Was hit by a car today lolz

Dude I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on removing yourself from the literal dumpster fire that is California lol.
Dewm said:
Dude I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on removing yourself from the literal dumpster fire that is California lol.

Thanks man. Hopefully i can figure out a way to stay for longer then a year. Maybe i just gotta make a baby and possibly get residency like that 🤣
Toast said:
Dewm said:
Dude I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on removing yourself from the literal dumpster fire that is California lol.

Thanks man. Hopefully i can figure out a way to stay for longer then a year. Maybe i just gotta make a baby and possibly get residency like that 🤣

Already having visions of your first Horcrux. My how much you have learned!
Dewm said:
Toast said:
Thanks man. Hopefully i can figure out a way to stay for longer then a year. Maybe i just gotta make a baby and possibly get residency like that 🤣

Already having visions of your first Horcrux. My how much you have learned!

Im still very basic at Japanese if that's what ur asking. Enough to converse in simple terms. But definitely cant hold an intelligent conversation in the slightest. But thats why im going to school

I see that a lot of my views come from this forum so please help a brutha out and sub :)

I'm all good lol. Landed on my feet like a fuckin cat
Appreciate the clarification. Definitely don't wanna step on any toes with what I'm posting.

As well as I've essentially stopped YouTube to focus on my Japanese.
Also I noticed a lot of my views were coming from this website and that potentially could be a negative for the growth of a channel. So not posting here and growing through Youtube is better as a whole
Wanted to give you an early congrats before you even wrote about it D

Never mind you got another thread for it