Wnyhg progress log


Feb 13, 2023
I have switched my routine. They often recommend not doing so( in this case my first routine was SL 5x 5 from 2007). I stare Ted a beginner routine from an online coach in Japan that minimizes accessory work; which is where I was getting despondent because of having roasted said muscle’s inI previously compound exercises.

First day hypertrophy, second day power and third day strength. Don’t ask me the difference between strength and power because I just realized I have no clue.

I was able to do 215 for 3x 8 without needing a spot. I was able to do 155 for 3x 8, 7 and 5. Instead of pull-ups I be been doing high iso lateral rows in a machine and I did 180 for 10,8 and 4.

I’m very much a newb and asking somebody to spot me is uncomfortable. I’ve gotten pumps from a senior member,”not bad for an old guy”, and from football players from a local high school. It’s cool, I feel like a reject, from the outside looking in but it feels good.

I thought about bouldering, we’ve got an indoor climbing gym here but I realize my grip strength is atrocious. As of yet I don’t know what I need to work on. Also yoga, as the weight I pull increases my piriformis stops me from being able to stand straight. I think yoga may eventually help.
I was dreading doing more squats. I pulled up my routine and day 2 is bench press @ 85 1RM. Deadlifts @ 85% 1RM and vertical push 4 x 10.

I’d like to acknowledge something. I suck at math and my vision sucks. I calculated 165 for the bench and did 3x2. (Supposed to be 3x3). I’m ticked cause I needed a spotter and I get up and noticed I added 10 lb weights and not five, so instead of 165, I did 195. Idiot. I hope to not crush my cricoid straining ever.

Deadlifted 245 for 3x3 and dumbbell press 15 lbs 4 x 10. Some dude was staring and probably thinking “ terrorist fucker” orrr “ what the hell, dudes squatting double plates and only 15 lbs on the press?” Sir, I’ve seen some stuff and I’m working on my beauty.

Monitoring weight doesn’t address muscle gain so I’ve got a myotape to measure every Saturday. I got a thing to measure body fat but I’m wayyy over 30%! Eventually it’ll come in handy. Like checking my dick circumference.

I’m going to make a spreadsheet to monitor what needs to be checked ie abdomen, chest etc and I’ll post. I need CR2032s for the LED to check my weight.

As far as game, I’ve opened a lot of guys kind of like the first AA program. I’m trying to set the vibe and confidence before I hit the street. As it is, I repel woman quite well. I have a low DHV and my swag blows. I’ve been a mole all my life but I mastered intubations and reading EKGs even though they were never officially taught. I’ve saved lives with that knowledge and if it comes down to it, I’ll learn daygame, bomb for six months, get a coach or mentor and um fuck and save my own life in the process. Win win win. Unfortunately, I love older woman and I don’t want to die. God help me.

If some body is reading this and has a beard. What’s the best beard oil? The only thing that really works is olive oil and it smells, even if it’s extra virgin. Im serious. Thanks.
Setting PRs.

Just cause you’re a doc doesn’t mean you’re a genius. I messed my access to this forum by posting my progress log into the “welcome here “ category. Lost full access. Hopefully I’ll get it back.

255 3x4 squat.165 3x4 bench and 70 3x 4 split squat. My partner joined me today, the guy conversed with out on the street and he started arm curls. He squats 700 so he’ll definitely be of help over time. He was great full for the workout and so was I making PRs.

Once I get access I’ll post my body numbers. Apologize to the moderators for being a hassle.
Weight 248
Chest 48
R arm 16
L arm 15.7
"2"" above" 44
Belly 48
"2"" below" 47
R thigh 16
L thigh 16
Height 71 inches

Reality check. I wouldn’t look at me twice forget the first time. I’m recovering quite well. I’ve dropped the 2lbs of ground beef daily and switched to just eggs. I drink water but after a few days I’m back from 100 ozs to Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke.

I got to increase the cardio, it’s absolutely chill here and I have another two months look before mtb season.

I’m down 41 lbs but I have to do something about the cardio. Andy used to walk 12 miles sometimes. I think he’s right, it’ll limber me up between workouts and get me lower in weight.
Walked 7.3 miles with over 18000 steps on Sunday. Was sore on Monday and partner was too from last week, so took a recovery day and walked about a mile.

