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MakingAComeback said:
Thoughts on building an audience guys?

I'm a fan of paid ads. Life's too short to rely on free methods. You can enjoy decent exposure with $5/day on YouTube.

MakingAComeback said:
Lost heart, came home.

Where I live is shit for approaching, not a lot of people, and not many women who look to be adults.

What else can I do? Just gotta soldier on.

Why lose heart? 33% of your interactions were good. Do 97 more and I guaranteee you will laugh at your "lost heart" comment.

Regarding the "not a lot of people" that's your responsibility broski. My place also sucks and i take a bus to go to another area. If you intend to make approaching a part of your life the next years, you should seriously consider moving.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Thoughts on building an audience guys?

I'm a fan of paid ads. Life's too short to rely on free methods. You can enjoy decent exposure with $5/day on YouTube.

MakingAComeback said:
Lost heart, came home.

Where I live is shit for approaching, not a lot of people, and not many women who look to be adults.

What else can I do? Just gotta soldier on.

Why lose heart? 33% of your interactions were good. Do 97 more and I guaranteee you will laugh at your "lost heart" comment.

Regarding the "not a lot of people" that's your responsibility broski. My place also sucks and i take a bus to go to another area. If you intend to make approaching a part of your life the next years, you should seriously consider moving.

Paid ads huh, OK, I will look into this on Sunday and figure it out. Happy to try for 30-90 days and see. Thanks for that bro appreciate the tip.

Lost heart because I am in what I call the dungeon of life.

Deep scarcity is an ugly place. Very few will really understand how it feels to be in the dungeon, most men walking the earth have had a chance to connect with a lady here and there, most have actually had someone express interest in them. I never got that, so it's my belief that my mind is destroyed after 30 years of not having my emotional needs met. I don't know if my theory is true, I don't know at all, but sadly I think something has happened after experiencing as much rejection as I have. It is deeper than just feeling like this is impossible, it's like something that should be in me is missing. I don't even really like women anymore. Won't go further into that....it's kind of fucked up and I think I may need to speak to a therapist. I don't honestly know man.

Nonetheless, I will move forward, and I will figure this shit out. 97 more won't be a problem. Approaching tomorrow, then Friday I am approaching in the day and the night. Saturday and Sunday will be raining here w/ thunderstorms. But 97 should be doable within 2 weeks, at nighttime I can get huge volumes of approaches in. Friday night I will have my friend with me, btw.

Yeah, moving to London in October. Believe me, I am going to do what it takes to connect with the members from here who live there, and will put together a schedule to approach like a motherfucker, racking up insane numbers. You know my determination is beyond cast-iron. I am going places and will stop at absolutely nothing.

WEDNESDAY 21/07/2021

-2 Hour Walk (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 1.5hrs, approached 3 girls)
-Core (DONE)
-Intermittent Fastind (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (FAILED)
-Digital Marketing 3 Hours (FAILED, didn’t do any!)

Notes to self:

Got up late which fucked up my study. Don’t fuck up tomorrow, be on point and solid as a rock. You do 3 hours of digital marketing or you are a soft cunt. Sleep is fucked. So get to bed by 930pm, no excuses. All great performers sleep very well. If Roger Federer sleeps 12 hours a night to be the beast he is, you must do what it takes to be able to compete with the best in the world. Stop being a cunt and get it done. You didn’t study digital marketing at all, what happened? You let your foot off the breaks, texted friends for a bit, and fucked up like a soft cunt.

Well done for starting cold approach. You better stick at it, do it every day for years if you must. Hammer it daily, get shredded, and when you get no results for the first few years and you want to quit, zip your mouth and keep going. Life is not a rose garden. If you succeed massively and overtake people who had advantages you could never dream of, you have won.

Be better tomorrow. No excuses. Action points will be done. Even one day is so precious, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. If you work hard tomorrow, you punish lazy cunts who watched TV that day. Make them suffer for their choices.

Made some plans to go and meet Thebastard in a few weeks.

For those of you who don't know him, this motherfucker is a straight up self-improvement legend.

When I deep in the dungeon of life, searching Google for answers, I found the GoodLookingLoser forum and read Thebastard's posts one day. I am happy to admit, I broke down and cried. It gave me hope to keep going. I didn't carry on reading GLL, that was the only time I used it, so I don't know a damn thing about Chris or whoever he was apart from things Andy mentions. Years later, I remembered the experience I had when reading Thebastard's story, so I went back to the GLL forum to rekindle my hope, saw Andy posting this time, and then came here. My life began improving when I started using this forum and over the months I have been here, I have developed an motivation that kind of scares me sometimes, it is insane....I am now in a new chapter of my life: Searching for Victory.

