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Amazin fight, it shows how much you can achieve if you have the mental strength to endure the pain and keep pushing

It reminds me of my favourite fighter Nate Diaz, he can get a beating and still win. He can lose and still win. He's the gangster version of a guy like Yuri. He has mental strength + IDGAF attitude
I seen in Thrices log you mentioned not wanting a wife a kids anymore. Maybe I missed your explanation somewhere, but could you elaborate why the change of heart? From what I remember, that was end game for you.
Day 63/90

Great morning doing my own coaching, and then having coaching done to me with my body recomp coach, Adam

Winners invest in themselves and it’s one of the most proven ways to get ahead

I’ve learned tonnes since working with him, and at many points, I’d have made decisions which would have thrown me off and caused another year of slow progress

Experienced hands, know the deep inner game, and the small layers and tweaks you need to add, the things you need to pivot out of certain sticking points, the correct way to think to get through a area that is lagging

It makes all the difference

The way I see it, you can gut up, focus, invest, and have real concrete outcomes in 1 to 2 years time

Or you can plunder around in your own, feel good and think you’re gonna be fine, and find yourself exactly where you were in 2 years

Because humans just don’t want to do hard things and their mind will always give them a way out

But for those who’ve travelled the road and found ways to win, they just know so many things about that road, that we ourselves don’t

Having systems and structures in place to create a container for achievement is how you win. I'm going to give a plug to my coach, Adam, because he is just top notch:


I would bet my entire life savings on him knowing more about physique development than 99.99999% of the worlds population. I have never encountered a human being such such deep knowledge, insight, and passion - dude has been training for 30 years and has been at elite levels in strength and body composition the whole time. Having calls with him every week, has just been so useful it's ridiculous.

Why, as a goal oriented winner, who wants to get an elite body and business, would I not have this in my life?

This level of focus is what we are about in IronWill

So, what have you got for me today?
May be an image of diary and text



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Day 64.jpg

Just pasting this one from my daily post in my free group, out here HUSTLING today. Coach switched the workout up and cut 100kcals from the diet. Workout is huge huge levels of volume now. My lord. Masses of work. Curious what it will do to my body and muscles for the next few months, and what it will do to my strength capacity when we get back to adding muscle. Body recomposition, like goal achievement, is a marathon, not a sprint, and consistency, execution, and performance should be expected for 2-3 years to build a truly fantastic physique IMO. And I do believe, a fantastic physique can be developed, it will just require the individual to get dramatically stronger. Which, I will do.

Day 64
Look, high performance is a brain state
It’s easier to be focused and productive than it is tired, bored, under stimulated and not engaged
It’s easier to focus on living your fucking dreams and soaring to the highest of your human potential, than it is grinding away at menial soul crushing jobs that are a means to an end, as you tell yourself, some day, you will go out there and take on the world
To become an asset kicker and joyful performance legend, it comes down to one thing:
You have to outwit your brain and the biological tendency to minimise energy and effort by having habits routines and systems that make you TAKE MASSIVE ACTION
You cannot give your mind the space to just dominate you and allow the negative voice in your head to get louder
Instead, our process needs to be tailored to us and aligned with our internal success blueprint
You do that, and you will solve your puzzle
And you will make more progress in 90 days than most will in a year
Consistency is a brain state you have to learn to get into
It can take me a few hours or hustling each day to enter deep flow states and I’ve done this for years
That is the way this game works
You need to understand this deeply and each day do what you can to generate momentum
If you do that
Well both smash our goals and celebrate together at the winners table
Show up again guys and let’s finish this sprint like we said we will
To your success,
May be an image of ticket stub, diary, book and text
But I struggled to see how I could sustainably create this setup, with a woman who has values and integrity, is reliable, trust worthy, and a person who I would invest in. It's not to say, all women are of poor quality, but increasingly, I do not see family oriented women, who like children, want to raise a family, and are "ride or die" quality.
I largely agree with about general society and the ziegiest. And I'm someone who doesn't want to be married or have kids.

