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pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
Online dating in Budapest is very poor. No leads,

I'll try and see if I can fix it but I don't think it is possible. Nor do I care. :-)

It does not matter what you think about your ability (or lack of it) to influence future events.

What you think has been consistently wrong, over and over again.

Stop thinking and keep doing and improving, and results will come.

I understand I have been quite difficult lately and perhaps quite hard to coach.

That is entirely my fault.

But, I am going to push back on the being persistently wrong about dating part: I don't think there is any evidence to make this strong a statement.

My account was shadowbanned, something I was wrong about, because I had no clue this was even a thing. However, even post shadow ban, the new profile's results are.....well, nothing is happening. Since coming to Budapest, I've had 3-4 matches. None have replied to texts.

I was hardly off the mark on my opinion that online dating was largely a dead duck.

Day game, may possibly still be workable. Too early to tell. I actually got a response to the feeler text I sent yesterday, and whilst she didnt reply for 2 days, she texted today asking if I'd be up to see her next week. I'll gladly oblige.

Night game is also a possible avenue.

Online, I'll keep working with. But I am pretty sure my online is not going to perform in Budapest. 0 chicks replying to messages is a bad sign dude and does not suggest this will be a place where I will be able to build much of a dating life via apps.

No excuses will be made. There are still women who will chat to me in the streets. Night game, may be workable.

We'll see.

MakingAComeback said:
The lower your SMV, the more Game you need. If they're not going to be attracted physically, and crucially, if there are virtually endless reasons why, in her own head, she should not invest in you, then the only thing you have left, is Game. And it needs to be rock solid in a manner that enables ine to evoke emotion and create sparks.

It helped me a lot to understand, that the rules in the SMP are different for different men. Low SMV men, need 10/10 Game, 10/10 Confidence, and need to maxx themselves out physically. And then......hope that the Universe just lines up.
Your end goal is raising your value as a man. The more value and attractiveness you have, the less you need to use game to get someone in bed.

That comes with the following caveat though.

If you’re a high value man, you have shit to do. You’re busy. Your time is valuable. You have way too many things going on in your life to specifically care about giving someone “wild rides, excitement, and stimulation” in exchange for pussy. You just don’t give a fuck – she’s free to take it or leave it.

Another way to put it – your goal is to be a high SMV man. So start behaving like one. Step by step, adjusting as you go. A high SMV man won’t care about giving her “wild rides, excitement, and stimulation” because he’s got shit to do, and he’s got options.

In the end you gotta find what works for you. Girls wanna fuck too. And they wanna fuck someone good. Nothing wrong with doing interesting and exciting things with girls. At the end of the day, if you have comfort, trust & chemistry, there is no need for constant excitement and wild rides.

The way you worded it initially was wrong, which is what prompted my original response. Because I also had a phase where I was thinking that way, and it’s a wrong/incomplete way of viewing the whole courtship process.

Holden said:
It actually *is* all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

Women want a "well-mannered, polite" man? Don't want to derail this log too much but that's literally based on nothing except what you want to be true.

Every study, every anecdotal experience, every bit of common sense tells you that girls *don't* like "polite, well-mannered" guys, certainly not in the beginning stages of courtship.
It seems you’re equating politeness and manners with being a “mr. nice guy”? I actually had a pretty long list of traits that women are attracted to in my post. Well-mannered was only one point in that list, and it’s far from the most important one. So IDK why you singled that out specifically, but sure let's expand on that.

Everyone in this forum should be striving to become a high value man. Good manners – in addition (!) to the traits that I mentioned in my original post – are an absolute necessity if you ever want to go from being seen a boy/dude/guy just dating around, to being seen as an actual high status man. You won't have any class without manners. And you won't reach your real, peak male value without them.

Now, when I say “well mannered” I just mean basic etiquette. On their own, they won’t get you anywhere. But combine it with the other traits that women find attractive, add some game (!) to the mix, and you’re golden.

Examples - taking her coat & opening the cab door for her, ordering a cab when she leaves, getting the bill by default (unless she wants to split, this is country- and age-dependent though). Not negging too aggressively, not being a social fucktard, not using negative humor, looking clean and groomed, dressed just slightly better than everyone else in the establishment. Not grabbing her ass like a hungry teenager when you start making out. Common sense applies - if you're 25 and you took a 19-year old on a date, offering to split the bill is like buying yourself a one-way ticket to clownsville. Same with 30y/25y, etc.

You get the idea.

These small, basic, but very important details is what I'd categorize under "manners". None of this has anything to do with “being a mr. nice guy”. But it has everything to do with being a man who respects himself, and is perceived by the others around him as such. Also, this becomes increasingly important as you age. But the sooner you start doing this, the better.

