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I am in the line to go through airport security in the UK

The next post from me, will be when I have landed in Budapest, and moved into my new apartment with one of my best bros, Paw

This part of my journey, I will call; Burning The Boats

There is no way back now

All other options have been eliminated

I will go to Budapest

I will put in a level of work I have never even seen before in my life

I will devote and dedicate myself to making something of myself


I will obtain 20 active clients for IronWill

I will develop a killer physique

And I will develop solid game, and I will retain 2 attractive FWBs who I will lock down during the business building phase of my journey

I will not relent

Whatever is written before this post, was just necessary to make me arrive at this moment in my life

All hell will be let loose

All holes in the regime will be shored up




Bio hacking: sunrise daily, 2 x ice baths daily

Cold approach daily

Online lead gen daily

Night game Friday and Saturday

Sundays: off entirely to spend time with friends and women I am dating

I will arrive back in the UK after 1.5 years in Budapest

When I arrive back in the UK, I will have made myself into an owner of a thriving business and brand

I will have developed a great body

And I will live in abundance with women or dating

Not one step back now

Everything will be leveraged in my heart body and soul

In a fight when you are down, there is still a way to turn that around and defeat the opponent even if they may be stronger than you

You have to play the final trump card: true relentlessness

You have to reload


Re engage

And go on the fucking ATTACK

The Godfather of Grinding

1.5 years in Budapest? I'm envious of you. Get settled, get a routine going, and kill it. Rooting for you
Settling in. Arrived at 2am last night. Tired and quite spent. Still going to work….


Self Improvement
-ATG (Movement work)
-Ice Bath (15m)
-Meal Prep: Shops, Cooking, Prep for 3 days.

-5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen Process

-Upload content
-Event notes
-Prep for podcasts next week
-Networking: Reach out to all I met @ the last event

Will chat to Paw, plan some admin stuff, wind down and go to bed.


What I need to get very clear is my daily processes now I am in BP.

I will get back to a proper structure and outline process goals for each week.

Today, I will just do my best. Very minimal sleep. And a lot to catch up on. With meal prep done, and sleep, tomorrow will be a good day to get into flow.

Welcome to Budapest Senor Mac!

I am obviously not there because you didn't pack me in your suitcase but still...

I would be a monkey's uncle if you didn't notice a noticeable difference in the marketplace of love yonder in Central Europe compared to London and all of the UK's other shitty cities.

Not saying it will be a massive difference. But enough of a difference that it counts. That it gets you what YOU want.

Just do NOT ease up on the grinding and hustling. Build your business. Build your business. And keep up the plate-hunting. Muy importante.

Which is all that matters.

Fate being good, I will join you for a week or so mid July if the planets do indeed line up and get me off the ship around that time.
I'm sure Budapest will be much kinder to you than London. Good luck my guy, you seriously deserve results after all the work you've put in
Thanks bros.

Reading The Legend Colgate's log has truly hit me deep inside my soul


This guy is in a different category

This dude is a true Self Improvement Legend

From the fucking hell this guy came, this guy said FUCK IT, bet the entire house on himself, went all in on Self Improvement, took massive action, got coaching, got mentors, and kept. fucking. working.

What he is experiencing now, is the stuff of dreams.

If I was able to experience things like this, I would be a very different man.

Words cannot express the pride I have towards King Colgate. I am honoured this guy picked me to be his accountability & high performance coach.

He has all the necessary ingredients for massive success. And we are now getting the truly monumental wins he deserves.

He has given hope to so many men, that a better future is possible.

From a personal perspective, I too, feel as if the love I seek, may be possible also.

It has been a long time since I have been able to say that.

Those who know Colgate, know the word this dude has put in. I do not even have the time to outline all he has put in.

Savour every second of success. We have WORKED for it. It is to be enjoyed.

My dry spell, has been so long, that just reading his report had me on the edge of my seat...............I needed this.

GOALS 2023/24

(1) 5,000 Euros Per Month By Dec 25th 2023
What: 14 1 on 1 Clients in my Hardcore Accountability & High Performers Program @ $400 Per Month.
How: (A) 1 Hr New Biz Dev 7 Days A Week, (B) 2Hr Content Mon-Sat, (C) 3Hr Networking Mon-Fri.
Why: To be location independent, and to be able to explore different marketplaces, where I can finally obtain abundance, and exercise choice and options in the selection of a quality partner I can spend the rest of my life with and start a family.

