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  1. drifter

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Damn. Those are some great photos, much much better than your other ones. The one you use for your avatar and the guitar pic are definitely the best two, but the other ones are great, too. This really shows how big of a difference photos can make when they are properly taken. The other ones...
  2. drifter

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    Those are a million times better. You look much more attractive in these photos taken with a proper camera with a good lens compared to your lens distorted selfies. I hope you have them in a higher quality/resolution? Preferably in RAW format for photoshop. The photos look a little blurry in...
  3. drifter

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    While you are both good looking, you are a step above most on this forum in terms of attractiveness. You're far above average. If you're really good looking, you can get away with more, and something that may otherwise seem "creepy" is now "intriguing."
  4. drifter

    Poor results on Tinder - need your help

    I'm not an expert on any of this, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I would assume that having the word "sex" in your bio would screen out a lot of girls. I think your bio would be perfect without that last part "DISCLAIMER: sex may not be included," if your goal is to get more...
  5. drifter

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    Props for posting your Tinder profile. You really need to improve your photos, they are quite bad. #1 selfie with a phone camera. Don't use a selfie as your first pic and use a DSLR. #2 Extremely blurry and pixelated (I could count every pixel by hand). Another selfie, this time a mirror...
  6. drifter

    Is my body good enough for shirtless pics? Be Brutally honest

    I think you still need to lose some more fat. You still got some fat on your lower stomach and love handles. The muscle mass isn't super important, as you do like Andy did and use good lighting and then perhaps add shadows and other effects in photoshop later. The most important part is being...
  7. drifter

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    What's the alternative? Be alone for the rest of your life while hating the world and feeling like utter shit every day? Why would you specifically not be able to change? What makes you so different from the rest of society? I've done the whole "isolating yourself away from society while...
  8. drifter

    Number of Matches to Aim for Each Week

    Edge and sexual energy: Considering edge through style, Radical is a lot better at answering that question, so I'll leave that to him. When I said edge, I was mostly referring to the way your photos looked and what vibe they gave off. From someone who has seen other dating profiles, your...
  9. drifter

    Be brutally honest with my pics, thanks

    It looks more social uncropped, but you're more in focus in the cropped version. I would recommended #11 -> #2 -> #6 (cropped) -> #1 in that order for now, then work on taking some better photos to improve the profile. Could maybe include #7 or #8 to increase the amount of photos to 5. I would...
  10. drifter

    Be brutally honest with my pics, thanks

    #1 is fine as one of your last photos to show off your hobbies and that you're an outdoors man. It's a little blurry, though. Could definitely get a better shot, but it does its job. #2 is good although it's a mirror selfie of sorts. Could probably make it even better. #6 could have been a...
  11. drifter

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Seems like you already know what to do. You'll get laid any time now, it's only a matter of time and playing the numbers game.
  12. drifter

    Feeling like I can't dress cool/edgy

    I have this problem when I walk into a store like Zara (as has been recommended). I see all these fancy outfits, some already put together as a pair, but I just can't get myself to buy them or even try them on. There is just this mental block that it's not for me or that I'll look really stupid...
  13. drifter

    Can you help me improve my tinder profile?

    1st photo. Sunglasses in your first photo is a big nono. 2nd photo. It looks too blurry and the background is more of a focus than yourself. 3rd photo. Shooting a gun is probably going to get you more left swipes than right. Unless you are specifically filtering for girls who are into guns...
  14. drifter

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Like 90+ percent of guys would not have the balls to go out by themselves at night. It's a ballsy thing to do. I would not be able to do it, that's for sure. You seem to have very low inhibitions, which is a great trait when trying to get laid.
  15. drifter

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Respect for taking so much action. You're killing it!
  16. drifter

    Sleep Quality

    Going to bed at a set time every day. Cutting caffeine. Healthy diet without too much sugar and processed foods.
  17. drifter

    Number of Matches to Aim for Each Week

    I don't have a lot of experience, so this is just based on what I see when I look at your photos and what I've noticed from other successful dating profiles (guys who get laid a lot). Your photos are missing that edge. They look overly friendly and boring (they don't stand out in the huge sea...
  18. drifter

    drifter's log: Dieting, training, mental health - carnivore 365.

    Introduction: I'm drifter. 30 years old, from Norway. I've finally decided to do something about my shitty life situation and really give dating a go. I have some mental issues that have been present from teen years and only gotten worse over the years. I've diagnosed with body dysmorphia...
  19. drifter

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey guys, Been lurking for too long (both here and GLL). Made my account a little while back, so now It's time to take some real action. Took me a while to actually get started, because until now I didn't feel I was serious enough for this forum, but something clicked. I'm a 30 year old dude...