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Wnyhg progress log

No, please do not post any links to places supplying mushrooms or anything illicit.

People can find these things, on their own accord.

I don't want any high risk stuff on my forum, period.

Keep working, Doc, losing weight, is very possible and I dropped 85lbs.

Find what you will actually do.

152 grams protein yesterday and~ 100 today.

I’m going to start reading Ravi’s log. The past few months made me realize that history tends to repay itself. The same things making me fat last time like milk and chicken are doing it now. This is with the premise that abs are made in the kitchen.

Stocked up on whey isolate and MVI.

The job I was doing is on hold since their project is done but they sent me out today and had public safety show up at the cancer center I was at cause I scared the volunteer and he thought I was scheming.

I’ll probably go to the gym after 730 from now on. It would be nice if I gain enough discipline to go twice a day. That’s my goal. Mostly compound movements with 8 to 15 for hypertrophy.

Incline bench 95 x8x3
Front squats 95x5x8
V ups 10x3
Something weird happened I went shopping and bought a couple of boxes of protein bars and got a coupon for clearance items of vitamin Shoppe and so I got another box of whey protein and stocked up on steak and ground beef waiting for a burger press to come in

I finished off four boxes of protein bars, and in retrospect the more I focus on dieting, the more angst and anxiety I suffer and the more I have to eat. I ate over 3000 cal 200 g of protein 400 g of carbohydrates and over 100 g of fat yesterday And I actually feel better I feel the soreness and my abs and my tummy is down that fog over my head is a little bit gone even though I woke up a little dehydrated this morning.

I’ve been planning and scheming to be on a carnivore diet and here I am binging on carbohydrates from the high dose through protein bars, and I feel better.

Reading Ravi‘s log, he mentioned walking and stretching, and for some reason over the last couple of weeks I’ve been avoiding my foam, roller and walking. It’s not PTSD, but almost like it’s associated with bad memories, but I pushed through this morning and foam rolled met up with a buddy Had a smoke and now I’m getting ready to go to the gym

The mind muscle connection is not there yet and it was pathetic how I only could do 95 pounds on the front squat when my best is over 300 on the back squat slowly this is gonna be a long haul.

I weigh 251 which is a far cry from the 286 but still I need to drop at least 80 pounds and convince myself on walking early in the morning coming back having a cappuccino and a protein drink and then diving into, either trading or Going out to the gym and making friends .

I’m probably only gonna do my back today because I overdid my quads with the front squats. I’m gonna have to push water a lot more than I have because I’m drinking lots of coffee with Chobani creamer.

I’m gonna take a dose of mushroom today buy my buddy a gift, he’s been there for me even out of distance, and I love them for that.

Got him a vaporizer and some camphor. I realized I’ve got Mark Lauren Bodyweight app that at the time was a one time purchase( now subscription based), with Bodyweight exercises. On my iphone5 that I never threw away. Got to walk though. Early morning is the goal in an empty stomach.
Yesterday I did the warm up for Bodyweight and my ribs around the sternum cracked and just doing windmills got me realizing that I have no muscle just a pudge with arms. I felt limber but didn’t finish the workout.

This morning woke up at 530 am and had eggs with chai and prayed. Gym was open


--Overhead Press--
0.0 x 8.0
95.0 x 5.0

--Leg Press--
95.0 x 8.0
95.0 x 8.0
95.0 x 8.0

--Seated Cable Row--
60.0 x 8.0
60.0 x 8.0
100.0 x 8.0
130.0 x 8.0
130.0 x 6.0

--Ab Crunch--
40.0 x 8.0
120.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 8.0

135.0 x 5.0

90.0 x 10.0
100.0 x 10.0

Through this all I drank 100 oz of water 257 grams of. Protein and 50 grams of carbs. Fats were higher at around 70 becaus if the oil to cook. Leaning towards saving the fat from the steak I cook. I like the eggs from wegmans for omelette and the ones from Sam’s for hard boiled. Something about the inner sac that makes wegmans eggs disgusting to make as hard boiled.

That’s it. Once I get back from work I’ll probably travel to Chicago to visit my sis and cousins before winter sets in.m

Found a website to help with the workout

Recommends for a recomp

252 protein 299 carbs and 83 fats or so. Idk. I’ve been doing the protein low carbs for about three months prior to rejoining and I was constantly in the pits. Those protein bars were a wake-up for me. Lie Ravi wrote; figure out what I’m going to do. I was actually going to go for a walk and instead walked over to my car and went to the gym. A little cardio will help but if I can get 20 minutes after workout on an empty stomach that would be a goal.

