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Hey Ravi, these were my favorites, mainly because in all of these you either have a relaxed, playful smirk/smile or you look like a man focused on his mission

You really have a world-class smile, especially when you are having fun and showing your teeth (like in the group pic from your Tinder profile)

My only suggestion is to find a way to relax and play around a little more during your next photoshoot (maybe you can hire a cute photographer or model that you can flirt with during the shoot, or take some shots with a close friend or two that you feel really comfortable around?), because in many of the shots your posture is pretty stiff or you are making an unnatural facial expression

Overall though I continue to be blown away by your progress and honestly think you are starting to look like a damn model!
7 Month Dry Spell: The Final Options

Return to the UK: Back to Deep Scarcity

Getting off the plane, it was like entering a different world

The glances, the warmth, the curiosity disappeared.

Nothing unusual for me. Lived here for 31 years. But it was curious to see.

Network event Friday: good. Connect with everyone, shoot content, interview people, and have a good time. A guy who is very high level was speaking, I met him before at a dinner, and we’ve built a relationship from a private dinner I attended with my friend V in Dec 22. We hang out after the event, and go to one of Londons most exclusive private member’s clubs causing chaos. So fun. I got chatting with one gal in the event, we exchanged IGs, I asked her if she's up for a drink after the networking event, she said maybe and flirted a little. Lol. She then told me at the end she has to go home. I didn't care obv and went to hang out with the guys.

In this time, everyone wants to know me, life feels so abundant, and I feel like a High Value Man like everyone else.

I am in a great mood and go to approach Sat morning. I’ve done a few hundred approaches here in the UK this year This has been fun, I’ve learned and grown.

It was a shock to the system to approach here on Sat. Where there was warmth from the women of Poland, where there was kindness and just human compassion

In the UK, those warm smiles were nowhere to be found

The beaming eyes were nowhere to be found.

The eyes turned to stone.

The expressions were steely disinterest

Sat cold approaches:

1 Nice Canadian lady, she was edgy,didn't want to talk, but then told me she had a bf
2 “In a rush”
3 Asian girl, stopped, listened to my opener, then just said “No, sorry” and walked away
4 Wouldn’t stop,, kept edging away
5 Nice, she really didn’t want to stop, she was edging the whole time. I did a solid stop. She then just paused, and said “Look, I am not interested at all, but thanks”. All good.
6 Stopped, but not vibing. Curiously enough, she said the same thing as the above chick. “You seem cool, but I am not interested, sorry”
7 Super unreceptive, I complimented her, she heard it and just sayd “thanks” and darted away
8 She refused to stop, deflected hard, waved her hand in my face and said “Not interested”
9 Perfect stop. Began to talk. She then said “I’m going to stop you here. I’m not interested, but thanks for taking the time to talk”. She delivered this in quite a stern tone and it was clear she did not appreciate it.
10 HARD deflection. And then, two fat chicks walking by me – one stops, turns to me, and tells me “you are pathetic”. Sure. Try and stop me. Deal with it ;-)

After the high of Krakow, this was a return to business as usual

I went back to Carls and just lay in bed for an hour.

I posted in my chat to get some advice.

I have been trialling my new profile in the UK for a few days, I haven’t said anything to anyone, but it’s produced no changes whatsoever. I am not myself surprised. I understand my fate was sealed a long time ago. I was just curious to see if this was fixable.

It was not.

I ask for advise, and ask HONESTY if I am simply too ugly, too brown to get ANY chick who isn’t wayyyyyyyyyyyy below my own looks level to go out with me in this popuation of 67 million people?

It is suggested that whilst not great, I should be around a 6, and should be able to get SOMEONE to give me a shot.

My ulfiltered face and body are attached. I worked SO HARD FOR THIS. I FUCKING KILLED MYSELF.

Yes, not an oil painting. Far from what will cut it in this game. This is what I have. I must deal with it.

The feedback I get in the UK from the environment is horrible. Online is brutal for me. Day and Night Game, simply makes me want to blow my brains out. What disturbs me, is the fact that this just doesn't change. Month after month. Year after year.

I change.

I do the work.

My results do not.

I DO NOT understand this.

But I am persistent as fuck and if there is ANY hope, even a small chance of success, I will keep going. Remember, I’ve done over 5,000 approaches here.

The chat tells me, to go out and approach again. They tell me it should not be completely impossible.

But I just want to see.

Average Looking, Brown, Autistic Spectrum. Is it a death sentence?


Maybe not.

This DOES not stop me.


I do not allow the limiting views of other people to destroy me, I show up and just make the world deal with me.


I go out, with an honest objective to just see if SOMEONE will talk to me.

There has to be SOMEONE.

I give myself an hour to decide my fate.

The past 7 months in the UK have been tough, but I hung on through sheer faith.

