Vizzy's Progress Log

Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 114

1 — Journalled
2 — Went to the chiropractor.
3 — Went to the hospital to see my grandpa and most of the rest of the family. He may be passing soon. Later in the evening after I got back to the hospital then went and got my mom and aunt some food.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 115

1 — Went to visit my family at the hospital. I stayed for many hours since I was able to get sat down in a chair that had a doable pain level. Grandpa ended up passing away while I was there.

2 — Spent a ton of time sorting through and editing pictures from the other day. I have about a dozen fully edited and “post ready” I just need to pick the exact ones to use. I finally figured out a better way to sort and organize pictures on the laptop so that's great.

3 — slept 5am to 1pm
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 116

1 — Slept 7am to 3pm. I was at the hospital until 1 or 2 am with my mom. Grandpa had been in the hospital for a few days. He passed in our presence at midnight or so.

2 — Continued working hard at organizing my edited pictures and using them on my phone across different apps.

3 — Completely redid my bumble account and froze it for the time being. I’m thinking about making a brand new account. I have 28 days before I need my dating app game on point for the city I might be getting a hotel to stay at for the weekend. I’m going to a two day convention an hour away and have been thinking about getting a hotel and trying to meet a girl that night to hook up with whether that's over dating apps or meeting someone that night. This would be a test to myself to see what is in the realm of possibility for me.

4 — Uploaded a new profile picture for instagram (original one was blank)
5 — made plans with my brother and sister in law for later this week to take pictures and hangout.
6 — Injected that damn skin medicine.
7 — canceled a membership I didn’t know that I had. It was 8$ a month.

8 — I used instagram and bumble on the computer for the first time to compare image quality and format of the apps. I thought it was weird that on bumble the pictures don't get any bigger than the size of your phone. It's all weird the different formatting for pictures and apps across different devices.

9 – went and had a drink at the bar with a couple friends.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 117

1 — Slept 6:30am to 2pm
2 — Journalled 686 words so far
3 — Researched places to start tanning in town. There's only two places that would really work for me. I'm going to the cheapest one tomorrow first while I'm in town.

4 — Washed dried and put away all my laundry
5 — Shaved neck and face
6 — Got all my stuff set out and ready for the early morning drive tomorrow.
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 118

1 — Went to a new primary care physician for the first time
2 — Went to the chiropractor
3 — Went back to the bike shop where the girl hit on me to ask her for a drink tonight and she said she had a boyfriend this time.
4 — Visited my brother for a few hours
5 — Had drinks, played basketball, and traded collectibles with a friend.
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 119

1 — Recuperated from hangover
2 — Slept from 5am to 1:30 pm
3 — Journalled 2060 words. I really got a lot out of my head today while writing. It was so impactful that I was able to relax enough and have peacefulness to take a nap for an hour. I fell asleep with the computer still in my lap. I woke up and couldn't believe what happened because I'm never able to take naps or sleep well at all.

4 — Text an old coworker and him if he wants to grab a drink sometime to catch up.
5 — Purchased the ticket for the convention I'll be attending next month and worked on the plan for that weekend.

6 — Ordered a large physical calendar. I think that will help me keep myself more accountable with preparing for certain days.
7 — Replied to craigslist people.
8 — Cleaned around the house for an hour or two
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 121

1 — Slept 1am to 7:30am
2 — Journallled as soon as I woke up before leaving for the doctors and after I got home. 717 total words
3 — Went to the doctor to get some blood drawn
4 — Went to the chiropractor

5 — Hangout with a friend and his girlfriend. We spent a few hours in town doing random things. Geocaching, sightseeing, lunch, and getting a few pictures at the last minute. They aren't good and were not well planned at all but at least I tried today when I wasn't in the greatest picture taking mood or feeling comfortable.

6 — I made a new document with all my past notes regarding taking pictures and made a list of exact places with backgrounds to take pictures because I have just been winging it with the locations just stopping at places that look like they might work for a picture. I’m getting more prepared now so this process will hopefully go a little faster and easier.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 122

1 — Slept from 2am to 1pm with a 45 minute wake period at 9am. I feel rested which is rare and amazing.
2 — Set up a door dash driver account
3 — Went to my grandpa's visitation.

