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I have nothing to add, and from my position, I wouldn't even dare to offer any advice.

I just want you to know that you are a huge inspiration to all of us.

I hope that one day, you will look back on this point in your life and see it as one of the many turning points that have built you up.

After all.

What else is left in life after choosing the A?

I believe in you.

SpongeBob said:
I don't even think you can do option A. You're a psycho, David Goggins like.

As someone said, you're only 31, you're not in your peak years yet. You started late, but when you'll be enjoying life with your beautiful wife and 3 kids, you'll look at this period with pride and nostalgia.

The Dom told you unfortunately that you were a hard case, and it'll take 5 years at least to get where you want. You're year 2, you still have some ways to go.

You are one of the most inspiring person I got to come across. When I'm in situations where I feel lazy and unmotivated, I just have to remember you to push myself a bit more, even for 1%. You WILL find your wife. Don't forget the ultimate goal my friend. Do it for the mini MACs.

Regarding the whole brown guys thing. You mentioned never having seen a brown guy slaying. Please check out Indian PE from Playing with fire (I think he's a business partner of Alex):

That guy has 200+ lays, confirmed by Alex, who is really not the type of man to lie. And he's not more attractive than you, he looks chubbier in the video and his indian accent sure is getting in his way, but he still slays. Maybe you can contact him and get coached by him or ask him question ? Just an idea, don't know how busy he is. But he would definitively understand you more than anyone else I guess.

Here he's showing how he pulled a girl from CA:

You can find all his videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@PlayingWithFireChannel/search?query=indian

That guy is bald, not tall, slightly out of shape, has a hard accent but he still manage to have a good sex life with hot girls (once again, confirmed by Alex, who did podcasts with Andy and seems like a really genuine guy). And once again, you are not less attractive than him, no way. You're taller, with hair, better shape, no accent... The list goes on. So now, you have an example of success, that you can relate to. I hope this gives you hope.

I don't want to take this thread off-topic, but I've met Nitin a few times. Just to set the record straight, a good percentage of his lays are from Seeking Arrangement. But in any case, he's expert at frauding. He has a Tinder full of deepfake photos of other guys that look like him (with his face deepfaked onto theirs) and he has great text game. He's able to get girls out on dates and then they mostly go through with it because his in-person game is good enough.

In my experience, he is not skilled at cold approach. Though I haven't seen him in action in years, it's possible he improved.

That being said, Ravi could probably use a bit more Nitin-like sociopathy himself. The main feedback I've given him is that he's too "nice guy" and doesn't build sexual tension enough.
So you got so many posts, it's not even funny.

I don't want you to skim this one tho.

I want you to actually thoroughly read what I'm writing and absorb it.

I'm not going to give advice on dating because I think AskTheDom and pancakemouse can help you there.

This is more addressing your ability to deal with problems.


When you have a lot of mentors you get a lot of different feedback. Person A says do X, person B says do Y.

Ultimately you have to pick one person's advice and go with it. And that requires a skill of having discretion.

If you don't you'll just feel confused. And confusion doesn't breed empowerment.


You have a very bad background with women, like a lot of people. But yours is pretty harsh. I'm talking pre-28 year old MAC. Pre-28 year old MAC had a very hard time with women right?

So keep in mind you have so many reference points that are negative, you're default view of women is and honestly might ALWAYS be negative. Sometimes what people don't mention with belief changing exercises is there's some stuff that's hard wired into you. Some people have low self-esteem by default and have to work 5x harder to keep high self-esteem because they're baseline is so low. This doesn't really go away. I'm super analytical and my mind forces me into mental dilemmas all the time. I can't get rid this. I can just learn how to work with it.


When you have a breakdown like this. It's usually a breakdown in who you are. Not what's happening. In other words it's the loss not of a thing thats bothering you, but it's the loss of a sense of power. Yout fuel tank is empty so to speak. You need to gain your power back. NO MATTER WHAT. Because if you don't. There is no good outcome. A or B will all be terrible cuz you won't feel empowered. You'll just go through the motions like a stoic but you'll erode your tenacity to zero.

