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Thanks for the posts bros. I will be consistent.

Day Game 7 Days A Week!

Night Game x 2 Days A Week.

Online Lead Gen: 10m Swiping Tinder + Swiping Out Profiles on Hinge.

Most important thing:

Looksmaxxing and hardcore work in the gym.

I may not get any positive results for a year or two and may just have to bit the bullet and do steroids lol.

From what I see, it isn't looking positive tbh. Online is dead. Day game is always a grind regardless. Night game, we'll see.

Anyway - doesn't matter.

You gotta double down and work harder in the gym, which is the most important thing for improving my specific results imo, and rinse & repeat. Will work hard, earn more money, and get a lot of tattoos also.

May be a few months of nothing at all gents so just brace for that.

You have to be totally cool with it and just work regardless. This is how it is. There is nothing you can do.


1 Dr girl had a bf. Cuck.
2 Universe trolling she was fucking crazy hot and then her mum scooped her away. She was into it also. I tried to keep them around and tried to engage her Mum, but they wouldnt hang about. Girl was awesome, but she's here with her Mum for the weekend, so I left them to it.
3 Crazy hot but wouldn’t exchange, she had to go but I tried quite hard.
4 Nce girl wouldn’t exchange. She said had a partner

(Notes: For this one, two boys stood and watched me the whole time. The second I walked off one approached. He lasted all of 30 seconds in set. I was unsure what these boys were doing, and I half assumed they were standing around for some cuck shit, and that they approached to ask I was harassing her or something. it felt....weird, something wasn't right. I was mentally gearing up to potentially knock them out. But no, didn't have to. Just a day gamer boy. Looked about 18 lol. He was weak and she cucked him fast)

-Super, super rude two set. Pept saying "NO, NO, NO" and wouldn't interact in any way.
-Weird chick refused name.

5 Very hot but anxious to make a call. She was rolling her eyes and shit, Left her to it. I was calibrated and left it
6 At the traffic stop, I refused to walk with her. No thanks.
7 She was keen not to stop but said have a nice day
8 Nice girl, exchanged. FAKE NUMBER.

What I did well: Effortlessly shrugged off some aggressive and hostile behaviour from some women. Like I give a fuck. Not qualified to take out my trash. Maybe one day they will have the honour of licking the bottom of my feet or tieing my shoes with their pathetic teeth. I give no fucks about weak normies. I don't care.
What I could do better next time: Just bring a sexual energy, literally just focus on this. Disqualify, tease, have fun. They can like it, or fucking leave.
Thing to work on next time: Sexualise, vibe, make it playful and fun.

Mindset Notes:

-Stay in winner mode
-Believe you can win
-Choose to crush and inverse your limiting beliefs
-Key mindsets to ingrain
-Talk slow, be a fuck boy,
-No excuses. Anyone can make it in life. Anyone.
-Make sure you go out there thinking you are the shit, because you are a soon to be high value man

Mac notes:

I demand performance and excellence

You have to work hard

Just normalise it

No one is in my circle unless they are a true grinder or I see greatness in them

I do not have time. I must make it.

ANYONE can get abundance with women, rich AF, and life an elite life. Just gotta put in 80-100hr of work on your goals and yourself a week. This, anyone can get to. I started from 0. It took me many years to develop my current level of work ethic.

Right now:

Online dating - Dead. RIP. Nothing happening.

Day Game - Quite bad out here.

Night Game - We'll see.

That's the game.

Back in the gym tomorrow.

Peace out.

Every year you age, you lose points. Everything gets harder. You need to get this stuff sorted in your early 20s. I'm not saying it's impossible or completely over. I may find some way to succeed. But it's pretty unlikely and I don't actually believe in this stuff anymore. Mostly hot air/bullshit. SMV is king all else is mental masturbation and horeshit, outcome are not reliably replicable at dramatically lower levels of SMV - don't believe people's total crap. You will waste your life living in hope. I know how the world works and am cool with it. I just lower the bar and release all expectations. if I can one day through my work get access to a chick who will even just have a conversation with me, I will consider that success.

I'll go harder in the gym and put trust in faith in that. I think that is the only thing that can actually improve my outcomes at this stage.

MakingAComeback said:
Every year you age, you lose points. Everything gets harder. You need to get this stuff sorted in your early 20s.