4 — Ordered a bunch of stuff from amazon “try before you buy” for pictures. It’s primarily necklaces but also two hats and a 5 pack of different colored shirts that I'm missing in my wardrobe.

5 — purchased some different colored wristbands for my watch
6 — Journalled 1362 words
7 — Made plans with a friend to go out for drinks after the funeral tomorrow.
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 123

1 — slept 3am to 11:30am.
2 — Went to grandpa's funeral and the lunch afterwards with family.

3 — Went out for drinks with a friend and his girlfriend. The bar we wanted to go to was on their bullshit asking for student ID’s which meant we couldn’t go in there and so we decided to save some money and just cruise around jamming to music in my car instead.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 124

1 — Slept 3am to 11:30am
2 — Worked on the computer most of the day.

3 — I found a new hobby that I am going to pursue that costs 100$ total for entry and parking during the remainder of 2022 and all of 2023. It's an amusement park that's an hour away. I’m really looking forward to that.

4 — Hungout with a friend playing new maps on black ops 2 zombies that I had purchased 10 years ago but just needed to download again from the store.
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 125

1 — Slept 4am to 12:30 am with a 30 minutes wake period.
2 — Had a doctors appointment over the phone.
4 — Went to the chiropractor.
5 — Hungout with a friend all day
Vizzy said:
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 125

1 — Slept 4am to 12:30 am with a 30 minutes wake period.
2 — Had a doctors appointment over the phone.
4 — Went to the chiropractor.
5 — Hungout with a friend all day

u skipped 3
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 126

1 — Slept 3 am to 11:30 am.
2 —Hungout with a friend for half the day
3 — journalled 975 words
Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY 127

1 — Got a haircut
2 — Went to the bank.
3 — Called a doctor's office to have them fix an issue with a prescription.
4 — Spent several hours planning the picture day tomorrow that my friend is helping me with.
5 — Journalled 1173 words.
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 128

1 — Slept 3am to 10:30am.
2 — Continued working on pictures. I had a friend take 440 pictures of me today. We weren't able to go to 3 of the main places I wanted to take pictures at but still got a lot of pictures which is what's important. I’m going to review, sort and edit all of them tomorrow.
3 — Went to the chiropractor.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 129

1 — Slept 5am to 10:30am.
2 — reviewed, organized, and edited the pictures from yesterday.
3 — washed all bedding.
4 — went to town to get a couple essential groceries.
5 — journalled 1835 words.
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 130

1 — slept 3am to 11am
2 — journalled 1069 words
3 — Made plans to see a friend next week when they are back in the state. I haven't seen them in years.

4 — I nearly finished working on the pictures from the other day. I need to ask for feedback in the forums and upload the pictures but I’m not comfortable enough with that yet to do so.

5 — went out for drinks at the bar with some friends. It was a good night, nothing crazy.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 131

1 — slept 5 to 2pm with a 1 hour wake period between 10am and 11am
2 — detailed my car some
3 — journalled 700 words
4 — Finalized editing and organizing the pictures from the other day
5 — Cleaned a bunch around the house.
Things I did today (Monday, Labor day) DAY 132

1 — Slept 2am to 11:55am
2 — went to family lunch for the holiday.
3 — spent many hours on the laptop working on various different things
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 133

1 — slept 3am to 1pm. That was amazing.
2 — called in a couple prescriptions to the pharmacy

3 — left a message for the HR person from my old job regarding the sick and vacation time they never payed me. They called later informing me itll be in my account by the end of the week

4 — made another big amazon try before you buy order to continue working on my wardrobe and pictures.
5 — returned an amazon package
6 — went to the chiropractor.

7 — I door dashed for the first time today. Its was pretty good. I made 20$ in 47 minutes of working. It’s a great side hustle that will pay for gas in my car on those hour long trips to go see doctors and everything else.