Lou Ferrigni comes to mind, his workout changed every day and the dude was a monster.
Can someone tell me how to down 250 grams of protein? I get whey and bars but after a few weeks of steak chicken fish and eggs I know it’s not something I can continue even indefinitely. I’m sick of the taste.

Putting miles into the car driving for work; cops, near accidents and Android. Never ever will I purchase an android again. So help me g—. Mapss would give me a route, the phone would shut off and when I turns it on again I’d have to restart maps to get a new route going through farmland. I’m sitting in I 95 and this dude is sending me to route 17 next to horses and cows. Switching to Waze for now.

I missed two days of lifting because of travel and so purchased an app for Tabata intervals per the Spartan workout file I uploaded.

I think I’m going to focus on eggs and whey. Physically I feel that the eggs are proving me to be the most bioavailable protein. Also, chewing.

I don’t eat enough> soreness> don’t exercise> Dont eat enough > soreness, seems to be a viscous cycle.

I’m posting because it’s not all green and rosy. It’s always been that right before I’m ready to give up, the habit develops and it becomes fun. Whatever product I’m reviewing for purchase shows itself right before I give up and it usually takes months before I find the deal on what I want. This lifestyle of health and quality over quantity hasn’t been realized just yet. The diet that is right for me and I can eat consistently for the rest of my days and maintain a body and erection. Finding the workout and tools that make it addicting to go to the gym despite the looks and snipes. I’ll get there soon. The image is finally forming and the experiences I went through in the last year have hopefully made me settle into a groove or created a foundation to grow on. If that makes sense.

It’s experiences within an experience.
Some would say it makes the person stronger, to me I feel it distinguishes me from others even more so. I’m not just writing this except to give myself hope that I’ll figure this out by reading over what I’ve written rather than making the same mistake twice.

If someone can even minutely benefit from a sentence I’ve typed even if not totally remotely semblant, awesome.

Rather make a fool of myself and aw shucks than give up.
Wnyhg said:
Can someone tell me how to down 250 grams of protein?

Lol, Are you Mike O' Hearn? You do not need 250 grams of protein a day. 1.3-1.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight is enough. You don't look like you weigh 190 kilos from your profile pic. Just stacking an overload of protein in every day won't do anything for you.

I’ll look up Mike ohearn.

I used.a macro calculator on Rippedbody and based it on a recomp. I’m 111 kilos.

Mid rows to 130 lbs for 8 reps
Lat pull downs to 120 for 8 reps
Face pulls to 130 for 8
Hyperextension 20 reps.

3rd or 4th day in the gym and it must be my posture is off, something I’ll need to work on since I’m in the phone or computer for work.

Protein intake is around 180. Carbs 220 and minimal fats. This is for the last two days. Before that the protein was much higher because if the bars. I feel better with higher protein for sure.
Did Tabatas on Sunday and woke up Monday and didn’t know if I was coming going or where I was. My body got rocked to the core. And I didn’t even run that fast. It’s 20 secs on 10 secs off x 9 as fast as you can of whatever sport. Running , burpees.

Diet is kn point now. Sry im not doing 250 grams of protein, I did check out Michael and he said the most important lesson is not protein, it’s consistency. I did the GLL diet for 3 months but with more aggressive working out it’s actually painful.

Today I foam roll and then go to the gym. Get the oil change in the manual transmission car and think about travelling somewhere cause I just got paid.

I took a dose of mushrooms and I think today I start paying attention to Andy. Ravi’s log has been influential. I’m not stretching per we but staring calisthenics and foam rolling as a form of stretching out. If that doesn’t work I still remember the stretch routine from running x country and the 800 in high school.

The world doesn’t give a fuck what a man goes through. This is for me.

135 flat bench 3 x 6
135 back squat 3x6

Had a woman using the squat rack for stretches and whatever the heck she was doing. Waited and then saw her add 2.5 lbs to a bar and Ive never… I had to leave to not gawk.

I’m going to add inverted rows and push-ups and reverse crunches tonight. I couldn’t stay in the gym.
Weight is still 251. Pants don’t stay on though and I have to wear a belt.

Progress: for the first time in decades, literally, I can run 7 mph on the treadmill. No crashing or stomping, just working on the kick. My legs are pretty tight from the lifting so, I gradually increased and could’ve done more. Squat is back up to 185 3x 8. Stiff legged deadlift is up to 135.