The shock to the system of being back here, after Krakow, is real.

I am asking the Universe for just one small sign within this hour to enable me to keep faith.

Will MAC be able to out work God’s plan? Or is the Blackpill truly going to ?

1 – She stops, listens, but just doesn’t vibe. She is very unreceptive and it is clear she is not interested man. I get it. Wish her a good day and just let her go.
2 – Stops, listens, is quite pleasant. Cool!

The gears in my head begin to turn…..OK, this is good…..These girls are ok. About a 5 I’d say. They atleast chatted a little. I am not approaching very pretty women or anything like that guys before you call me out on that.

3 – Stops, but clearly is busy. She is late for something. I thank her and let her be on her way – no probs :-)

They’re WAY better than they were this morning. Interesting.

And then……...

4 – Stops, and just receptive and NICE. It was like being in Krakow again. The set is HORRIBLE. I am all over the place, and in a bad head space. She is still nice. She gives me her number! WIN.

I text her, she didn’t reply, understandably, but the fact she was nice, is epic.

Report back to the chat.

I’ve taken Ls for 7 months straight, yes.

But I am not yet completely defeated.

This exchange, is the first day game exchange I have had in London this year. I've done about 200 approaches here. Same number in Bristol. No success.

There is still SOME hope, and SOME fight left in me.

I opt to go home, rest up, recalibrate, and find a way to move forward.

Seeking Advice:

Look, I hope to god I do not have to go through this life alone.

There is still time, and still an opportunity for a brighter future, I will persist and keep pushing.

Let’s pause for a moment.


I am asking for advice to see if there is anything I can do in order to have some dating success.


Yes, I will now be moving because unfortunately, I was unable to build a dating life here and get a taste of the life I want

I am NOT feeling good about the Budapest move, because I got 0 success there too. I am VERY sketchy on it and will have to explain this to Paw

I got a tonne of numbers, lots more matches, lots of dates, but nothing physical happened. The women were very conservative, yes, it was a strange experience, but I took insane levels of action here (10-20 approaches a day, night game 4/5 nights a week) and collected lots of numbers, went on lots of dates, lots of pulls. And nothing to show for it.

Same happened in Krakow each time I went. But this time, atleast they were nice to me.

This theme has underpinned my entire journey.

Lots of work.

Lots of talk.

Lots of promises.

No improvements to outcomes.

............What gives?

Why does this happen across every metric?

Improve everything that can be improved.

New Photos. Same Outcomes.

We’ve significantly improved my photos over the course of time.

I worked my damn butt off to make this happen.

Orthotopic work & Upper Palatial Expansion: Took 2 years and spent £10k+

Style overhauls: repeatedly.

Hair Transplant Surgery: ~£10K

Inner work, Mindset work ~2years

Hardcore gym work.

2,000+ approaches (0 lays), infield coaching, bootcamps, recording and analysing audios

Date game overhaul, again and again

I listen to everything I am told and truly trusted other people and believe what they tell. They told me this would work.

I was told the more I improve myself, the more my situation will improve.

I did that.

And yet.

It didn’t.

I am left in a horrible position.

I went hard as fuck in the gym.

Done the photoshoots.

I just want to know why this never changes my outcomes?

Uploaded my new pics to Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, and Facebook dating.

2hr boost on Tinder, in London. 1 match, an obese chick.

Liked 700 profiles on Hinge, in London, none liked back. I ran a 1hr boost in Chicago as an experiment, no likes.

Bumble, boosted, no likes.

Facebook, used all my swipes, no matches.

In Krakow, I got 140 matches. NONE replied. ZERO.

Collected numbers from day game - nothing happened.

Just like every trip I did before that.


Blasting gym and self improvement

Overhauling my dating profiles and photos again and again

Approaching endlessly, tweaking every variable

Seeking Advice: Is There ANYTHING I Can Do?

I do not even know what to think to be quite honest.

I’ve listened to Andy & Radical from the start. I didn’t argue and did exactly what they told me. I listened to everyone who has mentored and advised me.

These people did their best, were superb, and it is entirely my own failure. I take full responsibility. I did exactly what was instructed, applied 100% effort and focus, was consistent, diligent, and did exactly what I was supposed to do.

It just didn’t work.

The truth is, I am not sure these people understand what to do in order to improve my situation. I am the retard who trusted and believed what was said, it's my own fault. Is what it is.

It took some going, but I believed it was possible to build a dating life and to meet women who would want to know me.

I was able to attract very fat, mentally ill undesirables. I do like the memories of many of my lays.

2 years ago, I went on a date with someone I find attractive, and we had sex.

That NEVER happened again.

This was a singular event.

I could never recreate it despite all my efforts.

