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MakingAComeback said:
"Ravi, you are just a nice guy, you are genuinely one of the good ones, and that scared me, because you're too good, and I wasn't ready...."

^ Says every gal with the issues she has, ever.

They want wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

They get bored of nice guys.
Nono, it’s not at all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation. Not with most women, esp. quality women.

Of course - don't be boring. Have basic conversational skills. Do fun stuff. Experiment. Don't stay at home and watch Netflix with a bottle of wine whenever you meet her.

But beyond that - women just want a "real man".

Manly, strong, confident, well-mannered, polite, not afraid of rejection, taking decisions, not insecure, socially intelligent, etc. A man who stands firm and can handle her moods without getting knocked over. A man that she can admire and look up to. Also, a man who has options when it comes to dating and is not overly needy. A man who is not trying too hard to be an alpha, has his own personality, lives for himself, etc. All that good stuff.

Women are universally attracted to those traits. She wants to feel safe and taken care of when she’s next to you. That's pretty much all that matters.

If you have overly nice behavior, it signals to her that deep inside you don't correspond to one or more of the above traits. The traits that she finds attractive in a man. By being a "nice guy" you're sending signals that you're missing one or more of those traits.

So, which ones are you signaling that you're missing exactly? That'll depend on the form of niceness that you're struggling with. With some analysis, you can always draw a connection between your niceness, and the lack of a specific attractive masculine trait that it connects with.

And of course, nice guys are boring! They're afraid to rock the boat. Afraid to say something that might upset the girl. Nice guys are mentally walking on eggshells whenever they're with a girl, afraid to say the wrong thing and get "rejected", and she can sense it. Trying to do the right moves to get her to bed, or get her to like him.

So she instantly senses that the guy is too nice, too harmless, like a little kid or something afraid to upset his mother. And there goes the attraction.
Astronaut said:
Nono, it’s not at all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation. Not with most women, esp. quality women.

With how many quality women have you slept with? Also, what's a quality woman according to you?

WEEK 24: 06/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching
-New Biz Dev (1hr)
-Content (2hr)
-Network (3hr)
-To Do List (1hr)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Gym: Back & Rear Delts

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen: 15m

-Shooting a podcast with Joe today (@MILFandCookies)

Astronaut said:
MakingAComeback said:
"Ravi, you are just a nice guy, you are genuinely one of the good ones, and that scared me, because you're too good, and I wasn't ready...."

^ Says every gal with the issues she has, ever.

They want wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

They get bored of nice guys.
Nono, it’s not at all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation. Not with most women, esp. quality women.

Of course - don't be boring. Have basic conversational skills. Do fun stuff. Experiment. Don't stay at home and watch Netflix with a bottle of wine whenever you meet her.

But beyond that - women just want a "real man".

Manly, strong, confident, well-mannered, polite, not afraid of rejection, taking decisions, not insecure, socially intelligent, etc. A man who stands firm and can handle her moods without getting knocked over. A man that she can admire and look up to. Also, a man who has options when it comes to dating and is not overly needy. A man who is not trying too hard to be an alpha, has his own personality, lives for himself, etc. All that good stuff.

Women are universally attracted to those traits. She wants to feel safe and taken care of when she’s next to you. That's pretty much all that matters.

If you have overly nice behavior, it signals to her that deep inside you don't correspond to one or more of the above traits. The traits that she finds attractive in a man. By being a "nice guy" you're sending signals that you're missing one or more of those traits.

So, which ones are you signaling that you're missing exactly? That'll depend on the form of niceness that you're struggling with. With some analysis, you can always draw a connection between your niceness, and the lack of a specific attractive masculine trait that it connects with.

And of course, nice guys are boring! They're afraid to rock the boat. Afraid to say something that might upset the girl. Nice guys are mentally walking on eggshells whenever they're with a girl, afraid to say the wrong thing and get "rejected", and she can sense it. Trying to do the right moves to get her to bed, or get her to like him.

So she instantly senses that the guy is too nice, too harmless, like a little kid or something afraid to upset his mother. And there goes the attraction.

Great post.

Honestly, lots of superb points made.

Don't disagree overall. But.........

You can have all these qualities, be rock-solid, and a "real man" by many estimations, and not perform well with women.

