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  1. Balanzing

    Help with Tinder photos

    Yup first thing I did was read the guide, that's also why I wanna get a new phone and hire a photographer, I'm not quite sure what it means look like a dougebag, what exactly should I replicate, the guide also starts by saying to focus on your goal, which to me is get a girlfriend, I don't...
  2. Balanzing

    Help with Tinder photos

    Hey everyone, I contacted a couple photographers today to get some Tinder photos on the first few days of February, however I'm wondering what should I try to portray, here's my current Tinder Pics I know...
  3. Balanzing

    Trying to build a new me.

    Log day 1 Today I contacted a couple photographers to ask for info so I can get better tinder pics, I'm planning to get a new phone to create a new account, I'm moving to a new place on the 28th, so I hope that helps with giving me a new perspective and a fresh start, also doing some research on...
  4. Balanzing

    Optimal physique for looksmaxxing?

    Don't force feed, you're used to eating a set amount of food, so just take it slow, you can gain a lot of muscle in your first year, but you need to be consistent at it, progressive overload is key, and same thing applies to food consumption, just make small increments, if you just make a huge...
  5. Balanzing

    Pushup Workout Programs

    You can just add one rep each day, as simple as that, the increase is so slow that your body can adapt, I used that from august till october, I stopped working out due to being depressed, but I still wanted to do something about it, so I started doing 20 pushups straight out of bed, I ended up...
  6. Balanzing

    How to improve my routine for look maxing?

    When starting to workout is much better to have a full body routine with fewer exercises, having a higher frequency, that serves two purposes, helps you learn the motion pattern, and helps your muscles and your brain to understand how to work together, that's why you gain strength so fast at the...
  7. Balanzing

    Trying to build a new me.

    I just found out this forum yesterday, however I've been working on my self improvement since around october 2020. I'm gonna do some introduction, cuz I'm about to turn 36 next week, but the whole issue has been building up since I was a kid, and I really didn't realize the severity of it all...
  8. Balanzing

    Looking for feedback on current looks

    Hi, I just joined recently and I've been going thru the Tinder guide, even before discovering this site I've been on the quest to improve my looks as much as possible, I've neglected my physical appearance (specially clothing) for the most part of the past decade as I've been pursuing a...
  9. Balanzing

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Luis, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 35, from Mexico, chased after a girl from the age 20 till 33, was on a relationship with her twice, and that whole experience screwed up my confidence in all areas, tried to rebuild my life but failed, started therapy and this...