(2) Ripped Body – Adonis Ratio by July 13th 2024
What: 16 Inch Arms, 43 Inch Chest, 23 Inch Legs, 12 Inch Forearm, 30 Inch Waist.
How: (A) OMAD & Keto, (B) Lift 4 x Per Week, (C) Cardio 2 x Per Week.
Why: To raise my SMV and to obtain a happier and more abundant sex life.

(3) Mindset: 2 x Attractive FWB by July 13th 2024
What: Retain 2 x Attractive FWB
How: (A) Day Game 1hr – 1hr30 7 Days Per Week, (B) Study & Learn Game 1hr Daily, (C) Actively work on sticking points and my development as a man.


Just affirming for myself, and publically.

WEEK 24: 05/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching
-New Biz Dev (1hr)
-Content (2hr)
-Network (3hr)
-Biz To Do (1hr)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Gym: Push

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen: 30m

(4) Life Admin
-Pay Deposit & 1st Months rent to Paw. Set up monthly direct debit from 12th.
-Stuff for my Dad: Review doc, update bank.
-Organise my Men’ Group.
-Get a sim card for Budapest. Mine will charge me to roam in BP. No thanks.
-Me Time: Read KYIL logs.

-Sunrise (DONE)
-Visualisation (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis 2 x 5m (1 x 5m – DONE, next session, post approach)
-Skincare, Myofunctional Therapy, Apply Minox (DONE)


Growth & success involves stretching, being uncomfortable, and imposing bigger challenges upon yourself to adapt and get to the next level.

Smartest in your room?

Time to get into another one.

Success is the compound of multi years of work, consistency, and forging the underlying competence to live in this world as an effective and successful human being.

It can be done. Just requires internalising the principles of success and solving your own individual equation.

Quick post: Went out to buy water, saw so many pretty girls. Did 2 warmups, just compliments and chit chat. Gotta get the head back in the game.

ScottyGll posted a great video yesterday:


I had a good conversation with one of my best bros, Thebastard , and he was very happy to see Scotty posting.

The Bastard from Glasgow is a Cerified GLL Legend. I am grateful to be his friend and to be able to talk to him regularly. A very smart man, and alongside Andy, the man who inspired me to get myself in the fight for the good life..........

The Bastard was very happy that Scotty is back, and that we at KYIL, give Scotty the respect and appreciation he deserves as the FUCKING GOAT alongside Chris.

Scotty truly deserves all the respect he gets. Abso-fucking-lutely he does.

Here, Scotty is spitting straight wisdom.

Women have total fucking abundance by definition.

Males are discarded left, right, and centre, and they give NO FUCKS at all. They don't remember you exist.

I unblocked L last week and had a 2hr conversation with her on the phone on Sunday. I did it, because that is the only women I have loved so far in my life, and I just wanted to say hello and be a mature and civil adult. I liked the convo. But she has a lot she needs to sort out in herself.....

It also pained me that I have had no other women to talk to in 8 months! I had, at some level, to go back to her to have a platonic conversation....with a girl I didn't even sleep with......fuck this shit.

I pipelined in Budapest for 4 weeks, got 1 lead (fatty) and she just texted me telling me she's busy and "tbf I have found a great guy who will be the perfect match for this summer" - yup it's that easy.

As a male, you have to be relentless in collecting leads, relentless in dates and closes, and fucking live this shit on repeat.

Online dating is no longer the place it was for me last year, even with new photos and a factory reset, it is pretty f**king ass.

So.......I will cold approach 7 days a week and also hit the clubs 2 x.

It is getting truly nightmarishly hard for a male to get any god damn thing going. It is hard to even get a platonic conversation right now. Only solution = massive fucking action and stacking up leads like nobodies business. Looks like online dating is not going to work for me any more, priced out the market, tough shit - I will be a man and fucking grind in the streets...........

