Vizzy's Progress Log

Things I did today (Friday) DAY 94

2 – Slept 5am to 12:10pm
3 – Ran an errand in town for my dad.
4 – Went to the bank and got a couple essential groceries
5 – Journalled
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 95

1 – Slept 5am to 1:30pm. I feel like shit today and am exhausted with no motivation.
2 – Canceled my xbox live auto renew membership.
3 – Paused my skincare routine’s auto renew membership.
4 – Went to town for essential groceries and to get out of the house. The weather was decent so I had to take advantage of that.
5 – Messaged several people on craigslist about various practical items and trying to pitch a sale for some of my stuff I have around the house.

6 – Completely moved and vacuumed everything.
7 – Went through my phone and deleted unnecessary pictures.
8 – Wrote several drafts of various different craigslist posts I'm going to make.
9 – Spent a bunch of time with the camera learning how to more effectively transfer pictures and how CR3 pictures are no bueno when it comes to craigslist and uploading to anything in general.

10 – Took tons of pictures as JPG’s and used those on craigslist posts. I made a very detailed and good post with my card collection. It's super late right now but I had to strike while the iron was hot. I'm going to post my sound system and my other area of stuff I'm trying to sell in the near future.

11 – I ended up posting 3 different posts on craigslist tonight. Tomorrow I will add two others.
12 – Created a discord account. I’ve had this on the backburner for a very long time and I know it's a great tool to network with. I just haven't jumped in the water yet.
13 – Journaled 490 words.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 96

1 – Slept 6am to 3pm.
2 – Replied to peoples emails from craigslist.
3 – Went to a family lunch.
4 – Posted more on craigslist in different locations.
5 – Did laundry
6 - journalled
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 97

1 – Slept 5am to 12:15pm
2 – Went to chiropractor
3 – Went to a few different stores in town
4 – Went to a lake I haven't been to before. I went swimming even though I wasn’t really feeling it. I made myself go out to swim for about an hour.
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 98

1 – slept from 7am to 4:30 pm. I feel like shit both physically and mentally. Last night was hell because I could not get comfortable or sleepy even in the slightest sense.
2 – stayed in a chair or bed watching netflix and listening to youtube all day.
Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY99

1 – Slept 11:45am to 3pm so that's rough.
2 – Made an audible account so I can listen to all these books I need to read. I should have done this such a long time ago. The 15$ a month is a valuable investment to my person as long as I listen to stuff all the time.

3 – Ordered a pair of shoes to try from amazon. Super cheap if they fit only 47$ for a pretty good shoe.
4 – I injected that damn skin medicine today. I'm supposed to do that every 14 days and because I was a little bitch I didn't do it until today 8 days later than I was supposed to. It’s stupid but at least I finally did it. Fucking hate needles.

5 – Tried to cancel a 8$ monthly membership to a bar/restaurant again today. I concluded that I will have to have an employee fix it while I'm in town tomorrow.
6 – Journalled 1186 words so far (7:46) i'm trying to learn and get used to typing without looking at the keyboard you know like normal people do lol. I'm using that as a tool to write more and such.
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 100

1 –Slept 3am to 2pm
2 – Went to the chiropractor.
3 – Went to several stores in town and got a couple groceries.

4 – I visited a friend for a couple hours and made plans to drink with them tomorrow night. I am looking forward to that because I don't get to drink very often simply because of poor logistics but he got a new apartment that is within walking distance to the bars in town. He said I can crash at his place so I have no worries about a ride or my car. I am really looking forward to having easy logistics that can promote a favorable social experience.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 101

2 – Had a phone call with short term disability insurance people about my claim
3 – Got a haircut.
4 – Got groceries for tonight and tomorrow.
5 – Got gas cleaned my windshield
6 – Journaled
7 – went to drink with a friend and his group of friends tonight and stayed at his place.
Things I did today (Saturday) DAY 102

1 – Slept 3am to noon
2 – Recovered this morning before driving 45 minutes home.
3 – unpacked everything and showered immediately when I got home.
4 – Hungout and smoked with a friend when I got home. He can only smoke once in a blue moon since he's in the army so it was a special occasion of sorts.
Things I did today (Sunday) DAY 103

1 – Slept midnight to 2pm. I woke up for an hour and a half at 4am but was able to go back to sleep thankfully.
2 – Washed bedding and all my clothes
3 – Went to town with a friend. We went geocaching and played basketball for an hour or more. Playing basketball was really good since I'm not getting very much exercise these days.
4 – Made an appointment to get my printer fixed while I'm in town tomorrow.
5 – Journalled 232 words
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 104

1 – Went to the chiropractor.
2 – Best buy checked out my printer.
3 – talked to a couple different insurance companies, pharmacies, and medicine manufacturers over this one issue today.
4 – slept 3am to 12:30pm
Things i did today (tuesday) DAY 105
1 – Slept 4am to 1pm
2 – Had phone calls with an insurance company, doctors, and a pharmacy.
3 – Printed off all the records from 3 doctors to send to the insurance company per their request.
Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY 106

1 – Slept 3am to 11:30am
3 – Replied to craigslist people.
4 – Sent the file to insurance company they requested the other day
5 –Made an appointment to get my brakes checked saturday along with a tire rotation and balance.
6 – Hand washed and dried my car
Things I did today (Thursday) DAY 107

1 – Slept from 2am to 10:30am.
2 – Went to the chiropractor.
3 – Picked up my friend and his girlfriend to hangout in town afterwards.

