Vizzy's Progress Log


Apr 12, 2022

I hopped on these forums April 11th 2022 and today is April 27th. I haven't made any posts except the required introductory post. I'm starting to think I need to make posting at least once on the forums a 365 day project to help keep me posting on her. So far the 365 day project with me journaling has been successful, I'm on day 39 of that and I'm incredibly glad I followed Andy's advice on doing a 365 day project. Truth is last year I jumped into self improvement with every fiber in my being and had incredible results but my progress was misguided due to a shortage of information on the topic. I lost over 40 pounds in a few short months but didn't keep up the diet for more than 7 or 8 months. I didn't gain very much weight back though other than 5-10 pounds which is good. I didn’t keep up the journaling or maintain my good sleep schedule for more than 8 months as well. All of those things combined to make me back into a poorer version of myself in which I’m finally fixing again having great success in the sleep and journaling aspect. I never got the tinder pictures done like I wanted and still to this day only a couple months ago I took about 700 photos and only have 4 worthy of posting online. They are just me standing kind of posed with nature in the background which is not good. I haven't made pictures a top priority due to my busy schedule and nature not being doable most weekends when I wanted to take pictures. I have upgraded my style in some great simple ways like wearing a necklace, getting an apple watch, and some jeans rather than wearing sweats everywhere but I definitely need more going out outfits and to get my clothing measurements in order to get the right sizes. I hope I can get feedback from you guys in the forums when I get some pictures of me trying on clothes in the stores. That leads me to this next thought that for so long I was afraid to get on the forums to post and ask for advice on various topics but that I wouldn’t be able to give the time to help others like they helped me. Honestly the deeper I get into writing this post right now I think it may be best to save it to post in another topic other than progress log considering i haven't written any of the things i've done today. My journaling has served that purpose the last month or so so I have cut myself some slack with not posting on here even though it wouldn’t take an insane amount of time to do so.

Today I have:
1.) Clocked in on time
2.) Heavily cleaned and organized things around the house
3.) Made lunch for work tomorrow.
4.) Set out my clothes for tomorrow.
5.) Filled my medicine box for the next 7 days.
6.) Did not smoke or eat junk food (candy/desserts chips/fried food also no pop)
7.) Went to the beginning of my photos in my phone from 2017 and deleted hundreds of photos relating to my ex. I went to summer 2020 so I'm not too far away from having those all deleted and taken care of.
8.) Worked a little on one of my projects. (it’s just a google doc with a list of words I’ve written down the last couple months that I didn’t know the meaning of that I want to learn).
9.) Did Not let coworkers' negative energy affect me very much.
10.) Helped share some positive energy and insights with some coworkers that they greatly appreciated and thanked me for.
11.) Posted here in the forums.
12.) Journaled 1200 words.

Today I had a good day with getting things accomplished off my to do list. The last couple days I haven't been doing too much, just the bare minimum but it’s better than nothing.

So I'm having difficulty figuring out how to add another post to my own log right now that will not be a reply to my first post. If posting a reply to my own post works then that's fine but I feel like that isn't correct.

Things i did today

  • Got a haircut and beard trim.
    Clean shaved when I got home.
    Clocked in on time for work.
    Didn't smoke
    Made several phone calls and emails with doctors on separate issues
    Load of laundry
    Journalled 676 words
    Worked on a personal project.
    Helped a coworker see the positives of a very very negative series of events that happened at work today. He was happy and thankful for my insights.
hello and welcome!

I haven't read that word for word just yet but my first question is: why did you stop things after 7-8 months? I'm very big on analysis, even if my reasons for doing things feel stupid to me. For example, I started dating a bunch and stopped working out - not because my girlfriends asked me to or wanted to, but because for some reason I got it into my head that I was "supposed" to make time for them on certain days and that I was "supposed" to neglect the gym to accommodate that. No one forced me to, no one even asked me to - but I let my own subconscious beliefs about what was appropriate and what wasn't lead me into a direction that was ultimately a detriment to my overall progress.

So now I have a new guiding principle: I focus on doing a subset of things, every day, and if I ever EVER skip something, for any reason, at ALL -- I immediately orient my energy towards figuring out what went wrong and how I can reorient myself moving forwards.

So what's up? What happened?
somethingaboutstars said:
So what's up? What happened?