Holden said:
Meanwhile the guys who fuck the most are degen drug dealers, club promoters, bartenders, bouncers, rockstars, ultra-scumbags like Scotty.
It's funny you list a bunch of dead-end, on avg. low-paying jobs (dealers, promoters, bartenders, bouncers) together with being an accomplished/famous musician & entertainer (rockstars). And then being an ultra-scumbag? You absolutely do not need to be one of these to fuck a lot. You absolutely can have manners while being any one of these, and still slay pussy left and right. In fact, having your manners on point would actually work in your favor, because you'd be breaking the stereotype if you're in any of those professions.

What the dead-end jobs you listed all have in common is that they spend a lot of time being around women and have some status in the nightlife community. That's all. Find a way to put yourself around women in your life (e.g. join a salsa class, yoga class, pottery course) and there you go, don't even need any status.

Holden said:
The harsh truth is that guys would benefit more from being a toxic asshole than from being polite. It's not something we like to hear, but aren't spaces like these dedicated to uncovering uncomfortable truths, being 'redpilled'?
Agreed! Most guys on this forum are too far on the "nice and polite" side of the equation. To fix that, the pendulum needs to swing too far into the "dickhead" area, before settling somewhere in the middle long-term. Nothing harsh about this, just how the world works. Shouldn't be seen as a permanent thing, just a phase you go through when you find where the boundaries of your social interactions lie.

Holden said:
My ex-gf was a doctor, and one of the reasons she liked me was that I was the only guy she'd ever met who didn't completely kiss her ass about that.

Her: "I'm a doctor."
Every other guy: "wow a doctor!!! you must be really smart, that's amazing!!!!"
Me: "cool... so I'm guessing you don't have time to read a lot of literature? What's your favorite book?"

Now instead of me being a good little puppy and kissing her ass for being so smart, she's the one trying to win me over.

Yeah, the "polite" thing is to acknowledge the brains and work ethic it takes to become a doctor. But everyone does that already.

Don't worry, there's plenty of polite guys going around, she's not gonna die if you're a little bit of an asshole.
Yup, we do things a little differently.

I see that example of a soft neg as being a little try-hard. It contradicts itself, and comes off as strange. Stating that she doesn't have time to read, and then asking what her favorite book is? Obviously, you're trying to bring her down a little, take her off the pedestal. A little too obvious and not subtle enough for my tastes.

If you have a strong story about who you are, what you do, and what you're striving for that portrays you in an attractive way. A story that you actually believe. A story that you can communicate to her. Then you're standing strong on your own pedestal. You don't need to bring anyone else down. And should have no issues with acknowledging that her being a doctor is pretty cool. Making her feel good about it, without any ass-kissing on your part or anything like that. And also without latching on the first "weakness" of hers that you can think of, to bring her down to earth a little.

The key is that your own pedestal has the be higher than her's from the get-go. If it is, there's no point in bringing anyone down. They're already looking up to you. And even if it might seem that it isn't, with a strong enough story you can make it seem that way. Marketing yourself and your potential. If you don't yet have the achievements to back everything up.

And then you'd save all the negs & teases for other things such as her music taste, or whatever else you can latch on during the conversation. In a more subtle, playful, less-obviously-negging kind of way.

For most guys reading, the truth is going to be somewhere between my approach and yours. I’m coming from a position of confidence, experience, and outcome independence. I’m also in my 30’s, white, tall, handsome, fit, intelligent, educated, speak a literal mountain of languages, lived in 8 countries, dress well, groomed, have my own business with 1 exit under the belt, etc.

I wasn’t always like this, and I was struggling with exactly the same issues that a lot of you are struggling with a few years ago as well.

But at this point in my life, I have it much, much, much easier than most of you guys. If you’re 25 and broke, or just beginning to take care of yourself, or you’re a virgin. Then of course don’t fucking go learning how to be a proper gentleman. Will get you nowhere. In fact, most of the stuff that I wrote here won't apply. There are levels to this game. You gotta be realistic where you’re at, and focus on it one step at a time.
Astronaut I singled out those traits not to harp on you personally but to take the opportunity to rant a little bit on a general genre of advice that says "just make money and go to the gym and women will fall into your lap."

Being a "high value man" is simply not good enough if "high value" is simply defined in terms of job/money and body. There are a million boring bookkeepers, engineers, tech guys, etc. out there who have it together financially, live in a nice place, have an ok body, and fuck zero girls.

The whole point of 'game' is mimicking high status. That's why negs are so powerful. That's why purposefully ignoring her is so powerful (it mimics being a busy guy.)