Despite what I was told - it was just theory. Just thoughts. I did the actions. The outcomes didn't come.

Why was I only able to get fat chicks and trolls and settle for people I do not find physically attractive?

Why is match quality and frequency so low?

Why do I have to settle for sleeping with women who are wayyyyyyyy below my own looks level with extreme infrequency (average is once every 5/6 months).

All these questions, I was just unable to ever find an answer for.

I have improved myself and for this, I am glad and proud.

I have done the work and not complained for 7 months, guys. I have truly, truly persisted in horrible times.

This sucks, as you can imagine. I WISH there was a world I lived in where I could just get ONE person I like to date me. ONE. Out of a population of almost 70 million people, what shocks me is I was unable to find ONE human being I feel attraction for to date me.

I did not want to believe this about the human animal, about the world we live in, about the fundamental decency of humanity.

I do not want to believe that this is where all the advice I was given, the coaching, everything I did, has led me.

It is shocking and I wish it wasn’t like this.

But I do not know what I can do about it?

Going to Krakow, I was able to see serious changes in how I was received. This does not of course happen in the UK, and this truly worries me, because I have never had success in Krakow or Budapest or anywhere outside of the UK. These things never did lead anywhere and I am not sure they will. Being a shiny object is fun. There are no other very tall brown men there. It was cool and everyone was super cool to me, friendly, trying to help me, give me info, translate things. I really appreciated it.

I have persisted for multiple years now off blind faith that a better future and life is possible for myself. I of course do I want to avoid a future of having to settle for very unattractive, obese and otherwise quite abnormal undesirables

Because the work we’ve done has only gotten me success with very unattractive and fat women, I am very bummed about this and it makes me so fearful about the future because I do not want to live like this

Whilst I appreciate I was a 29 year old virgin, I do not want to pay the price for this for the rest of my life. Futhermore, I was told that I could actually get a dating life I would want.

This didn’t occur.

I decided NOT to accept my fate and instead to improve myself, which is admirable.

This is over 2 years into my journey. I’ve had a disappointing experience that has left me so confused, but I have persisted and persisted and just forged an individual who is made out of iron

But even so, as hard as it has been to persist, I question whether this premise of finding someone who I like who will date me is actually outside the realm of possibility.

As insane as that sounds, remember, I have done this for YEARS, and have just had to eat shit, get my head kicked in, and trust my coaches and advisor for the entire duration despite being unable to produce any kind of results or outcomes that would be acceptable.

My current situation is not acceptable, and not what I signed up for to put it mildly. Whilst life is unfair I just take issue with the premise that I must accept the leftovers and undesirables and be happy with that.

I worked on myself. Hard. I did this, to get a better result.

I am sad that I have been unable to improve my dating life and create the kind of life I wanted to live, of course, but I am trying to work out if there is a solution to this.

If self-improvement does not work, what option remains?

If photo shoot after photo shoot doesn’t change anything.

If overhauling my profile time and time again does nothing.

If blasting the gym and body does not yield returns.

If approaching and approaching, thousands of times, making ongoing adjustments and corrections, does not produce any results.

Then what the FUCK can I even do at this stage?

Everyone has a different answer.

It’s this

It’s that.

You’re just not there yet.

Give it a few more years.

This, that, and many other takes.

Taking these things on board and applying them

What results are produced?


Same as ever.

In the UK, it feels like there is no amount of self-improvement I could do in ten lifetimes to survive here

I have run my new profile in London, liked 1000 girls profiles on hinge, and got zero likes

I ran a two-hour boost in London, and got 1 very obese match

I ran a boost on bumble and got zero likes

I swiped through profiles on Facebook dating and got zero matches

I do not require a woman who is obviously attractive to date. I am happy with someone who is a normal girl, not fat, and not obviously unattractive. Like myself, about a 5 or 6 on a good day.

All pics attached.

It does bother me that in a population or 70 million I was not able to find ONE person who was willing to date me after over 2 years

I did not want to believe this about the human animal and it has shaken my faith in the species

I will leave England and I know I will have a better time abroad in terms of at least being able to have some dates now and then, though they go nowhere.

But what sucks, is the possibility of abundance, of CHOICE, of not having to settle, is something I have lost all hope over.

The women outside of here, I’ve had 0 success with, but they at least talk to me

They atleast listen to what I have to say

In Krakow and Budapest, those people treated me like a normal person.

But nothing materialises?

In Krakow, I got 140 matches, but no one replied. NO ONE.

Worked on myself for 6 months, the hair transplant grew, I improved my looks, and did new photos

Got the new photos up.

Same. Across all the dating apps, the exact same outcomes. Very obese, totally undesirable women and the odd transsexual.

When my friend Carl got his photos done, the floodgates opened. He had tonnes of matches and dates. Within the day it uploading them his whole life changed.

