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  1. NightRoller

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Question, and unsure where to put it, but MakingAComeback or another @moderator, what happened that KYIL Andy has separated from these forums and it's been removed from the KYIL site (plus the title change)? I figure there's a rationale behind it but don't know where a post explaining it might be.
  2. NightRoller

    3some2024 log

    Re:nofap, if you want to make it one of or the priority in your life, you might check out some of Mark Queppet's video series or coaching options. He knows his stuff for quitting porn and fapping.
  3. NightRoller

    How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post

    If TheRedQuest were in this thread, he'd also suggest improv classes. To learn texting, you're probably going to have to practice a lot, over multiple years, with more effort than you think you need to put into it right now. The two ways you can speed up your learning and get more practice is...
  4. NightRoller

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I’m halfway there. Been getting some (RELATIVELY, for my area) good results with these, even got invited to “Tinder Select” (which boasts to only invite the top 1% of active profiles to pay Match Group $500/month for extra features), and want some feedback on them as they stand. What’s weakest...
  5. NightRoller

    Fineokay's fine, OKAY?

    Get on that! get your desired job! it'll add some structure to your life and help you to manage your time more selectively. Either way, you mentioned your problems. There's several angles you can start to tackle. What's the next step you're going to do/area you're going to focus on?
  6. NightRoller

    Non-conformance..!! Tinder log..!!

    I started there too, a year and a half ago now. You start from zero, so you have only up to go--all that's up to you is to choose your path and direction and how long you want to do it all in. Tip: to anyone taking photos of you, tell them to center you in the photos and to literally take as...
  7. NightRoller

    Im terrible at tinder, help me be better

    You're getting the right idea. Take a lot of photos while you're out and about and living a cool life. You know how girls take great photos for Instagram? They're aways taking photos, and delete most of them that turn out bad, only saving the good ones. Do the same and you'll improve your...
  8. NightRoller

    Why beating porn is hard and what to do about it

    Another important factor, in addition to sex, is that humans are social creatures. When we have more deep interpersonal relationships, sexual or otherwise, it fulfills more of the inner desire, and porn then seems more like a distraction than a pleasure source. Make life more interesting to...
  9. NightRoller

    Organdroid's Tinder Crusade

    Re:lighting: Take pictures closer to the hour before sunset, when lighting becomes kinder. It’s pretty harsh in these pictures and doesn’t look good with the shadows on your eyes. I think the last picture is funny and might be worth keeping around; the rest discard unless you don’t have...
  10. NightRoller

    Organdroid Crushes The AA Program

    Hey man, a lot to unpack here. My reply has little time, so it won’t do it full justice, but that aside: I feel you on not having many options/blowing by your college times with little social experiences. I’m basically there myself, but salvaged a little bit of college this year. My family...
  11. NightRoller

    Looks feedback

    ...remind myself of those times it’s easy to slip into a mentality I had a year ago of being a nobody who couldn’t talk to those girls, much less f*ck them. My recommendation to start is to make this a regular log for you, and start going through the self-improvement stuff outlined in Andy’s...
  12. NightRoller

    Matt actually created a tinder profile

    depending on what time of day you start, for me it’s been between right away and 48 hours later
  13. NightRoller

    Travel Advice - Want to learn how to transition from rooted homebody to world explorer

    I forgot to mention it but your recent video was about half of my inspiration to ask, and why I remembered to include getting laid traveling in the questions. I’ve watched your video at least 3 times over already :) Awesome stuff, any future readers watch it! And you can bet I’m looking...
  14. NightRoller

    Travel Advice - Want to learn how to transition from rooted homebody to world explorer

    After seeing AskTheDom ’s offer for a mastermind session in Poland, and sorely wanting to go but not knowing the first principles of planning travel myself (but also having a degree/classes to finish first), I realized the value of the ability to travel. I also realized when it comes to travel...
  15. NightRoller

    Hawkins Self-Improvement Adventure: 4 Dates in 6 Days

    Keep it up Dr. Hawkins (I don't know if you're actually a Dr in anything, just seems like it fits your name... I bet you'd look good in glasses besides) That thing about girls testing you, I along with the others will attest, is true--girls want to see if you're positive/nonreactive (a...
  16. NightRoller

    Tripod shipping is being delayed

    Was just looking for advice on where to search for a phone stand or tripod; I'm looking for one to help with gym pictures and my 365 project. This was a really handy comment to find!
  17. NightRoller

    Adam's log - Time to put my plan in place and take action

    Hey Adam, what's your take on the quality of that phone tripod, and if you'd recommend it, where did you get it? I'm looking for one to help with gym pictures and my 365 project.
  18. NightRoller

    Tinder pictures critique + any useable photos?

    Hey Mimbe393939 , what's your take on the quality of that phone tripod, and if you'd recommend it, where did you get it?
  19. NightRoller

    Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

    Making a new thread in the "not visible to google and nonmembers" section so I can be more specific on what I'm working on without worrying about doxxing myself. I may use this thread for other things in the future. Here's a link:
  20. NightRoller

    Brandon’s 365 Days of Masculine, Self-affirming Action: Days 278-283

    Awesome to see so many of us making progress on 365-day projects