Hey man, what happened was that I took on too much school work trying to reach my goal to graduate last winter and it completely destroyed me as a person where I had a major breakdown and got out of all my healthy self improvement aspects to life. I saw how much I was improving and put too much weight on my shoulders to hit an unrealistic goal at the time. Working 40 hours a week, taking 8 credit hours of classes, and continuing to deal with my undiagnosed chronic shoulder/neck pain was my ultimate downfall. It has taken me so long to build myself back up into a happier more functional human being. Now that I'm well again I am getting back into my self improvement and taking time to look around and enjoy life. My well being is way more important than school ever will be. That is the virtue I learned from that experience.

Today I:

1.) Clocked in on time
2.) Didn't let the stress and negativity at work drastically affect my mood.
3.) Absolutely crushed it at work (my partner/lead was gone today on a crazy busy day).
4.) Set up and went to an appointment at Best Buy to try to fix my laptop. (it shuts down when the screen bends and it’s severely delayed my progress in my projects and writing). They can't fix it so I will probably have to get a new one to end this problem.
6.) Called a car guy to see if he had another car in and he did. I'm going there tomorrow to check it out. If it passes my inspection and is physically comfortable for my neck pain then I am going to buy it. I'm terrified of making the purchase because its 15,000$ and afterwards I will only have about 3,000$ to my name. I haven't had a good car since November when I hit a deer and have been aggressively saving for a car since then. This one is an amazing deal and perfect for my needs and desires.
7.) Went to my brothers to catch up and discuss my finances along with the car deal tomorrow.
8.) Came home instead of going out with a friend so I will sleep well tonight for the big day tomorrow.
9.) Made myself journal and post in the progress log despite everything making me want to get in bed because of how exhausted I am.
10.) put gas in the car, got the trash out of it, and cleaned the windshield.
11.) didn't smoke
12.) bought two coworkers something from the vending machine. They were having bad days and I hate seeing them like that. I love being able to make a positive influence on people having a tough time.
Vizzy said:
Hey man, what happened was that I took on too much school work trying to reach my goal to graduate last winter and it completely destroyed me as a person where I had a major breakdown and got out of all my healthy self improvement aspects to life. I saw how much I was improving and put too much weight on my shoulders to hit an unrealistic goal at the time. Working 40 hours a week, taking 8 credit hours of classes, and continuing to deal with my undiagnosed chronic shoulder/neck pain was my ultimate downfall. It has taken me so long to build myself back up into a happier more functional human being. Now that I'm well again I am getting back into my self improvement and taking time to look around and enjoy life. My well being is way more important than school ever will be. That is the virtue I learned from that experience.

damn man. that is awesome.

what's your plan for the next time shit hits the fan? say you got hit by a bus and hospitalized for a bit - how would you handle it?
Things I did today

1.) Woke up at 7:30. Got out of bed at 8. Ate breakfast then Showered at 8:30. For context- I don't work today (saturday) so getting up early on the weekends is crucial for my productivity and sleep cycle.
2.) Journalled.
3.) Cleaned the house some.
4.) I FINALLY BOUGHT A CAR!!!! An amazing deal. I honestly could not be happier with the purchase. I can cross that off my 2022 goals list now.

I’m finishing this post right now before going to the bars for the night with my bro. DONE
Day 5

Things I did today

1- Slept in and recovered from the night out last night.
2- journaled
3- Cleaned
4- Got groceries
5- Did laundry
6- Worked on some personal projects

Today I

1- Got insurance for my new car.
2- Went to a doctors appointment
3- Put new wipers on the car
4- Went out and drove around a while to get a better feel for it.
5- Journalled
6- Posted in the forums
7- Cleaned
8- did laundry
9- researched things that need fixed on the car
10- clocked in on time

Things I did today

1 -- clocked in on time
2 -- Crushed it at work, didn't let the negativity get to me.
3.-- Washed my new car.
4 -- Detailed the front half of it
5 -- Replaced the cabin air filter
6 -- Put rain x on windshield
7 -- Journalled
8 -- Made lunch for tomorrow and sat out clothes
9 -- Emailed insurance cards to doctor because I forgot them yesterday
10 --Worked on the budget and another personal project

Things I did today

1- woke up early and clocked in 15 minutes early
2- Crushed it at work
3- Spent some quality time driving around in the rainy weather after work.
4- picked up prescriptions and got groceries on my way home
5- journalled
6- Wrote down a solid to-do list on important topics for the next few days. Getting new clothes and taking pictures is high on that list.
7- filled medicine box for the next 7 days.
8- made lunch
9- set clothes out