Do you mean online or cold approach?
MakingAComeback said:
filbko said:
Do you remember Paulo from Krakow? He is in his 40s and doing quite well, girls.

Completely meaningless example.

SMV: Paulo is white.

Not replicable at lower levels of SMV.


I disagree. You are very tall and significantly younger than he does. There are many girls who do not care that you are brown.
filbko said:
MakingAComeback said:
Completely meaningless example.

SMV: Paulo is white.

Not replicable at lower levels of SMV.


I disagree. You are very tall and significantly younger than he does. There are many girls who do not care that you are brown.

I hear you, and understand where you are coming from.

Let's just agree to disagree, no point discussing any further. I think you're 100% wrong and I have already wasted many years believing it is possible. Hypergamy does not work like that & when it comes to actually producing outcomes - none of these guys have a fucking clue.

Just crickets. Week after week, month after month, year after year.......

Why? Looks/SMV is king.

Many of us need to be completely OK with that.

Not easy. But no other choice out there.


WEEK 24: 07/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching (DONE)
-Onboard new client (DONE)
-To Do List (FAIL)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day (DONE)
-Online Lead Gen: 15m (DONE)

Back tomorrow & will keep working.

Do not be offended, please.

Why the hell did you move to Hungary? The most anti-immigration and nationalist country in Europe. There are many neo nazis, and they are crazy about not-mixing races.

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race … and we do not want to become a mixed race,”
filbko said:
Do not be offended, please.

Why the hell did you move to Hungary? The most anti-immigration and nationalist country in Europe. There are many neo nazis, and they are crazy about not-mixing races.

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race … and we do not want to become a mixed race,”

I'm not offended bro - you can speak your mind, I am very open. Your quote above is from the President of Hungary, so how can we even debate this. It's true, and we have to accept this.

I knew all this. I thought deeply before moving here. I know the beliefs, and that's fine, that is the people's choice and I respect it. I am a humble man on a journey. I don't care about this. This way of seeing the world, is not something I agree with and is actually not really allowed in my culture. I am raised in a Punjabi Sikh household, and racism of any sort is not tolerated. You have to welcome any person of any background or faith into the Sikh temple or your parents will knock your fucking teeth out. Punjab is very community oriented and even the home itself is considered property of the overall community. This stuff is in my blood it's generational, I can't get rid of it, I always gravitate to the same shit: family & community. So, the way I see it, those people have their view, which I respect, and in turn, they will respect my view, which is for me to be able to live my life and be left alone. I care 0% about what others do or think. I want my own freedom. That is all.

Regarding racism & barriers....

I had a total baller of a grandfather, he was an extremely smart man, like a generation of Punjabi Sikhs (they choose to align with Britain in WW2, we're a tiny minority in India under 2%) given scores of them died fighting for Britain in WW2, they were given the opportuntity to come to Britain. He was among the brightest and the best, top talent, so he came to Britain. He excelled. Hi work ethic, was 13/10. His intelligence and raw IQ, 13/10. Too brilliant to be stopped. As tall as I am, far stronger than me, the man was made out of fucking steel. Spoke multiple languages fluently, read and wrote multiple languages fluently. And by the time he passed, he amassed a property portfolio and accumulated real wealth. Where that went, is a different story, and is to do with conflicts amongst his children, but why he inspires me to this day, is he faced enormous racism, and didn't even pay it a second of mind.

I mean, gangs of people outside his house with baseball bats threatening to kill him, the National Front, this went on for decades, my Dad's friends in school were murdered.

What did my Grandad do?

Doubled the fuck down, and became more and more successful.

People HATED that this big brown man was buying properties, and he had the fucking audacity to rent them out to black and brown people. People hated him for it. British people straight up refused to allow black and brown people to live in their properties. My Grandad did not care. He was a true believer in God, had true faith, and believed completely in Sikhism, and was willing to die for his beliefs. That means you cannot discriminate and you must welcome all people, even if they hate you. There are many bullshitters in this world. But there are some men of genuine principle, who will actually lay down their life for their principles, and sacrifice everything for others. He was a genuine example of this. He worked 100hrs a week his entire life and gave it all to his children, and did nothing for himself, spent nothing on himself, just gave it all way.