Within his first handful of dates, he was able to get lays, second dates, and the girls obviously like him.

This NEVER happened to me.

And the truth is, despite what I was told it probably won’t.

If this was going to work, after 2 years of dating, I’d have seen SOME sign that I could get a lady to have some interest in me or see some value in me by now

Maybe I am in a fucked situation. Maybe the combination of meh facial structure and proportions, meh body, too tall (6ft5 gangly freak), brown, is beyond fixing.

I do not think I can overcome this in the UK. And I am now going to be heading into other locations where I’ve had 0 success.

Very unfortunate…….

My new photos performing like they have, has concerned me. I was keeping quiet for months as I was seeing changes in my body and in the mirror. I thought when I could take pictures that relect this change, perhaps it would improve things for me.

Didn’t happen.

7 months of grinding, nothing changed.

Is there ANYTHING I can do to get something happening in dating?


After the usual shit show of day game in the UK, I went home and rested for an hour in Carl’s bed. He was on a date with a lovely girl who is interested in him. I think back to the days a few years ago when I thought this could be my future too. I was so hopeful about it and truly thought this would eventually come.

I kept working, ferociously.

And it…..just….didn’t.

I have now lost my faith.

Geomaxxing to other countries does get me out of the absolutely impossible situation I am in for the unforgiveable sin of having brown skin in the UK – this of course is justification for being weeded out of the gene pool here. Fine. I will go elsewhere. There is nothing I can do here, it seems. Tried it all. It’s over here. Sucks man.

Now, thing is, on the 4-5 trips I’ve done abroad have I seen my efforts lead to anything. That is what worries me a lot.

I did want to believe that if I kept going, I’ll succeed

I wanted to trust the people I put faith in.

But we cannot get results and this is what disturbs me.

Changing markets, does not feel like much of a solution, shiny object syndrome only gets you so far.

It feels as if options are running out. I have been patient. 2+ years and I have followed the advice given

My question is this…………


(A) MAC Ends The Journey: If it sincerely is not possible for me to build a good dating life, let’s have an honest convo about that and draw a line under this so I can work on accepting my situation. I do not want the dating life I have: months of scarcity, success only with fat and unattractive girls, poor quality and infrequent matches. Having to go ALL OUT to get a date, 1/20 of which go anywhere, most of which just ghost. This is just unworkable. The game plan I followed put me here. I cannot get out.
(B) MAC Continues for 3 More Months: I will go to Budapest, I will be open-minded to the possibility that I could possibly succeed. I will pull out all the stops for 3 months, leave no stone unturned, and see if I can get a lay with someone I find attractive. I do not want this dry spell to continue for 12 months. If we cannot make this happen for someone, we are kidding ourselves.

If we cannot, AFTER YEARS of Self Improvement, get a guy a lay with someone he finds attractive within 10 FUCKING MONTHS of ongoing effort, then we need to be clear about this and stop telling guys they can build a good dating life and get results.

Again - I say this with respect. I have NO PROBLEM with it. I am grateful for ever person who pushed me, for every positive message I recieved, and everyone who encouraged me to fight for a better life. I will always be indebted to you until the day I die.

The fact that the dating advise here does not work, is not a reflection of the goodness and decency of the community. I love this place a lot and for SELF IMPROVEMENT, it is the best place in the world.

I am a Self Improvement guy and I am damn good at improving myself as a person.

I will always be grateful for everyone who helped me. I truly appreciate it and it has meant the world to me to just have had an opportunity to see if it was fixable.

It was a dream of mine to see if a man from nothing, from hell itself, from a horrible, horrible background and from the sewer of life could make something of myself through nothing other than hard work. I wanted to just SEE if it was possible. I wanted to see if it was possible for a guy who was a virgin until he was 29, who was treated like filth for much of his life, who pulled himself up from the gutter for many years despite absolutely impossible circumstances, could possibly make a success of himself and show other people who are in the same boat, down and out and completely destroyed by life, that they too have a chance if they work as hard as humanly possible for years

My motivation was just to test a premise: is it possible to go from nothing to something? Can a guy like me outwork God’s plan?

I am sad to report to KYIL today, that I do not know how to make this happen any-more. I do not know how to get improvements in one's dating life. I thought it would happen through self improvement and taking massive action. I was wrong on that one.

If you do all in your power, get expert help, and put in more work than anyone else ever has, and you cannot find someone who likes you – what option even remains?

An uphill struggle for the rest of my life, fighting nature, trying to push a square peg into a round hole, sounds like a recipe for my own destruction.

There were atleast some glorious wins.

I lost 80+lbs.

Built muscle.

Started a biz.


Met awesome new people.

Went on dates, got lays (all gross apart from 1).

Beat my AA and became an approach machine.