Overly nice behaviour - it would be great if we could chalk outcomes down to this, because this would be relatively easy to fix. This isn't even quite what we're talking about, in my own case.

We're not talking about being a weak doormat.

The lower your SMV, the more Game you need. If they're not going to be attracted physically, and crucially, if there are virtually endless reasons why, in her own head, she should not invest in you, then the only thing you have left, is Game. And it needs to be rock solid in a manner that enables ine to evoke emotion and create sparks.

It helped me a lot to understand, that the rules in the SMP are different for different men. Low SMV men, need 10/10 Game, 10/10 Confidence, and need to maxx themselves out physically. And then......hope that the Universe just lines up.

Quite annoying, yes, but true.

Few will be able to survive it. It also drives me crazy and I also suffer because of it.

Yet there is nothing you can do, other than play the number's game to a literally insane degree, try to accept how the world works, and honestly, just have a rewarding and stimulating life because making it with women isn't a very likely outcome for some, present company included. These things one accepts and lets go of over time, noone asked for it to be like this and it is incredibly disappointing. Better to take action and not dwell.

Edit: BTW, if you don't agree & want to call me out, PLEASE DO SO.

We need to express and be more in depth with each other here.

At GLL those guys used to dive fucking deep and they pushed each other and it came from a place of "tough love"

At KYIL we too can become very successful but we need to respectfully, and from a place of brotherhood, actually push each other and call each other the fuck out.

We are a judgement-free zone and no one here is above the community I must stress that, this is a tribe and genuine brotherhood I want to see guys be more fucking open man.....

MakingAComeback said:
The lower your SMV, the more Game you need. If they're not going to be attracted physically, and crucially, if there are virtually endless reasons why, in her own head, she should not invest in you, then the only thing you have left, is Game. And it needs to be rock solid in a manner that enables ine to evoke emotion and create sparks.

So here is a reality that doesn't get said enough.

You use game on "MAYBE" girls and to not fuck up "MAYBE-YES + YES" girls

NO girls (you don't reach the looks treshold, you aren't her phenotype, she isn't available) there is amount of game that will ever work. Sure these girls would actually maybe "like" you because of your charisma and proven SMV if in a social circle environment.
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
The lower your SMV, the more Game you need. If they're not going to be attracted physically, and crucially, if there are virtually endless reasons why, in her own head, she should not invest in you, then the only thing you have left, is Game. And it needs to be rock solid in a manner that enables ine to evoke emotion and create sparks.

So here is a reality that doesn't get said enough.

You use game on "MAYBE" girls and to not fuck up "MAYBE-YES + YES" girls

NO girls (you don't reach the looks treshold, you aren't her phenotype, she isn't available) there is amount of game that will ever work. Sure these girls would actually maybe "like" you because of your charisma and proven SMV if in a social circle environment.

^ Great post from The Dom

I will also say, why this guy is very fucking interesting to me, is I've seen him close chicks in every type of fucking scenario you can imagine, streets, clubs, online, different ages, demographics, countries, whatever the fuck. These are Yes, Maybe, and everything in between.

That is why, for the guy who is, like yours truly, just an average looking fella, nothing too great to look at, just a normal able bodied man for which I am grateful - you need GAME.

Investing in learning and developing it, will help one a lot in life, I feel.

Paid Renegade said:
MakingAComeback said:
It is getting truly nightmarishly hard for a male to get any god damn thing going.
Thebastard said:
It is getting harder everywhere and the apps are becoming tougher. It ain't just you.

Genuinely curious why y’all think this is. I’m not trying to be facetious

Simply because in any market with competition, the arms race makes the previous players in that market either irrelevant or they adapt to the new forces.

meaning, 5 years ago on tinder there were less guys and definitely with shitty photos, car selfie, bathroom mirror selfie etc.

Now, guys pay and boost all the time, there are amazing good looking guys with professional photos and anyone any "intermediate" player has watched some sort of effective guide on bio and messaging.

Hence it's not easy to stand out today compared to the past, you either work a niche (polarising profile) or you looksmaxx to a 8 smv level, or looksmaxx+geomaxx or a MAXX combination with throwing cash at it.
It actually *is* all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

Women want a "well-mannered, polite" man? Don't want to derail this log too much but that's literally based on nothing except what you want to be true.