When I grew up, due to my Grandad, I was surrounded by people from all backgrounds, and even as I grew older, I remember how random people would just come to our door to tell stories about my Grandad, and he'd been dead for 10 years at that time. How he helped different people from different communities assimilate into Britain, how he taught them English, how he taught them to drive. Year after year, peope would come from all over, paying their respects.

I will never forget this.

That is greatness.

That is not giving in.

That is focusing on one's beliefs and values and letting the chips fall where they may.

Point being: there is always going to be hostile terrain. Hell, I now white guys who were brought up in black neighbourhoods and got into fights EVERY DAY. They still excelled and are wealthy and have abundance.

Cannot make excuses in life. Show up. Work. Rinse & repeat.


A man who inspires me a lot is the Great Jack Johnson.

They considered him 3/4 human.

Jack did not throw his hands in the air, and say, "fuck it".

Jack got into the ring and boxed for the heavyweight title.

....And won.

He had every reason in the world to not even bother. Black men of his time were having fire hoses turned on them, dogs sicked on them, you name it. He chose to get in the ring, lace up the gloves, and compete.

People like Colgate The King, are the real legends of this forum. He has surpassed everyone else here in spades and is a beacon of hope.

You get respect in life, by doing things that are difficult. You do not get respect for doing things that are easy.

He went to Japan, and found success as a brown guy, in very difficult and hostile terrain. Asian people, are exceptionally racist, and I say that, as a man who has many Asian friends who are close - guys, girls, we talk on the phone and I have spent a lot of time with their families, been on holidays with them and their parents, so I know.....

And yet, Colgate The King, through consistency, discipline, work ethic, aggressive looksmaxxing, steroids, and true inner drive, found a way to obtain success.

IMO, the rules of the game differ, and low SMV men must learn to win their own game. Regardless of where we go, if we put the work in, are consistent, we will find SOMEONE who is willing to give us a chance. It is a rare fucking individual, yes, but it can happen.

There is a chance I, despite looking a lot worse than Colgate, being older, and lower in SMV, could make SOMETHING happen. My standards, are very low. Provided a chick is able to breathe, not completely obese, I will work with what I can get.

There is no place on planet earth a brown guy is going to be able to build a "good" dating life, without inhuman grinding, suffering, and having to go to extreme lengths. It was dog shit for me in the UK, dog shit for me in Poland, and there is nowhere I can go, where it won't be the same.

As such, you just choose to compete anyway and forge yourself out of steel. There may be no good outcomes. Fine. But there is no excuses for not putting in the work, just because of factors like racism and xenophobia, because the same shit is going to apply for us world over.

My expectations are very low with women. Don't think it'll get any better. If I am writing here in 1.5 years time with no progress oin the woman front, I will be cool with it, because atleast I will have built my biz, body, and game.


I wanted to address this properly and make sure no one here uses my race as an excuse for my outcomes. I don't care about the challenges it imposes, I accept them and choose to work either way. There will always be SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, who is willing to give me a shot.

filbko said:
Do not be offended, please.

Why the hell did you move to Hungary? The most anti-immigration and nationalist country in Europe. There are many neo nazis, and they are crazy about not-mixing races.

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race … and we do not want to become a mixed race,”


The man has made his decision. If anything we should rally behind it.

Not second guess it.

A trait of people who actually accomplish stuff is that they're not actively doubting their decisions.

They're finding how to make things work, not finding why it won't.

WEEK 24: 08/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching
-Onboard new client
-1 FB Reel
-Learn: Social Media
-Learn: Networking
-To Do List

-OMAD, DHA, Supps

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen: 15m

-Content Call @ 8m CET (7pm UK Time As Per)
-Get chest freezer
Respect to your chad of a grandfather

Our grandfathers would have got along I imagine

Mine grew up in India and his father, my great grandfather, was a Colonel in the British Raj Indian army

Both of them received distinguished service orders and bravery medals in WW1 & WW2 respectively and fought beside the Indian troops who they held the utmost respect for. I still have my grandpa's signet ring that he wore through the war


WEEK 24: 08/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching (DONE)
-1 FB Reel (DONE)
-Learn: Social Media (DONE, for like 4 fuckin mins)
-Learn: Networking (FAIL)
-To Do List (DONE, paid Paw 1st month rent, need to pay him the deposit, and then sort out the rest I owe)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day (DONE)
-Online Lead Gen: 15m (IN PROGRESS)

