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  • Users: ziva
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  1. ziva

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    I would say this is a good starting point. It seems like you're willing to nurture the relationship in a way that feels comfortable to you, and maybe a bit uncomfortable in the future. You can take it slow and see how you feel along the way.
  2. ziva

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    -If you'd ask me, I would say the relationship you're the happiest with. If you can speak to him relatively openly, and y'all don't really fight/argue, that's already healthy. If having the occasional chat is all you want the relationship to be, that's totally fine. That's pretty much what the...
  3. ziva

    100 Days, 100 Approaches

    Love the consistency! Keep it going
  4. ziva

    Sewerdog's log

    Good job man!
  5. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    Thanks man! I indeed see the majority of the relationships around me not being the healthiest. If I didn't had Andy's YT channel or you guys on the forums, I might've thought bitter relationships/lots of arguing is normal. Technically it is, but fuck normal. That shit sucks haha ;).
  6. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    I hear you man. I can't believe how they're both so comfortable with being disrespected by each other all the time.
  7. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    I agree brother. Even bad examples hold lessons.
  8. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    Man this is exactly what I'm thinking! My grandma used to tell my mom "At this point, you want this. Because the 2 of you are still together". My mom doesn't like this response, so she kinda stopped talking to my grandma about her relationship.
  9. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    Haha yup. She understands where I'm coming from when I say "you 2 are not forced to be together", but she does nothing with it. Relationship counselling sounds like something I would do for fun. Just to see what it might bring. Don't think my mom would tho
  10. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    Alright man, thanks for your reply. I knew there had to people out there who have better relationships than the ones I'm constantly exposed to. I think the part I quoted above is very powerful. You immediately checked your girl when she started becoming disrespectful, with real consequences...
  11. ziva

    Relationships shouldn't be like this... Right?

    I would like to hear some different opinions on relationships. I haven't been in one as of yet, but my mother has been in one for nearly 10 years now. Long story short, I don't like her relationship at all. I'm taking dating more serious right now, so who knows, I might be moving to a...
  12. ziva

    Skelly92 Log

    Good shit man! This is how I lost my virginity too. My experience also wasn't that enjoyable at all. I don't even remember how it felt (it was 2 years ago by now, haven't had sex since). I hope your next experiences are better for you!
  13. ziva


    Ay thanks b
  14. ziva


    I've been thinking about continuing to cold approach. As of now online dating isn't really netting me any dates, and I do still have to take and upload DSLR quality photo's. So in the meantime I want to cold approach. I've also read some nice stories about cold approaching on this forum, so it...
  15. ziva

    How to stop watching P?

    I agree. If you can work yourself up to a point where you don't even want to watch porn and fap, that's when you will actually see success. You can think about porn, feel the sensations, and still go "Nah I don't even want to do that because of (your personal reason)". I think the reason for not...
  16. ziva

    How to stop watching P?

  17. ziva

    How to stop watching P?

    No problem, here you go!
  18. ziva

    How to stop watching P?

    Haven't posted on here for a while now. I want to start off by giving a huge shoutout to Skelly92 . You mentioned the free online hackbook to me. This pretty short but insightful book goes into detail on what porn is, and how to overcome the addiction. Yes, it's...
  19. ziva

    I need some profile feedback and dating help

    Thanks. I'll re-read it