However, these qualities you seek are cultivated in her by you over time. You model what you want.

When my ex wife and I first started dating she lied about her starting to take birth control because she was scared to tell me (I don't even remember why). However I cultivated honesty and trustworthiness in her over time. She was completely ride or die at the end and would have kept going, had I not been the one to end it. We're divorced now and still have each other's back if we ever needed.

I just watched one of my best friends from my mens group get married this last weekend. During the speeches, everyone went on and on about how much integrity, honesty, and commitment these two had for each other. I already know they want kids in the next couple years. Because he's in my men's group, I know how much time he's invested in cultivating the relationship.

I also just visited my best friend from childhood yesterday. He had it rough like I did growing up. Now he's got two kids and lady who's been amazing partner in building their family. She always speaks well of him, was a stay at home mom during the infancy years, and always supportive. Neither of them were stand up citzens at the start of the relationship. However, having kids matured him, he started getting life together, and she followed suit alongside him. I think they are going to be great parents.

My point is, in those 3 years, how many positive examples of marriage and parenting did you see? How many people in your inner circle are happily married with kids? No offense to the dating communities or PUAs, but they are not exactly model citizens for marriage.

I believe there is an abundance of marriage and mother material out there because those are roles that require maturity and maturity is cultivated. The more mature the man, the more mature he can help the woman to become.
Will circle back gents in hustle mode.

Up @ 5am. Morning process done. Meal 1 done.

Coach Adam chopped the kcals down, again, we dropped more weight. 217lbs today, down from 223lbs last week. First 3 week are just fliuid loss from reducing carbs he says.

Went to the beach, 2hr of biohacking, on the beach doing grounding, getting super high quality UV light, and on my phone, coaching the shit out of my tribe in the private group. This level of hardcore accountability and hands on, daily, structured coaching, is producing some mega results. One of the guys, an agency owner, whose agency was doing 1 million a year, just got engaged. I was STOKED about that. Another one of my guys, is going through a serious transformation of his inner world, got several job offers, and is awakening to his potential, which will be elite.

Trained hard yesterday. Apparently need to up the weights considerably. New change, still finding the right intensity. Will adjust for the next session.

All habits, getting nailed. Sleep, self improvement, biohacking, etc.

Very very curious to see what my outcomes are like by the end of the year, I expect my body will have changed a lot.

Will send my check-in, gotta get clear on how to maximise the day. Good so far though!


In short, after deliberation and reflection, asking myself the question of do I truly want this, I became quite hazy and doubtful of the idea.

As I questioned it more, and asked myself why I wanted this, I could see the benefits from the perspective of depth of the human experience, belonging, community

But I struggled to see how I could sustainably create this setup, with a woman who has values and integrity, is reliable, trust worthy, and a person who I would invest in. It's not to say, all women are of poor quality, but increasingly, I do not see family oriented women, who like children, want to raise a family, and are "ride or die" quality.
So you're saying here that you still want it, it's just that you still need to level up before you can get there. And there's gonna be a few levels in between, you'll need to have a "serious" relationship or two for practice, so still a long road ahead. Basically you're saying if the right chick falls in your lap, you're down for it.

Just need to figure out the puzzle pieces. Level up. Fill the gaps. Find your niche. Have a socially-acceptable story without too much weirdness. In real life, nobody cares about that self-improvement and spirituality stuff. They just care about who you are right now. How many "attractiveness" boxes you tick in their heads, and how many "red flags" you don't have.

Most women want to settle down and have children in their 30's. With the right guy, many wouldn't mind doing that at 25 either. I've met many girls who match all those characteristics you outlined. I've never dated in UK or USA so IDK how the things are there. In Europe, when you hit 30's, relationship/apartment/kids/career are what most people are thinking about.

They also optimize their filters for the guy they're looking for. Good genes, successful at work, financially secure, is mature, has a stable life, fits into the society, established, takes care of himself, has a mission. The whole "player/cool" vibe becomes less important, detrimental even.