Other than that, working on booking a style consultation with Radical, and in October when I have moved to London, will be meeting up with Radical and TimmyTurner, and believe me, I will use the art of mental skulldurgery to be able to spend time with these men of excellence and ambition (traits I fucking respect).

I'm building a team out here. You'll see. I have some excellent men in Andy's coaching group behind me every damn day. I got invited to come to New York to cold approach with them daily, and believe me, I am going to do that, I will actually make a short documentary about it, the title of which will be the name of this journal: Outworking God's Plan.

BTW, got up at 530am and am kicking ass. Will do my accountability post before bed, gotta work now, later gents.

This is the feeling I am searching for in life


That is what I want. I want it BAD.

I am willing to work so hard, as I say, I am willing to grind myself into a fine powder

What I want is the feeling of success, I just want to go the distance, to put my fucking heart and soul into something, and to feel proud of myself. That is what I am searching for. That feeling alone will give me ever lasting peace.

The Pursuit of Happyness is an extremely important film for me. I cannot put into words the feeling that scene gives me. Will Smith is one of my heroes. He worked his fucking arse off in this film, he endured poverty, he endured horrific circumstances with his wife, having to sleep in the men's room floor with his small 5 year old son. It breaks my heart. But in the end, he knows victory.

Success is a journey into Hell, but in the end, you get to Heaven

He is indeed.

Before you know it, I will have a story to tell and all ;-)

I have decided to turn my hellish story into a short documentary.

I will probably be reaching out to various people here to participate, if you have a web presence, may be useful for your brand.

Just back from cold approach. Out for 1 hour.

Daily Cold Approach
No of approaches: 2
Numbers: 0

First chick, pretty Asian chick, said hi, you're cute, hows it going? She laughed, said "I'm good" and walked off. Second girl, said "nice tats", she said "OK" and walked off.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 5
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Keep grinding, gotta get lean, jacked, and keep building mental strength. Will never stop attacking.

MakingAComeback said:
He is indeed.

Before you know it, I will have a story to tell and all ;-)

I have decided to turn my hellish story into a short documentary.

I will probably be reaching out to various people here to participate, if you have a web presence, may be useful for your brand.

Just back from cold approach. Out for 1 hour.

Daily Cold Approach
No of approaches: 2
Numbers: 0

First chick, pretty Asian chick, said hi, you're cute, hows it going? She laughed, said "I'm good" and walked off. Second girl, said "nice tats", she said "OK" and walked off.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 5
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Keep grinding, gotta get lean, jacked, and keep building mental strength. Will never stop attacking.


Good stuff. But you say they respond to you and then "walk off." Why do you not walk with them and continue making conversation? If you're approaching girls who are walking, don't expect a single one of them to stop what they're doing just because you complimented them. You have to actually make an effort to have an interesting conversation, at least for like 30 seconds.
SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
He is indeed.

Before you know it, I will have a story to tell and all ;-)

I have decided to turn my hellish story into a short documentary.

I will probably be reaching out to various people here to participate, if you have a web presence, may be useful for your brand.

Just back from cold approach. Out for 1 hour.

Daily Cold Approach
No of approaches: 2
Numbers: 0

First chick, pretty Asian chick, said hi, you're cute, hows it going? She laughed, said "I'm good" and walked off. Second girl, said "nice tats", she said "OK" and walked off.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 5
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Keep grinding, gotta get lean, jacked, and keep building mental strength. Will never stop attacking.


Good stuff. But you say they respond to you and then "walk off." Why do you not walk with them and continue making conversation? If you're approaching girls who are walking, don't expect a single one of them to stop what they're doing just because you complimented them. You have to actually make an effort to have an interesting conversation, at least for like 30 seconds.

Well, once I've stopped them, told them they're cute, and initiated conversation, if their first move is to immediately get away, I totally respect that they don't want to talk and I would not follow after them after that. That's not a socially appropriate way to behave.

I do try to have a interesting conversation, yesterday a chick talked to me for around 25 seconds. :)

All good, just the process.

Will keep hammering.

MakingAComeback said:
I have decided to turn my hellish story into a short documentary.

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

The documentary is a great idea.

Post your full tinder profile. Sometime this weekend I'll write up a more "advanced" post here about how you should position yourself in terms of overall presentation. This will help you be more intentional with your next photoshoots. May also help Radical get your style congruent with that.