Dave Goggins avoided loose tissue when losing weight by doing 100 to 500 reps with lighter weights and using the “up” position to rest. As compared to 5 x 5 and progressive overload.

Which should I do because I almost pooped my pants in the Squat PR I did last week; I really don’t want to go there. Truly, I’m scared of lifting more weight, I’m old, out of shape and my back muscles are sore constantly from the heavy weight.

Higher reps will allow me to increase endurance and ? reduce risk of loose tissue. For any one reading this any opinions?

I’m going to start posting measurements on Saturday and macros as well. Fluid intake etc.

I started at 244. I was 252 on Sunday and just now checked and am at 247.

Last but not least, I quit smoking. I feel kind of empty cause I’m used to being busy smoking but I literally feel like I have more time. Imagine that.
Wnyhg said:
Walked 7.3 miles with over 18000 steps on Sunday. Was sore on Monday and partner was too from last week, so took a recovery day and walked about a mile.

Dave Goggins avoided loose tissue when losing weight by doing 100 to 500 reps with lighter weights and using the “up” position to rest. As compared to 5 x 5 and progressive overload.

Which should I do because I almost pooped my pants in the Squat PR I did last week; I really don’t want to go there. Truly, I’m scared of lifting more weight, I’m old, out of shape and my back muscles are sore constantly from the heavy weight.

Higher reps will allow me to increase endurance and ? reduce risk of loose tissue. For any one reading this any opinions?

I’m going to start posting measurements on Saturday and macros as well. Fluid intake etc.

I started at 244. I was 252 on Sunday and just now checked and am at 247.

Last but not least, I quit smoking. I feel kind of empty cause I’m used to being busy smoking but I literally feel like I have more time. Imagine that.

I would say at this stage, if you have a lot of fat to lose (like I did) I would put a lot more focus on making sure diet is dialed in first, and then working into your fitness routine.

As far as rep count goes, most of my workouts are between 5-8 reps per set. Then more reps if I want to increase hypertrophy. Reddas is way more versed at this stuff, so I'll tag him as well for additional insights.
Thanks for the input. I’m doing higher reps now as i saw Dave goggins and his routine. I’m concerned with my back pain discomfort when I wake in the morning. My squat form is good and a powerlifting coach was ok with it. I totally agree with the diet and am focussed on eggs for protein since they have the highest bioavailability, my goal is 160 grams of protein, that’s a lot of eggs and after 1 or 2 months I’ll readd steaks and lean ground beef. Back in the day I lost lots of weight just eating eggs, alongside walking and Andy did the same. How he avoided loose skin? I’ve no idea.

I’ll give this 1-2 months and any input is greatly appreciated to avoid loose skin and stretch marks.

- 1mile walking in the am.
-110 protein 262 carbs and about 120 fats
4 cans of Coke and 64 ozs of water.
Weight 247 but my belt size is showing me down almost 5 inches. There’s a lot of loose fat.

-Evening 95 lbs 3x 25, 17, 10. Bench 145 25, 10, 6. Lateral raises 3x 10, 6, 6(both sides. Forearm and triceps extension and curls were also done for 3x 10. Amazingly I could only do 10 lbs curls by the time I was done and woke up this am sore but without the back pain from lifting mucho weight.

-I’m dedicating one day to back and full on deadlifts with a goal of 500 lbs. then do t bar rows, one arm, high isolateral, until I can’t . I’ll focus on extremely high rep and my goal will be 4x 25 to 4x 100 over time. I did leg extensions and realized this will help me in MOUNTAIN BIKING. This will hopefully also take care of the risk of loose skin.

Posting here is surreal. Few people read this but all the stuff I’ve watched and read over the years that I was step by step trying to inculcate into place and I being beyond frustrated with mental issues now an able to slow sync it in. It’s like a blanket that’s been folded up all my later stages of life that I’m unraveling as I’m turning to my side and going to sleep. It lands and covers me.
Hey brother,
Thanks for the mention.

Whygh -
Great job on taking action, and trying to improve!

Quoted something I wrote about the topic before, based on my experience.

You can also go on youtube and search for "hypertrophy training" to learn more about it.

I'd say for pure hypertrophy, lifting in the 8-30 rep range is optimal with as heavy weight as you can.
That's what has given me the best results, from a pure size/muscle mass perspective.
Focus on having good form, full-range of motion, getting a good "stretch", and pump. Really feeling that you are hitting the muscle.