Every study, every anecdotal experience, every bit of common sense tells you that girls *don't* like "polite, well-mannered" guys, certainly not in the beginning stages of courtship.

Yeah the tatted-up drug dealer is really polite, a true gentleman...

There's a strange current of advice going around sometimes, where people pretend that if you just get a good job, a nice little house, and lose some fat, women will come to you on their own accord. And this leads to guys endlessly pursuing money and aimlessly upping their numbers in the gym without actually learning how to talk to girls, and then suddenly you've wasted 5 years of life "improving" it but talking to zero girls.

Meanwhile the guys who fuck the most are degen drug dealers, club promoters, bartenders, bouncers, rockstars, ultra-scumbags like Scotty.

The harsh truth is that guys would benefit more from being a toxic asshole than from being polite. It's not something we like to hear, but aren't spaces like these dedicated to uncovering uncomfortable truths, being 'redpilled'?

The time to be a chivalrous gentleman is when you've locked a girl in and seen her for a month or two. Certainly not in the first few dates.

Telling girls what to do, what to wear, teasing them, not taking their words too seriously...

My ex-gf was a doctor, and one of the reasons she liked me was that I was the only guy she'd ever met who didn't completely kiss her ass about that.

Her: "I'm a doctor."
Every other guy: "wow a doctor!!! you must be really smart, that's amazing!!!!"
Me: "cool... so I'm guessing you don't have time to read a lot of literature? What's your favorite book?"

Now instead of me being a good little puppy and kissing her ass for being so smart, she's the one trying to win me over.

Yeah, the "polite" thing is to acknowledge the brains and work ethic it takes to become a doctor. But everyone does that already.

Don't worry, there's plenty of polite guys going around, she's not gonna die if you're a little bit of an asshole.
Holden said:
It actually *is* all about wild rides, excitement, and stimulation.

Women want a "well-mannered, polite" man? Don't want to derail this log too much but that's literally based on nothing except what you want to be true.

Every study, every anecdotal experience, every bit of common sense tells you that girls *don't* like "polite, well-mannered" guys, certainly not in the beginning stages of courtship.

Yeah the tatted-up drug dealer is really polite, a true gentleman...

There's a strange current of advice going around sometimes, where people pretend that if you just get a good job, a nice little house, and lose some fat, women will come to you on their own accord. And this leads to guys endlessly pursuing money and aimlessly upping their numbers in the gym without actually learning how to talk to girls, and then suddenly you've wasted 5 years of life "improving" it but talking to zero girls.

Meanwhile the guys who fuck the most are degen drug dealers, club promoters, bartenders, bouncers, rockstars, ultra-scumbags like Scotty.

The harsh truth is that guys would benefit more from being a toxic asshole than from being polite. It's not something we like to hear, but aren't spaces like these dedicated to uncovering uncomfortable truths, being 'redpilled'?

The time to be a chivalrous gentleman is when you've locked a girl in and seen her for a month or two. Certainly not in the first few dates.

Telling girls what to do, what to wear, teasing them, not taking their words too seriously...

My ex-gf was a doctor, and one of the reasons she liked me was that I was the only guy she'd ever met who didn't completely kiss her ass about that.

Her: "I'm a doctor."
Every other guy: "wow a doctor!!! you must be really smart, that's amazing!!!!"
Me: "cool... so I'm guessing you don't have time to read a lot of literature? What's your favorite book?"

Now instead of me being a good little puppy and kissing her ass for being so smart, she's the one trying to win me over.

Yeah, the "polite" thing is to acknowledge the brains and work ethic it takes to become a doctor. But everyone does that already.

Don't worry, there's plenty of polite guys going around, she's not gonna die if you're a little bit of an asshole.

^Excellent post from Holden.

Absolutely spot on IMO.

MattsCrib said:
Genuine question - what if you genuinely well, gave up?

No man worth his salt or substance gives up on the goals he desires in his heart.

He is willing to drop dead trying.

Or he is no man at all.

My goal is to find a quality woman and produce children. I am skeptical over whether it is possible to keep a woman long term, for me as an individual, but I just want children. I am willing to roll the dice & see.

