will alleviate a lot of my issues surrounding living in Japan. I have no income and my bank account is just dwindling as time goes on. So this piles on the stress as the end date for my visa comes closer and closer.

#2 - Learning Japanese to a level where it benefits finding a job
Directly connected to goal #1 but not entirely the same. Improving my Japanese to a level where it contributes to my job hunt is a huge component of my ability to stay here in Japan. Right now the job choices are limited with essentially my only skillset being Native English speaker. If i am able to improve my Japanese and Pass the N3 or N2 test this is a legitimate qualification that can attribute to me finding a job in Japan. There's a lot of jobs that require a Basic or Conversational level of Japanese. ie, N3 or N2. This isn't goal 1 because i can find a job with my current Japanese and skill set. But the better my Japanese gets the more jobs i can apply for.

#3 improving my sex life via CA and Online
Right now im comfy, but the reg i have is somewhat boring. She's a nice girl, and lets me fuck her every time i see her, but i want more. I still haven't gotten those bucket list girls and that's one of the reasons I cam to Japan. Cute maid girl, Gyaru, Jirai kei chick, above knee socks with short skirt, The list goes on. This is the bottom goal because if i don't achieve goal 1 or 2 then there's no possible way of achieving goal 3. I'm fine coasting with the easy sex i have now because it allows me to focus more on the first 2 goals.


Goal one and 2 dont happen over night. So this isnt to say i cant still go out and CA and do online and Date. I juse need to be smart about it. Main focus will be on finding a job and learning Japanese. but CA and Online will be more of a 2nd or 3rd task on the list of importance. Like if i really need to study all night and cant approach thats fine. I dont need to do it every day and night. Maybe only a couple times a week. But i dont want to let task 1 and 2 completely remove me from approaching cuz thats just silly.

Again this is nothing ground breaking and its honestly very simple. But i hadnt taken the time to really think about it and try and find a path way to success. or even a slight idea of what i wanted. A lot of what i have been thinking about has been lofty goals like "live in japan, bang hot chicks" but now i have a more concrete idea of what i need to do and what can be done.

Ill be posting more here with Japanese related stuff and Cold approach. so its a mix of just life here in Japan to track what i have done and what im lacking.

So far what ive done to progress towards my goal of obtaining a job is:

Apply to Sesame St English Teaching school
Created a Work profile on Gaijinpot Jobs
Discusses with my school advisor about 2 potential Visa sponsorship jobs

Cold approach and online:

Literally pinged like 20 chicks with the same spam message about how its autumn break next week and im free.
swiped on bumble.
Im gunna upgrade my profile eventually. but this is a task that's less important.
Date report:

Met this chick 8/10
Back and forth until today to schedule a date.
She lives like an hour away and only gave me around an hour of time for the date.

We went to a cafe
talked about random stuff. She finished her drink fairly quick so i asked if she wanted to go watch anime at my house and she laughed and said no. Only had like 30 min of time left at this point. So we played crane games for a bit. When she was leaving i asked when she had free time but she said she didnt know cuz of work.

So date. no pull. oh well

Just getting in my milage for the date. Potentially I could schedule D2 with more time next time. We shall see.
Surprise date right after the first no pull 1 hour date.

Previously matched with a chick on bumble. She messaged me that she was free that night. So we had some back and forth about where to meet up and ultimately ended up in her neighborhood. only like 15 min away from me so no big deal to pull home. Got a drink at craft brew place and then talked about my favorite bar in my neighborhood. So after the drink we took the train back to my area to go to my bar. Place was packed so we grabbed a drink next door. Tried to pull home by asking if she wanted to watch a movie. And she called me out saying yah lets "watch a movie" i know what that means. She said she's not that kind of girl and doesn't move that fast. Asked if i was bummed that she turned me down. I said no why should i be. She asked if i wanted to leave. Told her i'm down to hang some more. So we went back to her area and grabbed another drink at a cheap cocktail bar. After that we walked and grabbed a drink at the convenience store and walked around a bit. Kinda dumb how the events turned out but maybe it was for the better cuz i was being spontaneous.

She was dropping clues she liked me and was into me the whole night. Saying I was cute, or i was good looking. So there was some sexcual tension in the air. She knew for a fact i wanted to fuck that night cuz i tried to say ok, lets go to ur place now but she denied me. so that was 2 attempts at pulling to somewhere with the notion of fucking being the end goal.

After we were done drinking it was 1030ish. I have a job interview the next day so i said. ok when are u free next i think its time for me to go. She was like well i have a company trip next weekend so maybe next month or later tonight. I was like okkk. lets go to ur place to "meet ur bunny." She has a bunny we had previously talked about. She agreed so we caught a cab to her place.

I played with her bunny for a little bit while she cleaned up and then we got in bed cuz it was getting late. She asked if i wanted to share her bed or sleep on an air mattress and i said of course i wanna share ur bed. As soon as we were in bed i started kissing her and grabbing her ass. She wanted to turn the lights on so we continued after i did that. fucked for a bit and then after we were done we cuddled in bed.

She wasnt sleepy so we played a japanese word game. I was fingering her the whole time and she was super wet. She was also stroking my cock as well. Eventually she started blowing me. Gave pretty good head too. Then we started fucking again. Good japanese practice and good sex lol

Funny how thigns work out. First no pull, then randomly get pinged for a date and pull to her place and hook up