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  • Users: Zug
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  1. Zug

    Adam's Deleted Log

    ...implemented that way ever work. Especially for people who do it a lot, use it as an escape, and need it as an emotional outlet. You can't take *anything* you do for long periods of time repeatedly and replace it with nothing. You have to combine the cold turkey strategy simultaneously with a...
  2. Zug

    On the path to a better self

    I don't have any advice to offer on the rest, but if the deadlift is hard on your back, video it and get a form check, or get a coach. There is nothing special about deadlifts or your back, you're probably just doing it wrong. A lot of people get way too up in their head. Deadlifts with any...
  3. Zug

    Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

    I agree that letting it go is way better than letting it eat at you, but in general I'd recommend confronting people in any situation where there is a high likelihood of it happening again. Every time you don't, it becomes more acceptable, more likely, and harder to fix. I think it does wonders...
  4. Zug

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    I've personally noticed, and seen in others, that bench responds very well to increased frequency. You can deadlift once a week and make progress for a long time, but I've never seen that work for bench. I wouldn't drop the other stuff, I'd just start adding another bench session in the week...
  5. Zug

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    "I, Zug, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously." Token new user with the typical story. I've always taken my life seriously, but in the past I chose to became willfully blind to particular aspects of it. Luckily, there is still time to fix that. Thankfully, my career is...