One's big picture goals, are not to be given up on, ever. I know what I want, and why.

Because I was smart enough to do proper visioning and work all this out, years ago, and understand the game of consistency, discipline, focus, productivity and goal achievement to an elite degree.


Yes, it hurs. Yes, there's pain.

I could give a fuck about that.

When I am rich, have abundance with women, and have produced children, I'll know I have MOGGED the god damn earth, because I came from hell itself.

MattsCrib said:
I don't see why one should be a "bad boy" when all it does is make you miserable, just to be liked by women.
lmao no it doesn't
MattsCrib said:
You'll be liked and appreciated as a human being by other guys and people in general, so that's why I'm saying let's just leave the sexuality/getting laid to the "bad boys", while other guys can genuinely focus on everything else creative - music, art, writing, fitness, friendships etc.

mac i know you won't but don't listen to this crap

the exact opposite of this is what makes BROWN TOWN the BROWN TOWN that it is

this is literally the serpent tempting eve in the fucking garden of eden lmfao. and u probably know how that turned out: Genesis 3:1-7

luckily u ain't some nude bimbo from 6000 years ago

MattsCrib i'm harping on your post because i suffer with the same thought too
MattsCrib said:
If you genuinely like being virtuous, nice, kind, hard working etc. I don't see why one should be a "bad boy" when all it does is make you miserable, just to be liked by women.

You'll be liked and appreciated as a human being by other guys and people in general, so that's why I'm saying let's just leave the sexuality/getting laid to the "bad boys", while other guys can genuinely focus on everything else creative - music, art, writing, fitness, friendships etc.

You know you can be both virtuous and a douche? it's called establishing and enforcing boundaries.

You can get laid by focusing on creativity (plenty of musicians get laid)

People are only seen as douches because they know who they are, what they want out of life and can express it without apology.

Anyone who calls that person a douche is just jealous for lack of a better word because they don't who they are and what they value. They are simply a leaf in this game called life while the douche is the motherfucking wind.

Your problem isn't that you need MOAR self improvement. (Obviously keep doing it)

Your problem is that you need a stronger identity with your wants in the center of it.

And you're on the right path to create it.

"Try to work on sexualising more and creating the proper man to woman frame. No nice guy shit. That persistently fucks me." <-- I 100% relate to this. Keep approaching everyday, review the tape, and it will get better.

I've noticed similar changes in my log with regards to identity.

Toss the "indian minority" identity in the trash.

[I need to do the same with latino.]

In an alternate universe, indians are the ones taking charge, meeting hotties and fucking the best ones.

You got this homie.
MakingAComeback said:

WEEK 24: 06/06/2023


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching
-New Biz Dev (1hr)
-Content (2hr)
-Network (3hr)
-To Do List (1hr)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Gym: Back & Rear Delts

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day
-Online Lead Gen: 15m

-Shooting a podcast with Joe today (@MILFandCookies)


(1) MONEY:
-Client Coaching (DONE)
-New Biz Dev (1hr) (DONE)
-Content (2hr) (DONE)
-Network (3hr) (DONE, just 1.5hrs)
-To Do List (1hr) (FAIL)

-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)
-Gym: Back & Rear Delts (DONE)

-Cold Approach: 5 Quality Sets Per Day (DONE)
-Online Lead Gen: 15m (IN PROGRESS, doing now)

-Shooting a podcast with Joe today (@MILFandCookies) (DONE)

Day was solid.

Up at sunrise. Visualised. Ice bath. Self improvement, stretching, listening to GLL, smashed it.

Pretty tired, not caught up on sleep!


I spent some time, planning how I can really effectively plough through and get my biz catchup tasks done, life admin tasks done, and do some study that is necessary for me right now.

I have devised a Budapest Phase 1 Plan, and the goal of this, is to properly catch up, launch my Accountability for High Performance program, and get lots of life admin done.

Phase 2, will be focused on:

-Client Coaching & Service Delivery
-New Biz Dev
-Networking & Audience Building

And that's it.

To get to that tight, streamlined process, I need to do all the biz catch up tasks, which are: landing page, copywriting (almost done, got a good draft now). lead magnet, email list setup, and a few other nuts and bolts biz tasks that need to be done. I need to set up my studio here in Budapest, and I need to start putting on public talks here.