I will end this post with the words of another legend who told me recently the SMP has actually gotten truly tougher, and this is the guy who can make this statement as the guy who has slayed for 20 years

"Stay icy out there"
-Mario "The Dom" Tubone




MakingAComeback said:
It is getting truly nightmarishly hard for a male to get any god damn thing going.
Thebastard said:
It is getting harder everywhere and the apps are becoming tougher. It ain't just you.

Genuinely curious why y’all think this is. I’m not trying to be facetious
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
x Attractive FWB by July 13th 2024
Here we go again with arbitrary numbers that don’t depend on you 🥰

Hear ya brother.

When we hang out in July, we can get more focused on the best way to move forward.

First CA session done just now.


5 QUALITY sets a day, focus on execution.

Out for 1hr. 5 quality sets. Come back home, jump in ice bath for 5m (will work towards 15m, we are doing "Deep CT" a very intense ice practice. We are buying a chest freezer on Thursday and will be freezing 60kg of ice at a time - this shit will be hardcore as fuck and we will obtain a new level entirely.

Then, relax for a bit, review audio, reflect on sticking points (kill the nice guy, become a sexual threat).

As I am out approaching, inside my mind, is The Dom yelling at me telling me "NO MORE GOBLIN APPROACH"

The best day game coach I have ever worked with, is The Dom. I personally have done in person instruction with others.

The absolute best, and possibly the best in the world at this moment (I say that with no exaggeration) is The Dom.

Consider how he didn't actually even want to coach, me and Paw literally kept asking him for YEARS.

Because it would be a fucking crying shame for 20+ years of legendary achievements and world-wide domination of the Sexual Marketplace to go to waste.

A few sessions and you actually have lasting benefit as you have the reference experience and phenomenon of getting instruction cemented in your head. A very beneficial thing, I would recommend this for anyone who wants to get to the next level as a man, but it will be on you to work hard and make it work, the little sentences I heard from The Dom still hit me hard to this day, little comments, that shit is priceless and worth it's weight in gold.

Stuff on masculinity, owning your sexuality, and actually being so, so OK with sexual tension.

Things that are deep masculine factors we need to go inside and excavate.

Just dropping a little gratitude for one of the forum's great contributors ^^

We are grateful to have the really excellent guys, The Dom, Pancakemouse, and a few other really proven high level guys (proven across all aspects of the game, across demographics, across markets, across years and years - there is a point at which a guy is an undeniable player).

Best way to level up is to just model success and try to learn how the best guys THINK and PERCEIVE THE WORLD

Success leaves clues

Paid Renegade said:
MakingAComeback said:
It is getting truly nightmarishly hard for a male to get any god damn thing going.
Thebastard said:
It is getting harder everywhere and the apps are becoming tougher. It ain't just you.

Genuinely curious why y’all think this is. I’m not trying to be facetious

Sure bro. I'm an open book ask me whatever you want.

I am just a dude on the journey like everyone else.

Don't let the "moderator" tag fool you, I am a humble man trying to get a better life, Andy and Radical just want me to follow the ethos they created and to uphold what they told me to uphold. That is all I can do and you can disagree with me, call me out, I am the same MAC as ever and before I was made Mod I actually enjoyed when guys yelled at me and set me straight. For some reason that just diminished a little from the community. Apart from the truly experienced dudes however who, as we know, are the ones we listen to and try to learn from.

You have to listen to guys with PROVEN TRACK RECORDS. The Dom, Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, Andy, Radical, these guys are the best.

I can however offer my opinion but it literally just that, my opinion at this moment:

It got way harder online this year. I kept working on myself and levelling up my profile to a good standard but the shit is still hard ass work!

Why this is, is that there is a lot of online dating advice out there now, sex is the hottest stock in town, they all want it, and the competition is fucking fierce now. Guys will talk about how it's not significant due to the other dudes being weak. Nah bro, ask the guys who have access to hot girls, ask them what their phone looks like. From my own network and my friendships with advanced guys, it is very tough out there, and in my own lived experience, it just got so much harder this year.

I got laid 9 times last year.

This year...........had a makeout in a club.....and that was it!

Even the vibe on dates, the whole dynamics, just felt....different from how it did my red shirt year.

