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Evening Checkin:

Good day yesterday.

Lots of work on cold email, sorted out a lot of it. Can launch today.

Gym was superb. Really helped shift states for me.

FRIDAY: 23/08/2024


(1) Money:
-CoachingDelivery: Daily checkins & Group Chat
-Module: Cold Email Launch!
-Content: Long Form / Short video / Social media client result posts

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Back & KoT
-Kcals & Macros

(3) Mindset:
-Mindset Development call
-Psyche work


Time to finish a great week.
Weekend was chill. Hung out with some cool people. One dude I liked was this former club promotor in LA, who was deep in the Holywood scene. Was in game & PUA for 10 years. Crushed it. Super chill Asian guy (Chinese-American).

He had a great vibe.

Gonna get some lifting in with him this week and stay in touch. We had some good convos about relationships and stuff.

I've done my morning routine just now, and will head to the beach to do coaching and handle some admin.

I will post my daily check-in after that.

MON 26/08/2024


Things done:

CoachingDelivery: 90m on the beach
Morning Process
Admin: Shops,AirPods
Gym: Chest & Biceps + Knees Over Toes

Next Steps:

(1) Money:
-Block 1: ContentCreation
-Block 2: ContentCreation
-Block 3: Business Development
-Block 4: BusinessDevelopment

(2) Muscles:
-Diet &Kcals: This week, I will be going low carb again, as I want to transition back towards working on my mental health and wellbeing,using ketosis. I am satisfied with the muscle mass and strength I gained. I no longer look like a tall twig.
-Gym: Chest &Biceps
-Mobility: Knees Over Toes

(3) Mindset:
-Mindset Development: Listening to David Goggins interviews while training inthe gym.
-Online Dating Process
-Learning & Development: Reading, Studying, Note Taking
-Thinking Time: Writing, Processing.

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TUE 27th AUG 2024


(1) Money:
-Block 1:Content
-Block 2: Content
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: BizDev

(2) Muscles:
-Cardio [done]
-Gym: Legs +KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Online Dating
-Learning & Study:2hrs
-Thinking & Implementing: 2hrs
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Reactions: Ali
Today's content:

Stop THIS, And Get Ahead Of 99% Of People In 6-12 Months​

More coming today, reel, article, and to post across socials
Want to give a lot of value......here's a segment from one of the month IW calls:

How Not To Be A Miserable Bastard: Mindset Development Work For Business Owners #mindset

Solid few days. of real, raw realisations. Powerful.

Deeply grateful for the 6 months in Mexico.

Today, I fly to NYC. I'll be there for a month, and then, onto California.

If you are in the vicinity, please reach out - would love to connect and spend some time.

I am working on MAC Life Update post today.


Arrived in NYC Sat morning at 6am

Met my people throughout the day, did lots of approaches

Did Dante training yesterday

I will be getting Dante training every week

DG, 7 days per week. Let's just make some improvements.

Obv I have a full, packed schedule. But life is good now man. I am glad I put the time in to build such a network, to land here and have so many guys to meet, from IronWill and also the legends who learn under Dante

Goals for this month, will be:

(1) Get into ketosis
(2) Biz: 4 blocks a day
(3) Day Game: 7 days a week - approaching, working on sticking points, reflecting and implementing, getting coaching once a week

Monday 02/09/2024


(1) Business:
Block 1: Coaching
Block 2: SelflessService
Block 3: Content (Article)
Block 4: Biz Dev

Sticking Point & Development Review: Read,Think, Practice.
Day Game: 10-15 sets.
Reflection & Review:Write FR, Reflect, Review, Commitments.

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Reactions: Ali
Field Report

Hit the field. Bit of tension and AA. Still need a lot of practice.

Did a few sets but most of the session was coaching with Kai, going over some stuff, learning the game of getting better.

The sets I did, were quite tough, as per usual in NYC. However, one gal, was 6ft1, half Asian half white, because she was so tall (to my 6ft5), she gave me a little bit of frame and was intent on listening to what I had to say.

I would not say she was receptive, she was giving one word answers, and not investing or asking shit....and I didn't feel anything, vibe, sparks, nada...I called it out, and said “Are you in a rush or something?” and she began asking me about myself, but gave short answers.