You need to believe you can win at all times. And this is hard to do especially when you're confronted like you are now.

... But you still have to do it. Because the alternative is life long misery.


Hang in there champ. You're not done. You just don't know how to solve this yet.
You bastards really are never going to let me give this mission up, are you? ;-)

Not that I doubted you for a second.

Brothers, you made me burst into tears.

I am beyond thankful I came to KYIL. The day I made my account, was the day I changed my life.

Manly Cockfellow


The past 3 days, were rough.

The contrast was a shocker for me. The lovely women of Krakow, who were so pleasant, so warm, and for whom, I had my best ever cold approach success I have never in my entire journey had 4 girls text me back from cold approach, let alone 4 girls text back in 4 short days of day game. This was EPIC and it felt like FINALLY my hard work was starting to pay off.

Coming back to London, it just shocked me. It just did. It caused me to question myself.

There have been setbacks in my personal life, also, which I didn’t mention, nor are they important to now. These things happen in life. We are strong men, we deal with it.

But honestly, what pushed me over the edge was the tripple whammy......

My new pics performing a total dud, when this was something I worked so hard on, for 7 months. I came back from London in Dec 2022, understading that I needed to work on my vibe, social skills, and physical product itself - my looks, physique, skin, hair, and so on.

And like a Self Improvement meastro - I fucking DID IT. Look how the photos came out. I was beyond proud and I worked hard for it man, got help from the best in the game, the GOAT himself, Rags2Bitches.

I wasn't expecting the floodgates to open like they do for some guys. I know the score ;-)

But I was so curious to see if I could FINALLY overcome the "match quality" problem.

This is important for me as a Self Improvement guy and brother of the KYIL tribe because my goal is to be married to a wonderful woman and to start my own family. It is a problem for me to not have been able to date the type of lady I would want as my partner and it is something that honestly does fuck with me. I am willing to do WHATEVER it takes in order to find a wonderful woman to produce children with.

I uploaded my new photos and got ready to test for a while.


This hit me.


What I felt, wasn't shock, anger, or disdain.

It was just a sense of realisation, that maybe, just maybe, I truly am not destined to be able to improve myself enough to be able to make it.

Maybe the market has decided.

I processed it for a while, and sincerely man, I just accepted it.

I told myself, look Ravi, the has the market spoken and you've tried and tested this a lot now. You’ve done thousands of approaches. You’ve gone on a tonne of dates. You’ve done a bunch of shoots.

The market has spoken - time to me a mature adult and accept it.

They don’t want you .

I had to stop and truly think for a moment. And I decided to get advice on whether it was truly time to accept that for a man such as myself, it is over.

These photos are the best I can produce right now, if I cannot get anything with this, then is my journey even possible?

Is this even humanly fucking possible at this point?

Well, look man.

Maybe it is. Maybe it aint.

The truth is, half the shit I have done should have been impossible from the start.

Did things being excessively difficult to borderline impossible ever stop me?

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I am DAMN proud of myself for this turnaround. DAMN PROUD.

I am DAMN proud of myself for training myself to cold approach. It used to take me 4hrs to approach 1 girl, I used to have mental breakdowns here every week. I am now an "approach machine" and can perform whatever level of volume I want.

A lesser man would have quit 100 dates ago, 1000 approaches ago, several world tours ago, several photoshoots ago.

I did not quit.

Because I have my WHY. More on that below.

….if there was quit in me, you would not be reading this post, and you would not have stayed on my relentless journey with me for years, would you?

I had no idea about "shadow bans" on dating apps.

I am a Self Improvement purist. I am a Goal Achievement guy. I am not a masculinity & dating/relationships/getting laid/game guy. I am a student of all that.

