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Yooo MakingAComeback I'm so glad you got to experience shrooms. I know you of all people would fucking LOVE it. Happy for you man 🙏🏼
Thank you brothers I appreciate you all.

I will reply to everyone.

I want to start a men's group.

This will be online. We will meet once per month.

Together, we will shatter our limiting beliefs, heal, grow, and become the best version of ourselves.

This will be a group for open sharing. It will be judgement free. I will be doing my own sharing and healing in there.

This will be a free group for us to band together as men to help each other & support each other.

If you're interested, post below. I'll see if there's legit interest and then I will make it happen.

this sounds interesting i would definietly attend
Olafsmash said:
this sounds interesting i would definietly attend

Great start!

Thanks bro I am glad to hear other men are interested.

My boys will be invited. They're pretty busy hardcore but I am sure many will come.

I think this will be a once monthly 3-4hr call. Sharing, expressing, just speaking on ourselves, our journey, and putting it to the group.

Bman posted great advice on starting a men's group on my log. I printed this post out. I will follow his advice for the format and structure.


Slides from my biohacking for performance talk


Video for Behavioural Analysis:


I am posting the following, after jakeD's excellent posts above. Jake is old school GLL and he is bringing some wisdom from that community. They used to dive deep into a guy's behaviour and his temperment. I feel ike Jake actually totally nailed it. This was also echoed in Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, and The Dom's review of my own development.


The above is a useful gauge, because big Matt is my friend (World Class powerlifer - 800lb squat & deadlift, 500lb bench). I met him when I was 17. Even back then, I knew how to forge success.....Get around the best, model them. He is asking me questions and I am responding. Whilst this is a male, I feel as if this may be useful for you to see.

More dominant masculinity is slowly emerging I am catching some of my very beta behaviours. I've gotten better than I used to be. But I am, far too agreeable.


You are not allowed to post user-generated content on KYIL.

I, in part, actually supported the growth of this community. Andy's words not mine. I posted daily, answered questions endlessly, added value endlessly, and am committed to doing this while Andy and Radical allow me to do so.

Before he deleted his acc, Andy laid this out:


Andy and Radical gave me a pass to actually post content, but I seldom take them up on it because it will cause me issues as a mod, other guys will start posting their own content and it will just create more work for me.

Other SENIOR users who've posted and offered valued, for legit years, we also give a pass to. For instance, guys like The Dom.

I am posting the above so you can review it and just tell me the truth about how I come across.

If I come across as a non-sexual robot, like you say I do, then this is good because I cam actually address the problem and work on it by actually doing things to address this.

We are smart men here. We are together. We will fix it.

MakingAComeback said:
Olafsmash said:
this sounds interesting i would definietly attend

Great start!

Thanks bro I am glad to hear other men are interested.

My boys will be invited. They're pretty busy hardcore but I am sure many will come.

I think this will be a once monthly 3-4hr call. Sharing, expressing, just speaking on ourselves, our journey, and putting it to the group.

@Bman posted great advice on starting a men's group on my log. I printed this post out. I will follow his advice for the format and structure.


I think this would really do you a lot of good, Ravi.

I've led mine for the last 4 years, fluctuating between 4-7 guys. They have been there through quitting my job, finding my stride as an entrepreneur, buying a house, selling a house, getting divorced, moving cities, family catastrophes, and everything else under the sun. I'm an only child, but I consider these men my brothers. If anyone of us called and needed desperately need the other's help, we'd all be on a plane the next day.

For 3 years prior to my divorce, I worked every week with these guys to learn to feel my body sensations and emotions, express them constructively, give and receive feedback, feel empathy for another person, leading others to feel into their emotions, deal with trauma, deal with irritating people and understand why they are triggering you, and how to use emotions as energy. Then with my insights I learned in the group, I'd also have a weekly relationship check-in with my wife (sort of like Andy) and be able to constructively express myself rather than emotionally flooding or trauma dumping on her.