Diet is not at recomp level but protein is around 170 grams. I push the carbs in the early am. Easier to wake up and gauge my body as well as use the sugars up during the day. Previously, I just binged carbs before bedtime in order to make next days workout easier. Instead I load on protein at night if I can. Like 1 lb of ground beef or whey isolate.

I prefer this rather than carb load at night and protein throughout the day. There’s an option to increase the protein. I can gauge the carb requirements pretty well now.
Goal now is to push hydration. My dentist recommended a mouth guard for lifting because of grinding, I’m going to have to add stretching. It would be interesting running 9 mph for 30 secs.

The beautiful thing that amazes me is that I’d don’t feel my gut bouncing or shaking or the chest being flimsy which would in turn give me a complex. And yet my weight is still 251.

Places to visit, probably Florida or Arizona. I’m not a skier and I’ve got my mtb. We’ve got travel bans because of the snow here, a couple of sunsets and I should be good.
It’s kind of sick that running at 7 mph and squatting185 took me out for two or three days. Back to lower numbers and squatting increase increase to once a week or less. I was able to do quality dips and feel more comfortable with the guys at the gym.

Pushing protein to 250 grams and found myself a routine that gets diet out of the picture. I could taper carbs as needed or around workout time. One more thing to work on. But the diet dilemma is resolved. Finally.

I’m going to focus on front squats and incline bench press for aesthetics sake.

Foam rolling has kept me limber with the exception of overdoing the running and spraining my back.

Hydration is better but not where it needs to be. Aiming for 1 1/2 gallons.

Goal for this week and probably the rest of the month is to add cardio post workout and Tabata on off days. It might reach a tipping point but right now I know my recovery is around 2 days on 1 day off.

It’s longer and I need more recovery in the second week before my next dose of testosterone.

Pants are fiting better. Puff is gone from my face. Finally I have to remind myself consistency is the key this time around. I have to stop me at mentally masturbating and just have at the weights and treadmill.

--Fromt Squat--
95.0 x 6.0
100.0 x 6.0
100.0 x 6.0
100.0 x 6.0

6.0 x 6.0
6.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 3.0
0.0 x 4.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0
140.0 x 5.0

--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 3.
--Triceps pushdown--
40 x 6
70 x6
--Hanging Leg Raises--
No Sets Performed

Put in about 1000 miles of driving in the rain and snow since Sunday. Woke up yesterday and my lower back was like, yeah not today either dude.

I’ve been stretching and localized the tightness and issues to my hamstrings and psoas/piriformis, simple hyoerextensions relieve the tightness otherwise I’m walking like a monkey.

So it’s a gradual increase in weight and I can’t do 185 squats for 6 and expect not to have issues. My warmup is usually the bar and 135 but my baseline is not being very flexible at all.

Diet is on point. Carbs are actually mostly potatoes and pretzels. Protein is mostly plant orotein whey and ground beef. Who cares man, it works. My cholesterol is going to suck and I’m ready to die.

I’ve gotten compliments from 3 relatives I hadn’t seen in awhile that I’ve slimmed down. The first one was my nephew. My response was that I want be happy until I’m strong enough to choke out my “wife” with one hand. At this stage it looks like she needs a psych evaluation but again no one cares.

I’ve taken the insights others have gained in self improvement and war and allied them to my own perspective. It’s definitely “autistic” and inclusive but I was checking out the cinematic for Assasins creed and the phrase “ insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indespensible of duties.”

This whole ordeal is me fighting myself to create a permanent habit. Hence why I felt this saying resonated with me.

One more day of stretching, downloaded an app and will start with previous training routine from high school and graduate to Defrancos Agile 8.

27- weight 255 waist 46. Did Bodyweight training with mark lauren that I couldn’t finish. And started an app called splits. Need to change carbs to peri workout, keep pushing water, and some soreness resolved with an extra dose of multivitamin. Can’t get too deep with the thoughts. Doc said another week. I’ve noticed it could be aggravated by my bed and pillow contour. Went shopping, two fruits daily and alongside Bodyweight I need to either add couch to 5k at the end of my workout or walk 7500 steps. Kinda sick of the cold and I can see grass which means no x country skiing at least 150 miles out as well.
I’ll need to post a picture soon. My weight is around 250 but the flat wrangler performance pants I usually wear now have pleats. I’ve caught woman I say hi to look straight down at my dick tuck in a fold. Gross and I wished I used a bath mate. I’m so oblivious.