You can tell guys "just become actually high status" instead, sure, but guess what is going to take a longer time: becoming Tristan Tate or learning to talk to girls.

Tristan Tate can afford to hold open doors for girls and buy them flowers on the first date because he's Tristan Tate. And let's face it, we are not him. There's a difference between making $100k a year and multiple $MM per year. If the former: girls don't give a shit. You're just a normal guy to them. They won't be impressed with your six figure salary. They'll fuck the bartender making $20k.

So sure work on becoming a 8% bodyfat multimillionaire. How are you going to fuck girls in the meantime, while you're working on that?

Astronaut said:
I see that example of a soft neg as being a little try-hard.

Cool, but that girl became my gf of 2 years and she told me explicitly she liked me because I was the only guy who didn't kiss her ass about her being a doctor. She didn't have an answer to the "favorite book" question btw and a few hours after the date she texted me, "btw, my favorite book is X." Talk about investment. All because of a silly little try-hard line.

At the time I was a broke college student btw, so good luck being "on your own pedestal" when talking to a high value woman like that. Again, by all means try to become a jacked multimillionaire but in the meantime you're going to want to fuck girls too.

Astronaut said:
I’m coming from a position of confidence, experience, and outcome independence. I’m also in my 30’s, white, tall, handsome, fit, intelligent, educated, speak a literal mountain of languages, lived in 8 countries, dress well, groomed, have my own business with 1 exit under the belt, etc.

You mentioned all these attractive traits about yourself but nothing about how many girls you've slept with. The reason I keep my lay count in my signature is to give my posts here some credibility.

I spent 4.5 years of my life in monogamous relationships and I'm still on track to reach 100 lays before I'm 30, and that includes having harems going where I see the same girls for months/years at a time (and thus takes away time to meet new girls.)

I think I'm doing something right.


WEEK 24: Sunday 10/06/2023


Forum Checkin:

Non Negotiable:
(1) Content: 3 Long Form / 1 Vlog / 1 Podcast / 15 Shorts
(2) Shooting: Shoot 1 Vlog, 2 Long Form

High Leverage:
(A) Day Game: 5 Quality Sets + 15m Online Lead Gen
(B) Life Admin: Get Yettel Sim, White Card Visa for Digital Nomads Research. Men’s Group admin. IronWill Biz Mastermind admin.
(C) Meal Prep: Paw & I, have outsourced meal prep to a mutual friend, who will be doing his first session for us today.

-Date: If she confirms, I may have a Hinge date.


Feeling wayyyyyyyyyy better.

Sleep has been shit. Last night, I got some more actual sleep, and feel so much better.

After lots of biological work, sleep, and also, spending time with my bros such as Paw and Wolfe, I feel so much better

Settling in now.

Next Steps – Side Projects:

-Go to London to hang with V for 1 week, learn and grow. I will go in 10 days.
-Organise IronWill Business Mastermind: First call, next week. Initial feeler call.
-Host first Pathfinder’s Men’s Group Meeting – Sunday 18th. I will liaise with @Bman and either get his support in facilitating or jump on a call and get a briefing in advance
-Come back to Budapest, spend a few days with The Dom. We’ll shoot content together, hustle, talk biz and life, plan projects for us to work on together, and explore ways to win together & add value.
-Organising The No Brains Crew World Summit.

Attending will be:


Visiting Me

-AskTheDom– Early Jan
-Thebastard – Mid Jul
-No Brains Crew: Time TBC
-Top G Ralph: August
-At some point: TimmyTurner. One of my Day 1’s.
-Holden at some point will come

Ofc I am an insanely busy guy and my life is very fast paced. But when I have put time and effort into building relationships, they must be maintained and developed.

Relationships are how people gain more success, learn more, and grow more. How you obtain more results in the world through increasing your value.

Me collabing with my close bros, where there are years of trust and consistent integrity, is how you win. You need man power and a network of solid guys, with genuine skills and talent. With just 10-20 solid, solid and, importantly, genuinely close friends, who are smart, hard working, and have the same goals as you (abundance in money, women and clout/brand) then you can win.

But getting on the inside, you have to bust your ass. It’s not that hard for me to build relationships with high value men, because I am an up and comer, who shows promise, and often that is enough for men who are ahead of you to invest in your growth. But you have to give back & also support others, if others have helped you. I also push guys and support guys and do my own fair share of work and support of other trust me on that one……..that is what makes the difference. You must be willing to do this and ask for nothing in return. Karma will reward you in the end.

Events & Speaking

I will be doing a lot of public talks in Budapest and probs around Europe. I will be networking like a mofo. I will build an unreal contact list. I will form an IronWill Business Networking WhatsApp group and there will be 100s, if not 1000s, if real legit players to collab and network in there.

