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Read through all your posts here - your commitment and work ethic are inspiring. I remembered a quote you may like:

Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.
- Edmund Burke

In any journey worth undertaking, there will be dispair. But you will succeed because on your worst day, when you feel broken and battered and are hunched over like an old man, you get up and do the best you can anyway.
Svadhishthana said:
Read through all your posts here - your commitment and work ethic are inspiring. I remembered a quote you may like:

Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.
- Edmund Burke

In any journey worth undertaking, there will be dispair. But you will succeed because on your worst day, when you feel broken and battered and are hunched over like an old man, you get up and do the best you can anyway.

Truly appreciate your post Svadhishthana, thank you, I resonated with that quote deeply. Burke was something of an OG. His quotes got me through a lot of high school Government & Politics exams LOL!

SUN 25/07/2021

Action Points:
Digital Marketing (DONE, 3hours)
Video Work (DONE, 2 videos shot, 1 edited and uploaded, see below)
Core (DONE)
Intermittent Fasting (DONE)

Few more tasks to do now, gonna take Crisis_Overcomer 's advice and set up 30 days of YouTube ads to see what impact that has. Gonna play guitar for an hour. Day was good today.

Also, ONLINE DATING UPDATE: My new pics for me 4 matches! Thank you Rags2Bitches it really helped me so much, I truly needed to just feel an ounce of success and hope, and I was fortunate to receive that. I will keep working, keep looksmaxxing, and will keep approaching daily and swiping etc. I will do new pictures when I have lost another 20lbs. :) My current matches are very big girls to say the least (lol it's ok though I don't mind) but it is still a massive victory to even be acknowledged as a man by the opposite sex for most of my life I was not. So I am absolutely fucking stoked. I AM making progress.

Note to self:

Keep working champ, keep working. Head down, get it done. Every day is SO IMPORTANT. Work every second, it will pay off. You will make something of yourself. You don’t even know what is ahead. Just focus, work your butt off, be humble, respect others, embrace every challenge that comes your way, and build a truly savage mentality. You need to become relentless. You did good today, you worked hard. You even feel good because you know you hustled your face off. Thebastard a guy you look up to, agreed to sit down with you and shoot a documentary about his story. That is a major win. A guy like that wouldn’t allow you to do something like that if he didn’t see the potential in you. Even though you have known much defeat, you keep grinding. Who does that? You are not nothing. You will become something. Keep working.

Note: Today's YouTube Video - Can A Fat 30 Year Old Virgin Find A Wife & Start A Family? (Objective Reality Always Beats Fantasy)


I will be back tomorrow and will go even harder. Back in the gym tomorrow!!!!!!

Keep hammering,
And the other one, this is only short

Do Girls Care About Guy’s Personality?


MON 26/07/2021

Cold Approach (DONE): 45 mins total.

Daily Cold Approach
No of approaches: 2
Numbers: 0

-1st girl, saw her just after parking my car, “Hi, you’re cute, I wanted to say hi”. She stopped, but barely looked at me, was just locked on her phone. I asked her where she was from, she answered, I then nervously babbled on for a few moments, and instead of asking for her number, I just said “well I wanted to give you a compliment, have a good day” and walked off. Felt nervous as hell, standard stuff. Two girls saw me do this and walked past me and said “had to be done” (lol).

-2nd girl, it was a group of 2 girls, I said hi and she looked like she was about to have a serious panic attack. She was majorly weirded out. I felt comfortable though for this one. Got her to shake my hand, she just looked so uncomfortable, so I said bye and left.

Then walked around for basically 45 minutes, there weren’t many women to approach at all, as in, women who were of age. There was one perfect opportunity where a lady was on her own waiting for the bus. I totally bottled it and kept walking.

Went back to the car, came back home, now cracking on with work. I will be back tomorrow and will try again.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 9
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 4
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

For sure bro when I saw that I was gutted lol! Glasses will stay off for tonights video which will be on our favourite people PUAs!!! ;)


I started a YouTube Ads Campaign, 67 day campaign spending £5 a day.