You're not there yet, and that's okay. But that's no reason to discard the vision of what you want your life to be like.

I learned a lot.

Even warriors of self improvement have to take time to reflect, rebuild, heal, and grow.

A great psychologist I met, Dr Gavin, was able to help me make very important inner game progress. I record the sessions, and will be released them to this forum ONLY.

To follow, will be a big MAC life update post.

I started this journey, to achieve excellence and greatness and to find what I seek.

And I decided I will either make it, or die trying.

It has been hard to build on a cracked foundation. I never went into it, but the damage done to my mind from a hellacious, traumatic childhood, in an abusive situation, was so severe, I could not confront it until 3 years of self improvement.

I began doing the work on it. And my mind began clearing up, to where I am ready to return.

But this one, will be with balance, logic, reason, and objective, careful work.

Mindful of language and syntax, and concerted efforts to rebuild my inner world towards the true potential I have.

I want to give special thanks to Coach Dante, Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, September, Arcade_Fire, Crisis_Overcomer, Radical, The Dom, Paw, Ralph Anthony, and my boys who have been a major help this year when I was finally able to begin to talk about my childhood trauma and begin to heal.

And whose unwavering support and belief in me, has meant I have not stopped my journey, even when I did not believe in myself.

The inner work chapter, was hard, many tears shed, much pain felt, and it was with good reason I stayed away from the forum. I was doing my level best to do the work and remain sane. Confront my demons was beyond agony. There are no words.

These things, should never be done to children.

And I spit on any individual who puts children through this. Shame on them.

I will rise from this, and attain success, and make sure the next generation who I produce, will not go through the madness I had to.

And hence, the cycle will be broken. BECAUSE OF ME AND MY IRON WILL ALONE.

The IronWill Project: Chapter 2 – Rebuilding The Psychological Foundation

Monday 19/08/2024


Block 1: Landing Page [90m]
Block 2: Landing Page & VSL
Block 3: Landing Page & VSL
Block4: Messaging
Block 5: Content – Long Form
Block6: Content – Long Form


Work to catch up with for 2-3 days.

This is not the daily format I will be using. This is my first day back on the forum, and I am going to work on a new format for checking, in alignment with my psychological work.

My day structure, will then feature more focus on the psychological work Dr Gavin wants me doing, starting with a piece of work called “The Presenting Problem”. My task, at this time, is to complete this, and to continue to bring awareness to my thinking and patterns of behaviour, including reassurance-seeking behaviour, and inappropriate language and syntax use, which is a form of subconscious hypothesis testing.

The time I spent away,was serious inner work, which was so draining, I could barelyfunction as a human being. I had no strength in the gym and had totake 2 weeks off at one stage. Needless to say, I am not a quitter,but the mind work I had to go through, was a lot, and I had to do itin a focused manner.

I am now glad I did it,because I can get on with my life, and keep getting better.

Inner game is king.Because we need inner peace as men.

To rise to the best version of ourselves.
Yesterday was good! Was in my old apartment in Puerto, and spent some good time unwinding at the beach at the end of the day.

The IronWill Project: Chapter 2 – Rebuilding The Psychological Foundation
TUE 20/08/2024


Block 1: Landing Page & VSL [90m]
Block 2: Landing Page & VSL, submit for feedback
Block 3: Messaging
Block4: Messaging

Gym & KoT
Block 5: Content – Long Form
Block6: Content – Long Form

Today's content will be a killer long form, diving deep into how I was able to unlock a serious transformation:

"How I Unf*cked My Life At 30: 10 Steps for 100lb Weight Loss, Beating Severe Anxiety, and Running 2 Companies While Traveling the World"

Stay tuned


VSL 1st Draft:

Far too long. It's 10 mins. Needs to be 5 mins.

Will take it to the call on the program I'm on tomorrow, and get feedback on how I can reduce it to 5m.