Powerlifting/strength is in the 1-5 rep range, and if you want a high 1 rep max in squat, bench, and deadlift that's the optimal way to train. However it won't give you much muscle mass to your frame as only doing hypertrophy will.
Besides that powerlifting work-outs takes longer to recover from, so you wont be able to train as frequently as if you only did hypertrophy training.

So for optimising your SMV through the gym, I'd say the most optimal strategy is to mostly train for hypertrophy, in the 8-30 rep range with as heavy weight as possible, as many times per week as your body can handle.

Important to get enough protein, and optimise your sleep for recovery.
Thank you Reddas ! Thank you natedawg !

That’s basically what’s happening. I’ve only done two workouts thus far, and I’ve not trained for high reps almost ever. Goggins would do 95lbs squat 4x100 and yesterday I did 135 x 15, 10, 5. Hypertrophy is basically what I’m doing in these last few workouts. As the natedawg mentioned I’ve got to get my diet lined up, I’m not there yet. The Japanese coach I read usually starts with diet first and almost verbatim wrote what natedawg did. The quality of guys on this forum is unreal.

I’ve lost the pear shape and caught myself in the mirror with a morbidly obese Adonis setup or an hour glass. (That was looking head on, lol) I had to stop and stare. I’ve got a long way to go. My face is still fat. I saw muscles on My shoulders and arms. Dude this is awesome and it’s only been a month or so.

, I feel the pump and the euphoria with the ability to get out of bed and be able to walk straight. I also did deadlifts 275 x1 and then 255 x 2,3. I ended with OHP bar x 15, 10, 5. I
Much prefer hypertrophy and higher reps.

I’m not eating enough. I can tell. I refed with ground beef I had in the freezer and with the last 2 workouts have gotten hunger pangs that would previously sent me to cookie hell with a binge. Now I just make an omelette with 3 eggs or head over to my moms who loves to cook for me, it gives her a chance to see her son and for me to fill up. It’s awesome! Home cooked food rules. But and it’s a big but, she approximates her ingredients. It’s hilarious. I’ve never been able to get a straight answer. What do I put into my for my macros? I’ve noticed carbs at night make it easier for a workout the next day and if peri workout, I don’t suffer as much dizziness and lethargy, soreness afterwards.

Protein 176 carb 679 and fats 68. 64 ozs water and I’ve started 1 scoop of bodytech prime mass that I mistakenly purchased a while ago. It’s got creatine and can provide some protein and vitamins to tide me over. But it’s almost 1200 calories for 2 scoops!

Strange that I’m hungrier now than when I was in the powerlifting diet. I intentionally take the mass gainer in the morning, it’s loaded with calories and ? Carbs gives me an opportunity to work it off and be tighter with intake later in the day. I can’t completely avoid carbs otherwise I go completely into a fog and it makes life difficult.
I'd advice you to train as much as your body can recover from, and make a split
Get some whey protein, and supplement your diet with a few shakes everyday to increase your protein intake if you are not getting enough.

1. Chest / Triceps, 2 Back /Biceps, 3 Legs / Shoulder

Prime your "mind" for high-performance before you get into the gym, listen to some music that pumps you up.
Given your age I would also consider doing cardio that didn't stress my joints / knees as much.
You want to improve your body without getting injured

Swimming, or cycling could be great for you
Some motivation

Mike O'hearn is 54, and still going strong. Insane work-ethic over several decades.

Above noted. I did shoulders yesterday or day before, was a bit sore and when I walked into the gym and felt no soreness in my legs I proceeded so for 2.5 hours did nothing but legs. Reps around 6-15 @ 60 lbs leg extensions and curls, lots of goblet squats 15 lbs @15 and then front squat’s eventually, and proceeded with did about 100 abd hanging raises. I Then repeated the entire leg workout until I was bonking and wishing I had breakfast. There’s at least 4 leg press machines and I’ve been powerlifting , so I’ll gradually increase my poundage on the curls and extension and press 1.5 of my Bodyweight on the leg press slowly.

