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  1. Sisyphus

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    You probably already thought about this, but do you block distracting sites aswell? To me it has consistenly helped to get over all social media addiction. The only one l was addicted to was youtube because I need it for practical reasons (mostly tutorials). But I decided that even in that...
  2. Sisyphus

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Yeah social circle, situational status from selling drugs (not encouraging it btw) and specially preselection are a big factor, but those guys also tend to be decent at game or at least some aspects of it. They may suck with cold approach but they are decent with girls they already know. Maybe...
  3. Sisyphus

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl The first 20 minutes or so focus on opening. Some things that worked for me: -always approach from the front, but at a slight angle. Don't wait for her to walk past you. -walk into her personal space slowly and...
  4. Sisyphus

    The Ballad of BoneyG

    I disagree. The AA program is great. It helps to install a lot of good mindsets, specially if you hear the audios (I think the aren't available anymore). It really helps to have 0 outcome attachment. You're just doing drills so your focus is only executing, not feeling anxiety and creating...
  5. Sisyphus

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Better late than never. I'd like to offer help but I'm still kinda in the same situation as you. However one piece of 'advice' that I know will help you is getting social momentum. Start saying high to everyone. Or hi fiving them. Dudes, girls. This gets you into a social state like crazy...
  6. Sisyphus

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    It's not so much about smiling or not smiling, but more subtle facial movements, mainly your eyes. You have a very common problem, your eyes look "dead". Like you've been on your computer for 12 hours and are tired. And your brow is too tense, like you are worried or sad. All of these things...
  7. Sisyphus

    How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post

    "Don't worry, I just want to increase my body count" It's silly, I know but it works EVERY SINGLE TIME. They would never know!
  8. Sisyphus

    How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post

    He gives a lot of info for free on his youtube channel and email marketing. Yes he's minimalistic and straight to the point, but also smart. I don't remember every text he uses but I recall he uses this opener on tinder "I saw you yesterday on x location" which apparently has a better response...
  9. Sisyphus

    How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post

    John Anthony has the best texting I know. As for being witty, I don't think you can fix that. You either are or you aren't. I recommend finding a mentor/game guy that is at an advanced level and interacting with him, approach with him, etc. Learn and absorb everything you can, every...
  10. Sisyphus


    Are you using midjourney+inswapper?
  11. Sisyphus

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Great post. Just approach and dont give a fuck. The closest thing to a consistency or discipline serum is a mentor. You should get the best mentor money can buy. It will also alleviate a lot of personality/behavioral unattractiveness insecurities, since you'll get proper feedback. If you have...
  12. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Good points. I don't think it's either / or and you should def do both. And most naturals are a combination of looks and vibe. But as you said, vibes are massively underrated. Massively. And it's a less "visible" if you arent tuned to it. In the same way you cant tell a good wardrobe vs a...
  13. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    -finished reading game solved vol. 1 and 2. Next: make a summary of it I also have to finish revelations and the mystery method -got my first web design client. -banged another girl from daygame. It was easy. I approached her and got her number, basically in 5 seconds and no convo. Texted her...
  14. Sisyphus

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Here's the plan to become fucking chill: Read Game Solved by Game Solved. Also listen to this audiobook by Lovedrop (it says it's Revelation but I think it's his other book that he didn't wrote with Mystery. Anyway it's reaally good). I...
  15. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Some progress update: 1) Went to Buenos Aires and met my game coach. Made about 40 approaches there. It's good to know that in a big city I can easily increase my volume. I'm also becoming much better at opening and hooking the sets. There were 3-4 interactions with hot girls) where my wings...
  16. Sisyphus

    1-on-1 Coaching with Andy (limited time only)

    Very much needed post. I personally use it as a deadline to go hardcore on social skills and live as if there's no tomorrow- because probably there isn't. This has helped me let go and stop worrying or getting angry about nonsense. In the meantime we should do everything in our hand to raise...
  17. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    I've finished Game Solved vol.1 and it's GREAT. It's probably the best thing I've read on game along with Yohami and GLL. Lifechanging. Time saving. Disruptive. A breath of fresh air. Inspirational. Everybody should read it. The fact that I know Game Solved means I'm a big Game nerd and I'm...
  18. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Went 0/2 yesterday 1/5 today . Got a number of a 7.5 blonde (late twenties I think) slut. Glitered long nails and shit. I think it was on but I fucked up in some ways. She was asking lots of questions, responding quickly and with emojis. Then she sent an audio and she seemed turned off, I sent...
  19. Sisyphus

    Tying Mental Well-being to Looks

    I think the best mindset is to think that you're neither ugly nor handsome. You're average. You're not special. And if you put in the work you can become above average. And that's all that matters. It's also good to remember that girls are primarily attracted to behavior, not looks. Unless...
  20. Sisyphus

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Did 7 approaches all rejections. I'm trying not think about it, but I suck at this shit. But if I get another cute-hot 18 year old chick telling me how big my dick is, I don't give a shit. Who cares if I'm not super good looking or smooth or cool. But I want to bang a girl. I need that shit...