Keeping with the flow until the back issues resolved I’m stretching with the app and doing Bodyweight exercises. Powerlifting isn’t cutting it. From today I’ll add 20 minutes post workout cardio and I’ve been walking at 1.5 inciline for 39 minutes in days the spasms were bad.

The NP gave me Flexeril that basically knocked me out and it’s not magnesium that lets me get a good night sleep or foam rolling or stretching, it’s straight up Tylenol.

I’m sick of ground beef so it’s back to the Andy diet. Diet Pepsi, whey protein and eggs to around 180 grams of protein. I’ve got Swiss miss, potatoes and pretzels alongside Nuun tablets for carbs and electrolytes.

Took an archery class last night, was hitting the bullseye at 20 yards with a 25 lb recurve. Now for cross country skiing lessons except I can’t find a place with snow close by.

Workout today. Gas up with green tea and open tea from danedar.

Front squat with bar. Incline Bench press with bar. Machine rows 90 x 16x 10x 9. 5 mini Ute walk for warmup and 10 minute for cool down, not much at all but I’m taking this slowly. More than likely finish off with Bodyweight workout at home with mark lauren and stretching via the splits app.

31 January —Still resting up and doing steps or stretching with Bodyweight exercises. Either or. Every night I binge on pretzels or protein to find why this recovery is taking so long and why I’m so sore. Duh, maybe I should just rest. For that since I’m not lifting heavy my carbs from the 31st less than half and I’m only doing eggs and whey for protein. I got woken up one night with significant muscle twitching in my legs. Salt. From the pretzels. It’s not an overread.

Consistency. Tylenol before bed. Rest for a day or two and x rot for 7500 steps.

My parents are going nuts and almost being abusive with my i
relationship status and me playing hardball with the wife. First time in my life I kindly told them to shut up. It’s a big deal in our culture. I’ve basically taken reins on my own life and created a new space for myself. It’s starts with my appearance and overall confidence. I’ve got to work around being older but this website Andy recommended for weight loss writes that diet is the key and I don’t really need cardio or exercise. I get what he’s saying related to the BMR. But I’m in a hurry. I’ve started espressos shots every 4 hours instead of lipodreme or hydroxycut and am really pushing hydration and salt intake with nuun and IV hydration. for a second I thought my mattress might be making it worse. But yeah, rest, hydration, carbs in am. 180 or so of protein with eggs and whey and a MVI or two with Tylenol before bed. more protein before bed may be alleviating some of the soreness.

As always I have to figure this out. If anything carbs are the first to go lower and two pieces of fruit daily will be the only mandatory carbs until I can recover. Thanks for reading.
309 protein
Carbs 204
Fat 170

115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0

6.0 x 6.0
1.0 x 1.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0

--Incline Bench Press--
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 5.0

--Triceps pushdown--
60.0 x 6.0
60.0 x 6.0
70.0 x 6.0

--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 20.0

Increasing post workout walk to ten minutes. Hr was 141.

Cold bath after with epsom salt.
I hate that I’m insightful. Why can’t I just work and grind rather than waxing vacuously on the issues that will resolve over time like weight progression on the bar, appearance, and calorie maintenance and people and relatives who think that the world would be better with simping and expect me to follow suit; Keep doing my thing and soar higher until the crows fall off.

Took the weekend off besides trying get into a new drug called niswar or something. Came across as smoke less tobacco lol. Completely useless compared to some stuff I’ve tried.

Finding out who my friends are and who has ill intent. This isn’t the forum for religion but there’s no one on this planet who will support me or you. Even after 27 years of marriage, your mom who gave birth to you, inevitably it’s just you and god. You could be passport bro and still suffer. Honest I’ve seen it all . It pained me to see men suffer until my own threshold increased hearing their stories and then I hear about a colleague or attending walking into his wife’s office getting shahged by someone else and the cycle started again.

In any case I sent a text over to my uncle when I recvd a request from the wife and I cc’d her brother and called them self absorbed and abusive. Hello? I’m not simping for no one especially never like Ian Curry, holy fuck, get that shit out of your mind. And I get the feeling “clan” members are taking sides after the news spread about my text. Keeping in mind lawyers could be involved. This is the situation where I’ve seen guys unalive themselves because their girl is a whore or lacks respect or is just plain toxic. this situation it’s not just the grind but the outcome and who you’re trying to impress. That is what makes it worthwhile. That is why I have to believe.

Weight is down 1.5 lbs this week. A lot of the spasm and twitches I’ve had over the last few days resolved with more salt in my food. Back is better with a long walk and regular stretching. I’ve backed off from Bodyweight and splits app.