Things I did today

1- Scheduled a time to get mom's car detailed as a mothers day present.
2- woke up early despite getting in bed really late last night.
3- clocked in on time
4- mostly crushed it at work.
5- stopped in town to get my dad something he called about.
6- ran a couple other errands in town.
7- spent way too much time detailing my car when I got home.
8- journalled
9- made lunch
10- did laundry
11- sat out work clothes
12- worked on a personal project regarding social awkwardness, anxiety, and confidence.
DAY 10

Things I did today

1- clocked in on time. Woke up late but made sure to rest before leaving.
2- pushed through some really bad and random physical ailments at work today to try and do a good job with my tasks.
3- got my car serviced. Got gas. Cleaned the windshield.
4– got a touch up haircut.
5 – cleaned the house and did some laundry before leaving.
6-- Overall the best thing I did today was not give up mentally and picked myself up really well after work and am now in a great state of mind to go try on outfits and take pictures of them before going to the bars with my bro.

I’m posting this before leaving for the bars so hopefully this list will be much longer before the day ends.
Day 11

Things I did today (Saturday)

1– Slept in till 11:30 am on purpose to rest my body from the hard work week and poor sleep in the last few nights.
1– Did all the laundry for my bedding.
2– Spent a ton of time outside walking and enjoying the weather
3 – Made a few phone calls to some friends I haven't seen in a while.
4 – journalled 900 words so far.
5– Spent two hours working on two personal projects on my laptop.
Day 12

Things I did today (Sunday)

1 – Had mothers day lunch with the family
2 — Finally ordered a new laptop that I have needed for months. (so no more crashing when the screen bends).
3 – Got essential groceries
4 – Made lunches for the work week.
5 – Sat out clothes and gathered all my essentials for work tomorrow.
6 – Detailed more in my car and loaded it for the work week.
7 – Journalled 907 words
8 – Worked on some personal projects on the laptop.
DAY 13

Things I did today (Monday)

1 – Clocked in on time.
2 – Survived work.
3 – Went to a follow up doctor appointment.
4 – Went to the bank.
5 – Got gas
6 – Cleaned
7 – set clothes out.
8 -- Journaled.

I was more negative today than the last 14 days. One of my big goals I'm working on right now is to get better at managing my negative thoughts and moods. I have made tremendous progress with that goal in the last two months and today reminded me of that.
trying to delete the error day 13 posts. Turns out i was on the wrong page when I posted them.
DAY 14

Things I did today (Tuesday)

1 — clocked in on time.
2 – Kept a positive attitude at work today.
3 – Went to Verizon to get quotes on switching to their services. (T-mobiles horrible signal problems in the last couple months have been killing my productivity).
4 – cleaned the inside of my car's windshield.
5 – worked on the budget.
6 – Laundry
7– make lunches and set out clothes.
DAY 13

It looks like my list for day 13 didn’t post to the forum or fully save in my docs. I’m not sure how the hell that managed to happen but I'll try to get what I did here. This is what I have saved from day 13 “I was really negative and in a bad headspace today but I handled it pretty well regarding social situations and atmospheres. One of my big general goals is to be less negative and spread more positivity”

Things I did today (Monday)
1 — Clocked in on time.
2 – Survived work.
3 -- journalled.
I’m currently on day 25 and have been writing these lists along with my journaling every day but haven't been posting in the forum because I thought my day 13 14 etc were not posting simply because I didn't go to the next page in the forum. So now I am going back and posting all of my lists.

DAY 15 Things I did today (wednesday)

1 – Clocked in on time
2 – Stayed mildly positive at work today and didn’t express too much negativity on the outside to myself and others.
3 – Went to Verizon again today and set up a new plan effective in a couple days. This will solve my productivity issues regarding team mobiles horrible signal as of a few months ago.
4 – Got essential groceries.
5- – made lunches and sat out clothes.
6 – journalled
7 – I scheduled some minor goal oriented stuff in my calendar for the upcoming week. This is something new I'm going to try in order to make better progress on them.
8 – This one I went in depth on originally when writing so I’ll keep it short for the forum here. I started a new project today called “good times”. I will write about the good memories from my life with no negativity in them. I wrote a paragraph today so far.
9 – Deleted more songs that negatively remind me of my ex.