House Parties

Me and Paw will start building up our contact list of hot girls. This is, during day game, if they’re Hot, receptive, and had a BF but seem as if they may be fairly connected, we’ll exchange, and stay in touch. We will throw house parties in Budapest, and invite a fucking boatload of hot girls, and men wise, it will be invite only and focused purely on my best bros (Anyone in my chats, is welcome, so IronWill Tribe, No Brains Crew, Pathfinders Men’s Group).

Depending on the extent to which we can build our network and throw solid parties, we may even consider charging and getting a venue. There is a money making opportunity here. Just need a network. This is just a side idea, and probably quite difficult, when I think back to the club promoter days of The Mouse. Shit, if we had him over here in Budapest, we could make something happen maybe. Just thinking out loud here.

Biz Ideas

With the above network and FB group + WhatsApp Group I will build, me and Paw will collab in IronWill. As paw completes his Wim Hof instructor certification, he can provide breathwork and cold exposure work to my members. We also have a friend, Wolf, who is a yoga instructor, who can provide instruction.

I will put on IronWill retreats & bootcamps, and collab with Paw & Wolfe. We will split profits.

Once I have built more of my audience, I will consider doing joint ventures & stuff like that, with guys I have built a solid relationship with. Again, most money online, is made through these sorts of things, affiliate marketing, joint ventures, etc.

Final Thoughts

Living with Paw, is very positive, we will set up 2 x 5m meetings a day, and do a proper in depth either weekly catch up, or fortnightly.

We are going to have a big ass white board in the middle of the house with our goals and daily / weekly actions.

By the end of this year:

5k Euros A Month Location Independent Income
Good body as per Adonis Ratio
Good Game - this will be assessed by my advisors (Pancake, Rags, The Dom)



MakingAComeback said:
House Parties

Me and @Paw will start building up our contact list of hot girls. This is, during day game, if they’re Hot, receptive, and had a BF but seem as if they may be fairly connected, we’ll exchange, and stay in touch. We will throw house parties in Budapest, and invite a fucking boatload of hot girls, and men wise, it will be invite only and focused purely on my best bros (Anyone in my chats, is welcome, so IronWill Tribe, No Brains Crew, Pathfinders Men’s Group).

Love it
MakingAComeback said:
Day Game: 5 Quality Sets + 15m Online Lead Gen
Been reading your thread for quite a while, ngl your story is pretty crazy, really cool to see your progress, very inspiring. I gotta ask though, if your 100% focused on getting laid, how come your only doing 5 sets a day? I know Scotty and others went balls to the wall when they started cold approaching, going out for hours and hours everyday.


WEEK 24: Sunday 11/06/2023

Non Negotiable
(1) Content: Vlog & Content Work 2hrs
-Shoot vlog / Edit & Upload @ Co Creative Work Space
-2 Long Form Tony Robbins + 1 Interview w/ Kai
-15 Shorts
(2) Day Game – 5 Quality Sets / 10m Lead Gen

High Leverage
(1) Social Media Domination
(2) Life Admin: Budapest White Visa, Yettel Sim, other high leverage life admin, conf. Price increase in succint way w/ Sherwyn, Igor, and Ronnie
(3) Network Like A Beast


(A) Thebastard
(B) D
(C) C

-Intro Dino. Study Dino.
-Mens Group admin
-Body Progress Update
-Reading: Negative Thought


I will write my FR for yesterday's approaches.

Part of getting ahead is pushing through the thoughts that say, dude you’re so tired today, take it easy.

Part of being a High Value Man in the making, is gutting up and just doing the f**king work even when you resent it and are fucking spent.

You can always do SOMETHING.

Every day I choose to fucking work and live the hustle that is my life, I have chosen success, and I have made a decision that will put me 0.01% ahead of the rest of the world.

In time, that will add up.

There will be a day when I am so far ahead, that others who did not do the ass busting, and sometimes brain busting, work, will never be able to catch up.

F**k them.

I am the one who was destroyed sick for years, roombound housebound agorophobic for years. I am the one who lost time, and fell behind.

I was the one who got himself out, through god tier grinding for years.

And I am the one who will get myself to the top.

That will be done, by taking the warriors path. And truly dedicating oneself.

All I’ve got for ya.

soaringbitestrike said:
MakingAComeback said:
Day Game: 5 Quality Sets + 15m Online Lead Gen
Been reading your thread for quite a while, ngl your story is pretty crazy, really cool to see your progress, very inspiring. I gotta ask though, if your 100% focused on getting laid, how come your only doing 5 sets a day? I know Scotty and others went balls to the wall when they started cold approaching, going out for hours and hours everyday.