-Content Call @ 8m CET (7pm UK Time As Per) (DONE)
-Get chest freezer (DONE)


1 Didn’t speak English. Girl was sweet.
2 Nice, but immediately told me she wasn’t interested. iShe was laughing and found it pleasant to be approached It’s hard to make that work in any form when they lead with "thanks but I'm not interested". I was a bit nervous, also.
3 Pretty girl, but said she was in a rush, and was edging away. She was atleast nice
4 Rude, instant deflection, taking her headphones off she was immediately very standoffish. These alt girl types I tend to do poor with, not the archetype I think approach, sometimes I think if they have tats and what not, perhaps they will chat to me. No, usually they're rude as fuck and assholes. Lol.
5 Exchanged! She was pretty too.

I then approached a hot girl, and she was really into me, asking me all sorts of questions. A random guy joined the set, when the girl was really vibing and asking me questions. He physically walked up to me, and touched me on the arm and nodded to me. This was....odd. I was literally immovable, and didn't even glance at him, make any adjustment or even acknowledge his presence, and kept doing the set. Obv, I could tell, it was her BF, why else would be have touched me like that, as if to say, I'm here buddy. I get it. But in a calibrated way, I steered the convo off, and it was very cool, calm, and a pleasant exchange. I told the girl, have a good day, but she kept walking to talk. I told her for the second time. I got my phone out to figure out how to get home and just stood there. She, for some reason, stood there and seemed to think I wanted to keep talking. Geuss she enjoyed the interaction. Amusingly, it was quite easy to just completely ignore the guy and he just stood there. I am 5 x his size so there's not exactly anything he can do. But I get it's his GF so I totally respect it. It was a weird position for the guy to be in but I feel like he handled it the right way.

6 Hot girl, pressed for exchange several times, she is working on herself and hasn’t got time all this shit, she was quite nice actually so I left her to it

Came home. 5m ice bath.

Content call with the bros.

Later, went for a night time walk with Paw for 1hr. As we were walking, he told me a girl was looking at me, go approach her. I run over, approach, and she is fucking INTO it. Tall, gorgeous Dutch chick. Asking me questions, really vibing, she drops she has a bf, but I still enjoy the set and vibe for a few mins. She is very receptive. This is common for girls with boyfriends who live in different countries. She just wants affirmation for her ego, validation. It means nothiing. These sets, are to build your masculine core and competence.

The girl who I exchanged with, actually replied to my feeler text.

I asked for her schedule.

Let's see.

Online dating in Budapest is very poor. No leads,

I'll try and see if I can fix it but I don't think it is possible. Nor do I care. :-)

I'll hit the streets and see if it is workable. Maybe, maybe not.

MakingAComeback said:
Online dating in Budapest is very poor. No leads,

I'll try and see if I can fix it but I don't think it is possible. Nor do I care. :-)

It does not matter what you think about your ability (or lack of it) to influence future events.

What you think has been consistently wrong, over and over again.

Stop thinking and keep doing and improving, and results will come.
pancakemouse said:
It does not matter what you think about your ability (or lack of it) to influence future events.

What you think has been consistently wrong, over and over again.

Stop thinking and keep doing and improving, and results will come.
I'm gonna print this out and put it on my wall. This is gold

-Client Work (DONE)
-Life Admin (DONE)
-Content: Shot a reel and then lost it fuck (FAIL)
-Day 5 Cold Approach: 5 Quality Approaches A Day 0/3 - Volume was ass due to going out later


1 non receptive and ejected
2 she really liked it, and she said the folllowing sentence: ‘if you want feedback, you should keep doing this, because it’s what women need. Confident men who know how to talk to a girl’ it made me super happy
3 this one was awkward because she wouldn’t really stop despite quite a firm stop and she did talk a bit but it was weak


Lack of commitment to sets and ejecting too early

I am tired as fuck low sleep!

Vibe was meh I worked hard all day and was destroyed tired due to low low sleep

I’ll get to bed now and tomorrow I will be better

It’s 8 months dry spell let’s see if I can break it soon?

Shout to the lonely men persisting and working their asses off, day in, day out.

Must take full personal responsibility and accept all outcomes as a direct result of oneself.

We do not control outcomes. All of this could likely be for naught.

We do, control the work.

Putting it in, and being a very, very tough man, is imperative.

No one cares. Just work harder.