The constant work has now made me in control of my emotions, read them as data, and use them as tools. In the context of dating, I do especially well with comfort girls, being able to sync in, empathize, and be a calm container for them to express themselves. I laugh every time I hear "This is the fastest I've ever connected with a guy". My next challenge as I learn game is how to do the reverse, learning to use emotion to spike the girls who need more arousal vs comfort. So the work continues.

I'd recommend 8 guys max, with calls being no longer than 3 hrs. It's quite mentally taxing to hold presence for each man while simultaneously being aware of your emotions, expressing them with vulnerability, and recomposing yourself to take action.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to help lead and demonstrate the structure for the first call, then let you run with it and just participate the following calls.
MakingAComeback said:
Video for Behavioural Analysis:


You seem fine in this. I don't think I would act any differently.

It's not really possible to gauge how many men act around women by how they act around men. How I act around men and how I act around women are totally different.

As you know from the recordings we've reviewed together of your dates, you are too polite and nice with women.
jakeD said:
I think both me and you have a responsibility to succeed at this point Ravi.

Not just for ourselves but for many other people as well who come from the bottom like both of us and feel constant frustration with this.

Despite probably getting laid more than you at this point, I still deeply relate to your feelings in this thread of constantly being an outcast to the opposite sex. At least all the attractive ones. Like a pariah. And feeling completely powerless and hopeless to change it no matter what I do.

But there needs to be a light at the end of tunnel. Not just for me and you either but for every other man currently and in the future that struggles the same. Cause if we can do it they can to.

I think we both have massive changes we need to make this year. Not necessarily the same issues but it's time to really push and truly evolve. I hope to see you on the other side of that.

And take none of my feedback here as insults and it doesn't seem that you did. But as you and I both know, the dating game is ruthless especially for low SMV men and while men on here may be kind to you, beautiful women and the dating game will not. So when I give you feedback on it, I'm just expressing the same ruthlessness of the dating game for getting hot girls so that you can succeed in it.

Bro, I fucking PROMISE you I will find a way.

I give you my word on that.

I do not know how I am going to do it.

But I will not fucking give up until the mission has been completed. We will solve this problem together.

bonzo34 said:
the men's group is a good idea

You should be more active on the forum bro.

You are a valued member of KYIL.

We all want you to be successful.

If there is anything I can ever do for you, just reach out.

Some thoughts:

The most important thing in life, is people.

Life is about people.

That is all that matters in the end.

Community, connection, and people.

With that, you can conquer any and all obstacles.

Without that - you have nothing.

It is not something any of us should give up in. Because without community, connection, and bonds with people, there is nothing left.

Grateful for you all.



We've found our 8 men. They will be:

-Me (Ravi)

That gives us our 8 men.

Bman has kindly offered to support us in facilitating our first meeting, and will give us a structure and advice on how to make our group effective.

Olafsmash and Zug please DM me your contact details (Phone no) and I will add you to a group chat.

We will meet once per month. The chat will just be to agree the dates/times and nothing else. We will do all of our work, on the once monthly call.

Thank you for being open to doing this work alongside me, I appreciate it a lot. I want us to be successful. And will do all I can to ensure we grow and win in life.




My current biz focuses, and reflecting on the journey.


The IronWill Chronicles, my business-building vlog, will be taking you along on my journey as I build my business from the ground up.

I'm back in Chelsea. I used to live just round the corner, near the Battersea Bridge, with one of my best bros Timmy Turner who I miss so, so much. I still think about all the good times I had with Timmy. It hurts that I cannot see my friends so much anymore. Business is a full-on effort. I will tell you straight up. I had a good job before this, as a Project Manager, and I was damn good at it too. There is a sense of shame that I feel, that I have not even gone down the road to see my friends who I've known for so long.

Fact of the matter is, without putting in the hustle, the grind, and devoting so much of your energy and focus to building your brand, building your business, building your network, and delivering the best results and outcomes you can, it isn't going to happen.

I had to face the fact that I have a deep passion inside me and a dream that I cannot let go of.

So I am just going to make IronWill work......or die trying. End of.