She did exchange.

I just pinged a feeler text.

Number will likely not go anywhere – these sets, need emotions, need some form of vibe or feeling......Will be back tomorrow.

Kai however gave me a lot of value, in terms of how to get better at game and social skills, how to do the focused, deeper reflective work to learn how you can be better, and how to handle objections and practice handling them.

My routine needs to change to do more targeted and strategic work on sticking points. Just being in the field daily isn't enough, even working on the sticking points, you need deeper focus because when you're there making it happen, unless you are really deliberate and been practicing, it's hard to make it congruent and work on the spot.

Today, was mostly mindset coaching, and advice on implementation, learning, and how to practice better.

Back out tomorrow.

Day Gaming daily & using the apps.

I did notice, I am doing A LOT worse on the apps and in the streets compared to last year.

A warning to the guys over 30 - we do age, and we lose points every year.

Approaching is tough anyway, and made more difficult by declining SMV!

My advice? If you're aging, START NOW! Each year of self-improvement, my dating pool got smaller, the women more difficult and less invested, and the market is not looking to improve any time soon.

Do not delay - I started at 30 and that in my opinion was too late, given I didn't have the looks & base SMV.

There is only so much this stuff can help you if your looks truly do not fit the mould. Before 30, you have a lot of leeway and can get away with a lot. After that, it's a game of contracting circles. It gets quite tight.....!


For context, I'm approaching daily, out and about a lot, and I am seeing a slightly different world to the one I was in last year. Approaching for 3 years now, I learned a bunch, and you process and deal with where you stack up, and accept it. I humbled myself a long time ago and understood my base value was too low to get any success from approaching women, so I use it as social skills and vibe development. Chatting to them, you know when there is some attraction, and when there isn't. I remember the year I was in Budapest, the daily approaches, the 1000+ sets done, there was genuinely no attraction and nothing I could even do (brown death). It was like talking to a brick wall basically.

UK I gave up entirely and stopped trying. That market was done years ago. Europe, I was told was better, if you read earlier in this thread, the guys insisted that (most of those guys were clueless higher SMV guys, I now know.)

Latin America, well Mexico at least, I banged a bunch of chicks but they were absolutely dire quality (3s, 4s). Match quality was in literal hell there.

My sense from looking at the data, is the same poor product market fitment applies here in this part of the world.

Realistically I don't even know where I can do at this stage lol.

I guess the general idea that when you keep moving you eventually find somewhere good, was a crock of shit. Annoying. Pisses me off how many things I was told which were untrue.

I am glad to have this forum, to help the next generation save time...........So many absolute bullshitting scum out there, and it truly gets to me. To affirm their own egos and their identity, they will mislead others, give them false hope and get them investing years of their life for nothing.

My work on this forum is my attempt to fight back.

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WED 04/09/2024

(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-Biz Admin
-Coaching Calls: 5 Hours (One on one w/ my private clients)

(2) Muscles:
-Rest day

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game: 20 Sets
-Online Dating


Time to focus, and get shit done.

Distractions and notivations about to go off and then to hustle mode.

Have a good day boyos.

Day Gaming daily & using the apps.

I did notice, I am doing A LOT worse on the apps and in the streets compared to last year.

A warning to the guys over 30 - we do age, and we lose points every year.

Approaching is tough anyway, and made more difficult by declining SMV!

My advice? If you're aging, START NOW! Each year of self-improvement, my dating pool got smaller, the women more difficult and less invested, and the market is not looking to improve any time soon.

Do not delay - I started at 30 and that in my opinion was too late, given I didn't have the looks & base SMV.

There is only so much this stuff can help you if your looks truly do not fit the mould. Before 30, you have a lot of leeway and can get away with a lot. After that, it's a game of contracting circles. It gets quite tight.....!


For context, I'm approaching daily, out and about a lot, and I am seeing a slightly different world to the one I was in last year. Approaching for 3 years now, I learned a bunch, and you process and deal with where you stack up, and accept it. I humbled myself a long time ago and understood my base value was too low to get any success from approaching women, so I use it as social skills and vibe development. Chatting to them, you know when there is some attraction, and when there isn't. I remember the year I was in Budapest, the daily approaches, the 1000+ sets done, there was genuinely no attraction and nothing I could even do (brown death). It was like talking to a brick wall basically.