Used the video I did title 'Can A Fat 30 Year Old Virgin Find A Wife?'

I could see this being a useful strategy once I have created the documentary trailer....

I am going to assemble some posts of mine which I feel are important and edit them into the first post of this journal. Now and again, I share things that are of personal importance to me. In 5 years, I want to be able to look back at this shit and laugh, lol.

As of now, it's the following:





MON 26/07/2021

Gym (DONE)
Core (DONE)
Cold Approach (DONE, 2 approaches)
Video Work (DONE)
Style Consult Prep (DONE)
Digital Marketing Study (FAILED, ran out of time today, must tighten up tomorrow)

No excuses but I got up late and it fucked me up for my digital marketing study. Must be consistent with sleep. I will be back tomorrow and try harder.

VIDEO SHOT AND EDITED TODAY Thanks to Crisis_Overcomer and RogerRoger for giving me the idea


TUE 27/07/21

Cold Approach (DONE, 1hr, 1 approach)
Style Consult w/ Radical (DONE)

Drove to the City Centre to approach, parked up, and the heavens opened. Thunderstorm began. Hammering rain. Drove back home, got an umbrella, and came back out. Approached for 1 hour, few women around, saw one, approached her: "Hi honey, how are you doing today?" She said 'mm' and walked on.

Gym was good, today is a 24 hour water fast, Radical did a SUPERB job with the style consult, he really really knows his shit and provided excellent value. I have taken action to purchase 2 new chains he recommended and will get sized up for rings tomorrow. I have purchased 2 new pairs of jeans, 4 new slim-fitting neutral colour t shirts, and am going to pick up his recommended pair of shoes.

Lots of work to be done on style, but it is actually a brilliant thing to bring up to speed, I am happy to be taking it seriously and becoming a better man.

It'll come together.

Now gonna get digital marketing done for a few hours, will do my acc post in the evening. Also have an accountability partner now which is awesome.



Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 10
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Running Totals: Dating Apps
Matches: 4
Responsive Matches: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
TUE 27/07/21

Cold Approach (DONE, 1hr, 1 approach)
Style Consult w/ Radical (DONE)

Drove to the City Centre to approach, parked up, and the heavens opened. Thunderstorm began. Hammering rain. Drove back home, got an umbrella, and came back out. Approached for 1 hour, few women around, saw one, approached her: "Hi honey, how are you doing today?" She said 'mm' and walked on.

Nice! I'd suggest not calling women "honey" in the first sentence, that will almost always come off as creepy from a stranger. Maybe I'm wrong but I wouldn't do it. Instead I'd say "hi how are you" and tried to smile a bit and if she responds positively then say you thought she was really attractive/cute, then try to make small talk about stuff, then eventually ask to exchange numbers. Also I've had better luck with walking alongside girls so it looks like the conversation is incidental instead of stepping right in front of them and trying to stop them walking. Obviously I'm a beginner too but that's how I have started getting more positive reactions (sometimes).
Online dating is, as expected, not moving much. I did get those 4 matches with my new pics when I ran a boost at 1am on Sat, but 3 of them unmatched when I sent them a message.

I have a few lingering matches who haven't responded, so I sent them a reactivation message I borrowed from Crisis_Overcomer 's log, for girls who just ghost. Which is all of mine tbh lol, I will see what happens:

"Bro I matched with a cute girl named X a while back but haven't heard from her and I'm worried. Think I should call the police?"

TUE 27/07/21

Intermittent Fasting (DONE, 24hr water fast)
Core (DONE)
Movement & Stretching (DONE)
Cold Approach (DONE, in thunderstorms lol, out for 1hr, 1 approach - note, my city sucks, few girls, moving to London in Oct)
Digital marketing (FAILED, only did 2 hrs instead of 3)
Video Work (DONE, video from yesterday edited and uploaded)

WIll be back tomorrow and will try harder.