Gained confidence and improved myself

This was great.

I was told this would eventually start to lead to matches, dates with women who wanted to know me, and so on. This unfortunately didn’t materialise and given we’ve been at this since March 2021, what do you even want me to say?

Everything about me, got better. Looking at my online results, this is a window into my future. This is likely what it will be. Looking at my dating results, this speaks volumes.

What hope is left?

I see no way out of this any more.

Perhaps it truly is time to bow out.

The fact I was able to lose my virginity was awesome. The fact that I was able to get 1 girl I liked to sleep with me 1 time was awesome. We had those wins years ago, but were never able to repeat this again. I understand not all people can be fixed and this is not something I myself will ever be able to comprehend. Perhaps in another life I will understand.

I wish for nothing but success and positive things for you all.

I have a huge amount of love in my heart for this community and I am grateful that many men were able to come here and be helped.

We helped each other time and time again, we pushed each other, and we did it for nothing other than the respect and appreciation we have for each other as hard working, driven men.

This was very special for me to see. Many of the successes people had here, brought tears to my eyes. The changes people made, were the things I live for, to see progression, to see the human animal realise it’s awesome potential, and to see the power of raw, brutal, brutal hard ass work. The guys who, like me, who were from bad backgrounds and had to struggle a lot, meant the world to me, I read their logs obsessively and always rooted for them. I drew strength from them in the darkest times of my life.

I will spend some time reviewing your advice, and will be guided by what the community says. If it’s option A, I’ll bow out and thank you all, it was a pleasure and I loved every second of it.

Sadly, this will mean that nature has won. It will mean that a guy cannot turn his life around through elite, god-tier grinding. I do not know how I will get over it. May be a time to go deeper into faith and see if there was a reason for me having to arrive at this moment.

It it’s option B, we have 3 months to show SOME signs of success. I will create a mini 90 day project, based on ONE attractive Budapest lay. If we cannot do that, time to face the music - after years of this shit, this will never work, will it?

Anyway...............As you make your decision on option A or B, here are my pics so you can make your decision:

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Bro, take a breath and fuck off with option A. I know that you made this post looking for one person to tell you that you can relax and quit, but it’s not gonna happen. First of all, what you are feeling is a natural undulation in dopamine levels after having the time of your life on your trip—it’s natural to feel down and shitty, especially when exerting effort. But you have that mechanisms to overcome that mood, if you don’t, add this to your toolkit asap (https://youtu.be/K-TW2Chpz4k). Second of all, LOOK AT HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME, you acknowledge in your very own post. Focus on that. Observe what you have accomplished, specifically through this journey. Observe how you improved as a man—as an outside observer it’s fucking incredible. And it’s this specific journey that has harnessed those improvements, not anything else. To achieve greatness you have forge the qualities necessary (it’s gonna vary by field, but a lot are the same). Those qualities can only be developed through pain, suffering, and pure effort. You have done a lot of that. More than most would even consider possible since the start of your journey. And we can all tell by your discipline, by your drive, by your passion. And correct me if I’m wrong, but it has only been 2-3 years of this journey? I know it seems like a life time, but you are just at the START. It takes at least 5 years of grinding consistently to get to a high level. As a trader, I will point out that most people quit AT THE WORST TIME. There is something about human psychology that makes people quit at the fucking bottom, at the worst time. I have seen that consistently throughout my industry and in life, are you really gonna sell at the bottom?


And you are not alone in feeling discouraged, in wanting to quit. It is a natural human reaction to feel that when you are putting it all out there and not getting results. But you should not tie your mood to your results, tie it to your progress. If you have moved towards your goal, you should be happy because that is in your control. The world is random, the outcomes aren’t under your control. Focus on the progress, which you have made a fuck ton of. If you don’t overcome this mental challenge here, you won’t overcome that anywhere—business especially.

And you are only 31, that would be tragic. You are 31—a lot of people would kill to be in your position, to be in great health, to be fucking worrying about something like game. My dad tells me all the time, if we didn’t move to the US from Russia, I would have a fucking AK-47 in my hand. But instead I’m here typing up this post, in the comfort of my fucking room. How can I fucking stop and not take fully advantage of every opportunity GIFTED to me? Quitting would be spitting in the face of my family and all those people who can’t even have a fucking dream. Travel to a third world country, see how people are living. And yet they have a giant fucking smile on their face.

Third, if you tell me you have exhausted every option, I obviously cannot hold you accountable, but I will be surprised if it’s true. What is your social life like? How much effort have you been putting into building that social status? Have you done the same level of application for night game as day game?