Short break, and then onto the landing page. My goal is to get this published today in rough draft.

Will stick it here when done.

Far too long. It's 10 mins. Needs to be 5 mins.
I'll take a watch of it later today and give you some feedback.

Shorter is usually better, but if you're compelling, it doesn't matter how long it is. People watch 30 min - 90 min "webinars" which are giant sales letters all the time.

I think the old adage is to only make it as long as needed to make the sale.
Far too long. It's 10 mins. Needs to be 5 mins.
I thought overall it was well written. I don't think its too long.

When you ask your current clients for feedback, ask them how it touches their old pain points. I suspect it does. It flows well. You have lots of case studies, so you could trim those to just 2-3.

Instead of shortening it, consider adding in foreshadowing or open loops to keep them hooked to watch the full 10 mins.

If you're still concerned about the time, you can speed up the video by 1.25x before exporting, which will shave a couple minutes.
I thought overall it was well written. I don't think its too long.

When you ask your current clients for feedback, ask them how it touches their old pain points. I suspect it does. It flows well. You have lots of case studies, so you could trim those to just 2-3.

Instead of shortening it, consider adding in foreshadowing or open loops to keep them hooked to watch the full 10 mins.

If you're still concerned about the time, you can speed up the video by 1.25x before exporting, which will shave a couple minutes.
Thanks so much bruv

Got a lot more case studies, produced a lot of excellent client results in my biz

Generally I get very very solid outcomes in IronWill across all metrics, but I work with someone for 6 months before I turn them into a case study, so a few in the pipeline that are gonna help me biz a lot


Back to work.........
WED 21/08/2024


(1) Coaching Delivery & 1 on 1 Calls
(2) BusinessDevelopment: (A) Finish email script videos, write variations, (B)Finish inbox management & sales, (C) Revisions to landing page &VSL
(3) Content: Produce long form video &article

(1) Kcals & Macros

(1)Psychology Work: Presenting problem.


To get where I am today, was 3 years of hardcore self-improvement and taking risks, investing in myself, and that is why I wake up on the beach in Mexico like I wanted to 3 years ago.

But I am not where I want to be yet....

Business needs to grow, physique needs to improve, dating I am withholding comment onfor a while, I've kept getting laid and that didnt slow down but Igot very down on myself about my dating life and I want peace from this for now. I will engage with it more in time. Right now, I am not looking for any outcomes there.

We have some work to do, to get to where I wake up in a year from now supremely glad about the work I did.

So, let's make it happen.

Evening report:
-Cold email scripts, done
-VSL update, shortened to 6:32
-LP update, made changes, more to come.

Good day of work. Lay on the beach at about 6pm, for an hour, went home, watched some content for about 45m, learning some stuff about meaning and human psychology from Robert Greene.

Now, about to check-in, and move the needle today.

Nice morning so far. Up at sunrise, watching the sun come up on my rooftop. I've never seen sunrises and sunsets of the sort you get here in Puerto Escondido.

I dreamed of these things 3 years ago when I was hustling in London with my bro TimmyTurner

I had no idea how I was going to become anything, I just knew I was determined and not going to quit.

Now, I'm here.

Let's keep going...........

THURSDAY: 22/08/2024


(1) Money:
-CoachingDelivery: Daily checkins & Group Chat
-Module: InboxManagement & Sales.
-Cold email setup:Call
-Module: Sales& Launch Cold Email
-IronWill: Weekly BusinessStrategy Call
-Content: Long Form / Short video / Social media client result posts

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Shoulders & Tris/ KoT
-Kcals & Macros

(3) Mindset:


Today,I want to launch cold email for IronWill.

I also want to complete a 3hr module on managing inboxes and sales.

I got back on the apps, recently, to pipeline for NYC. Seems very slow. We think this may be due to not being in NYC (still in Mex). I will do 1 or 2 more swipe-sessions here, and do the rest when I am in NYC, next Sat.


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