Also, fuck it, you're right. I'll start my log here today.
Rags2Bitches said:
MakingAComeback said:
I have decided to turn my hellish story into a short documentary.

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

The documentary is a great idea.

Post your full tinder profile. Sometime this weekend I'll write up a more "advanced" post here about how you should position yourself in terms of overall presentation. This will help you be more intentional with your next photoshoots. May also help @Radical get your style congruent with that.

Also, fuck it, you're right. I'll start my log here today.

Thank you very much man, I am going to start working on it this Saturday, I am going to have a heart to heart with my best friend and fully disclose the truth about my struggles to him (he doesn't know I've never had a girlfriend, been on a date, am technically a virgin, etc). He will be my cameraman as he's an art school graduate and frankly just an awesome guy I would love to make a documentary with.

Once I've created a short trailer or snippet, I will post here, and I will figure the rest out. I know we have one member who is killing it in life and has recently launched a documentary (GravyTrain ), may fire some questions his way as his work on YouTube is stellar.

Of course bro, I will put together a post regarding my Tinder profile, and also, I have arranged a style consultation with Radical, I have confirmed my booking with him, it's on Tuesday the 27th.

Amazing! I for one will certainly be watching, really excited to see you post bro, and of course, to watch you achieve massive, massive success.

We are all going to make it.

MakingAComeback said:
SamJ_ said:
Good stuff. But you say they respond to you and then "walk off." Why do you not walk with them and continue making conversation? If you're approaching girls who are walking, don't expect a single one of them to stop what they're doing just because you complimented them. You have to actually make an effort to have an interesting conversation, at least for like 30 seconds.

Well, once I've stopped them, told them they're cute, and initiated conversation, if their first move is to immediately get away, I totally respect that they don't want to talk and I would not follow after them after that. That's not a socially appropriate way to behave.

I do try to have a interesting conversation, yesterday a chick talked to me for around 25 seconds. :)

All good, just the process.

Will keep hammering.


Who says it's not socially appropriate? By some people's standards, approaching women in general is not "socially appropriate." You have to get used to behaving outside of social norms. I agree if they immediately run the opposite direction as you, you probably shouldn't follow. But, if they keep walking, theres no reason you can't walk alongside and continue the conversation. What I try to do is position myself in a way where I can walk alongside in the same direction they are and go the same direction they're going. I'm sure you can do it once you figure it out logistically, based on watching your stuff you seem to have way better conversational skills than me tbh.
True, it's not necessarily socially inappropriate. I get your point. That said, in these cases, the women actually stopped, processed what I said, and made it quite clear they did not want to talk - they were quite assertive about it, and that's something I totally respect :) It's totally cool, they were quite pretty women, a bloke like me would be lucky to talk to them, lol.

In a situation where I was walking next to them, for example, I would continue talking, but equally, Andy told me to keep it simple and just work on getting them to stop, deliver a direct opener saying they're cute, and just vibing from there.

Thanks for your comment re. conversation skills, remember, I am 30 and have been working very hard for a long time, so being able to talk to people is simply a must if you're serious about success. I got better at it over time but there's a TONNE of work to be done. BTW, you are probably quite good at conversation, you're not seeing it how we see it, you are a workhorse, young, and full of fucking potential...Thanks for the help brother I appreciate you.

THUR 22/07/2021

-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 1 hour, 2 approaches)
-Digital Marketing Study (DONE, but only 2 hours instead of 3 - be better you cunt!)

Overall, decent day, worked hard, but MUST tighten up and work harder.

Booked style consult with Radical, did some life admin tasks, was at work, overall it was OK. Tomorrow, going to a comedy night, shooting a vlog, and doing cold approach in the day and the night. Hustle never stops!

Note to self: Work harder, excellence is hitting all your action points to the fullest, you don't get credit for almost making it. People who almost make it are weak cunts who will get dominated in life, get old and rot without making any impact. Just be better and truly grind, Did you truly grind today? No, you did not. So fucking do something about that tomorrow. It's you against you. And you better win.

FRI 24/07/2021

-Core (DONE
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 2 approaches
-Digital Marketing Study (DONE, 2 hours Note: Adjusted to 2 today instead of 3 as I wanted to go for a 60min run(

Up at 530am, started grinding. Got work done, did core work, did movement and stretching, did breathwork, studied digital marketing, and then my weight tormented me for a while. Gonna be honest: was walking around, and saw some regular guys, who frankly didn't look like they were much, but had girlfriends. Just thought to myself, how am I going to be able to do this? Have to be better. I can't go on like this. Have to become a guy who can attract someone, anyone. Week off from the gym this week, but I HAD to go out for a 60 minute run. I have been 225lbs every morning this week and I can’t live with myself. I must get to 200, and to be able to compete for women who are wife and mother to my future children material, I will need to come in 180lbs shredded to the bone (I am 6 ft 5).