I used to get WAY more matches, and wirh a worse profile. I've hard reset it. I've tried and tested.

All I could conclude, was competition fucking STIFFENED

Hypergamy means those with low(er) SMV will be hit the hardest.

Generally higher SMV guys (yourself included) will never struggle and won't see the other side of it. Not to say, your experience isn't valid in assessing the SMP, it absolutely is, but imo, the guys who have it hard regardless, can sometimes get a bit of a feel as their experience in dating is just one that is pretty cut-throat and unpleasant either way!

Just my thougths man

Paid Renegade said:
MakingAComeback said:
It is getting truly nightmarishly hard for a male to get any god damn thing going.
Thebastard said:
It is getting harder everywhere and the apps are becoming tougher. It ain't just you.

Genuinely curious why y’all think this is. I’m not trying to be facetious

Red Queen's Race / Hypergamy.

Sex is the most valuable commodity in the world. As market niches (like apps) become saturated, competition increases. Especially because the barrier to entry is near zero, just install an app and upload a few photos.

Lower barrier to entry afforded by technology / increasing power afforded to women means that competition increases much faster than usual these days.

Competition continually drives the price of poon ever higher and only those that can afford it win (paying with looks, money, status, and to a lesser extent, game).

Those that can't afford it (genetically less fortunate, or haven't worked on themselves) increasingly lose out.
10 years ago normie Chads thought it was weird to be on Tinder.

5 years ago it was weird to ask a professional photographer to take pics "for your online dating profile"

Nowadays everyone is on Tinder and almost everyone has professional pics.
COVID marked the transition from Pisces into Aquarius, and the chief message of the Aquarian is: “You’re on your own.”
MakingAComeback said:

WEEK 24: 05/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching
-New Biz Dev (1hr)
-Content (2hr)
-Network (3hr)
-Biz To Do (1hr)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Gym: Push

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen: 30m

(4) Life Admin
-Pay Deposit & 1st Months rent to Paw. Set up monthly direct debit from 12th.
-Stuff for my Dad: Review doc, update bank.
-Organise my Men’ Group.
-Get a sim card for Budapest. Mine will charge me to roam in BP. No thanks.
-Me Time: Read KYIL logs.

-Sunrise (DONE)
-Visualisation (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis 2 x 5m (1 x 5m – DONE, next session, post approach)
-Skincare, Myofunctional Therapy, Apply Minox (DONE)


Growth & success involves stretching, being uncomfortable, and imposing bigger challenges upon yourself to adapt and get to the next level.

Smartest in your room?

Time to get into another one.

Success is the compound of multi years of work, consistency, and forging the underlying competence to live in this world as an effective and successful human being.

It can be done. Just requires internalising the principles of success and solving your own individual equation.




(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching (DONE)
-New Biz Dev (1hr) (DONE)
-Content (2hr) (DONE)
-Network (3hr) (FAIL)
-Biz To Do (1hr) (FAIL)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)
-Gym: Push (DONE)

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day (DONE, FR BELOW)
-Online Lead Gen: 30m (DONE)

(4) Life Admin (TOTAL FAIL)
-Pay Deposit & 1st Months rent to Paw. Set up monthly direct debit from 12th.
-Stuff for my Dad: Review doc, update bank.
-Organise my Men’ Group.
-Get a sim card for Budapest. Mine will charge me to roam in BP. No thanks.
-Me Time: Read KYIL logs.

-Sunrise (DONE)
-Visualisation (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis 2 x 5m (DONE)
-Sunset (DONE)
-Skincare, Myofunctional Therapy, Apply Minox (DONE)


Did my best.

You can become a success in life by showing up and just working your ass off.

IMO, get up early, work hard all day, and then when you're running out of battery at night, go to bed at like 9pm.

I worked hard ALL day.

Life Admin, didn't get done, as some tasks took quite long today due to various admin tasks, such as having to sign up for the gym, work out various fine details, go to the shops to buy food, and so on. So, today was incumbered by a range of "life admin" type tasks, that did take, hours....Not optimal. But given yesterday I was very tired and too sleep deprived to shop & meal prep, this will introduce some inefficiency into the week. On Wed, I will meal prep for 3 days, and then get back on track for Sunday.

