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  1. Fuckboy Aspirant

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Honestly, back in my country we have the same love hotel culture as Japan and since I didn't have a place my only alternative was hotels. I can say I struggled way more than I do now to pull girls. I mean there's not much to say here, that's a clear implication that ''sex is going to happen''...
  2. Fuckboy Aspirant

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    That muscle memory is still there bro, keep going
  3. Fuckboy Aspirant

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    It's my vibes bro, they're sensing it through their electromagnetic hypersensitive detector lol :)
  4. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Nice to see you're still there bro, can't wait for season 2 in japan haha, keep it up bro! 8-)
  5. Fuckboy Aspirant

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Good job on your approaches. The important thing is that you stepped outside and did what you had to. As long as you're consistent, improvement will come. I actually had this discussion on wpp with my friend caico11 (he's not active here anymore, but he didn't quit) who just got into sales...
  6. Fuckboy Aspirant

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Well that's a double edge sword, because it's really easy to fall under that trap of "maximize" receptivity when you're also unconsciously trying to avoid rejection. As you say, it's "painful" and "masochistic". No, it's not. It doesn't mean anything. To me, now, it's neutral. I'm not taking it...
  7. Fuckboy Aspirant

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Lord Voldemort was great lol :) I found his content quite helpful and to be fair, aside from GLL it's pretty much the only one I could relate my approaching experience. During my first approaches (even before joining you all in KYIL, at the 200 approaches range maybe?) I was really dabbling...
  8. Fuckboy Aspirant

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    That's a regular ratio, but also you just don't have enough data. Yeah, 800 is a lot for most guys but on a macro you have to understand it's not "ok I'll hit on 800 chicks and I'm garanteed to bang 2. Yes and no, you can go through a dry spell of 1000, god even 2000 if unlucky and get 0. Then...
  9. Fuckboy Aspirant

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    How many approaches have you done so far? I understand your concern and I sympathize with it. I guess it really comes down to how you feel about it. For me, not being able to talk to girls was really frustrating. This is a frustration that really built up over time and culminated in my...
  10. Fuckboy Aspirant

    The Best Mentality for Dealing With Flakes and Ghosts

    That's quite solid advice. In fact, I've noticed this seems to be some sort of natural transition among guys who do primarily day game, leaning towards a more stoic, less validation-seeking and less invested behavior. Because as you do many approaches, go to many dates and experiment with...
  11. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Good Looking Loser's Approach Anxiety Program INFIELD VIDEOS - ALL DAYS [Watch Me Do It]

    Yup, that's consistent with my experience and other beginners I've met that started DG in the past 2-3 years. Anywhere from 1 to 5 (if you're really lucky and got your shit together, for a beginner) Early on I think most of us simply don't know how to capitalize the situation or be forward...
  12. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Crimson’s Progress Log - accidental date with a trans😂

    Sup bro, good job on keeping up your log. Nice to see things are working out for you. May I ask where you where you live in Germany? Is it Berlin? Ofc, if it's not a problem to you. Might be dropping by there soon.
  13. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Dealing with "rejection"

    Guys are definitely responsive for their results, but not when it comes to whether she's willing to meet up with you/be receptive or not. I'm not trying to ease his burden, in fact it's much more appealing saying there's a magic trick he can do and boom, his stats will increase. There's not...
  14. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Dealing with "rejection"

    Hello mate, how is it going? I just saw your other thread on your cold approach stats and I think this is all very common in the beginning of one's journey doing cold approach. I am, by no means an advanced practitioner but I've learned a thing or two in the past year. First things first...
  15. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    bro that 3 hours sleep routine is taking it's toll on you for sure. Take a day or two to rest properly and get back on track to fuck these hoes haha :) 8-)
  16. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Jhoe's log

    Bro you had me dying with the security guy thing haha, hang in there, you doing great
  17. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    There you go, congratz on the new lay homie there's no bs: you put in the work, the results come. Keep on rocking, this is your deserved prize. 8-)
  18. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    The new pic is fire bro looking foward for the infield footage lol
  19. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Jhoe's log

    Keep going bro, you killing it And yeah, you only see how far you've come when you look back. As for the numbers, try to look at it this way: you already did the approach and expressed your interest (the hardest part), might as well go all the way the grab those numbers, right?
  20. Fuckboy Aspirant

    Do Any Of You Want To Get Off The Ride? (Feeling Lonely)

    Sup bro, props to you for sharing such a personal thing with us all. Honestly I don't think there's anything wrong with you for thinking or feeling this way. I believe this fuckboy lifestyle isn't for everybody and surely isn't meant to be lived forever, at least for most people. Sure, there...