For this week, I need to check my weight, My measurements, increase hydration and protein intake. It’s been 5 weeks since I started m, well almost and honestly. I’m still fat as fat Albert but I can sleep flat and I see a muscular contour that I didn’t or haven’t even seen during my track days in high school. I need to chisel my face and update my clothes. I’m in a hurry but I don’t know why. I need to recover and come up with more quality workouts or at least exercises I can switch up.

I started upping my diet with whey powder, body mass gainer in the morning 50 grams and 50 of isolate at Bedtime. I overdosed last night on cookies as part of a slow carb and test to see my bodies response. The whole week has been nothing but eggs and eggs and espresso with some cappuccinos (homemade), one meal of biryani my
mom made , I won’t be needing the cookies as if I’ve weaned myself off of carbs and cigarettes and if it gets bad, a peanut butter sandwich will take care of it. Or 100% honey. 1 teaspoon.

As far as my wife is concerned, I love her and these chicks with their bfs in the gym, will hit on my workout partner and I see them pedal away from me. I see this as a meet market, so for now it’s a tight chastity belt, keep my dick hard and pray for summer. I need to get the fuck out of WNY.

90 protein about 20 carbs and 7 fats. I didn’t eat much yesterday and counted the cookies into this morning. Weight is 247 average. I’ll post the numbers if I’m still alive tomorrow.
Protein 172 carbs 700 fats 225

Weight 247
Neck 17.75
Chest 46.5
R arm 16
L arm 15.5
"2"" above"44
Belly 45
"2"" below" 44.75
Hips* 43.75
R thigh 24
L thigh 25
Height. 71

Last week

Target Weekly Weight Change
Other Activity? Walking but the sidewalks are frozen and people are falling and breaking and brushing with fractures. Including my dad.
Training Time(s) 1 1-2 hour intensive
Minimum Protein Target 200
Calorie Budget Adherence Estimate ?
Training Adherence 100
Sleep issues? (0-5) 4
Stress issues? (0-5) 3
Hunger issues? (0-5) 2
Fatigue/lethargy? (0-5) 4

3 inches off my belly? An inch off my thigh? With no weigh change. I’m not celebrating but cerebrating. Can I really be gaining muscle and losing fat? Can the espresso before bed and all the Diet Coke be helping with the weight loss? Like a cheap thermogenic?

I have the urge to go to the gym but I’m not. Eat, buy some food, recover. Study some books I purchased eons ago on exercises and check out some routines.

A guy in the gym thought I weighed 165. No, althoughh I told him it’s my goal. How can someone be off by almost 80 lbs?


Increase hydration. Increase protein.

Real stuff

My convos are off because not everyone can deal with me, I get the feeling that I’m scaring people or they’re not in the mood to be inquisitive and maybe counter transferring. I can walk up to a girl and have a non sexual convo, no issues. I can maintain concordance but it’s never going to go further. I know I’ve got issues and I know that I’m not all normal because the text I’ve read to get me out of this slump/depression/PTSD/ angst is nowhere available in the English language and few people are really Sufis, it’s put me in a different headspace, I’m going to say fortunately. I’m stupid but my gift is the ability to read people and be a little intelligent. So any therapist will falter in the first session instead of me being humble and willing to submit. I’m arrogant, self-absorbed, and abusive to myself. I’m also not interesting. But hey. That’s just me.

I’ve come to realize that my spirituality is no different and is the same as my physical and sexual and social and mental being. There’s no difference between my church and state. Honestly, I need guidance. I’ve gotten this far, I need someone to realign me and help me control myself in order to become innocent as a newborn. I had an acquaintance mention PTSD to me and I’ve thought that I probably need/needed therapy. I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t suit me and I’d rather force and mentate my way through by studying those concepts like Behavioural :arrow_up: therapy :arrow_up: :arrow_up: myself, if I need it. I speed read and I’m stubborn.

What I know will really help is to get out into nature. Summer cannot come quickly enough.

:arrow_up: :arrow_up:
Bent over rear delt raises 20x10 x 3. Military press 50 x 10 x4. Upright row 70 x 10 x 2, behind the ba k shrug 50 x 10 then 110 x 50. Inverted shoulder press 10x 3. I binged on rice at my moms so my weight went up to 250. Main issue right now is my sleep.

2/27 protein 225 carb 558 fat 115
2/28 protein 312 carb 24 fat 66( I need more days like this)

People look at my photo, that’s what PTSD untreated looks like. Nothing worked. Medicine nowadays stinks. There I said it.