4 – Went geocaching with them. Went to the library. Went to the bike shop that has a loft with comfortable couches and chilled there for a really long time. When we were leaving this cute blonde girl came over and hit on me while I was being silly trying on pink and neon colored glasses. I kept cool and had a smooth conversation with her. I got her snapchat and she agreed to hangout with me soon but I’ll believe it when I see it honestly because she was way out of my league and she approached me so I don’t think the interaction was pure if that makes sense.

5– I had my friends take pictures of me in the library and a couple other places while we were out. The library has amazing lighting at the corner of the building with the glass wall looking out into the street and park and has high ceilings. It’s great for pictures and there is one solid picture we got that I really think is post worthy on a dating profile.
Things I did today (Friday) DAY 108

1 — Slept terribly in short periods at a time from 3am to 11am
2 — Called the dealership to see if they can service my car today instead of tomorrow
3 — Hangout with a friend.
4 — Journalled
5 — I felt like crap today but tried to be productive on the laptop and at home instead of watch netflix all day or something. I ended up sorting through some of the pictures from yesterday but didn't work on them too much.
Things I did today (saturday) DAY 109

1 — Took my car to the dealership to have the tires rotated, inspect the brakes and braking issues, and have the tires balanced. I looked at the car with all the tries off and my brake pads are only half gone and rotors look fine so that's all great. I just have to flush the brakes (bleed them) like I suspected. That should fix the issue. They wanted to charge 190$ for that but I'm just gonna do it at home with my dad since it's a 2 person job.

2 — Put away a bunch of laundry.
3 — Cleaned a bunch
4 — Bled the brakes on 3 of the 4 tires on my car. I ran out of brake fluid so I'll have to finish it tomorrow after I go to town to get more brake fluid.
Things I did today Sunday DAY 110

1 — Slept 2am to 11:45am
2 — Journalled
3 — Finished flushing the brakes on my car. That killed my neck and shoulders.
4 — Journalled 1057 words so far at 7:51pm
5 — returned an amazon package
6 — set out and put stuff in my car so I don’t have to worry about it in the morning when I'm leaving for the hour drive to the doctor tomorrow.
Things I did today (Monday) DAY 111

1 — Slept 2am to 11am. My alarms didnt work properly so I was 30 minutes behind schedule when I woke up. I got gas and washed the car in town.
2 — Went to the city for neck/shoulder injections.
3 — Went to the convention center to scope out the area for the convention i'm going to there at the end of september.
4 — Went and saw two old coworkers I haven't seen since early May this year. That was really nice.
5 — Went to the chiropractor.

6 — So one of my old friends I linked up with a month ago decided to drink and stay at his place after I've been to the nearby bars. He passed away saturday morning. I last talked to him that Thursday night about hanging out but he said he didn't feel up to it. The other people that live there. I don't have their contact information. I got a text from a friend Sunday morning telling me about it and he asked if I knew anything but I didn't. So i thought i should stop by their apartment when i'm in town sometime. I did that today. Nic the guy i vibed with the most when ive been over there found him dead saturday morning. It’s just really shitty like my fucking brother died of an overdose last march. I think about him every day. Within two years I have two different friends' funerals that I'm going to because of these drugs on the street being laced with fentanyl. Last year when he died i learned so much about life because of it. He taught me to check in on people and let them know i love them if i do and that fuck all the noise about it being weird and gay and whatnot. I might not have ever hit Steven up these past few months if his passing hadn't taught me that lesson. I'm glad I got to see him and have fun with him a few times before he passed instead of getting that text in the morning and thinking damn I haven't seen him in years i didn't know he was doing that kind of stuff anymore. So yeah idk it's just another life thing to think about. The guys at the apartment today we're really glad I stopped by today because they didn't have my contact information and they've always had a good time with me and think im a good guy as Nic put it today.

7 — Journalled 1045 words
8 — Replied to craigslist emails.

9 — Picked up a friend and hung out doing random things in town for a couple hours. He took some pictures for me with the camera I'm borrowing. Only took pictures at one place but there were tons of different scenes there and I had different shirts and hats with me. I think there MIGHT be one or two keepers but I'll know more when I look at them on the laptop.
Things I did today (Tuesday) DAY 112

1 — Slept 5am to noon
2 — Cancelled a 60$ preorder on something i realized i probably shouldnt buy
3 — Called the specialty pharmacy to set up a delivery

4 — Called a friend whos calls I missed this morning
5 — Journalled

6 — Spent a bunch of time sorting and messing with the pictures from yesterday. I’m failing at doing so effectively. It's taking so long to get anywhere with these pictures because of the format with the photos app. I’m sure I just need to keep working with it to find an effective method in taking care of this stuff.
Things I did today (Wednesday) DAY 113

1 — Slept from 5am to 11:55am
2 — Journalled
3 — Made a spreadsheet reworking my finances
4 — worked on the pictures more.
5 — hungout with a friend for a couple hours.