I processed the outcomes of the new pics, and I was pretty much of the opnion that it seems to be the case that my options have run out. I thought, you know what, I can respect it. If I’ve done all this now, and they truly didn’t want me, I will ask for further advice and maybe, if this really isn't going to be solveable, it may be best for me to find a way to live in acceptance of this knowing that I tried.

I took a day to breathe and process

The flood of support from the forum moved me to tears. Twice.

My mentors getting on my case.

My boys encouraging me.

The calls with Paw and The Dom

Look man, you know what it is.

I truly appreciate it

I came here for reasons bigger than myself. I have my why.

I came here to prove something.

I came to see if it is possible for a man from dirt nothing, from the absolute rock bottom of society, to turn his life around and make something of himself through nothing other than the ability to truly, truly grind.

I wanted to see if it possible for people like me to make it too.

I wanted to see if I could turn a guy who the world called a fucking loser, into someone I respect and admire.

That was the mission.

That was the purpose.

That was what pushed me beyond all fucking known limits and to put in levels of work that I myself have never seen matched in my 12 years of being a part of the self improvement space.

This entire journey rekindled my life and gave me passion, drive, and allowed me to find a treasure that was buried inside myself.

It has allowed me to change myself.

Yes, it's tough.

Yes, there is quite some way to go, let me tell you, I am perhaps 10% of where I want to be, and that is after 2 years of grinding myself into a fucking FINE POWDER.


I still have the ability to draw another breath of air

I am not dead yet.

This journey was never going to be anything short of a bloodbath

When I entered the arena, I knew I was going to taste my own blood

I do not yet believe the universe is so insane to not eventually reward a truly deserving person

I want to start a family and to end the cycle of loneliness and isolation

I want to prove that a man can, through extreme grinding, change his destiny.

I want to take what was the most hopeless fucking case of a person I have ever encountered, me

And I want to raise this motherfucker to true, undeniable greatness

Because if I am able to pull this journey off, some way, some how, and no, I do not know how the FUCK I am going to do it

Then people will know, that despite the the fucking HELL which I came

A better life, and a better future is possible, if you are willing to put your trust and faith in ONE THING........

The Great Equaliser


In order to complete this journey that should have been impossible, I chose the one thing that is the passion and purpose of my life

The most powerful weapon in the world


This is sacred to me

This is what I believe in and have risked my entire future upon

This is the hill I have chosen

And I will die on it

I am NOT going to stop

I am NOT going to give in

There is still a lot of fight left in me, though the past 7 months have truly tested my faith and challenged me to the core of my being

I promise to the KYIL community that I will not stop exerting every ounce of energy that is in my brain and body into becoming a better person

Until I succeed

Until my first child is born, I am going to double, triple, quadruple down on self improvement, taking action, getting coaching and mentoring, improving across every metric possible

When there is a post from me, with my first son or daughter in my arms, I will finally stop the mission and then become the world's best Dad.

But until you see that post, you will keep seeing me show the fuck up and put in the level of work that makes me MAC

They will have to bury me here on the KYIL forums

Because I will die for this

That’s all I've got for you

For the lurkers out there or anyone else who feels hopeless - This is for you.

The universe doesn't care. It gives you a hand, and then it expects you to make the most of it. It's only when it knows you're serious that it will meet you halfway.

If you're trying to improve your life, and you weren't blessed with many of the foundations other people have... Are you ready to do the work to achieve them?

Because this is the reality of what it's like coming from "the other side of the tracks"

Yet if you lean in long enough...

Keep fighting long enough...

Something beautiful just may emerge.

You're an inspiration for me and others like us who had less than stellar upbringings. Who will have to fight twice as hard for half the reward.