UK I gave up entirely and stopped trying. That market was done years ago. Europe, I was told was better, if you read earlier in this thread, the guys insisted that (most of those guys were clueless higher SMV guys, I now know.)

Latin America, well Mexico at least, I banged a bunch of chicks but they were absolutely dire quality (3s, 4s). Match quality was in literal hell there.

My sense from looking at the data, is the same poor product market fitment applies here in this part of the world.

Realistically I don't even know where I can do at this stage lol.

I guess the general idea that when you keep moving you eventually find somewhere good, was a crock of shit. Annoying. Pisses me off how many things I was told which were untrue.

I am glad to have this forum, to help the next generation save time...........So many absolute bullshitting scum out there, and it truly gets to me. To affirm their own egos and their identity, they will mislead others, give them false hope and get them investing years of their life for nothing.

My work on this forum is my attempt to fight back.


philippines bro
Man we have a similar story and often same problems, the aging thing hit me hard lately too. Can you record some of your approaches? even just with the phone, I would like to listen to it to better understand whats going on

will ad that I also think you're in a position for hardcore lookmaxing Mac, sorry but natural weight lifting is not gonna cut it. We will never get an attractive physique natural in our 30's. Do the math, take what you've built now and try to estimate how much longer would you have to train to get big and ripped...years and years. Like 10 years or more. Now add to that the fact that you'll be able to build less muscle every year.

If you want to become like Tushar you'll need aas. it's not easy for me to say this. But in this forum we are all doing non-conventional fucked up things anyway. You might regret later not going hardcore with the looksmaxing today.

If my face wasn't enough I would be on 700mg test now not 100mg
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Man we have a similar story and often same problems, the aging thing hit me hard lately too. Can you record some of your approaches? even just with the phone, I would like to listen to it to better understand whats going on

will ad that I also think you're in a position for hardcore lookmaxing Mac, sorry but natural weight lifting is not gonna cut it. We will never get an attractive physique natural in our 30's. Do the math, take what you've built now and try to estimate how much longer would you have to train to get big and ripped...years and years. Like 10 years or more. Now add to that the fact that you'll be able to build less muscle every year.

If you want to become like Tushar you'll need aas. it's not easy for me to say this. But in this forum we are all doing non-conventional fucked up things anyway. You might regret later not going hardcore with the looksmaxing today.

If my face wasn't enough I would be on 700mg test now not 100mg
Completely fucking agree

I am gonna roid maxx man

Next year we gonna do it

It will kill my hair transplant tho
Wed 4th

Day game with CWF, Jason, Ray before (and after) cuck date, Lean

1 chatted a little but lacked presence and couldn’t stop her (warmup

2 very, nice chatted, the lady was just hella nice as a person

3 Jason’s sister, again she was super nice, but bf cucked, battled it, teased her for dating a guy off the apps, wouldn’t cave, lol. She enjoyed the validation. But no attraction.

4 my sister, battled her to a stop, she was super fucking hot but she wouldn’t comply she just took the compliment and said I’m going home but set was better because I made her stop and battled successfully. She was a fob so she listened to me but no frame really. Which is a shame. Browns are my worst market right now but the FOB browns do seem to atleast listen.

5 Ukranian fob, exchanged, but this chick didn’t speak English and we had to communicate using google translate! CUCK

6 got into set, bf objection

7 my sister, she was scared and ran - I suspect a non fob brown so just a bitch who prolly white washed

8 hot Turkish, exchanged, gonna work her over text tomorrow (she replied to feeler). Why was this number the first that replied to the feeler? I wasn’t a fucking bitch. I pulled her around, showed a lot of strength to literally keep her where I wanted her, she was vibing so I took her by the hand. The basic idea here - as Dante would say, the most powerful tool we have is emotions, and using our masculinity to stimulate emotions. Being assertive and showing intent, leading, this was done at a basic level in this set.


Best session yet.

Blowing past my rust.

My volume is still too low but it’s improving. One number lead to a feeler reply so that’s good.

