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Grinding hard. Hammered gym 5 x this week, diet has been on point, physique improving.

Working hard. Getting a lot done, very focused.

New pics tomorrow. Dating life is totally dead. Cannot get a chicks interest to save my life.

Starting to hate women. Wanted to get married for a long time but not sure these pigs are worth putting a ring on.

It's OK. Will keep grinding, achieving highly, and the chips will fall where they may.

I don't know why your results are so poor. Can you share pictures of convos you had with girls? Do you use Tinder Boosts, do you get matches at all? Do you advertise the fact that you're a 6'5 giant on your profile?

Live in a small town?
Where I am at the moment is the 11th largest city in the UK, which isn't ideal, but I am moving to London soon. London is pretty good. Certainly plenty of money there I can promise you that, lol.

I do a boost a day, sometimes 2 a day! Yep, height is on the profile, I just use Andy's template.

Frankly, it's probably fair enough on balance. I am quite ugly, as well as very big and black. It is what it is. I have no problem with that and am still proud of who I am and how hard I work, no one can ever take that away from me.

I will just keep hammering.

One day things will be different from me and I will get my revenge on the enemy ;-)

If you're a bit tech savvy you can spoof your location on Tinder and swipe in other cities/countries. (Don't use the regular passport function of Tinder as it will still show girls you're 3345 km away)

I'd be really curious to know how well you do in other countries. I know that for Bastard, getting the fuck out of the UK changed his life.
Oh right, I can try that just to test. Any countries you think I should try? I am tech savvy enough to be able to tinker with things etc, not a problem.

Haha, yeah, I talk to him on Signal and he told me to GTFO of here ASAP. I explained to him how shit I'm having it, he said it's better in other parts of the world, but frankly it seems to be that way wherever I go. This has been 30 years of my life ;-) I do really like England, it would be a real shame for me to leave just because the women are substanceless cunts.

I don't know what will happen for me, it's looking totally hopeless, but that's fine. I am going to keep going every god damn day.

MakingAComeback said:
Oh right, I can try that just to test. Any countries you think I should try? I am tech savvy enough to be able to tinker with things etc, not a problem.
I assume you'll do great in Brazil and Thailand, and closer to home you can just try Germany or France and see if that makes a real difference. Eastern Europe too.

The important thing I think, is to realize that location really is a factor. Yes, in some places it's harder to get laid than in others. As with all things, go where you're treated best. My long-term plan is to get out of Western Europe too, but for financial/climate reasons.
The Bastard said the same thing. I understand. I do visit Germany every year, same sort of response over there.

It's not worth moving for women, I wouldn't ever consider that. I can assure you none of them would do anything like that for me. Fuck 'em.

I will just keep working. I am not leaving one of the best countries in the world for Brazil or Thailand. The thought of that makes me physically sick. No offence to anyone from there, but I do love England, it's a beautiful country and I have worked my ass off here since I was 11 to be a productive citizen. I am not sure I am going to make finding a woman work here, I accept that, but when I'm an old man I need to be able to say I tried my absolute best for atleast 10 years.

If it's like this when I'm 40, I give myself permission to give up.

Bro show us your devlopment I want to see some pics! Its ok if you are not comfortable with it or with your body right now but we aint here to judge!
Master said:
Bro show us your devlopment I want to see some pics! Its ok if you are not comfortable with it or with your body right now but we aint here to judge!

Of course man. I post body progress pictures every month ;-) I am totally comfortable with it, here to improve.


Scroll down and see the post from Jul 14th.

I know I look bad, but I am trying really really hard bro.

Ah so I pass them sorry about that!
U aint looking so bad brother in 25lbs ull look very good!
Im really happy seeing you so motivated MAC keep this up im cheering. 6lbs is a big deal brother keep at it 💪👊
I have some thoughts on the UK, its a tough place to date but i personally am doing pretty well since moving to Manny (its been 1 new chick a month without having to try THAT hard and mostly focusing on other things)

A fulfilling dating life here is completely possible, just i dont really like the girls in UK overall

Your body progress is coming on great man
Master hey that's OK, thanks for dropping by, and also, for the positive encouragement. I will keep going.

Radical Sure, but I mean, everyone I know has no problems with dating at all, all the guys in Uni had tonnes of women, people I work with have no problems, I had a conversation with my brother about my challenges and he just didn't know what to say lol. I have known all sorts of people and all of them found someone. It is what it is and would probably be shite for me wherever I go.

I am not saying I like the girls here, btw. Very far from how I feel about them, lol.