Keep going, brotha. There's a legendary story to be told.
Hi Ravi,

At least half the reason I'm on this forum is to follow your journey. This line "I want to start a family and to end the cycle of loneliness and isolation" felt salient, relatable, and maybe even a reason to be. I'm in the same boat as you to some degree, I have spent days, weeks, and months alone, sometimes intermixed with healing socialization, but the later has not been durative for the past 7 years. Lots of people have came and gone, passing in the black windy night with no light to see each other for a time that would have felt long enough. You get the amount of time that you get though, and as prudence comes to a man with the passing of seasons, the dissonance of time wanted with x with reality may shrink.
My gut is telling me that I'm easily 10-15 years away from having a family and you may be far away too and fuck, might even die before getting 'there'. Or fuck the gods may have a surprise in store.
For some reason your story resonates more with me than 'I'm just trying to lay pipe and stretch pussy' although that is certainly rad and righteous in it's own way. Either way, you are always welcome in Philadelphia with a place to stay, if you are ever here.

My dad is a first generation Kashmiri. He initially landed in England but came to the states because of the inhospitality he faced. I’m brown as fuck.

Research says to have a control. That’s you right now, you have control over yourself and your situation. Change it and assess response. Personally, when I was clean shaven, I got more interest than when I had my stubble or beard. Two, earrings. More of a T shirt setup and get rid of the layers. You are trying to disenfranchise yourself from Bollywood, and any Indian, brown persona or archetype London has imagined. What works for Andy may not be working for you. Fuck do I know what it is except what happens to me.

Take a deep breath, take some hours off, maybe even a week or two. Dom is in your corner. I’d kill for some of his dominance in audio infields. Not necessarily with woman but getting what I want with the freeloading shops and garages I have around me.

You’re missing the forest for the trees. A week from now, 6 months from now, 10 years from now, because your going to keep going and persist will you look back at this happening as a positive experience and something you learned about yourself and your goals? What can you do now to maximize the effects for/in the future?

Nobody knows what hole a person comes out of to become what they are. If that is true, honestly, you’re way ahead of most of us.

Use this as a life lesson. Don’t be in such haste, it’ll mess with the rest of your lifestyle. You definitely have this.

Puja. Ibadat. Meditation. Petitioning. Kabbalah. Whatever it is, get in the zone. Focus. Become at peace.

BTW, those photos are unbelievably good.

natedawg DavidStone Wnyhg

I will make it in the end, through hard work, consistency, focus, learning, applying, healing, and your ongoing support.

I will continue to push everyone on the forum and do my absolute best to see us all continue to progress, succeed, and excel in life.

Thank you. I was def. a bit stunned to process what was going on lately, it kinda all hit me, I had no idea these apps shadow ban you, learning about this, calmed me down a lot. I thought online dating was basically over so that would, obviously, have reduced my possible avenues for success a lot. But even if that was the case, I'd become a day game meastro, smash the clubs, build a social circle and gain status/clout. Like a resourceful devil, I'd ALWAYS find a way.

I have been instructed to hard reset the apps. Which I will do, today.

Thereafter, there may be some matches, and I may see the quality improvement, FINALLY.

If this happens, then good! What a fucking relief.

If not, then cool. I will stay in the gym, stay improving, and do more photoshoots. If this is not the year I start to see the signs that I will obtain a more abundant life, then next year, the fruits of my labour may start to show, and if not next year, it may be the one after that.


What I enjoy, is IMPROVING ;-)


TUE 02/05/2023

(1) Money:
-Client Work
-Content: Shoot 5 Long Form, 5 Shorts. Gotta get back on the horse after a few days of brain destruction – jheeze! Me and my brother are going to a podcast studio today to shoot our content, I have gotten him on the band wagon too! We will also take a bunch of pics here too.
-Coywriting: I am going to revise my banner post for my biz, and make this a pinned post for my FB. I am getting more active on socials and getting the odd inbound DM, some folk just want to hop on a call, and I am enjoying it honestly. Few folks interested in joining IronWill. A lot of people have issues with consistency, productivity, and driving change and progression. Glad I nailed this down as a core skillset, getting on these calls and solving these problems is just second nature at this point.
-Biz Questions: From the recent networking event, I got some biz advise, and now want to do some critical thinking on ideal customer avatar, going out and securing this customer, etc.
(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Chest & Triceps
-OMAD: 2700kcal, DHA, Supps
-Stretching & Movement: DONE
(3) Mindset:


Back to focus.

