Vizzy's Progress Log

Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY 134

1 — slept 3am to 10am
2 — journalled 590 words

Today wasn't very good. I didn’t really get anything done productivity wise. My pain level was randomly super high today in my neck so I just stayed in a chair or bed to try and keep it as calm as possible
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 135

1 — Slept 11pm to 4am. Could not for the life of me get comfortable and fall back asleep after 4am.

2 — went to town to pick up some medicine from the pharmacy and pickup a package from the post office.

3 — Got a car wash and a somewhat cheap monthly membership to save some money for the medium to long term.

4 — went to the chiropractor. Went clothes shopping. Door dashed to make some money.

5 — Journalled 857 words
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 136

1 — slept 1am to 10am with a 1 hour wake period at 6am
2 — made a big healthy lunch.
3 — deep cleaned the bathroom
4 — returned two amazon packages.
5 — made plans for this weekend with a friend and another friend i haven't seen in a year and a half.
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 137

1— slept 7am to 10am. Recovered from a hangover. Had an amazing night out last night with two friends. It was much needed.

2 — made a 2 hour trip to take a friend home.
3 — cleaned and organized a bunch around the house.

4 — drove 2 hours for a 5 hour round trip to take my mom up to the hospital where grandma is to take her a bunch of things she needed.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 138

1 — Slept from 12:30am to 10:30am which was amazing to get that much sleep. I finally feel normal again.

2 — finally said fuck it and ordered the budget combo camera and lens Andy recommends. Total 420$ and will be here in 4 days. I’ve been fighting this cheap mirrorless camera that I’ve been borrowing from my brother's wife for too long. I need better zooming capabilities and shutter speed along with a more versatile friendly user interface. I’m so excited to get this camera and take that next leap into my self improvement and newfound photography hobby.

3 – got groceries, took out trash, cleaned around the house more.

4 — ordered something I need for the trip this weekend
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 139

1 — slept 3:30am to 11:30am
2 — journalled 700 words
3 — went to the chiropractor
4 — door dashed to make some money
5 — made plans to have lunch with an old friend
6 — caught up posting in the forums.
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 140

1 — did a bunch of laundry
2 — picked out a few different new outfits to use for pictures later this week when the camera gets here.
3 — Slept 1:30am to 11:30 am so that was amazing. I feel pretty decent today.
4 — made my bed. I'm going to start doing this every day.
5 — Journalled 799 words
6 — whitened my teeth.
7 — cleaned a bunch around the house
Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY 141

1 — Made the bed
2 — Slept 12:30am to 9:30 am. That was great. I feel great from the sleep.
3 — Journalled
4 — went to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a few months and bumped into another old friend I hadn't talked to in a long time at the same restaurant.

5 — picked up the new camera and messed around with its settings at home getting used to it a little.
6 — got an SD card from walmart to put in the camera

7 — had a friend take pictures of me at the local gym with the new camera and it didnt work out because I didnt look up how to use the camera properly beforehand. I messed up and rushed the situation. I also forgot the camera that I had been using prior and messed up pretty bad by doing that.
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 142

1 — slept 1:30am to 11:30am
2 — went to the chiropractor
3 — went to the library, created an account, and checked out two books to read.
4 — went to the bike shop and wrote on my laptop for over an hour. That was really nice
5 — journalled 2382 words so far 8:27pm

6 — I spent a couple hours with the tutorials and trying stuff with the camera but couldn't get good pictures and the camera randomly stopped taking pictures after I changed something in the settings that I cannot figure out. So that was really frustrating and set a negative tone early in the day.

7 — i kept failing at stuff i was trying to get done today and it made me really upset for most the day. I tried my best to make the most out of everything and work through it. I salvaged it by writing so much at the bike shop and getting the library stuff done.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 143

1 — slept 1:30am to 10:30am
2 — called the insurance company about three separate issues.
3 — went to town to wash the car, return a package, and consult with the phone company
4 — got my stuff ready to leave for the city at 5am tomorrow.
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 144

1 — I had a horrible time sleeping last night. I ended up sleeping in late to makeup for staying up so late, unable to sleep. I got to the convention at 3:30 when I originally planned on being there at 9am. So that sucked but I still had an amazing time.

2 — went to the convention and tried to chat with as many people as possible. I didn't really make any new friends or made plans for after the convention with anybody.

3 — I cold approached 4 different girls while exploring the city after the convention two of them I asked for their snap or number and they politely declined but the others I didn't ask. I had really friendly flirty conversations with all of them and it didn't feel incredibly awkward. It was amazing. I wish my bro wasn't at drills this weekend because we would have such a blast meeting new people and going new places after the convention let alone the convention itself.

4 — went home and organized my collection better and priced a bunch of stuff out so tomorrow is much less stressful and easier to trade and barter with vendors as well as have a more practical functionality to the contents in my backpack.

5 — journalled 645 words.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 145

1 – slept 1am to 7am
2 — Made it to the convention on time today

3 — had lunch with a person I just met at the crosswalk this afternoon. It was the best part of my day and such a unique, fun, and interesting experience. It has opened my eyes to a lot of my fears and limiting beliefs when it comes to putting myself out there with random people I've never met before. At the end of lunch she actually thanked me for asking her out to lunch and said she had a really fun time.

4 — took tons of pictures at the convention until my card got full.
5 — journalled 450 words
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 146

1 — slept from midnight to 10:50.
2 — hungout with a friend for a few hours.
3 — I didn't do very much today other than rest from this weekend being at the convention. I didn't realize how sore and exhausted I would be today from it.
ok i've seen you post a lot of daily "lists of things i did today" but they just seem all random and i don't know what exactly you're making progress in

the "achieve freedom" goal you have first of all seems completely vague. what is freedom? do we have any metrics we can put on what "freedom" is?

and then i don't know how 99% of the "things you did today" have anything to do with achieving freedom.