To give you an idea of what i think, i found getting laid about 2x easier in Australia than in the UK

And America it was not only easier than I am finding it now in the UK but when i was there i wasnt looks maxxed or following GLL stuff at all. Just a normie English bloke happily shagging hot American girls

Everyone elses mileage might vary of course, but ive chatted to enough lads about the UK to say it is actually a hard mode country for a lot of us. London was better than Manchester too, probably the easiest place for online anyway in this country
That's awesome man. I go to the USA every year, pretty much my whole family live there on the West Coast. It's nice there.

Believe me, I have tried there a lot too, lol. It was absolutely terrible.

MakingAComeback said:
Where I am at the moment is the 11th largest city in the UK, which isn't ideal, but I am moving to London soon.

Getting yourself down to the big smoke should be a priority plus it means you'll be near me & I'll help whatever way I can.

How's the studying of marketing coming along? I'm trying to find a new job now since I need the 9-5 structure back in my life but I might just say fuck it and go all-in on trying to do it freelance.
TimmyTurner MakingAComeback

I'll be moving just outside of London end of September. Meet up if y'all free
TimmyTurner Absolutely bro, I will be there October onwards, there is some serious grind ahead and come hell or high water I am accomplishing a lot. You will too. I am going to hit you up, we'll meet up, hang out, do some approaches, and hammer out a legendary life. Study of digital marketing is going well, I do about 3 hours a day, from Monday I will log it in my journal again. Freelance is great for building a portfolio but a 9-5 is definitely definitely a solid investment. When you are immersed you can become a beast and these are 7 figure skillsets once you have hammered if for a few years, a full-time job AND freelance work is what I will be doing when I move to London, putting in 60-80+ hours a week for a few years can make your life amazing. I believe that to be the case.

Radical , that's great news, we will meet for sure, will be great to get to know you both. See you soon.

Shooting new dating pics tomorrow, hiking in the Peak district, and shooting a YouTube vlog. Rest day from the gym.

Next Tuesday is my last day of self isolation, so from Wednesday I will be cold approaching. Braced for impact to put it mildly. So be it.

TimmyTurner regarding your money making game right now, consider the following:


I share this because I know you are weighing up the options between a 9-5 and freelance, and I respect any choice you make, but when you meet me in London you will see a guy working very, very long hours, saving up money and investing in real estate, still hammering gym 5 x per week, still cold approaching every day and hammering dating apps, and putting in the sacrifice and suffering for 5 years to make something of myself by 35. A full-time job, freelance work, and then building a business is around 80-100hours a week of work. And there is still plenty of time outside that to have a fun legendary life. My Dad and my Grandad both worked 100 hours a week for 30-50 years and they did pretty well in life, not that this assisted me in any way, they are hard ass traditional Punjabis who made me start working at 11 and stand on my own damn feet. ;-) But the point is, I know working a lot brings far, far greater returns than working a 40 hour week, that is a recipe for loserdom and poverty IMO as the numbers are not working in your favour.

I think you probably want the same thing in life, your goals are similar to mine from what I have read. We'll connect and start making some REAL £££.......and slay countless women....come hell or high water.


Now I have lost 25lbs, I’ve taken a new set of photos. I am around 8lbs lighter in these photos, and also, I have put a bit of muscle on – I suspect I have actually lost more weight, but have regained muscle. I hope this improves my situation, even 1% will be massive. 🙂 Can anyone advise which I should go with?

Results so far have been bad. I wasn’t expecting much, so that’s completely OK! I am NOT complaining, trust me, I am not that sort of person, and I really want to find someone and start a family. There is no option to not succeed. It’s actually a victory to even be on dating sites and cold approaching AT ALL. I thought I was totally done turning 30 still technically a virgin (saw an escort last month lets be honest that doesn't count, not doing it again although it was awesome), but I have a lot of fight in me, you’ll see.

My profile performed poorly. I know my looks are poor right now, and they probably won't ever be that good, but I will get better. I did use 1-2 boosts a day for 6 weeks, swiped and messaged on dating apps (8!) daily. I made a solid effort. The total result: 1 match after 5 weeks (quite obese, to add further insult to injury lmao) and she couldn’t be bothered to respond. I don't blame here, I accept responsibility.
I will keep grinding, getting ripped, and will see if I can improve my dating life.

Other than losing weight, is there anything else I can do? I can get my teeth whitened, I will have a conversation with my brother about changing my style (he dresses well and is big into fashion), and I will do something about improving my accessory game and/or a tattoo. I have a tattoo planned actually but it’s like a gift for when I get to 200lbs.

Will do my pictures again in August, should have lost more by then. I know weight loss is MISSION CRITICAL, but gents, you know I will get to 200lbs by December, and then I will simply not stop until 8 pack abs are here. You know I am dead serious. 😉
Back to work……...Feeling hopeless, can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but going to go off sheer faith here. Just going to keep hammering. No excuses.


If you can tag the photos that are good, please do, I really appreciate the help.