Learned a lot from Radical this morning, style is definitely something to take seriously, people who are chasing success must not neglect it, look good as fuck, feel good, love yourself, invest in yourself, work your butt off and the world will come to you. Don't be sloppy on any damn thing, come on point, tight and correct.

Will link today's video in a sec..............

Keep hammering,
The dating game really is insane for guys who are not in the upper echelons. It makes you understand why most guys just settle for whatever they can get, lol. The process of trying to get good with women can make you see women differently. You see so much incompetence, inability to basically just function as a human in the world, they seem to live a very scatterbrained life, behaving like mindless sheep consuming popular culture and aimlessly twisting in the wind, this way and that. I find them very strange. I personally am a driven individual and don't understand how many people can live the way they do. It is quite disturbing that most women you can meet are not really much at all. Part of my journey is just doing an experiment. I want to know what happens if I stick at it for 5 years.

There isn't a roadmap for success. The normie bluepill shit of the right one turning up is truly a total distortion of reality and probably exists because it's a fantasy that tethers people to a more acceptable version of reality. IMO, the truth is quite ugly, and lays in playing the numbers game in the extreme. As in, racking up 10s of thousands of approaches. Of those, maybe a small fraction will be receptive, and of those, an even smaller fraction will be women who are suitable for any form of genuine bond.

I don't really get how guys don't become more jaded about women in this game. If you observe guys who mass approach, for example, some of the stories can leave you a bit dazed and confused. A guy told me today that he went for his morning run and approached a chick who he said hi to, 3 mins later he was making out with her and fingering her in public. When he tried calling am Uber, she apologised as she has a fiance. If you talk to guys who mass approach, this sort of thing happens a lot. Personally, I am older, am not that horny, and don't have the rampant sex drive the younger guys have. I am looking for something different. So it becomes a bit more challenging to really see the meaning in the process compared to a dude who just wants to hit it and quit it.

Many of us are working are asses off to meet someone, and the calibre of woman who is out there is fucking appalling to say the least. When I was not bothering with them for the previous 3 years, I didn't have any awareness at all as I was working on getting my health and wellbeing right. Getting back on the scene at 30 is for the most part just so confusing. For the most part, my motivation is personal, to prove to myself that I don't have to just accept a lonely life. Proving to myself that I can avoid that future is important to me.

The whole thing sucks. And I'm going to have to keep going for years and years no matter how pointless it all seems. This is not really something that's fun, many don't enjoy it, but it is what it is. Who will stay the course? I am too stuborn to not. You'll see me posting this sort of shit in 2040 lol.


From yesterday, uploaded today.

Grind everyday,
MakingAComeback said:
The dating game really is insane for guys who are not in the upper echelons. It makes you understand why most guys just settle for whatever they can get, lol. The process of trying to get good with women can make you see women differently. You see so much incompetence, inability to basically just function as a human in the world, they seem to live a very scatterbrained life, behaving like mindless sheep consuming popular culture and aimlessly twisting in the wind, this way and that. I find them very strange. I personally am a driven individual and don't understand how many people can live the way they do. It is quite disturbing that most women you can meet are not really much at all. Part of my journey is just doing an experiment. I want to know what happens if I stick at it for 5 years.