I’m going to increase my fruit count. The most important lesson besides hydration is that although I’m hitting my macros, I’m going over on my calories or BMR.

Daily Totals 2/3
Protein: 128.41
Carbs: 159.24
Fat: 120.18
Calories: 2234.24

Daily Totals 2/4
Protein: 223.54
Carbs: 255.38
Fat: 104.37
Calories: 2919.74
Everyone in long term testosterone therapy needs to be taking magnesium glycinate. It took me a long time why I was waking up and not wanting to move without any dehydration in sight.

Pretty much split from the family. What a weight off my shoulders. Toxic enough to kick me out of the cell phone account. I told him I loved him and laughed.

Diet is on point with exception of eating less and maintaining protein @ 186.1 yesterday and probably over 200 hundred today. I’m trying to make the carbs periwirkout and if I get munchies I’m trying fruits and potatoes.

Limiting belief— I’m not good enough for the gym. I take some hot cocoa with caffeine and today it worked.

Slowly upgrading my wardrobe and went to purchase an Orient watch and they my card was fraudulent. Oh well. Looking for a style that will fit my age and profession.

Gave my mtb wheels in for hub repair. It’s still cold but xcountry skiing is done and I need out of the house and some days I don’t have time to get on the treadmill after a workout.

135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 6.0

--Stiff-Legged Deadlift--
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 8.0
95.0 x 8.0

--Chin Up--
No Sets Performed cause I can’t.

--Overhead Press--
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0

--Bent Over Rear Delt Raises--
15.0 x 8.0
15.0 x 8.0
15.0 x 8.0

--T-Bar Row--
45.0 x 8.0
55.0 x 8.0

--Concentration Curls--
20.0 x 8.0
60.0 x 3.0
50.0 x 6.0
Advice taken. I’ve a pull-up bar downstairs but it’s been out of sight out of mind.

Ravi’s post on burnout is relevant. I’m sick of following this insane diet. Scared of choking and getting diabetes. New macros 255 protein 100 carbs and 70 fats.

Was going to post a photo, I can see form developing in shoulders and love handle area, but comparatively, it’s embarrassing.

Rest day. Scope out rides at IMBA gold areas and state forests.

Honestly I’m humbled in the presence of some you guys. The ability to write, take action and succeed; I’ve no business being here, I’m older, hit burnout too many times to count, ie seasoned, but I know even being present and semi accountable, even in my mind, means everything. I sure as heck don’t have that where I’m at.

Goal: find recipes using non starchy veggies like scooby1961s coleslaw to maintain net carbs on the low end. Might need a food processor eventually.
Started the day with 5 hard boiled eggs and 1lb of ground beef.

Started the GLL hydration drink: 1 gallon purified water, 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon wildflower honey, 2 1/2 inches of blended ginger(kinda mashed actually in my nutriblend) 1/2 teaspoon sugar. No stevia.

Went downstairs and tried to do 5 quality negative chin-ups. Felt like shit the whole day even with foam rolling, I’m two days short of my next test injectio, I’m ticked at myself for not taking the leap and just doing it. (Going for a workout).

I’ll head to the gym tomorrow morning. Goal is still to add Tabata or couch to 5k to the end. Working on adding the DiFranco 8 to my stretching, why am I having so many issues now that I didn’t have 4 months ago? It’s possible I might head out for a ride but the forecast isn’t in my favor.

With the new macro settings my day will pretty much look like the menu below: recipes I’m working on are coleslaw, hummus and cauliflower rice.

BIL showed up. That was a trip. Haven’t seen him blush like that ever.

I have imposter syndrome, an inferiority complex and am recovering from what looks like PTSD. Like some of the guys here there’s reactive or agitated depression, but I’ve been through it before. Nothing worked except he grind and some psilocybin.
One step a time.

Daily Meals - 02-09-2024

Protein: 114.25
Carbs: 21
Fat: 58.5
Calories: 1055.01

Hard-boiled Eggs
Serving Size: 5.00 Egg
Total Calories: 350
Protein: 30
Carbs: 5
Total Fat: 22.5

Ground Beef
Serving Size: 16.00 Ounces
Total Calories: 640
Protein: 84
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 36

Serving Size: 1.00 solo (1 fl.oz)
Total Calories: 5.01
Protein: 0.25
Carbs: 1
Total Fat: 0