Thank you bro.

I appreciate it.

I started from nothing at 29. Fucked up, fat as hell, virgin, just had a mountain to climb.

Came here. Asked these men to help me because I was desperate and I literally had nowhere else to go.

They got me here.

I am now going to push hard AF for 5 years and become a success.

I am not 100% focused on getting laid bro.

I am primarily focused on business.

Secondarily focused on body.

Thirdly, focused on Game.

That means, biz is 8-10hr a day. Somtimes 12.

Body is 2-3hrs a day.

Game, is 2-3hrs. Sometimes 4.

I have done my Red Shirt year, when I did the dating huste full time, 80hrs a week, for 1.5 years.

I then graduated to business/money, and working on body and game for the longer haul.

I still grind in the streets 2 hrs every fuckin day. Go to the clubs 2 times a week, sometimes more.

I still work on myself aggressively every day.

Welcome to success. You have to take it year by year.

And put in your whole fucking life on this shit. Success is the hardest thing in life. It will take your very soul.

If you want it, and I mean, truly want it, we take the choice to say "fuck it" and put in the work daily................

Thanks for reading my log, I really like when guys reach out and let me know they have been inspired in some small way. I am just a regular guy, I am not shit trust me, I just had the balls to ask for help from others and then I basically put in a level of work that IMO is never going to get close to being touched in KYIL history and through grinding alone, became a better man.

The future should be good if I bust my ass and work smart

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
House Parties

Me and @Paw will start building up our contact list of hot girls. This is, during day game, if they’re Hot, receptive, and had a BF but seem as if they may be fairly connected, we’ll exchange, and stay in touch. We will throw house parties in Budapest, and invite a fucking boatload of hot girls, and men wise, it will be invite only and focused purely on my best bros (Anyone in my chats, is welcome, so IronWill Tribe, No Brains Crew, Pathfinders Men’s Group).

Love it

If you're in Europe, come bro.

Sat 10th: Day 5 – 5 Quality Sets Per Day (1/7)

Annoyingly, I forgot my headphones.

I am working on sending ONE approach audio a day to my chat. I am sending one to The Dom once or twice a week. This, is often a 1 to 2 minute audio, so is sustainable.


Headed out later, due to being so fucking busy with content. Me and Paw headed out to do life admin and buy containers to freeze ice for our ice plunge.

1 Quality set, she was initially hard to stop, but kept hitting her, and then she invested, and started talking about British comedy. Her bus came, so she ran!

2 Very pretty girl, was into me. She asked me to join her and her friends at some bar. I declined as I had plans. Exchanged. Texted her but she hasn’t read the message yet.

-We then went to a bar.

3 Did a fun set with Peter. They were English girls, are fucking absolutely horrendous to talk to. Reminds me of why I left the UK. English girls, are the definition of unreceptive, boring, stale, unpleasant, standoffish, and just fucking c**ts. Having approached 5,000+ in my time, have the sample size. Product:Market fit. If you disagree, your SMV enables you to coast. Deal with it & keep it moving.

4 UGH. Another pair of English girls. As soon as I hear the accent, I should fucking dip. Stayed with it, to see if I could make anything happen. They had boyfriends.

5 Mega hotties. We got blown out lol

6 2 German girls. They were OK. They wouldn’t hook they, were looking for their friends, and anxious to GTFO. But one gave me IOIs. Interesting. She was a little attracted.

7 Polish girls. They wouldn’t hook as they had to find their girlfriends, they were on a girls night, but they were cool. One was tall and hot, and seemed into me. Her short friend got a little pee’d off and dragged her away. I did have The Viking with me, my housemate and Chad, Paw, but given his SMV, he doesn’t really like to approach girls who are not pretty hot. Which means I have to do some of these solo. Which ain’t an issue.



European girls are just way hotter, nicer, and there is a glimmer of hope.

Being exposed to English girls again, when I have made a concerted attempt to get the fuck out of England, was annoying. Respectfully, I simply do not enjoy these women, they’re not my preference, and that’s my right to choose. The next time I hear that accent, unless they are f**king hot, or clearly into me, I am f**king turning around and bouncing instantly.