You seem to have a pattern lately of having a negative attitude about all women in general, which is not healthy to have and isn't going to get you anywhere. There are some women who behave like mindless sheep and are dumb, yes. And there are some men who behave that way too. I'm curious, do you have female platonic friends at all? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just genuinely curious. Because there are plenty of women who don't match the description that you have here, and are actually really ambitious and have their own unique and interesting personalities. This attitude that women are inferior isn't gonna get you far man. Even when just approaching girls I've had some cool conversations with them even after they reject me. And to me it's a fun and thrilling experience just to have a cool conversation like that. You gotta learn to enjoy trying to make connections with people, male and female. It's not all about sex or finding a wife (which I know is ur goal), it's also just about having fun talking to women, seeing how they react to you, etc. I have found a big variety in reactions already, some will hate it when you compliment them and act like you insulted them, others love it and really enjoy the conversations. But bottom line is: don't view approaching as a drudgery and a means to an end, but just enjoy the process in itself. And also don't assume all women are the same. Because they're not.
WED 28/07/2021


Cold Approach
Digital Marketing (3hrs)
Intermittent Fasting
Video work: Shoot (Edit & Upload tomorrow)

Will confirm status of them in the evening.

SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
The dating game really is insane for guys who are not in the upper echelons. It makes you understand why most guys just settle for whatever they can get, lol. The process of trying to get good with women can make you see women differently. You see so much incompetence, inability to basically just function as a human in the world, they seem to live a very scatterbrained life, behaving like mindless sheep consuming popular culture and aimlessly twisting in the wind, this way and that. I find them very strange. I personally am a driven individual and don't understand how many people can live the way they do. It is quite disturbing that most women you can meet are not really much at all. Part of my journey is just doing an experiment. I want to know what happens if I stick at it for 5 years.

You seem to have a pattern lately of having a negative attitude about all women in general, which is not healthy to have and isn't going to get you anywhere. There are some women who behave like mindless sheep and are dumb, yes. And there are some men who behave that way too. I'm curious, do you have female platonic friends at all? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm just genuinely curious. Because there are plenty of women who don't match the description that you have here, and are actually really ambitious and have their own unique and interesting personalities. This attitude that women are inferior isn't gonna get you far man. Even when just approaching girls I've had some cool conversations with them even after they reject me. And to me it's a fun and thrilling experience just to have a cool conversation like that. You gotta learn to enjoy trying to make connections with people, male and female. It's not all about sex or finding a wife (which I know is ur goal), it's also just about having fun talking to women, seeing how they react to you, etc. I have found a big variety in reactions already, some will hate it when you compliment them and act like you insulted them, others love it and really enjoy the conversations. But bottom line is: don't view approaching as a drudgery and a means to an end, but just enjoy the process in itself. And also don't assume all women are the same. Because they're not.

Good point.

No, I don't anymore. I did when I was working in the office, but at the start of the covid pandemic, I changed jobs and worked purely remotely. The platonic friendships I did have from my previous job just dwindled over time as they tend to.

I understand your point, I will be honest, I need to work on this. It's clearly not a useful attitude and won't serve me.

To be completely honest: I find it very difficult to feel much for women. I don't feel much physical attraction full stop, I remember I used to years ago, but that stopped at around 28/29. I actually remember the month, lol. It was weird. As far as they are as people, many of the women I have known in my life were exceptionally disappointing. It has been a long time since I met one example of a woman who seemed interesting and basically decent as a human. I'm sure they probably feel the same way towards me, and it's fair enough.

I will try not to engage with this attitude and let it burrow any deeper, it's a challenge I face, but I will get over it like I got over other things in life.

I'm with Sam regarding your attitude not helping you.

But saying you can have cool and enjoyable conversations, I'm not sure I agree. Like, he's 24, you're 30, I'm almost 33. The things we consider cool will differ.

Those months the only things im interested in and consider cool have to do with approaching and lead generation for my coaching biz. No way I'll meet a hot young girl interested in those topics. So by default, any conversation will be of low interest to me.

High energy, sure.

But interesting and cool? Nah. I'd honestly want to hear a couple conversations young guys (less than 30) had with girls, that they considered cool. I bet they're confusing good energy with interesting.
Agreed, I will have to stop the negativity.

I think as we mature as men and begin to get dead, dead serious about making it in life, you almost have to live in your own world, and be on your own mission in life.

I am sure once I am at a very high level, things will change for me.

Back to work,