I’m preparing myself to micro dose mushrooms and I recommend everyone try it, just avoid the filler mushroom and have someone hand make it for you.

I learned what GLL has posted on his website. It not only helped my relationship but also reflected in the workplace. It was an epiphany. The swag factor, confidence, eye contact all of it.

There’s a certain weight and appearance that clicks with chicks for each guy and for a certain type of woman. I’m Kashmiri but I could pass as a member of the Latino crew from Spain no problem. I was only not successful with Jewish woman and white woman were relatively indifferent but remained good friends. Pose was really important for them.

It’s all here folks. On this website and GLL. Read up on body language, flirting and conversational hypnosis with innuendo and go out and practice. Try your local library. Ross Jeffries and micro expressions and anchoring can help the older guy. Practice the AA program with everyone all day everyday. Only come home to sleep. Oh, and eventually get a coach or mentor. don’t use anything as a crutch.

People at this time, fear me. The ones in my circle and just beyond. I maxxed it out with my wife, they know that I turned her into a concubine and she’s not able to function without my help. It was all she wanted and you can do it too. I gave her so much in that sphere she never saw anyone outside me. I was overbearing, strong willed and lead firmly. I gave her so much attention others were jealous and even the other husbands (BILs) were as well. As soon as she asked for space I would be right there and I would have no issues imposing myself. She knew I would split and i essentially gave her what she dreamed of. Only because she was able to compare me to others. Take from it what you will because right now that is not the case and I’ve maintained the frame. There’s no way I’m giving in to a chicks nonsense. I’m a catch. I would presume that spending on your city state you should have a prenup and marry with preconditions. You should insight to all the tech available and have no qualms violating her privacy. Fuck her privacy. You do not need to be possessive, just not naive. It takes one handshake and one app like Snapchat or Facebook to duck it all up. If you need a key logger so be it. If you need to record conversations so be it. If you need to know her friends and her bullshit night outs, so be it. You’ll have done your part in keepingyountogether and if when it doesn’t work out. Drop her like a dead weight. After almost 30 years together this is what I’ve done.

Everyone from family to social circle to our community sees us separated, there is absolutely no body fucking with me, no lawyers, no relatives. Everybody now knows she messed up, she listened to other’s opinions of me and it derailed what she had since the last decades. She couldn’t possibly be happyI haven’t said a word to her or anyone.

Keep your frame. My option to step out is there but the chastity belt stays on until she divorces me. I’m not what I used to be, so I’m prepping for it by following GLL and KYIL. There are things like prenuptial agreements and body language and interpersonal dynamics that need to be learned. Don’t hesitate to get a therapist and get a baseline or foundation on which to develop.

I made the mistake of not asking for help when I needed it. Mentorships, coaching, whether exercise or professional development, find it and use it.

There is no fuck better for me than my wife.as much as I can go out and have a few months approach with some of the queasiness, it would not be difficult but my Id and spirituality and experience with nature and the hours upon hours of meditation and others things stops me. You can’t be half assed at anything and be successful. You can’t push the wrong buttons and not know limits and when to stop. Shit, I’d probably carry a couple of business cards just in case. But what do I know. I’m now the king of one liners and can cross back into whatever realm a person wants besides arts. Unfortunately I’m not a juxtaposition or a dichotomy. I’ve lost it. If you need to be successful, that is part of what you should and need to develop. To become a natural.

Keep your frame. If she steps out of line be ready to destroy her support system and not necessarily her. Anyone can, you have to go out an d give them a microphone and camera. If you want it like I wanted a scholarship and a pimp/slut/loving human of a wife, you’ll get it.

This is jibberish. Thanks for reading.
275 deadlift for 5.
Protein 205 carbs 298 fats 159

Didn’t want to continue at the gym gave my attendance and took off. I’m having issues with recovery and soreness but with the increased protein I was easily able to set a PR with the deadlift.

I’m realizing that I am resilient. Finally. I’m able to assess the long term and not give into disappointment and distractions. I realized this since I’m reading MATE by tucker max and Geoff.