Day game reflection:

-What I did better: With the set that exchanged, I called her sexy, touched her, felt her arms and tattoo. She seemed into it.
-What could be improved: There was some approach hesitancy. I have a good level of social freedom, but this needs to be leaned into more. There is also, I noticed, a tendency to be “nice” on the sets where the girl is giving me fucking nothing. I think I picked this up in England. By spending my life talking to chicks who were, pretty much always hard unreceptive, I think I developed this as some sort of defence mechanism. Talking to European women, who, for some reason, just do not have a major problem with interacting with me, and are willing to atleast listen and see me as a normal person, I noticed I am able to be far more grounded, speak slow, and project a more confident sexual energy, at times. These times, are rare. Generally, I am far too nice, not polarising, and not competent at all at day game at this moment. Will keep working.
What to work on for next session: Sexulise, be more of a sexual threat, neg, tease, be a bastard.
MakingAComeback said:


WEEK 24: Sunday 11/06/2023

Non Negotiable
(1) Content: Vlog & Content Work 2hrs
-Shoot vlog / Edit & Upload @ Co Creative Work Space
-2 Long Form Tony Robbins + 1 Interview w/ Kai
-15 Shorts
(2) Day Game – 5 Quality Sets / 10m Lead Gen

High Leverage
(1) Social Media Domination
(2) Life Admin: Budapest White Visa, Yettel Sim, other high leverage life admin, conf. Price increase in succint way w/ Sherwyn, Igor, and Ronnie
(3) Network Like A Beast


(A) Thebastard
(B) D
(C) C

-Intro Dino. Study Dino.
-Mens Group admin
-Body Progress Update
-Reading: Negative Thought


I will write my FR for yesterday's approaches.

Part of getting ahead is pushing through the thoughts that say, dude you’re so tired today, take it easy.

Part of being a High Value Man in the making, is gutting up and just doing the f**king work even when you resent it and are fucking spent.

You can always do SOMETHING.

Every day I choose to fucking work and live the hustle that is my life, I have chosen success, and I have made a decision that will put me 0.01% ahead of the rest of the world.

In time, that will add up.

There will be a day when I am so far ahead, that others who did not do the ass busting, and sometimes brain busting, work, will never be able to catch up.

F**k them.

I am the one who was destroyed sick for years, roombound housebound agorophobic for years. I am the one who lost time, and fell behind.

I was the one who got himself out, through god tier grinding for years.

And I am the one who will get myself to the top.

That will be done, by taking the warriors path. And truly dedicating oneself.

All I’ve got for ya.



Non Negotiable
(1) Content: Vlog & Content Work 2hrs (DONE)
-Shoot vlog / Edit & Upload @ Co Creative Work Space (DONE)
-2 Long Form Tony Robbins + 1 Interview w/ Kai (DONE, apart from interview with Kai)
-15 Shorts (DONE)

(2) Day Game – 5 Quality Sets / 10m Lead Gen (DONE)

High Leverage (FAIL)
(1) Social Media Domination
(2) Life Admin: Budapest White Visa, Yettel Sim, other high leverage life admin, conf. Price increase in succint way w/ Sherwyn, Igor, and Ronnie
(3) Network Like A Beast


(A) Thebastard (DONE)

Others (FAIL)
-Intro Dino. Study Dino.
-Mens Group admin
-Body Progress Update
-Reading: Negative Thought

Did my level best.

Worked hard.

Content huste:

Shot, edited, and uploaded the following vlog:


Reposted to FB. Write some copy for it.

Uploaded 2 long form. Put together copy and thumbnails.

Uploaded 15 shorts.


Scoped out meeting rooms.....

Cold Approach:

Given I am fasting today, I was a bit stressed, vibe was off, but persisted regardless.

1 - Talked for a while, she wouldnt invest. Saw her wedding ring.
2 - She was "busy" and "had to phone". She legit wasnt in the mood.
3 - Didn't speak English, but she was adorable.

Coudlnt find any other volume! Sunday man.

Came back home. Rested for 30m.

Went out and approached again. Couldnt find volume.

Came bac. Call w/ The Bastard.

Chatted with Paw after. We drained the ice tub.

Now I am bone tired and fucking spent.

Off to bed.

Nothing left. Can't even think.

One day I will be abundant in money, women, and clout.



WEEK 25: MONDAY 12/06/2023

Self Improvement: For those who follow me on IG, you’ll see me and Paw have successfully worked out a way to have daily ice baths. We bought a freezer, lots of containers, and we freeze tonnes of ice each day (~50kg). We have a 5m ice bath each morning, which will be taken up to 15m as the months go by.
Client Work
Biz Catch Up Tasks
Body: OMAD. Rest from gym.
Mindset: 5 Quality Approaches A Day – 0/7 (Tired and bad vibe)

FR: Day 9 5 Quality Approaches A Day - 0/7

1 Edged away and had to go. Scottish. Uk people in general ugh no thank you
2 Leaving tomorrow and in a rush, wouldn’t really invest, off to meet friends. What do I do in this situation when they are heading by away and don’t have time? I need to be prepared for it. Advice for a line would be welcome for when they are literally enroute to meet friends….