And I will do it too.

Came back from the run, ate well, drank water, did my friend’s wife’s thesis research questionnaire. Was interesting, it had a section with the UCLA loneliness scale on it. I filled it in honestly, not pretty of course lol. Studied more digital marketing, then got my friend once he finished work, shot vlogs with him, and went to a comedy night. Comedy night was sick. After that, we went out to bars and clubs and I talked to 2 girls. They were quite weird and didn't want to talk at all. Went to a venue playing house music and just raved for an hour. I then drove us home. It’s now 130am, I am gonna sleep in tomorrow, and then it’s a 24 hour water fast tomorrow.

Back in the gym next week.

Uploading vlogs tomorrow and getting started planning the documentary.

Working my butt off. My life must improve. I will HAVE TO.

Some thoughts:

The enemy must absolutely know one thing: you are going to bring everything god damn thing imaginable. Within a second of feeling your presence, they must know they are in for the fight of their life.

If there is one solitary breath left in your lungs, you have enough.

If you are alive, there is still fight in you.

Even if your only hope is a last second knockout, you have to do it. If you’re alive, you can still win.

See, this is about HEART.

I truly believe you can have nothing fucking working for you and be fucked in 50 different ways, but if your heart is bigger than your obstacle…..whatever is in-front of you WILL get destroyed.

Keep hammering,

Daily Cold Approach
No of approaches: 2
Numbers: 0

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 7
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 0
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0
MakingAComeback said:
FRI 24/07/2021

-Core (DONE
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 2 approaches
-Digital Marketing Study (DONE, 2 hours Note: Adjusted to 2 today instead of 3 as I wanted to go for a 60min run(

Up at 530am, started grinding. Got work done, did core work, did movement and stretching, did breathwork, studied digital marketing, and then my weight tormented me for a while. Gonna be honest: was walking around, and saw some regular guys, who frankly didn't look like they were much, but had girlfriends. Just thought to myself, how am I going to be able to do this? Have to be better. I can't go on like this. Have to become a guy who can attract someone, anyone. Week off from the gym this week, but I HAD to go out for a 60 minute run. I have been 225lbs every morning this week and I can’t live with myself. I must get to 200, and to be able to compete for women who are wife and mother to my future children material, I will need to come in 180lbs shredded to the bone (I am 6 ft 5).

And I will do it too.

Came back from the run, ate well, drank water, did my friend’s wife’s thesis research questionnaire. Was interesting, it had a section with the UCLA loneliness scale on it. I filled it in honestly, not pretty of course lol. Studied more digital marketing, then got my friend once he finished work, shot vlogs with him, and went to a comedy night. Comedy night was sick. After that, we went out to bars and clubs and I talked to 2 girls. They were quite weird and didn't want to talk at all. Went to a venue playing house music and just raved for an hour. I then drove us home. It’s now 130am, I am gonna sleep in tomorrow, and then it’s a 24 hour water fast tomorrow.

Back in the gym next week.

Uploading vlogs tomorrow and getting started planning the documentary.

Working my butt off. My life must improve. I will HAVE TO.

Some thoughts:

The enemy must absolutely know one thing: you are going to bring everything god damn thing imaginable. Within a second of feeling your presence, they must know they are in for the fight of their life.

If there is one solitary breath left in your lungs, you have enough.

If you are alive, there is still fight in you.

Even if your only hope is a last second knockout, you have to do it. If you’re alive, you can still win.

See, this is about HEART.

I truly believe you can have nothing fucking working for you and be fucked in 50 different ways, but if your heart is bigger than your obstacle…..whatever is in-front of you WILL get destroyed.

Keep hammering,

Nice work. I would also recommend going to bookstores/libraries/coffee shops/parks to talk to women and not necessarily even try to hit on them straight up. Just like ask questions about stuff in the environment and talk about stuff that you're interested in (in addition to direct approaches). Or even sign up for activities or clubs where you might meet women with common interests. Just wondered if you've tried this or considered it (in addition to direct cold approach).
Work everyday

Taking Andy's advice, being raw, authentic and honest.


May as well just be truthful, blinked and I turned 30, will be in the ground soon enough so just gonna do everything I need to do.....growing an audience would be cool, getting ripped could be cool, getting rich and having an elite dating life, it's a binary decision, you do or you do not.