As an example, This forum has focused my attempts on weight loss and personal development, it’s funny cause my pants and clothes are making me look like a homeless guy, and I’ve been planning what clothes to purchase; perseverating and patiently waiting for my new look to give me the go ahead. I’m not buying three wardrobes. Therefore, If a woman tells me “Have a nice day”, that usually means fuck off and you need more before I give an ioi.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to walk up to a blonde and be upfront. The situational opener has been best for me, then showing intent. I’ve basically blown myself off from there and she yelling nice to meet you as I walk into the grocery store or wherever.

All woman wants is attention. I’ve talked to other docs who been divorced and played dom , the longer you’ve been married the better you need to be in bed. I mean I interpreted that as doing Kegels until your butt starts clenching too. If it it comes time to drop ‘em your woman, It’ll kill them. You gotta do it cold, they’ll come up with a million reasons to try explain it away. Even nurses do it when they almost kill a patient or want something in particle ukase.

When I first fisted my wife, I was scared that she’d think im going to the dark side, she’s conservative by all means, instead her response was along the lines of “ you give me so much pleasure”. There was a pool of secretions and the mattress was drenched, and she was in bliss. That was a lesson for me. The first time we did tantric was absolutely wild. dick has never gotten a workout before or after that. My body was relaxed and her eyes and vaginal muscles were lit. When I came down stairs after, she was in the kitchen. It’s been 20 years almost, but the look she gave me was not conservative, I’ve never seen that anywhere, especially with me and all because of me. That was a workout and an experience that made me realize a woman’s resistance needs to be broken and I needed to quit being such a beta in bed.

Over time we’ve done almost everything. It’s a back and forth. She a clean freak so I worked that into getting head. Some of the guys wouldn’t even ask and presume normalcy when taking ass. I did the same. Hey everybody does it. Let her enjoy it.reward her with attention even if she’s a butch about it. Then do it again the next day.

I hear horror stories about people being married and then losing everything to their wives while they’re in surgery. If you act nonchalant and passive, if you’re terrible in bed, she’ll find someone who isn’t and gives her the attention and emotions that she sees in the movies and reads in these romance novels. Perception is everything. It’s not the traveling and flea markets she wants. It’s the attention, besides you run the risk of guys latching on, I think it’s called AMOG or something. She should only have eyes for you. You need to read her while keeping frame. I’m not saying compliments, I’m saying call her out in her bullshit short of you losing out in sex.

I can’t wait to start biking. It’s freezing here and the trail stewards want me to stay off for another two months. Sucks man.
Two things. Reading others posts I’ve noticed mine being not well thought out and almost mental. I usually wait a day or two before submitting my reports back in the day but maybe this flow and train of thought is ok for me, I’d like to see what the mushrooms do. There’s a psych term for this, but it’s escaping me right now. The treatment for this is mushrooms.

Second thing, I have a sumo rack I bought. I got 600 lbs of weights minus a few 5 lb plates a barbell I have to one of my buddies who wants to start lifting. I’ve got the dip bars and also picked a used back hyperextensuon set. Olympic dumbbells and a chin-up bar with some resistance bands. I’ve no excuse not to workout now. Total cost? About 550 dollars.

I’d love to start walking a couple miles a day, but here it’s still cold and the sidewalks can be iffy.

I was going to get my teeth cleaned but the dentist broke her hand, I gotta wait now. I was going to start going to read on art like Rembrandt and Warhol but I’m going to pass until and unless I need a coach. How to redevelop my dichotomy and create a juxtaposition? I was thinking of reengagung Ross Jeffries work Well see.

My workout partner has let his job get in the way and I’m not going to let him stop me from going to the gym, we’ve gone mostly in the am but some days in the pm and he’s back out or it would snow. The thought occurred to me that I even in this situation I need to keep my frame, and he’ll either come with me or respect me for not giving up or into other priorities.
God please throw me a bone. Not a porterhouse, sirloin, fibula or rib. Please throw me a femur. From a Brontosaurus. Thank you.
First dose of mushroom in. Nothing hallucinogenic, over the last day or so I can feel o knot being removed from the top of my head. Almost like some heavy curtains opening up. I don’t think it’s placebo effect.

Squat 95 x 25 x 3. Hack squat 90 x10 x2. Dumb split squat 55 x9x2 then 60 9 X 2. Calf raises and crunches minimum weights or nine for about 50. My ears were popping by the time I was done.

Protein 207 carb 550 fat 193. Going to have to be careful with protein looks like I got a touch of gout from over intake.