I came back to Chelsea, to go to an event, and connect with some great people I have met on my journey.

It felt quite surreal at times, because there was a time I used to be living a very different life, just wandering around here, working on myself, on my growth, overcoming the mental barriers I had and building the foundation for success.

My focus in business right now, is what my coach told me. I am in Dan Meredith's group, Espresso With Dan, and following his advice, which is to focus on Audience Building & Relationship Building. I am also in another group now to learn from other very smart people.

It will come together in time.


bonzo34 said:
MakingAComeback said:
You should be more active on the forum bro.

You are a valued member of KYIL.

We all want you to be successful.

If there is anything I can ever do for you, just reach out.


Appreciate it. I spam the discord so much I am not on the forums much.

I understand bro. I have a bias to the forum and always push guys to come on here, lol.

But you know where I am. Door is open to you.







At the advice of my business coach, I have to increase my prices. He is pushing me and has been for months. Same thing keeps coming up in my calls. I am at $300 for now, but that will go up to $400 once the group element of the program is launched next week.

Everyone who is currently with me, is locked in at $300. That is a fixed rate and I have been very clear that I am not going to change. He agreed. These are my OG clients and they pay my fucking rent. They will have access to the 1 on 1 offer for productivity, goal achievement, and hardcore fucking accountability in the world. The group program will be underpinning my 1 on 1 work. I will stabilise this offer at 20 total active clients, keep it there for a year, and take the next step.

My guys who’ve been with my since day 1, can stay at their rate if they want (I started from 0 and charged legit f**k all and deliver a lot of services, that needs to be addressed now), but I am going to offer an upgrade to my core offer, which will be the group program.

In that program, they still get daily 1 on 1 access, they still get 2 x 1 on 1 calls a month, and they also get a full training library, weekly live calls, weekly trainings, and a monthly IronWill group call with everyone else.

I’ll also be getting guest experts on to give talks each month and we are all going to be very successful in life….

I will be working hard to secure more clients, but they will be at $400 per month for the program moving forward.

In a year, I will have a big following, and will have invested a tonne in my own development and growth, I myself have coaches and mentors, and in 1.5 years, I will be charging more and will go through the natural process of becoming more successful.

I offer a lot of value and am giving a world class service and producing results. Everyone has access to me, pretty much all day, unlimited access to using my brain to solve problems, push them hard AF, and put every measure in place to ensure success. The group will be next level and I am focused on producing epic success stories, which in turn, will lead to testimonials and that will turn the wheel of success. Like Andy taught me, you give maximal value, you sit there and give 100% in adding to that individuals life. Everyone is moving forward and this is superb.

So…..I keep working and get to my goal. Once I have asked all my current clients, who wants to upgrade to the group, or stay at their current level, I will actually update my daily posts and keep my current income level front and centre so we can push forward.


Taken 2 weeks off. I needed a deload I was getting fucked up.

These 2 weeks, have been a useful mental reset.

I will be back on the horse now.

Body, in those 2 weeks, has gotten worse. Bodyweight right now is 197.0lbs. So, shot up from 190lbs in 2 weeks. That is how it goes with me. It’s not like my diet was trash. Not at all. Isn’t how it works. Much of this is hormonal and stress related. Not training, not doing cardio, and just working like a demon, also stressed out my mind often, is what increases cortisol and creates weight gain.

Deload was necessary. Now, back on the horse:

Resistance Training – As discussed, I will make a change to how I am doing my resistance training, towards HIT type training, which is 1 set to total mechanical failure.

Diet – OMAD resumes. Keto. Will prep 2 x a week. Sunday & Wednesday.

Accountability – weekly body progress pics & measurements. Totally slipped.


Whilst completely hopeless regarding dating at this stage, quite jaded and fed up, that does not, and will not, ever stop me persisting.

Nothing has gone right for me the past 8 months.

When it comes to women, I have no one to talk to and am lonely.

For anyone who has read this log, my dating life was always a steaming pile or horseshit, and there was little I could do to improve it.