All will come together, thankfully I am a project manager, so i know how to basically deliver any project - no matter how complex. Thank f**k I bust my ass in a good career for years before I started my biz.

Worked hard.

Hit the gym. Listened to Andy on the podcast.

Ate my OMAD.

Showered, and confirmed with Joe re. tonight's podcast. Our internet is shit in the apartment, we need to upgrade, it was dropping out during the interview FML.

Ran out to cold approach. Only had about an hour, but did my 5 quality sets a day.


1 - Nice gal but seemed pretty busy/slightly overwhelmed

*This chick saw me kinda consider approaching her, I then went to approach, she says "NO, NO, EXCUSE ME" and literally RUNS away. Guess what? She was English. I cannot escape them. I do not miss the girls in England, at all, I cannot understand how I grinded through 5,000+ approaches which were mostly brutally unreceptive.

2 - Asian girl, very confused and unreceptive. Usually, Asians are very, very unreceptive to Brown guys. Apart from Colgate The King ofc. I have no preference and don't give a rats ass about ethnicity. It's just easier sometimes to avoid Asian women and not approach them as, I am going to be honest, many are much not OK with being approached by dudes who look like myself - massive, masculine looking, and brown as fuck. I have had, I think, 1 or 2 Asian girls match with me on online dating in almost 3 years. Part of this journey, will be archetype building. if my day game does not improve I am going to overhaul my look hardcore and find some sort of getup that sparks something.

3 - In a rush (My stop and conviction was shit)

4 - In a rush. I stopped a lot firmer this time. But was not properly cast iron.

My vibe is bad, I am SO tired from the hustle, I worked hard and omg I am so, so spent dude.

I do some hit and run compliments to build vibe.

5 - Not quite hitting


Worked hard.

Was quite tired after gym so vibe was off.

What I did well: Stuck to the process and went out.
What I did badly: Need to stop WAY HARDER. This, was poor. If the reports show that they're not stopping consistently, the dude is weak at stopping. Because no matter their "rush", if you are firm as FUCK, you should be able to stop them. Vibe can be off on days you're tired. That's day game.
What I will do better tomorrow: Stop firmer, vibe better, flow better, and be a damn sexual threat.

Shot podcast with Joe.

Now will do lead gen and go to bed.

Tired bro.

Worked hard AF.

Thanks bros for the posts.

My apologies for steering this into some excess theory, that is my fault and I should know better than that. We're action-oriented as a community and we are solutions finders as opposed to those who grasp at straws endlessly looking at obstacles, as opposed to the road they want to be on.

We can now resume the WORK which I am outting in like hell man!

EVENING CHECKIN was posted above.

Fuckin spent gave my all nothing left dude.

good night
MAC you're working hard but aren't you avoiding the hard work?

How can you do gym + network + biz dev + client coaching + all the bio hacking stuff... and expect to have energy and time to meet women?
You go to bed at 9pm... girls start going out hoping to meet someone at 9pm. Try not going to bed before 9am instead?

You seem to be all about grind grind grind
It seems like you're away from women 99% of the time. Except if I missed something, none of your activities involve spending time around women except when you're cold approaching aka directly trying to seduce them.

I suggest you try doing normie stuff and get female friends. Do at least one activity where there are women and don't try to seduce them, just talk to them casually, get to know one of them, etc
Nightgame is just so different when you enter the club with at least one good looking girl.

Both daygame and nightgame would be easier if you had either done fun stuff recently (stories to tell) or planned fun stuff for the following days (you can invite the girls you talk to if there's a good feeling)

+ on the topic of looks: you're good looking dude, I'm 100% convinced your lack of results with women won't be solved by a bit bigger biceps or 2% less BF or... women don't see your body until they're in your room anyway, it's not like with 10% BF they'll magically jump on you

Edit: basically what Holden said! You're constantly "improving" but when are you talking to women??
I can only imagine your voice as you wrote these words Ravi. Hard. I definitely felt it I want to see you get the best results possible. I’m glad you got a lot out of that video that came right after I made a rookie mistake which I’m still subject to making for all those out there who think I’ve gone beyond all slip ups . Props 🤝
Look forward to chatting online