Today, gotta do some life admin tasks, take my momma to another city to meet her friends, will be doing stuff for her for hours. I enjoy it tbf. Thereafter, will shoot and edit a new video, do digital marketing for 2 hrs, play guitar, and get to bed by 1030.

No cold approach is happening this weekend, I won't have time today, and tomorrow, it's thunderstorms here lol.

Monday, back in the gym, and back cold approaching. 365 days of work ahead.

Keep grinding, work harder,
SAT 24/07/21

Last night was fun, first time on a night out in like 2 years, damn covid! Today I had family errands, and then I used it as a recharge day. I will take recharges days MAYBE once or twice a month, maybe. When I am not working on my goals it does make me a sort of disgusted and furious that I am letting time slip away after I have worked so hard to get back in the fight, but it’s strategic – see when you are truly grinding, your emotional system can fight you, because your serum cortisol and adrenaline ramps up slowly if you are fucking HAMMERING and then after time, your body can become more vigilent and stressed. I know a lot about what I need to do to maintain my overall health, function and performance. I have learned from research and experience, for fucking years lol.
Things I do on a recharge day are: cold thermogenesis (ice bath basically, 20-30 mins), infrared sauna (30 mins), long walks (3-4 hours), watch an uplifting film, read, spend time with friends and family, meditate, etc.

So, today, I recharhed. I needed it because I had a conversation with my Mum this morning and I snapped back to a very benign comment, which is not how I conduct myself I am very chill as a person. So I knew, OK, time to dial it in, you’re hammering and that’s good, but you need to lower cortisol and adrenaline today.

I did cold thermogenesis, some grounding/earthing, breathwork (I do this every day without fail tbh), infrared sauna, and then I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It’s one of my classic films. Really love it. It hits me different the older I get. I have never actually cried when I watched it before, but this time, right at the end when Chris (Will Smith) hugs his little son, I broke down. The kid is 5, just tiny, and his Dad is truly going through the inferno to provide a better life for him, as in, every second is life or fucking death, gun to the head, he doesn’t know if he and his son will ear that day, he is sleeping in the men’s room, in homeless shelters, is completeing an insanely competitive 6 month unpaid internship while doing his sales job to shift medical scanning units to be able to continue his life. Everything is agaisnt him, nothing is going for him, but he is smart, dilligent, proactive, keeps his cool, and above everything else, he ATTACKS it, RELENTLESSLY. He spends over a month getting to the brokerage firm early to be able to talk to one of the partner’s of the firm and convince him that despite having no University education, he is bright, hard working, and has a total dog mentallity that stops at absolutely nothing. He does that just to get an interview, lol, and the day before the interview he is arrested for unpaid parking tickets! Has to run to the interview the morning of, dressed like a slob, and he pulls it off and gets an opportunity to compete for the position.

It’s not an easy task facing challenges like this, certainly not when you are a single father on the breadline who cannot catch a single break.

And yet, he succeeds.

He gets the job. I posted the clip a few days ago, it’s above. He walks out the meeting room, gets his things, and goes to pick up his son from the 2nd rate day care he has had to put him in. At that moment, he knows: we don’t have to live like this anymore. I did it. The cycle of pain ends with him. He carried the cross so his son doesn’t have to. If you’ve read much of my log, you will understand why that hits me deeply on an emotional level.

In life, you MUST get your shit together. You cannot hold resentment and insecurity, in the end, those emotions have destroyed whole societies, whole social systems, and have caused the obliteration of many innocent sentient beings in this world. You cannot carry them. You must bear your cross. Because if you don't, the next person in line will get the wrath. Desires are sacred. Cherish them, they are precious. Their pursuit is a gift you give yourself.

There is going to be a day in the future, gentleman, when I know in my heart of hearts that I have actually gone the distance. You don’t know half the shit that happened in my life, I have eluded to some of it, but some of it was so insane I have never told anyone. Believe it or not, as horrible as that shit was, at 30, it fuels me. This shit feels surreal sometimes, as it it was meant to happen like this for me. Won’t get too metaphysical, it’s not the place for that. But one day, I will know that I have actually made something of myself, and there will be a moment, hell, it could be a few seconds at best, but I know it will hit me in a way that only a guy who has my background, one of life’s true under dogs, will ever truly be able to experience.

That feeling is what I am searching for. I think I have probably been searching for it for most of my life. To me, at this point in my life, it is as clear as day. All I have to do is show up every day, get the hammer out, and go to work.

I will be here tomorrow.

And I’m still gonna be grinding.