I’m stopping lots of sets, I’m not actually getting that many blowouts.

My struggle is getting attraction, however, after Dante coaching on the weekend, I learned a great insight about a major sticking point I’ve had for the past year. My inset persona being incongruent.

I adjusted that a little each day and it helped me today get a better experience. I was able to stay in set way longer, and the women actually were pretty glad to talk. However, this lacks masculinity and presence still.

No need to be down on myself, important to use the correct self talk, language, and encouragement.

For many of us on this journey it’s gonna be a long road man, the way I see it, I just want to be a masculine and grounded man. I basically just want to solve my problems of being a beta in the past and a weak broken cuck. So I will remain in the streets for as many years as it takes to solve that. Because I have found you have no choice. Nothing else worked for me.


What I did well: vibe was better, and I was able to be more authentic and come from my core, as well as relax more

What I could have done better: volume is low here, but improving! You need to do 20 sets a day to get better. I am increasing it by the day, and am doing a good job!

Key thing I learned today: when a set is hooking escalate and be a fucking man, take risks, take a shot, and fucking make her feel. It’s pointless to take cuck numbers, they go nowhere. Show some real strength and stand out. Or be mogged.
Thursday 05/09/2024

(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Selfless Service – Free Calls x 2
-Block 3: Content
-Block 4: Business Development

(2) Body:
-Rest day

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game: Increase volume to atleast 15 sets.
-Online Dating: Message leads
-Self Reflection: At the end of the day, sit in the park and actually deeply contemplate how I can become better, what I could do differently, and how I can get 0.01% better tomorrow.

-Fashion: Buy ripped jeans, white air forces, and a better black tee. I looklike a FOB in my current outfit. Not good.
That day game set the other day, responded and texted, I would say she is an 8 brown girl, super attractive. However, I am gonna ghost her. Reason being, she is a female dating coach, with a significant social media following of 200k fans, and her reels of her talking about dating and dates she has been on, get over 2 million views.

I am a man trying to build a business and serve people. I cannot have reels about me showing me in a bad light. I chose to live my life in service of others and be a leader so I can't take risks of this sort.

It felt good that she replied though.

Online wise, cucked. Me and Carl swipe together, daily. We aim for 500 profiles liked on Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, and Feeld.

I get ONE match a day, if I'm lucky, he get's about 20-30.

White passing Arab vs Brown-Brown SMV.

IMO, the market has gotten far worse for low SMV men. Last year, I would get lots of matches and girls actually wanted to chat to me in the streets. Now I have to battle my absolute ass off to get even a basic convo in the streets and online is dead, buried, and gone. MOGGED!

I want to be brutally honest about all of this.

I took this year "off" dating until now. And getting back to it, after just closing Yes Girls in Mexico (which is no growth at all), I can actually feel how much my value declined in that year.

The market, is polarising, and gets better for the higher SMV guys, and worse for the lower end male in looks.

Judging by all of this data, I think it's over online to be honest.

Think the only way I am gonna be able to get something worthwhile will be through day game, which is gonna be a tough task, and I'm gonna have to move to a major city and go back on the daily hustle again......

Hmmm. Will gather more data and see if I can make something happen.

While I do believe in self-improvement in general, I think some truth-telling is in order. It's evident that self-improvement, in and of itself, won't get the low SMV male there. Outcomes will remain poor with all the gym and cosmetic work in the world. Frankly, I think my archetype and product is one too niche to sell.

From the way it looks, it seems like the only way I am gonna pull this off is actual seduction and game. Convincing women to see value in me.


Once these subscriptions lapse online, I won't renew. I have banged 30+ women from online dating apps. Most of them, mid. 4-5 were experiences I actually enjoyed. 2 were fucking incredible experiences.

They did, however, mostly ghost.

So, this just ain't it.

Fuck me, talk about a warm welcome back to the game.

Well. it is what it is.

Time to just work that much harder.


-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Service
-Block 3:Content
-Block 4: Biz Development

-Rest day

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game: 15 Sets
-Reflecting, Thinking: 30m
-Writing FR
-Online Dating: 500Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, Feeld. Run boost on Tinder + Bumble.
-Online dating: Set up date with lead from Hinge, for Sat.