Fourth and last, re-read your post as if your friend wrote it. Can you see the narratives that they have in their head? Can you see that they are actually convincing themselves that they are out of the game, when they are not? Because that’s why I see. In times of challenge, people let the wrong voice in their head dominate the thought process. It’s the voice that goes “X,Y, and Z happened to me. I should take it easy. My life is hard.” Well you have to tell that voice to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Override that voice, override that narrative, come back to the present. Practice mindfulness and catch yourself in that spiral. And I know, it is incredibly hard, but it’s possible. And look man, look at my goal ffs, I’m right there with you. But I will keep chipping away, one day at a time, and build something beautiful—both in life and in business.


Don't give up I understand not seeing results from your effort is incredibly frustrating but giving up and taking yourself out the game will just cause even more misery id say even going a 1000 mph in the wrong direction is still better than going nowhere.

There has to be something going on here that I dont understand because Im from the uk and I know it isnt the best here by a longshot but ive seen and know people that you are far more attractive than and judging from your posts and what people say about you a far better person as well but they still get results.

What actions daily are you taking in terms of dating?

I know its not likely but is it possible you are overplaying how much effort is going into the dating side of things due to building a biz and gym? like 5000 approaches in 2 years more than most and is amazing but thats still only approaching 7 girls a day now if its 2000 over two years thats just 3 a day. Imagine trying to get a client with 7 emails a day would be very difficult for most people. in terms of the online stuff how much are you swiping every day? do you boost multiple times a day? across all apps? how many messages are you sending daily? I refuse to believe you arent getting matches with that photo with you in the christian dior sweatshirt. May be worth going full OCD mode and tracking literally everything just to see.

I hope someone with more experience can dissect this and see what you can fix because ive just seen too much evidence to know its not looks thats the problem here.

I think John Anthony may have mentorship with a results guarantee may be worth checking out. If his testimonials are real you'll be laughing because if some of them can do it you'll make light work of it.

Please don't give up bro you've got this.
I want to set this straight before anyone else replies.

What MAC neglected to mention about his app results with the newest photos is that he is SHADOWBANNED.

I have instructed him to hard reset and Rags2Bitches will also be running his photos on a separate account in a separate city to A/B test.

It is simply impossible to get no matches with such fire photos and a quality profile like that. There is no possibility other than a shadowban or other bug in the apps.

Any further discussion should be ceased until we resolve this.
congrats MAC, the physical transformation is impressive. I've seen people improve their body, I had never seen someone change his face like you did. Awesome pictures

There's zero reason for you to stop. Dating isn't a meritocracy though, you speak like you're owed a dating life because you grew muscle, lost fat and made money. Girls don't care about your muscles and money. Growing 2 inches of biceps won't get you more success with girls.
Your lack of results on dating apps is obviously due to the shadowban.

Your last post says a lot about your beliefs: you still think that god had bad plans for you. You also think that brown guys can't date.
Both of those beliefs are wrong. No one has plans of you getting no dates and Indian people are 1.5 billions.

Regarding IRL dating success, how often do you go to bar with friends? Clubs? Do you have wingmen? When's the last time you got drunk? When was your last remarkable party? How often do you simply have fun with friends?
pancakemouse said:
I want to set this straight before anyone else replies.

What MAC neglected to mention about his app results with the newest photos is that he is SHADOWBANNED.

I have instructed him to hard reset and @Rags2Bitches will also be running his photos on a separate account in a separate city to A/B test.

It is simply impossible to get no matches with such fire photos and a quality profile like that. There is no possibility other than a shadowban or other bug in the apps.

Any further discussion should be ceased until we resolve this.

Update: I recreated MAC's profile on Tinder in New York City, by far the hardest dating market in the USA.

In less than 30 minutes he already has four matches. This is without Tinder Platinum which is pretty much required for success these days.


So no. It's not over. In fact, it's pretty damn far from over.

MAC's current profile in London is Shadowbanned. He will hard reset his profile and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

No more bellyaching, no more despair. Time to get back on the horse and work.
pancakemouse said:
pancakemouse said:
I want to set this straight before anyone else replies.

What MAC neglected to mention about his app results with the newest photos is that he is SHADOWBANNED.

I have instructed him to hard reset and @Rags2Bitches will also be running his photos on a separate account in a separate city to A/B test.

It is simply impossible to get no matches with such fire photos and a quality profile like that. There is no possibility other than a shadowban or other bug in the apps.

Any further discussion should be ceased until we resolve this.

Update: I recreated MAC's profile on Tinder in New York City, by far the hardest dating market in the USA.

In less than 30 minutes he already has four matches. This is without Tinder Platinum which is pretty much required for success these days.


So no. It's not over. In fact, it's pretty damn far from over.

MAC's current profile in London is Shadowbanned. He will hard reset his profile and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

No more bellyaching, no more despair. Time to get back on the horse and work.