3 In a rush to meet her mum and had a bf

Saw her hysterically laughing with her mum 5 m later

I waved to them both ‘hey’

I give negative fucks about comfort seeking normies we no longer speak the same language

4 pushed for exchange twice she refused but a nice gal very cuck no vibe, tourist from Germany

5 she wasn’t really vibing and said ‘I’ve got to go’

Did like 3 approaches where it want hitting at all. Won’t count these

Tired. Bad vibe. Did one further approach she was very unreceptive.

Did a further approach. Wouldn’t stop. Time was 9pm so I get it’s late.
MakingAComeback said:
2 Leaving tomorrow and in a rush, wouldn’t really invest, off to meet friends. What do I do in this situation when they are heading by away and don’t have time? I need to be prepared for it. Advice for a line would be welcome for when they are literally enroute to meet friends….

It's not about the logistics, it's that you don't have frame. You need to shock them.

"I'm about to meet my friends too, actually I just..." <continue prattering on>

"What time are you meeting your friends?" "ok so stop and chat for 2 minutes, relax"

very shocking but can work in extreme situations. This is Shadow game:
"What's the matter, you hate brown men? Don't be racist"
Currently over the moon. Had my first every day game pull.

Approaches a very pretty girl on Friday, got her out on date earlier. Venue switched to the bridge, then to a bench, and then to my place. Listened to music. Went to my room.

She was OK with touch but kinda uncomfortable in a way also. Let me be right up on her, hand on her back, other hand on her leg. We sipped wine and had a great night together.

Went for the kiss but before I could she made me kiss her on the cheek lol.

Super comfort girl, she has had 1 BF ever, and that was only 6 months. She has barely dated in her life.

Girl was super pretty to me, pretty face, great eyes, nice body, totally lean, overall just lovely. Date was fun. Really liked it.

Rags is pretty cool with the audio, nothing horrendous, there's things to improve, but we expected that.

Awaiting feedback from Master Pancake.

Will keep working. I won't overload The Dom with my long ass date audios as he is on the road and busy right now.

I'll keep hustling and stay with it and get more audios to help me level up.

This girl, was a super comfort girl, so not bangable on the first date, but I'll push for another date and try to go further, and see. I went on like 10 dates with Lou with no bang (we never did) so I am not going beyond 3 with a girl, ever, but I enjoyed this date a lot and it is a well needed win.

Back in the streets hustling tomorrow, and I will get more dates from day game, and see if I can make anything happen.

Online, is cucked here massively, very weird, not getting anything at all. I personally feel like, online dating isn't workable for me anymore. People want to insist it's an account issue but it was not exactly great in London. These things aren't good signs. I have my own opinion on SMV and online dating. If I am wrong, I'll let you know, but I've not had any worthwhile success via onlie dating for the past few years, apart from 1 lay once that happened in April 2022.

Doesn't really matter, because there's day game.

In other countries, I can have a go at day and night game, and there is a chance for success.

UK, that was just impossible. Now, being in Budapest, I can see that, it is actually humanly possible for me to date pretty girls and maybe even close them at some stage. Day game, imo, is workable outside of the UK. However, online has been really bad for me outside the UK, and was where literally all my lays came from. Weird situation.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
2 Leaving tomorrow and in a rush, wouldn’t really invest, off to meet friends. What do I do in this situation when they are heading by away and don’t have time? I need to be prepared for it. Advice for a line would be welcome for when they are literally enroute to meet friends….

It's not about the logistics, it's that you don't have frame. You need to shock them.

"I'm about to meet my friends too, actually I just..." <continue prattering on>

"What time are you meeting your friends?" "ok so stop and chat for 2 minutes, relax"

very shocking but can work in extreme situations. This is Shadow game:
"What's the matter, you hate brown men? Don't be racist"

Makes sense, I will do this.

And yeah, I will use tha shocking line, because I give negative fucks and I have already done literally 5,000+ approaches and it's just a game at this point so why not....lol

MattsCrib said:
pancakemouse said:
It's not about the logistics, it's that you don't have frame. You need to shock them.

"I'm about to meet my friends too, actually I just..." <continue prattering on>

"What time are you meeting your friends?" "ok so stop and chat for 2 minutes, relax"

very shocking but can work in extreme situations. This is Shadow game:
"What's the matter, you hate brown men? Don't be racist"

If a person isn't interested in you, why should one keep trying? Isn't that exactly the opposite of what this site promotes? This seems like the same kind of game-y stuff.