As I put on my log, been a fucking EPIC hustle lately, huge levels of action, was on the high of my life. And then the new photos not hitting was a moment where I had to stop and think, huh….I then learned about shadow bans on these apps, something I wasn’t aware of, so it’s time to hard reset. I am moving locations soon anyway so I know over the course of time, I will get more abundance across the domains which I seek.

pancakemouse said:
The main feedback I've given him is that he's too "nice guy" and doesn't build sexual tension enough.

He witnessed it first handed with a model, he becomes happy wappy nice guy with big smile 😊
Bros I will reply but first things first

Please for the love of God do not take my mental breakdown posts to heart

The guys who've been with me from the start, know that sometimes, I crack

Do not take these posts seriously

You break my damn heart when you do


For the love of God man you've read me for years at this point, you know the score, you know I have insecurities and stories in my head I need to resolve.

I am here as a humble student to serve the KYIL community

Can we please get back to work and forget that now

Come on guys


This is why we love you man. You are raw and honest. Not everyday is a win. The logs are about honesty and vulnerability. Like we used to say in the military: "Set the example". You can't be an absolute killer all the time, so I appreciate seeing your lows and you owning them. I (and we all) are rooting for you because you help us root for ourselves.

All the best~~
- Kile the Killah
MILFandCookies said:
Seconded. I used Resolve for a bit with my youtube channel, and Premiere Pro for the most time.

As with any adobe product, there's a learning curve. If you get past it though, Premiere Pro is an efficient and powerful tool.

@Lord Rey

Adrizzle said:
Reddas said:
software do you use
Davinci Resolve is easily the best free desktop based video editor.

CapCut for mobile

Premier pro if you want to spend money

You seem to have a clue. So a quick question:
I want to make short instagram reels from my trips. I have a drone and normal recordings. Does it make sense to work your way into a program like Davinci for short reels or is capcut enough? I already have the ambition to make the reels look cinematic. Capcut is self-explanatory and I would have to invest hours in davinci to understand it.
AskTheDom said:
pancakemouse said:
The main feedback I've given him is that he's too "nice guy" and doesn't build sexual tension enough.

He witnessed it first handed with a model, he becomes happy wappy nice guy with big smile 😊


Weak game. Must kill the nice guy tendencies.

Already not polarising enough, not enough of a sexual threat.

This is deep inner work and change. This can be corrected in the field.

jakeD said:
When you said accept defeat and give up. That made no sense to me. Keep pushing. Even if you don't make it, ask yourself truly. Is that really an alternative? Could you really let go of this?

Cause lets be honest. I don't think you could. And that's a good thing.

Either succeed or die. But there isn't a in between. Failure and accepting it is not one of the options.

That is the epitome of you to me actually. It's not even that you're sure you will succeed. But you simply won't quit until you fully find out. And you definitely haven't finished that journey yet. It's just beginning.

You & I both know I am too autistic to stop anything I start ;-)

It's not necessarily a good thing, my obsessive tendencies with goals means that once I have a goal, there is no way to stop. None. This is annoying as FUCK because my goals in life are very ambitious, and also, things I am not naturally competent in, such as game/success with women.

jakeD said:
Also just to leave a last bit of feedback, which I've honestly thought but never said, I do agree with the nice guy thing.

You work your ass off but you are very "nice guy". You need to get more of a edge with these women and more of a dark side. Maybe that isn't "you". But just saying.

I'm not sure if it would help or fix anything but just a thought.

Not that you need to become a huge scumbag or anything but I do think you could gain from it.

Working on this intensively. Need to be a more sexual and cool guy. Not a nice guy bitch.

This is what needs to be done. I am now off to the next location, where I will work on this, daily.


