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  1. Olafsmash

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Enjoyable read, congratz ;) For ED issue, one tactic is once you get in your head and start pressuring yourself, it's best to take control of the situation by slowing things down, being honest that your in your in head with performance anxiety, and that it's best to chill abit with cuddles and...
  2. Olafsmash


    what: wake up at 10, do 5 approach for the day when: friday 26th. april bounty: 100 euros to Aspire2Greatness's favorite male escort.
  3. Olafsmash

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    LOL. i like your texting here. very assertive.
  4. Olafsmash

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    21 and 22 are the best ones by far imo
  5. Olafsmash

    Sewerdog's log

    super cool that this is going well for you bro!
  6. Olafsmash

    Tinder hack to save money

    abseloutely true in my experience. I'm behind this paywall now. If i dont use boosts, i get barely any likes. If i use a 2 hour boost, i can net 50 likes.
  7. Olafsmash

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    God damnit this is exciting to follow. This is exactly the shit i'm dreaming of doing, but you're actually doing it.
  8. Olafsmash

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    COPE COPE COPE. Sorry if this post is rude or insulting. Maybe thats what you need to hear. You are being fucking retarded dude. Pancake is right, but let me tell you another thing thats majorly holding you back: Your ignorance and low IQ. Most ignorant people don't want to admit this though...
  9. Olafsmash

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Why havent you tried the AI text app i suggested a few weeks back? It will be a life saviour for you. Firetexts it is called.
  10. Olafsmash

    How to learn to be witty? No canned lines, see latest post

    I reccomend the AI textgame by PWF. I'm struggling with being flirty and witty too and this app is helping me massivly over text, and i suspect that will translate into IRL too because you are constantly reading witty/flirty lines when using the app so you will automatically memorize it. My...
  11. Olafsmash

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Thrice man, check out PFW's AI text app. It will help you a TON. It's called "Firetexts" Use promo code PWF25 for a discount when subbing.
  12. Olafsmash

    3some2024 log

    This has to be a troll lmao but i like it. Goodluck.
  13. Olafsmash

    Ali's Log

    Watch playing with fire on youtube for texting/bio bro, it's good material but hard to learn. I was basically a virgin at 27 now 14 months later been on 41 dates and slept with 13 girls U got a 2 years head start on me and i see potentional in your looks when you can nail down an archetype and...
  14. Olafsmash

    Jamgoth's New Progress log - actually striking up the balls to talk to women

    its so silly to equate building attraction to manipulation. yea i'm totally trying to manipulate girls by being good at texting.. Good meaning the opposite of bad. You can imagine what bad texting is for a romantic pursuing context, right? is not political but if you dont want my input in your...
  15. Olafsmash

    Matfal's log

    Hey buddy welcome to the club You've done yourself a great service by posting here. You are very young and can turn everything around these next few years. Dont let yourself become the guy who is 30 and cant hold eye contact with family. I was on my way there. It is DOOM. cya around bud
  16. Olafsmash

    Jamgoth's New Progress log - actually striking up the balls to talk to women

    we are trying to bang hot chicks, who cares about being liked it is abseloutely a technical game, from start of texts to bedroom sure, but it can also be built both in texts and irl