Damn the bottom left girl looks juicy AF - look what you got so far Macdaddy, on a shitty springbreak sunday afternoon with a starter profile.

BUT DON'T WORRY GUYS - MakingAComeback is not going to post he is quitting soon- he promised me his soul for the next 1.5 years and I want to be paid in full.
pancakemouse said:
I want to set this straight before anyone else replies.

What MAC neglected to mention about his app results with the newest photos is that he is SHADOWBANNED.

I have instructed him to hard reset and @Rags2Bitches will also be running his photos on a separate account in a separate city to A/B test.

It is simply impossible to get no matches with such fire photos and a quality profile like that. There is no possibility other than a shadowban or other bug in the apps.

Any further discussion should be ceased until we resolve this.
Yep, 100%.

There's absolutely no way in hell that he is getting zero matches with photos of that quality.

MakingAComeback the negative side of me wanted to cling to the hopelessness in your post, but ultimately I think it is a bit silly to say it's over. You banged a hot girl before, so you will do it again. It's not a matter of if, but when. Yeah the lack of consistency is not fun, I can relate, but compared to where we all were before I think its a solid improvement. Plus once you get one, if you retain her, you'll get consistent sex for weeks or months.
Man, option A will lead to regret for the entirety of your life. It seems you are clearly having a rougher path than others but with your mindset and hard work habits you can turn this around. Especially with all the help that you can get here and from outside sources.

As everyone is saying, your photos are top tier quality (way better than mine) and it is very clear that you current ELO score is way too low due to a shadowban or something similar. This can only be overcome with a hard reset which is something the folks have already outlined above.

On the other hand, in case you aren't getting direct guidance with things related to cold approach and especially daygame, if you take the effort to record yourself in some sets that you do I can take a look at them and give you my feedback. I am no expert in the matter but at least you'll have an additional perspective in case you aren't analyzing your interactions already. If after 5k approaches you aren't recording yourself and listening to what and how you speak, you shouldn't do another session without starting to do it. It is very eye opening, believe me.
Ne jebe lep, nego uporan (the translation would be this: The good looking guy is not the one who bangs /fucks, but the one who is persistent 😁😁😁😁😁😁🙃🙂).
pancakemouse said:
In less than 30 minutes he already has four matches. This is without Tinder Platinum which is pretty much required for success these days

Thank you for beign such a great guy pancakemouse☺️👆👏
There isn't anything I can add that hasn't been said, but I think you should take a break for a few days, breathe, then get back in the game brotha.

You're just getting started.
First photo is superb. In fact, your first three photos look almost fashion magazine quality (which could suggest a fake profile), so I would suggest getting photos verified to eliminate that concern.

I’m no expert, but the consensus seems to be that mirror selfies should never be used (photos 4 and 5).

Also, it seems the threshold is very high for a shirtless photo to perform well. Your physique while vastly improved isn’t yet at the level of Tushar, Arcade Fire, and Manly Cockfellow for example. I ran a shirtless photo of myself (taken with canon EOS RP) on photofeeler and it was my worst scoring photo by far. As an experiment, I also ran photofeeler on some random over age 50 male fitness models’ shirtless pics, and surprisingly they didn’t do that well either. The best scoring shirtless pic I threw up was 7.4 /10 and it was of a guy who had a physique clearly only attainable with massive doses of anabolic steroids.

Bottom photo I think has too much upper eyelid exposure showing (camera angle was not optimal for your features), the whites of your eyes are visible below the irises, and eyes too wide in general (the latter similar to many of my own photos). You could very possibly fix this with faceapp the “cute” filter. Practice squinching (if you wear contacts/ glasses, do it with contacts in) , tilt head down slightly when looking at the camera, to minimize upper eyelid exposure - and use faceapp. If all else fails you can wear sunglasses in a couple of your photos.

Something else that comes to mind is I have an Asian friend who had almost incel tier dating results in the USA, but moved to Korea about 20 years ago and has been treated basically as Gigachad ever since. Even surprisingly bangs white girl tourists/expats in Korea, the kind of girls he could never get in the USA. So maybe try setting your location to a major city in India and boosting. Just to see what happens…

In any event it looks like you would do fine in NYC!
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
Something else that comes to mind is I have an Asian friend who had almost incel tier dating results in the USA, but moved to Korea about 20 years ago and has been treated basically as Gigachad ever since. Even surprisingly bangs white girl tourists/expats in Korea, the kind of girls he could never get in the USA. So maybe try setting your location to a major city in India and boosting. Just to see what happens…

In any event it looks like you would do fine in NYC!

This is something else that I think isn't talked about enough: Fishing in the right pond.
I am going to make a prediction. MakingAComeback is going to succeed and be that underdog who truly ascends and fucks a bunch of hot girls.