I have set aside 14hrs to do intensive work today.

I am fasting to save time.

Working all day.

I will check in at the end of the day with outputs and I will be back on track.

komeback_kile said:

This is why we love you man. You are raw and honest. Not everyday is a win. The logs are about honesty and vulnerability. Like we used to say in the military: "Set the example". You can't be an absolute killer all the time, so I appreciate seeing your lows and you owning them. I (and we all) are rooting for you because you help us root for ourselves.

All the best~~
- Kile the Killah

Damn thank you bro, just trying my hardest each day to be better, I know one day we will both get there.

Recent lessons from the event I attended on Friday…….

I met these great dudes, and they gave me a tonne of info. I told them my current focus is securing clients. Nadeem gave a solid breakdown. He was at the event, to continue building a relationship with one of the speakers. Nadeem, was great, has been in biz for 20 years, has done well, and he offers biz coaching and consulting on the side, he told me he charges £1000 for a session! Jheeze. But the guy was very keen to help me, I asked him if I could meet him for a coffee soon, he agreed. Texted him & messaged on FB.

• Client Avatar: Find your IDEAL CLIENT. Drop all else and spend 2 days figuring this out in extreme detail. Who are they? Where are they? It needs to be SUPER specific. And then, your job is to go find ONE. → Go to them, tell them what you do, give them a free call → Pitch: make them a killer offer → Close. Repeat until you have secured ONE client.
• “Your job is the marketing of your services – nothing else. Make this mindset shift, now, and you’ll suceed”
• “The most successful coaches, are sales masters”. He used the example of Tony Robbins.

Jay told me he secures most of his biz through IG. He told me, if he was me, he would focus on relationship building through IG.
For me biz, he told me, go follow Jay Shetty & Tony Robbins. Go to their most recent posts and engage with everyone who liked it. Slide into the Dms of people who follow you back, engage with them, introduce yourself, break the ice in some way related to their profile.
You don’t have to sell everyone. You can jump on IG lives with their audience.
I got on with Jay very well and we are gonna jump on Zoom tomorrow to just chat.

R is a legendary internet entrepreneur, nuff said, he now builds companies and is an investor. Following his public talk, we hung out, drove around Central London, and went to a Private Members club. He is the guy who created the "Thug Life" meme (grew it to 3million) as well as many other popular internet meme pages. He’s a cool guy and I like hanging out with him. I met him through one of my best friends V, who is also a legendary internet entrepreneur. He did invite me to his private parties, which I will hustle and try to get into it (these are celebs, models, and billionaires only - yes, really). Been networking with this guy for months since meeting him at a dinner with V. I like him, he's really smart, we vibe well, hope to know him better over time.

(1) Learn Sales & Marketing: Study this. Invest in this. Get training. Level up in it. Nail it, and you’ll succeed with your business.
(2) Growth Hack: I won’t disclose his hack here, he devised it for me. I will do it.
(3) Mindset & Drive: Being a fighter in business, he believes, is why we will eventually suceed. Being tenacious, pressing on, always, despite bad times.

This gent had a fantastic, no nonsense approach I resonated with a tonne. He stressed, business is in fact easy, and anyone can do it. It’s about simple things, such as picking up the phone and calling prospects. It’s about getting off your arse and making it happen. He said, the best way to succeed in life, is to stop thinking about it, and just do it, and make mistake after mistake, until you start to progress in the world.

I have also started a business-building vlog on my YT channel.


The IronWill Chronicles (My Building Vlog Episode #1): Connect & Conquer (Networking/Speaking)

Vamos said:
You seem to have a clue. So a quick question:
I want to make short instagram reels from my trips. I have a drone and normal recordings. Does it make sense to work your way into a program like Davinci for short reels or is capcut enough? I already have the ambition to make the reels look cinematic. Capcut is self-explanatory and I would have to invest hours in davinci to understand it.

I haven't used CapCut so can't speak to this.