After years of this, I have come to acceptance and just understand now that for me, as an individual, a decent dating life and not bullshit treatment, isn’t likely to be on the cards.

You can either be a victim to that and me miserable.

Or, you can take personal responsibility, and say: fine. If this never improves, if it is shit for the rest of my life, fine. I accept it.

But what I do not accept, is throwing in the towel.

I have said I will try for 1.5 more years. After that point I am literally wasting my life and you can’t make someone love you believe me, it’s not worth it. All problems can be managed or solved, and the problem of long term loneliness, due to it being the leading cause of suicide in men over 50, is worth trying very very hard to possibly solve.

Character and integrity is about deep persistence.

Dating has sucked for me, for literally years, and has not gotten better, despite constant and endless work. I have a new coach now, who may be able to help me. Or he may not.

What makes or breaks you, is your dedication and commitment.

Quit and be a true fucking loser & cunt for the rest of your life?

Or, make a strategic and honest assessment of whether your goal is realistic – my goal, is just to just one lady who I like to talk to. That is it. It does not have to be physical or have sex involved.

I have lost all hope and faith in the possibility of building any type of sex life and no longer care about that. I do not yet think this is impossible and there may be someone out there who is willing to just chat to me, and who isn’t a total fucking basketcase.

If I can put in the work and possibly attain that, perfect, that is good. My work there is done.

MakingAComeback said:
I have lost all hope and faith in the possibility of building any type of sex life and no longer care about that. I do not yet think this is impossible and there may be someone out there who is willing to just chat to me, and who isn’t a total fucking basketcase.

You have putted an incredible amount of work.

I asked you for 2 years of your life to listen to me and do what I say, we are at 25% of that and in my opinion results are already way better than when you got to BP the first time.
The city ain't ready for what is coming
Plus dude you say that you had no success for 8 months, but you seem to forget that Tinder had you shadowbanned for God knows how long.
AskTheDom Crisis_Overcomer

I understand bros

I will just do the work.

I will arrive in BP tonight. Tomorrow, I will chill w/ Paw and then go approach.

Back on the horse & I will work.

Being in my parents house for this duration, was necessary to build IronWill, I had to sacrifice and sit here and work soooooooo fucking hard and go through all this shit.

Now, I have made biz gains, and I can now go to Budapest and start the next stage of my journey.

I will just:

-Focus on the process
-Focus on self improvement
-Work on my sticking points

And be very patient. And not complain if things don't get better for 6,9,12,18 months.

I'll just come back to the above:

-Focus on the delivery of process goals
-Focus on self improvement
-Work on sticking points

Note for the forum:

I want you all to understand, I have had to go off faith that this may work out, for fucking YEARS

I get endlessly rejected and have to deal with a very unsatisfying and very unrewarding dating situation

I have to have moments when I question what the fuck the point even is

I have to just go through this for months, years, and just keep. fucking. working..........

So YOU have no damn excuses because most of the guys on this site, actually get results, and are not in my damn shoes

So if I can be hopeless and still out work your asses.......for a reward that may never come.............I need everyone here to show up and keep putting in the fucking work also because seeing others take action is what pushes me to keep going and is a source of strength to me

To the other guys who go through endless BS and months of rejection and shit treatment, and no success: I am going to go to Budapest tonight and somehow I will wake up tomorrow with the strength I need to push forward and put in the god tier grinding necessary to progress in this journey. I do this for the dogs out there. You know who you are. We are also men and we are also in this world for a reason. F**k peoples perceptions and f**k the obstacles we face. We, too, can step on the arena and also have a go. That is what matters to me. It's not the results or outcomes, I no longer believe they are possible, but it is the opportunity to just TRY and see if I too can suceed. That drives me. And I want the other guys who also get shit results and live in the other reality, to keep persisting also. Sadly these guys don't really post, they just lurk, but I get some DMs here and there and I know they are out there.

A Man shows up & does the work regardless......ESPECIALLY IF IT'S DIFFICULT...........EVEN IF IT'S IMPOSSIBLE