He has some of the most important foundations. Immense height and frame. Great potential. As some have mentioned he has made big strides with his physique. I was amazed by his latest batch. Now it is nowhere near where it needs to be yet. That is fine. He will get there. There is no question.

And as for anything and everything else that is required. He will get it done. He will make the money needed to tackle any aesthetic/plastic surgery he deems will make a difference as and when it is plausible to do so.

He already got laid 9 times in one of the most difficult dating environments I personally know. I only ever got 1 lay in the UK and that was at my peak. He may not be satisfied with the quality of his lays on average but he already blew me out of the water by doing something I never could have and that is getting 9 lays in London of all places.

And I think the true spice that will make all the difference will be traveling. He will start out in Budapest and unleash the sum total of everything he has built. Even if he doesn't fuck a bunch of girls right off the bat, he will surely eventually. Once his physique and looks get fully dialed in which as I said are a good while away yet.

And if it doesn't pan out in Budapest, it will certainly pan out somewhere.

By hook or by crook, by hell or by high water, MakingAComeback is going to fuck a bunch of hot girls and this log will serve as a beacon of hope to all who started out as badly as he did and inspire those with the raw grit, will and indomitable spirit to succeed in what for some kinds of men out there is a true hero's journey.

As a side note, I never truly achieved the chad results I wanted because I never went TRULY all in. I was 98% serious but if I had been 100% I would have found the money to get leg lengthening surgery. I would have got tattooed like Scotty. I would have got a hair replacement system. MakingAComeback should be VERY grateful he isn't in a position where he would need to conjure up 100k for that first procedure. The other 2 are far less invasive and affordable of course. But I never went down that route and probably never will.
MakingAComeback, I showed your pictures to my beautiful, very sexy partner and the first word she used to describe you was handsome

Don't you dare quit
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
I’m no expert, but the consensus seems to be that mirror selfies should never be used (photos 4 and 5).

Also, it seems the threshold is very high for a shirtless photo to perform well. Your physique while vastly improved isn’t yet at the level of Tushar, Arcade Fire, and Manly Cockfellow for example. I ran a shirtless photo of myself (taken with canon EOS RP) on photofeeler and it was my worst scoring photo by far. As an experiment, I also ran photofeeler on some random over age 50 male fitness models’ shirtless pics, and surprisingly they didn’t do that well either. The best scoring shirtless pic I threw up was 7.4 /10 and it was of a guy who had a physique clearly only attainable with massive doses of anabolic steroids.

To clarify, he just posted those as an example of his physique. He's not actually using those photos on his current profile.

As far as the future, these are the photos I used for the NYC experiment and what I recommend he use after his hard reset:
Goes without saying Option A is off the table.

In losing eighty pounds, you probably just extended your lifespan 20 years. Come on now, that alone is a huge win!

You still have plenty of levers left. As a guy in your 30's, career and business success counts for more than in your 20's-- earning six figures, cool car, high-end shit counts. Additionally you can look more into plastic surgery, like the rhinoplasty/chin implant procedure that Persian dudes get.

View attachment 1

I'll also mention that I think a better look would be hair pushed forward + big beard, like a lot of soccer players have. The tightly-groomed beard reminds me too much of French Montana or something.

I don't even think you can do option A. You're a psycho, David Goggins like.

As someone said, you're only 31, you're not in your peak years yet. You started late, but when you'll be enjoying life with your beautiful wife and 3 kids, you'll look at this period with pride and nostalgia.

The Dom told you unfortunately that you were a hard case, and it'll take 5 years at least to get where you want. You're year 2, you still have some ways to go.

You are one of the most inspiring person I got to come across. When I'm in situations where I feel lazy and unmotivated, I just have to remember you to push myself a bit more, even for 1%. You WILL find your wife. Don't forget the ultimate goal my friend. Do it for the mini MACs.

Regarding the whole brown guys thing. You mentioned never having seen a brown guy slaying. Please check out Indian PE from Playing with fire (I think he's a business partner of Alex):

That guy has 200+ lays, confirmed by Alex, who is really not the type of man to lie. And he's not more attractive than you, he looks chubbier in the video and his indian accent sure is getting in his way, but he still slays. Maybe you can contact him and get coached by him or ask him question ? Just an idea, don't know how busy he is. But he would definitively understand you more than anyone else I guess.

Here he's showing how he pulled a girl from CA:

You can find all his videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@PlayingWithFireChannel/search?query=indian

That guy is bald, not tall, slightly out of shape, has a hard accent but he still manage to have a good sex life with hot girls (once again, confirmed by Alex, who did podcasts with Andy and seems like a really genuine guy). And once again, you are not less attractive than him, no way. You're taller, with hair, better shape, no accent... The list goes on. So now, you have an example of success, that you can relate to. I hope this gives you hope.