You don't even approach so.........yeah, don't post nonsense in my thread Matt. I am fighting for a better life. Respect that I seek companionship and need Game to make that happen.

What else am I supposed to do, lay down and fucking rot?

It's either learn game or just accept what life will give me, which is nothing.

Winners find ways to win.

Losers will always find a way to lose.

This person doesnt like me, this person is busy, this girl is into this, yada yada yada.

The roaches are against us, the flees are rebelling.


Fuciking weak as piss and they will get the other side of MAC DADDY's pimp hand round here. Literally the wrong log to make bullshit excuses. LOL.


MattsCrib said:
No I mean, do whatever works but I just mean isn't it everything that guys like Andy for example do NOT promote? The opposite... Being completely honest etc. Definitely not lay down and rot. I just mean moving on to another person.

Maybe you wanna read something of the rest of his log where he tried that 5000 times and it didn't work?

You know not everyone gets to be tall, white, lean, and facially attractive like you or I, right? Where Just Be Yourself game automatically brings the girl to your room?

Everyone else has to do Actual Game, which does work, and caters specifically to what women want, which is a guy who can take them on emotional rollercoasters and display social strength. They're attracted to game the same way they're attracted to big muscles - it shows you can win social altercations, the same way muscles win you physical ones.

I'd say if anything that Radical Honesty is just straight up unattractive - you're abandoning the chance to show off your social strength to the girl - it's just that the guys espousing it tend to be attractive enough that it's worth the filtering. Plus the autistic, masculine, and bisexual chicks out there who respond to dry logical interactions, don't mind as much.
MakingAComeback said:
Currently over the moon. Had my first every day game pull.

Approaches a very pretty girl on Friday, got her out on date earlier. Venue switched to the bridge, then to a bench, and then to my place. Listened to music. Went to my room.

oh my fucking god my dude

here we go man

i have been literally busting my balls lately because i'm like "we need to avenge ravi" u know what i'm talking about.

2023 is gonna be the year of the browns WOOOOOO 🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤🟤
MakingAComeback said:
Currently over the moon. Had my first every day game pull.

Approaches a very pretty girl on Friday, got her out on date earlier. Venue switched to the bridge, then to a bench, and then to my place. Listened to music. Went to my room.

She was OK with touch but kinda uncomfortable in a way also. Let me be right up on her, hand on her back, other hand on her leg. We sipped wine and had a great night together.

Went for the kiss but before I could she made me kiss her on the cheek lol.

Super comfort girl, she has had 1 BF ever, and that was only 6 months. She has barely dated in her life.

Girl was super pretty to me, pretty face, great eyes, nice body, totally lean, overall just lovely. Date was fun. Really liked it.

Rags is pretty cool with the audio, nothing horrendous, there's things to improve, but we expected that.

Awaiting feedback from Master Pancake.

Will keep working. I won't overload The Dom with my long ass date audios as he is on the road and busy right now.

I'll keep hustling and stay with it and get more audios to help me level up.

This girl, was a super comfort girl, so not bangable on the first date, but I'll push for another date and try to go further, and see. I went on like 10 dates with Lou with no bang (we never did) so I am not going beyond 3 with a girl, ever, but I enjoyed this date a lot and it is a well needed win.

Back in the streets hustling tomorrow, and I will get more dates from day game, and see if I can make anything happen.




WEEK 25: WEDNESDAY 14/06/2023

BW: 187.7

8 Self Improvement Block (DONE)
10m Outdoor / Visualisation & Writing Affirmations (10m)
ATG: Stretches / CT (5m)
Skincare, Shave / Forum Checkin

(1) BIZ: 5k P/M by Dec 25th
-NBD: 1hr
-Content Machine (2hr)
-Client Work
-Client Calls
-Network Like A Beast (2hr)

(2) BODY: Adonis Ratio by Jul 2024
-Gym: Back & Biceps (To Failure)

(3) MINDSET: Solid Game
-CA – 5 Quality Approaches / Get Yettel sim: Study sticking points befoe, during, and after session.
-Online Lead Gen (10m)
-Daily Debrief: Write FR, upload audio, review feedback
Notes: Rags2Bitches date audio feedback. Study Shadow’s notes.

Call Mum
Biz To Do: 30m
Life To Do: 30m (1) Bman notes to Men’s Group, (2) Buda White Visa, (3) Buy Reverse Osmosis Filter

Me Time:
Read: Success – Dino
Read: Biz – Social Media Domination

Wind Down & Bed




Thanks for the support and comments bros.

I feel good mentally today.

It helps my mind a lot to know that, there is the odd gal out there who will go on fun dates with me. It's great.

Back working today.