Serving Size: 3.00 1 Tbsp
Total Calories: 60
Protein: 0
Carbs: 15
Total Fat: 0

Protein: 2.42
Carbs: 21.73
Fat: 6.64
Calories: 157.12

Nabisco, nutter butter, sandwich cookies, peanut butter
Serving Size: 32.00 g
Total Calories: 157.12
Protein: 2.42
Carbs: 21.73
Total Fat: 6.64

Protein: 48.00
Carbs: 10
Fat: 7
Calories: 300

Plant protein Rich chocolate fudge
Serving Size: 80.00 G
Total Calories: 300
Protein: 48
Carbs: 10
Total Fat: 7
Feb 10-2024

Warmup 5 minutes on treadmill

145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0

0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 4.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
140.0 x 6.0
140.0 x 6.0
140.0 x 6.0

--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0

--Triceps pushdown--
60.0 x 3.0
70.0 x 6.0
70.0 x 6.0
70.0 x 3.0

--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 20.0
0.0 x 10.0

--Jogging Treadmill--
10.0 x 5.0
*5 minutes warm up and alternate 2.5 and 4 mph

Delayed onset soreness. This time I’ll try and prepare for it. 2 tablets of mg 250 mg work better for me and sleepingwith the head side towards the feet (flipping the mattress) puts me in a cocoon for the the night.
Broke every cardinal rule and ended up pulling my left hamstring. When I’m in a hurry and I’m short on time I took the wrong shortcuts. I’ve known for days that mornings are better but man is it hard. By the end of the workout started getting dizzy even though I got a pack from the desk. Popped a naproxen and will ice it soon.

Protein has been between 150 and 198 over the last three days. Carbs are in the 75 to 199 over the last three days. Mostly bananas oranges and whole wheat bread. I can’t do Ezekiel bread so I went shopping today and got 12 grain, organic. Nobody has red cabbage for coleslaw and Sam’s does have cauliflower rice but I couldn’t find it. Picked up pecan caramel and sea salt caramel for pre workout. Use them alongside an espresso. Working so far. Picked up Greek yogurt, jalapeño slices of cheese, tuna fish, got rid of creamer, milk, pretzels, cookies, wafers, and I’m using honey and finishing up the cane sugar from before. Stevia apparently causes dna mutations. I’m already dead so who gives a fuck but I couldn’t find the package at the store.

Colored my hair and tried trimming it. Looks ok. about 10 years gained.

Got a lot of stares today. I’m using construction gloves and a mouth guard and I look different. So I did what anybody would do showed them my ass and did barbell rows. Goal is 225 on the barbell rows. Decided to put in the alternates to switch up the routine, I uploaded my workout in a previous post.

Self compassion, patience, prayer. I’m still learning a lot about myself. More boundaries, fighting for happiness and giving myself leeway not only with life but my diet. But not too much amd with precision namely carbs periworkout.

--Chin Up--
0.0 x 5.0
*Done at home before going for work out. negs

0.0 x 8.0
60.0 x 8.0
55.0 x 5.0
40.0 x 8.0
*pulled inside muscle

--Seated Leg Curls--
60.0 x 6.0
160.0 x 6.0
160.0 x 6.0

--Bent-Over Row--
115.0 x 8.0
115.0 x 8.0

--Overhead Press--
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0
*shoulder press machine across from racks

--Bent Over Rear Delt Raises--
0.0 x 8.0

--Close Grip Lat Pulldown--
40.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 6.0

--Barbell Curl--
0.0 x 8.0


Checked my weight. It is up by 2 lbs. I have been spot on with my diet even though it takes 2 weeks to adjust weight to the test injections I’m taking and also water weight. I noticed two things. Not enough cardio and I’m eating the whole egg. So my diet will be the same with the exception of changing the eggs to mostly whites. I’ve been trying to workout in the am but it’s burning me out and I’ve more time in the evenings. I’m thinking something along the lines of IF. My thyroid has been working normally but there’s a family history. Appointment is next month.

So a walk in the am or something. Change the starchy veggies to am and stick to water, espresso, diet soda and the vinegar mix until I get hungry and then eat egg whites and Greek yogurt. That’s the one diet change that may be impacting my weight. I’m able to lift more though.

Lots of stuff on my plate. I started in mid December and up until now I can say the soreness has improved and I’m able to recover faster if there is no injury. I may have to work in progressive increase with the same workout until my flexibility improves.

Workout will be tonight and I’m also considering measuring hips and waist etc alongside weight. But I have to be somewhere with my fitness and not constantly hurting myself; in one way it’s progress, frustrating for sure. I wish it wasn’t freezing outside.

I did my chin-ups and have been doing them every other day. I’m now at six with the negative chin-ups.