Nonetheless, important to not be a perfectionist.

To just do, no matter how small, is enough to win in the end.

For today's New Biz Dev, I got myself back on LinkedIn, and then just added a few people, and messaged 5 people to introduce myself. That involve getting back on LinkedIn, updating my profile, adding new pics, new details related to my biz, and so on. So, again, this was a "life admin" type task, that slowed down the actual process of doing new biz dev.

The key here, is to give yourself permission to suck.

You have that anti-perfectionis mindset, and just take action, no matter how seemingly small, because it clears the run way, and in time, you can do volume and consistency and start to stack wins.

Life is a numbers game. Winners run the numbers, consistently, and just keep levelling up.

Otherswise, day was good. Connection isn't great in the apartment, we're due an upgrade, and to get around the upload speed problem, I will use Saturdays as my content days, shoot and edit 3 long form & 15 shorts, and go to a co creative working space and just upload them there. Paw has access and can sneak me on lol. That means I can achieve my content and YouTube growth goals.

Overall, things were missed today, such as not being able to study game, read self improvement/success books, or take any "me time".

This is my first full day in Budapest. It will not be perfect.

But, in time, I will become more efficient, develop optimised systems for myself, and start kicking fucking ass.

Me and Paw will have 2 accountability meetings a day: 5m morning, 5m night. We will have a huge ass white board in the middle of the apartment with all our goals and daily checkins. We will have 2 x deep dive 1 on 1 meetings with each other a month, and be radically honest, putting feelings aside, to help each other hit our goals for 2023.

Culture, environment, systems, and a fucking hardcore environment are required to become elite.

Paw and I are a good fit - we desire elite, want to build wealth and success, and want to stack up good experiences with women and travel the world. Just having a guy who has the same vision as you, and is also as dedicated, is worth it's weight in gold.

The more legit you are as a man, the more you will connect with others who are legit.

Comes down to you.

I'm going to do my wind down process now and go to bed.






I also go through challenges, but I understand the deep inner game of success. Just take action. If you want to internalise this deeper, GLL is STILL the GOAT. You can read the Success Principles Series on Gll-Getalife. Just keep showing up, stick to your processes, and in time, you'll win.

At KYIL, we believe in holistic and comprehensive self improvement:

Every man should be maxxing his physique
His social freedom & lead gen with women
And learning how to make real money

Finally, one thing I want us to work on, quite hard - bein open, honest, and healing ouselves

Speaking of "stretching" - I will hustle a lot with girls and try to get laid soon. I hope I can end the dry spell. I will try my best.


1 - hot Nigerian girl. Exchanged. She is leaving tomorrow.
2 - Chatted, nice, had a bf
3 - Cute 18 y/o. Really nice gal. Exchanged and when I told her I was taking her for a drink she melted. Adorable.
4 - Had a BF
5 - She seemed in a rush, deflected

What went well: Had some intent, good energy, and I think I got the right vibe. I recorded the audio. Will send to The Dom, Pancakemouse, and Rags2Bitches.
What I could have done better: Firmer, harder stops. Command them to f**king stop. Kill all nice guy / beta behaviours. Be masculine.
What I will change next time: Try to work on sexualising more and creating the proper man to woman frame. No nice guy shit. That persistently fucks me.

You don't want to know what Lou had to say about me after that 2 hr conversation

"Ravi, you are just a nice guy, you are genuinely one of the good ones, and that scared me, because you're too good, and I wasn't ready...."

^ Says every gal with the issues she has, ever.

They want wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

They get bored of nice guys.

That aspect of oneself must fucking die.

klondike said:
COVID marked the transition from Pisces into Aquarius, and the chief message of the Aquarian is: “You’re on your own.”


It's hard to find the love some of us seek.

But we have to just do the damn work.

In this log you will see my brown ass hustling like a mofo.

7 days a week I am gonna be approaching, 2 nights a week I'll be in the clubs, and Ill be generating leads online daily.

It aint easy but it has to be done.

Klondike this game is going to get harder and harder, the older we get, it will also get harder.

Better to act now and fucking push before the SMP does get to the point where even many of the legit guys here can't get laid anymore - lol
